The Sedgwick Pantagraph from Sedgwick, Kansas (2024)

ilLDIL to: KETT3 07 TOE KANSAS STATE NEWS. IrrtcatfaM Matters. 1LJ luvuUkitoi 1 Fat- Tire at Toledo. and a Bad llazn -t The state irrigation board hWsep-1 tlevalaud. ToLedo, March 13, The round- KACX.

r. Pt. By Telegraph and IlaO. a ted the irrigation into threaJ Passenger Train Jumps the .1 rack in Tennessee. hoas 3 or tho, JW 'baS'' LV ilror A Co.

iD KA1I3AS. 42DOWICK, this 'ityji located at IhofMt cf South divisions, tho northern oner to consist of the uppor two tiers of counties, the middle one of the next two tiens including Rice county, and tho southern 1 aire on the cJSck ifronXi bttrncd to HESERVATIONS. Cosnmjf' -1tmoroia Preparing- to Sell jLortahs Abandoned Ones. Washington, 18. Commissioner Laroeauav of tho general land ofco! i dBtersAned at once to make arVanmep'V-fer tho appraisal and sale Of tho-nbandonod military rosorva-t' os ihich hovf or several years been custodians.

Tho action of the wardcDartmbnt last summer in abandoniagiaTal additional posts has increased the number. Commissioner Lamoreaux wont before tho appropriations coinmitteo and asked FIVE HORSES CREATED. CURRENT COMMENT. rKRSONAl. AND rOLITICAX- By the terms of peace between China and as understood in official circles, the former country cedes to, Japan the island of Formosa and agrees the round yesto jday tnoralng.Thro$-qui..

ioi-8 of va hgur after Hho-flftit one all the territory remaining. Judge Frost has charge of the southern division and tho establishment of three alatui was sent in the southwost Iwall Barns and Livery Stable at Btarfamf Ind riucaiDEXT Cleveland has bestowed a number of rewards upon officers and vessels for rescuing distressed Destroyed by Fire A County Infirm. aryln Ohio Burned Four Miners Killed. of the building, 00 feet incircumfer-ence, fell In burying twelve men underneath it Two of them were instantly killed, a third died a short time after stations therein. Mr.

Tomblin has the location of two in tho northern, and Judge Sutton of two in the centraL The remaining thirteen stations aro to being taken out of the debris and tho Boston is going to build a subway for the use of electric cars through the There Is nothing more conclusively proven than that Hood's Sarsaparllla Is a radical and reliable blood If we could show you the many letters we receive from people of whom we nevW heard before, telling of Tc- Bristol March 1 a Yester most thickly settled and business parti of the city. undertaking is one of for 85,000 to pay custodians of these reservations and was asked why tho reservations were not disposed of under existing law. Ho then day morning, while' roondingi a curve. be located as fast as practicable. Wanted to Die.

Mrs. E. O. Murphy, of Wichita, stepped Iff tronVof a Rock Island passenger train at Shorcy, a small station near Topeka, the other day, with the near Natural Tunnel station, 40 miles from Bristol, passenger train Na on tho South Atlantic Ohio railroad groat magnitude and it is estimated that before it is completed it will cost at least $30,000,000. At JiiCtown, N.

the s'a a the weavers at the Hall worsted mill baa been brought to aren 'rejjgh the mediation of Ko-tv Cfta.cs CjAl-bertson, pasjor of the Fir M.j E. jhurchv. weavers will jrtfcnrn to work at the old scale of-wag? the jalll owners promise an increase! as toon as business will warrant Tim roundhouse of the Wabash railroad In Tojcdoi 0. Was- burned toi the round on the 17th. A wall tell In, burying twelve men under it -Two of them were instantly killed and a third died soon after being taken out Tho Jthers were badly hurt ono probably fatally.

Tho property loss was esti: natcd at 8100,000. Whilst Catillos Sancodl was asleep the of Mexico, Mariz Gracia, out of a desire for revenge, drenched tiim with petroleum and afterward set him on fire, resulting in the awful Jeath of Sancodl. i Several sections of Alabama were leverely damaged by heavy rains, and itrong winds recently. The i Cobs? river, near Eufala, rose out ol its banks and carried the house oi Jacob Anderson down the stream and three inmates were drowned. Ilun-dreds of cattlo were drowned and barns wrecked and many deaths were thought to have occurred.

John Millioan, the negro murderer of Gabe and Hannah Clark, was hanged at Oklahoma City, on the 13th. Milllgan entered the house of the Clarks on the night of November 3, 1893, and killed them with an ax. Milligan was only 21 years old. He died coolly, saying he was-going straight to glory. umped thfe Tho engine rolled niood's down an embankment.

lnto acreok Tint civil rights bill passed by the late Oklahoma legislature did not be- and was completely wrecked. Tho combined mall and express: car 5 followed the engine and was demolished. intention of being killed, but was rescued by the station agent She said that she wanted to die, and foaght to got under tho wheels. She was taken to Topeka and placed in the custody of others were all badly hurt, one probably fatally, 'All 6ne- wore employes of tho Wabash. The firemen had a.

stubborn fight with tho doomed roundhouse, the heavy wind aiding stubborn flumes. At noon the fire was practically under control, after do stroylng all that was Inflammable of the building. property loss is cs timated at 100,000. The roundhouse, which had a capacity of twenty loco con talnedv. only and these ara all badly damaged.

A Wheeling Lake Erie coal car and a Baltimore Ohio box car wero con turned. A NEWSPAPER RUINED BY FIRE. asked forindney to appraUo the "reservations so that they might bo sold, and this was dono. llo intends to put appraisers into the field 'at onco and as soon as nn appraisem*nt Is mad 3 sell the lands and buildings. The reservation in the Cocur.

d'Aleno mining re-. gion will bo held, as it 13 not improbable that this reservation may bo needed for military purposes in view of the several disturbances that have occurred among the miners' in' northern Talnhn. Sarsaparilla morkable cures of scrofula, salt Thd passenger coaches remained on fused to sign it If it had become a law colored men could have obtained damages for being refused admittance to any public place. I Engineer Burton and'Fire- the probate court. Mrs.

Murphy lias a son in tho reform school and tried to man Grubbs saved their lives Ty" jump rheum and all kinds and decrees to pay an Indemnity of 8250,000,000 in gold. Japan will also occupy Port Arthur and Wcl-Hai-Wci, the two great naval stations, for a term of years. Corea is to be Independent and there will be no extension of Japanese territory on the mainland of Asia. Capt. SnitrARD, chief of the United States revenue cutter service, died at Washington on the 14th.

Rbfokts received at Washington indicate that the health of Justice Jackson, of the supreme court, grows worse instead of better. Ilia resignation was considered quite probable within a short time. Senator Stewaht received the following dispatch on the 14th from the governor of Nevada: "Resolution of legislature indorsing Sibley and bimetallic platform passed and approved this day." Capt. O. Stenger, of the steamship Amsterdam, Netherlands-American line, has been presented a gold and chain by President Cleveland for his attempt to rescue the crew of the schooner Maggie E.

Wells, Jituary 14, 1804. As official dispatch from Havana, Cuba, said that the rebel feand near Guantanamo had dispersed. Fifty of the rebels were killed or wounded and six Spanish soldiers were killed during the engagement. Myron D. Kino, the governor's private secretary, who was injured in tho riot" at the Indiana house of repre ing, though both sustained injuries.

Strangely enough, tho express and of disease of the blood, you would mail agents came out from heir shattered ear unhurt None of the passen-' be as fully convinced of, and as enthusiastic over, the merits of Hood's Sarsaparllla as we are. Ij a recent issue of the Forum Senator Lodge said the tendency of modern times was toward consolidation. Largb -cities were absorbing their suburbs, business was largely in the hands of great establishments, and even the libraries were uniting in order to increase their utilities. jers were injured. The demolished Engine was tho finest on the road.

The wreck is supposed to have been caused Cleveland, March 13. The Worth mgton block, at' the corner of Ontario by a broken flange. r. It expected by tho land department that tho surveys on tho Colville Indian reservation will have progressed sufficiently this summer and Indian allotment mad-3 so 'that 1,500,000 acres will be" opened to settlement Those lands are in northeastorn Washington. It has been several years since these lands were ceded, but owing, to delay By taking it now you may realize the benefit to be derived from Hood's Sarsaparllla.

get him out but failed. It is supposed that worrying caused her to become temporarily insane. Now Olileera. The Knights of tho Maccabees, lately in session at Topeka, elected officers as follows: Past commander, W. T.

Lake, Kansas City, commander, V. FrizelL Wichita; lieutenant IL Scars, Scott; record keeper, E. Mastcrson, Kansac finance keeper, IL S. Mueller, Sedgwick; chaplain, IL IV. La Rue, II or ton: scrgcant-at-arms, P.

Dawson, Hutchinson; sentinel, J. D. Carlylc, Troy; picket O. IL Pock, Holland. Fire Horses Cremated.

Marion, March 19. The omni nd Noble streets, occupied by tho World (newspaper) plant and tho A. Newspaper was entirely iestroyed by. fire soon after 6 o'clock yesterday evening. The building was bus barns of Holman Reeves and the livery stable of Middleton Simeon were destroyed by fire yesterday morning, involving a loss of partially insured.

Five horses were burned. 3t brick and five stories in height- 0 Committers started out on the 11th in Denver, CoL, to raise 82,000,000 for the national mining and industrial ex-position, which it has been decided to hold there next year. All the consuls and vice consuls of all foreign nations stationed in Colorado are to be put on the board of general managers. This was the first lesral hanging in Oklahoma. Four sacks of second-class mall, which By the flashing of flames from the door of an annealing furnace in the had been taken, by a bus from tho ear fhe basem*nt and second floor ware jeeupici by tho Newspaper.

3o, with a composing and stereotyping plant, while the World occupied tho first and fifth floors. On the third door 'was tho Claiiin Manufacturing makers of light hardware, and on ly morning trains, were destroyed. or lack of funds for making surveys no steps have been taken toward opening them to settlement althongh there has bceh some demand for it' Upon the tract there are said to bo valuable mineral deposits. While it was in the hands of the Indians the mines were not prospected or developed, but is expected that as soon as the land3 are opened the mineral portions' will receive attention. The Reed Urata Fund.

Sharon (Pa.) iron works five employes were frightfully burned. Strauss, one of the men, seemed to lose all reason Infirmary Bnrncd. j' MiLLERSnunaY March 191 The Twelve of tho forty-nine counties In and began running through tho mill. Kansas which werj included in the bill appropriating 5100,000 for the purchase of seed grain for needy farmers bavt his clothes all aflame. He was caught by the mill employes, and their quick Holmes county infirmary, near i-this place, burned yesterday morning, causing a loss of which there was an insurance o'f 815,000.

The forty-six inmates of the institution were res Gen. Booth, the head of the Salvation army, received an ovation when he made his first public appearance in London since his return from the ttnlted States. It was estimated that 13,000 members of the Salvation army, representing every part of Great Britain, were present, all attired in their uniforms. the fourth floor was tho Bandau Brothers Passem*nterie manufacturers of dress and cloak trimmings. The loss on the building is estimated at 540,000 with 810,000 insurance.

The loss of the-Cleveland World is placed refused the aid offered, an-1 tho money work saved him from being burned to AMENDE HONORABLE. a crisp. i A Hungarian woman, whose hus apportioned to them will be covered into the treasury. These arc the counties and the amounts: Barber, Clark, Comancho. Finney, cued with great difflcuty, but all were taken out safely.

I at 800,000 with $10,000 insurance. Tho Four Miners Killed. Noqales, March MO. In tho Spain Willing to Do What Is Proper la the AUlanra Affair. Washington, March 18.

Tho state department has received "a dispatch from Minister Tavlor "at Madrid. The Gray, 5143; Lane, S707; Hamil band had been killed in the mines two years ago, started through wOodd with her daughter from Mammoth, to a neighboring town to buy tickets ti sentatives recently, was no better on the 14th. The authorities said that the men who were conspicuous in the riot aro well known and are not likely to leave tho state. It was understood that warrants would be issued. Tiik Violet, with the presidential party on board, left Norfolk, on the 15th bound for Washington.

A constitutional convention of Cuban republicans was held at Los Negrcs and a provisional government founded. Gen. Maximus Gomez was appointed commander-in-chief 61 'the insurgent army and Jose Marti deputy envoy to obtain from foreign powers recognition Of the insurgents as bel ton, 8743; Kcade, SS07; Morris, Ness, Seward, 8354; Verde mine, at Minas Prletas, Sooora, miners were killed and ona fatally injured by an explosion of giant powder. All the eye witnesses -to tho Hungary with 500 she had saved, when both were waylaid, robbed and Spanish government has given assurance to-the United States that there will be no moro repetition of such of Thk ravages of the grip were said to be unusually severe this winter. Tho deaths In Russia were put at 12,000.

In England from influenza alone, tho mortality had reached 5,000. Nearly 800 people had died in New York city from the effects of the grip since December, and a Berlin expert put tho mortality of the world from this cause at 80,000. Kellogg Newspaper loss is 81 1,000 and tha Insurance 821,000. The Claflin Manufacturing Co. and Bandau Brothers' lose about 810,000 each, which Is Insured.

The canse of the fire ia a mystery. An explosion, probably caused by; occurred Soon after tho fire started, causing quite a little excitement DOWN IN ALABAMA. atastrophe are dead, and the method us- from the place and were suspected and manner of its is on-Known. it the crime. Es-Gov.

Campbell, of Ohio, at din DUtrihntlou ol Snppties. The distribution of supplios of seed wheat, clothing, food, is progressing in western counties, and the distributing agencies are overwhelmed with applications from all classes. Some of it is reported, come from people with 810,000 worth of property. On the other hand, many of the appeals I had scrofula asd waa almost blind. I bad been a groat for 13 years.

1 had trtod pbystrlansand dtff erect modi lacs but did not get any benefit. I bad almost given op al bepo wbcu one day I saw aa advertisem*nt of Hood's Srirsaparni. The testimonial gave mo couftJeare and I purchased a boiUtv. After I had taken two tyitUes I was greatly improved. 1 continued and It Entirely Cured Me.

I have waited a year aal found the core ts perfect, thaatis to Hood's Mood's aer on the 13th drank some water and NO EXTRA SESSION. suddenly rose foaming at the mouth, President Cleveland Making Preparation ixclalming: "My throat is burning." A physician was immediately sum' for a vacation at Dazcara's Bay. JSFew York, March 10. President The Spring Cyclone l'uts In Ita Appearance in a New Locality. 1 Gadsen, li News xsmes from soveral 'sections of tho Cleveland has seemingly abandoned fenses as the firing upon the mail steamer Allianca.

Tho reply of the Spanish government Is couched in courteous and phrases, and expresses the' determination of Spain to avoid further cause of complaint on the part of tho American government As to the attempted detention of the Allianca, the Spanish minister of foreign affairs says he is yet without information, and adds that as soon as he shall have received a report from the captain-general of Cuba concerning that Incident a reply, will be made to the demand made in Secretary Gresh moned and administered antidotes. Investigation showed that the servant had placed a bottle of ammonia in the ice chest and it -had leaked into the aro really pitiful, as the settlers drivt 10 to 15 miles in an old wagon and get two bushels of potatoes, a bushel ol wheat and a little pork cr beef. the idea of assembling congress in extra session during the summer oi Gov. Kknfbow, of Oklahoma, has refused to sign tho bill giving probate courts jurisdiction of divorce cases. This knocks out the divorce lawyers and compels persons seeking divorces; to come into the district court in open session, instead of allowing them to pet divorces on the quiet any day in the week before some out-of-the-way probate judge.

ligerents. A declaration of independence was also issued. In a recent battle the insurgents cut in two a Spanish regiment and 500 Spaniards were killed. Less than forty delegates were present when the conference to outline the proposed new national party was resumed at Pittsburgh, on the 15th. S.

D. Woods, the chairman, presided, and several addresses on the temperance question were delivered. The second Tuesday In March, 1S90, has been fixed as the time for another conference in Pittsburgh, at which arrangements will be made to hold a irinlting water. Ox the 14th all was quiet at New Or 1895. Instead, an Intimate friend ol the Cleveland family say6, tho preai dent Is looking forward to a period ol rest 'and recuperation at his country place on Buzzard's bay, which may extend well Into the dog d-ays.

Mrs. The colored screwmcn resumed work on the wharves under the protec I wffl ever bo ready jf QQ to recommond it to rL onyoDO suSering from fyQ'fZj Impure blood. It is a wonderful tnodu im baud any bo too should nit without It." li9 Roue Favosa, 1CT Roath Chestott St-. Mtwta. Indiana.

Oct Hood's. tlon of the state troops. The white DoBtti of l.lbop Tbomns. Dr. Elisha S.

Thomas, bishop of th diocese of Kansas (Protestant Episcopal church), died at Salina on the 9th aftet a brief illness, aged CI years, lie resided at Topeka and had gone to Salina on an oClcial visit when he was taken ilL For two rears ho was assistant tc am telegram. crewmen preserved a threatening silence, but none made a move which would cause the militia to use force tc suppress it The militia were undei state of great losses in horses and cat-, tie by the big rains and 6trong wind prevailing the past few days. A cyclone struck Prouto and wrecked the house of W. O. Copclaud.

The house was torn from over the heads of the famtly and six members more or less injured. Lucy Ilavcrsham, a 0-ycar-old blown some distance and struck'a tree, breaking her arm and leg -and several ribs. From Brcwton and Eufala comes news of great damage to farms and destruction to cattle-. The worst fatality on the Coosa river, 30 miles ibove this place. A waterspout burst ind the.

river rose out of its banks, anlodgcd the house of Jacob Anderson and earrlod him, his wife and baby down the stream. Tho house While the officials of the state department are nnwifllng' to say anything whatever concerning the contents of Minister Taylor's cablegram, it is believed tho foregoing is a fairly accurate interpretation of thedtepatch. It will be noted that the Spanish govern Bishop Vail and at the death of that Hood's hamoalooly vrt'J a Hood's aansapsriaa. m. The leading American colleges aro gathering wealth rapidly by gift- A bequest to Yale of seventy-five thousand dollars was noted a few days ago, and three Philadelphia families recently made a gift of ten thousand dollars each to the university of Pennsylvania, while other contributions brought up the total to sixty-five thousand dollars.

Cleveland, it is will leave-Washington for Gray Gablos as sooo after her acoouohement as hor health will permit, and it is expectel that she will remain in Massachusetts until the falL The Cleveland cottage has undergone a number of changes in the past few months and is being prepared for per-. orders to report the next day. The Spanish cruiser Reina Regent was thought to have foundered oil the coast of Morocco. Tieces of one of hei venerable churchman succeeded him a bishop of Kansas which office he hat filled since October 0, 1S83. Moro Charges.

boats and semaphore flags have been picked up. She had a crew of 420 offi i James' Mc Andrews, a painter at th Topeka asylum for the icsanc, has filed with the governor a lengthy complain! manent ocoupancy. The residents in the vicinity of Gray Gablos have fully made up their minds regarding the president's future. It is accepted them that he wllL TQpon the expiration of his term, settle down permanently jers and men. She was one of the three Spanish vessels that took part the great Columbian naval parade is New York harbor In the spring of 1S93 An Austrian, named Alois Foidl "It will soon be two years," said the St.

Louis Globe-Democrat, "since Dr. Nansen cut loose from communication with the world to test his theory that a vfhip placed in the ice north of Europe would be carried across the polar region and, in the course of two or three years, reach the east coast of Green- 1 11. ment promptly com plies with one of the most important of Secretary Grcsham's demand, which was for "immediate assurance" that tho war vestols patrol-Ing Cuban waters should 1 not give further offense in the manner complained of in the Allianca affair. As to the other demand made by Secretary Gresham that the Kponlsh government should promptly express Its regrets for the attempted detention of the Allianca, Minister responds stating the willingness of the Madrid government to respond thereto In due timo, should the facts on investigation prove to be in accordance jommitted 6uicide on Logan avenue, 8 against Dr. Annie Kniberg and Mrs.

1 Y. Pack, assistant superintendent and matron of the institution, charging them with incompetency, inattention to duty, insubordination, misconduct usurpation of authority, violation ol law, maltreatment of patients and op convention tho following June. At this convention it is proposed to launch the new party upon a platform and present a presidential candidate. Capt. Grossman, of tho Allianca, has made an affidavit of the circ*mstances of his ship being fired at by a Spanish man-of-war and mailed it to Secretary Gresham at Washington.

Secretary Gkksiiam has sent Instructions to the United States minister at Madrid to notify the Spanish government that our government will expect prompt disavowal of the unauthorized aet and due expression of regret on the part of Spain for firing on the United States mail steamship Allianca, and that immediate and positive orders must be given to Spanish naval commanders not to interfere with legitimate American commerce passing through the channel near Cuba. President Cleveland has appointed ofilcial representatives of the United States to attend tho international prison congress at Paris In June fashionable thoroughfare In Denver, on hU country place, nod become a citizen of Massachusetts in tho full sense of the term. This opinion i3 held, too, by many of Mr. Cleveland's personal friends in Now York, who, however, CoL, by blowing himself to pieces with was wrecked upon a rock and the three Inmates drowned. A nego servant avcd his life by catching the limb of a tree as the houso sped down stream.

Hundreds of cattle wero drowned and fifty to a hundred barns were wrecked. Three men who were logging on tho Coosa have not been seen since the itorm and are thought to have been lost. dynamite. He was scattered all about the pression in office. believe.that he will retain his office in Ihis city and spend at least a portion

ii mo aocror comes out aiive no will have a story to tell, but other Arctic explorers say he has probably perished." rr i i xr i Died on a Street Car. of his time here. RUINED BY SPECULATION. with tho representations made by the United States. KNOWLEDGE.

IL P. llosmer, whose home was Irs Chicago, boarded an road car at Kansas City, on Sunday afternoon, tho 10th, and in a few minute died in his seat. Heart trouble the cause. Letters found upon his person indicated that he was a railroad man, A Chicago Eonrd of Trade Uin Kills Him selfA Warning to tho Publln. A GOVERNMENT SUIT.

FATAL EXPERIMENT. An Exhibition for the Edlflcatloa of the Minnesota Legislature Ends Fatally. -Duluth, March 18. Whilo Frederick Marcott, the inventor of a CaicAGO, March 18. Frank McFar- iand, a member of the board of trade who had been on the wrong side of but was out of work.

One, especially, I iua uuiiiiiujf in iurK ixi wxiicii was Nieolo Tesla's workshop was recently burned. Its destruction comes just when It was whispered in the scientific world that the inventor was on the eve of ono of tho greatest of discoveries connected with the problem of improving the electric light. It was feared that the disaster might result In the physical collapse of the great inventor. He has long been in a state bordering on exhaustion through tho Stanford Estato Sued for One-fourth of the Central Debt to t'ncl Sam. Sax Francisco, March 18.

Attorney L. E. McKissock. the special United tho. market lately, shot himself dead from his mother expressed great solici Ji Washington- yesterday.

lie tude for him. The Uovernor K.xjolned. TnE Vandalia express was wrecked near Terre Haute, on the 15th by a head-end Collision" with 'a switch en- gine. Nobody was killed. Considerable damage was done by many of tho cars catching fire and communicating the fire to 60me freight cars near by.

Two Adams express safes were taken from the wreck at a white heat, soma of the coin inside having been melted. A paragraph in the leglsaltive, executive and judicial appropriation act is of Interest to something over 12,000 fourth-class postmasters. It provides that ofEeial bonds shall be approved every two years and as much oftener as may bo deemed necessary. Seven or eight masked men visited tho jail at Walsenburg, CoL, where tho Italians were confined suspected of the murder of Hixon, the saloonkeeper, and emptied the contents of their revolvers into the bodies of Danino and Rochetto. When the last bullet had been fired the avengers left the cell left a letter addressed to the public In which he said that he had tried and failed so often since he came on Warden Chase, of the penitentiary.

I patent rope fire escape, was giving an exhibition at the Spauldlng house Saturday evening, assisted by his little cousin, George 12, tho rope broke when thoy wero at third and they fell, head downward, "on to the stone sidewalk, some 00 feet below. The boy was instantly killed, M3 head being crushed like an eggshell, while tho board that he was at last disheart- sned and ready to give up; that he met States district attorney appointed by Attorney-General Olney to prosecute the government's claim against the estate of Lcland Stanford, filed the government's complaint In the United States circuit court here yesterday." Tho suit is for 81V 237,000. It recites the conditions under which the Central Pacific Rail A sample of the illuminating eras has begun Injunction proceedings ic tho district court of Shawnee county to restrain the appointment of an investigating committee to look into the penitentiary management. Tho ground for tho injunction is an alleged defect -in the title to tho law conferring powei defeat again Saturday, which was moro than he could endure, and concluded by warning all honest men to beware recently discovered in New York, which can be delivered to consumers in cans, was received and partially tested at the office of the Cleveland (O.) Gas 3f the board of trado. Brings comfort and improvement fends to Personal enjoyment when rightly U9rd.

The many, v.ho live better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by coo promptly adapting the world's best products the needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to health of the nre liquid laxative ptincij-lea embraced the remedy. Syrup of Figs. Its excellence Is due to Its rrrwntipg in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the ref roshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative: effectually cleansing the syrtcra, dispelling colds. and fevers ana permanontiy curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to rtillions and met with the approval of tho medical profession, bocaa-o it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowc's without weakening them and it perfectly free frora every objectionable subrtance.

Syrup of Figs is for xc by all drn-gtets in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man-nfaetarcd by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name Is printed on every package, aL the name, Synip of and being well informed, yon will cot accept any substitute if oucred. Mr. Marcott, who struck partly on his back, was pickod up and with several bones broken and his head terribly mangled. Tho boy was removed to the home -of his pa to appoint such committees.

A Member of tho Dalton (Jan; Jailed. Perry, March 10. Will Blake, Charges Agalnt Householder. who has many aliases, has been arrest Pot -McAndrews, a former employ ed for counterfeiting, and he is now in road was formed by Stanford, Iluntlngton, Hopkins and Crocker and asserts that at the time when the debts of tho Central company to the government wcrjk-incurred these four men were in control of all the capital stock of the company with tho exception of a few shares turned over to servants and employes of the corpora of tho asylum for the insane at Topeka. has filed charges in tho office of Gov.

Morrill against Mr. Householder, rents, while Mr. Marcott was taken to the hospital, where the doctor said he could not livo. Tho exhibition was being made for tho special benefit of tho legislative party, which had just Jail. Since his arrest he has confessed being a member of the old Dalton gang miscellaneous.

Low water in one of fourteen boilers at the extensive boiler plant of IL N. Slater's South Village woolen mills In Webster, caused a terrific explosion. The plant was ruined. Several" people narrowly escaped death. Over GOO people were thrown out of employment Loss, Gov.

McIntyre, of Colorado, has issued a proclamation offering 1,000 reward for the capture of any or all the men who lynched the Italians at Wal-senburg. Fire at Cleveland, on the 17th burned the World newspaper and the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co. and two other manufacturing firms in the same building.

The loss on building was insurance, The Cleveland World lost Insurance, the Kellogg Newspaper Insurance, 821,000. The other losses were about fully insured. The origin of the fire was a mystery. Two Italians at McGregor, quarreled with a man named Jeanette, who kept a small store, about some saw logs and shot him, tearing a gaping wound in his side. They then blew the top of the head ofE his wife.

The murderers gave themselves up, as they were afraid of being lynched by Light Co. Secretary Beardsley, of the company, said that the gas burned steadily and gave an excellent light The material from which It Is made Is lime and coal dust, welded by electricity into a sort of dark brownish substance. The gas is generated by placing this material in water. The new discovery may revolutionize the present process of manufacturing gas. of outlaws, who so long terrorised the member of the state board of charities, alleging gross Inattention to duty, mls and backed out through the door and got safely away.

An alarming epidemic was raging among horses in Halifax, N. on the 14th, and tho disease was easily contracted by human beings who came in Jcontact with the infected animals. Veterinarians pronounced the affection iequinal small-pox. people of Oklahoma, Indian territory, Kansas and Texas. Blako was recog arrived in tho city.

They had previously made several trips In safety, but the rope broke on the last trial. nized by an old he acknowl conduct In office and violation of law. Theso charges Include twenty specifications. Minor State News. edges being the dynamiter of the gang.

MANY SPANIARDS KILLED. It was he who blew opon all safes and vaults In the train and bank robberies. TUIS LVTtiTT. tion. Under the terms of the partnership between them, it is asserted, the estate of Stanford is liable for its one-fourth share of the government's claim against the railroad, 815,237,000.

The Stanford estate, including the Stanford university property, was appraised at about 817,000, 000." Tho prosecution ol the suit will not only wipe out tho estate but wreck tho university. John I. Leedom Daaa. Forty-three Bodies Recovered. Tboppait, Austria, Mareh 19.

Forty- An Engagement with the Insurgents Takes Flace at Bayamo. Tampa, March 18. The reports by tho Progress, a Cuban steamer that BHEOS OF THOUSOS OF CDIUP.S three, bodies have been recovered from the Eloboggen- mine, in whloltfa disas Ellsworth, -March 20. The case of cx-Oounty Treasurer Dick charged with embezzling 80,000 from Ellsworth county, was called in the district court Monday. He withdrew his plea of not guilty and entered ono li mm fea mm tm Qshta arrived last night, give credence to tho 1 uprlsiug in.

eastern department; trous explosion, and occurred Saturday. A number of the miners Trop. W. W. ItEEN.a well-known Philadelphia surgeon, had a patient, one oi whose legs was paralyzed.

Believing that by the use of a nerve from the leg of an animal ho could restore to hi? patient the use of his leg. Prof. Keen sent to tho city pound for a dog with which to make the experiment. The pound is controlled by the Society foi the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the president of which is Mrs. Caroline Earl White, who is opposed to vlvlseo tion, and she positively refused to per mit him to havo a dog, despite the fact that the life of a human being depend ed upon It.

W. G. Kansas City, hat finally been installed as labor commi sioner-in place, of J. F. Todd.

Tho fortieth annual conference oi the Kansas Methodist Episcopal church met at Leavenworth on the 13th. Gov. Morrill oppointed J. it White, of Pratt, to be a member of the state board of pardons, in placo of Sol Miller, who declined to serve. Commander J.

P. Harris and AdJL J. N. HarrUon, of the Kansas G. A.

JL, have gone to Louisville, to select headquarters for the department foi mm mm mtmm pf if mm w4 brfat4 are unaccounted for. Archduke Fred-; of guilty. He was sentenced to four and state that much activity exists among tho Spanish troops on the entire island, The Cubans had a recent engagement crick, owner of the mino, will pay a ToLfino, March 18. John P. Loe-iom, cx-mcmbor of congress from Ohio And later sorgeaat-at-arms, whose dep years In tha penitentiary.

pension of florins to the oFt, for $1 5 tho woodsmen in the neighborhood. The room presented a sickening appearance, the woman's brain3 being spat- Kaksas Citt, March 20. A widows. -Tho widows and. orphans uty, Edward E.

Sllcott, absconded with will also receive a pension from the nearly 8100,000 duo to congressmen and special from Ottawa, says: J. A. Russell, who was stopping at tho Cen' IW prtf- tut Hi Mi li I miners' benevolent fund. I with Spanish troops in tho outskirts of Bayamo. It is said, that citizens saw the 'fight from the house tops.

Tho affray lasted two hours and 800 Spaniards were killed and wounded. SOT HIT 11 atu tta las tw as yft Leedom, died here yesterday. He had wt 4 roue, ruiiu uku ok tennial hotel, representing the Beebo been living hero in absolute retirement BKTtt iimi rt ts toe oorbB rl is Dot si ran ros rt. National Bank of Kansas City. Suspends.

Kansas City, Ma, Mareh -10. With lor two years. Lumber company of Bcebe, -waa taken sick last Tuesday and later it imul IMS tvas developed that he woss suffering with small pox. lie Las been removed assets estimated at 81,880,000 and lia bilitios of 81,050,000, the National Bank of Kansas City, at Fifth, and Delaware A Spanish Newspaper Ofllco Wrecked. Madrid, March 18.

At midnight an siiriKts irn Mi urn am rrfsicLS rirtA Sifter ilt vara if OLWllrra Springfield, Ma, is the possessor of ft great genius in the person of Alvaro S. He has lately made what may prove to be one of the greatest iiv vcntlons of the age, in the shape of an to the suburbs and the doctors do not tBKtis cirv rr rtasr txo hif rMii.r. a1 ihh, (a Afts, racarfvas. sot riUTISWM, Um mmf mmtim mmr mnm fmr attack was mado upon the office of the opportunist newspaper. El Globo, the LEXOW'S WORK UNDONE.

The New York Cltjr Supreme Court Restore Dismissed Onleers to Place. New Yorrv 18. Tho general term of tho supreme court of this city has reversed tho decision of the police commissioners, dismissing Capt. Adam think the disease will spread. streets, suspended business this morning-, and will liquidate and; go out of organ of Scnor Castellar, by 30C -Poet Scott, March ea Charles business.

The assets are to be ample to pay depositors. In fulL J. R. Strevil's murder still remains a mys lieutenants In the army. offices were completely wrocked, wsrea an aoout ana ner lour young children found shivering with terror.

About 3,000 pounds of nitro-glycerlne' exploded at the Ilanco*ck chemical works, near Dollar bay, on the 15th. a All the buildings of the company were wrecked. It boiisg during the noon hour, only one man was killed. Several were injured by flying debris. The cause of the explosion was a mystery.

Y. Bbadstreet's trade review on the 16th reported quiet demand and a small volume of business. dry goods trade continued depressed. 1 Bessemer pig iron, cotton, wheat, corn, Oats, pork, lard and sugar all advanced in prices. The south had gains in the sales of leaf tobacco and a better demand for naval stores.

Tivoli hall, Brooklyn, was totally im iiiiiiii am mm i ninw the national encampment In August. The governor has appointed cx-Sen-ator M. Kcllcy, of Crawford county, state oil inspector to succeed 11. L. Taylor, of Mr.

Kcllcy held tho. position under Gov. Humphrey. There were 47 other applicants for the position. P.

W. Servico, for eighteen yean treasurer of a school district in Wyandotte county, has confessed to a shortage in his accounts of over 81.000. has secured the district against x. The railroad commissioners forwarded 2 16 cars of corn to western sufferers. Of theso sixty cars were shipped from the penitentiary and were bought at a Chick is president Of the-suspended tery.

The coroner's Inquest revealed that tho old man had been struck a crushing blow on the head after which bank. Mm trnvmn M.4 RalMMr MM. rm4 f. i 11 I i 4 om4 lp jf mm lni ft. the furniture being broken into fire wood.

employes of the newspaper strongly resisted the assailants, A. Cross and Wardman Smith from the police force and restoring them. to the "court holds that it would be Impossible to convict any man on the testimony of such wit electric gun, which promises to eclipse UatHng'a famous gun. The gun is 5 feet long, 2K. Inches thick, with smooth ftf-inclr The barrel Is placed on ft gun carriage and the electric circuit applied directly to the projectile.

The number of projectiles which can fired is limited only by the numbei which can be fed. There is no car trtdgc, no powder or dynamite oi smoke, and no noise. at least six strokes of a knife had been No Smoking on tlio Btreete. Bbhijs, March 19. Emperor William nvide in his throat nearly decapitating and in the melee the manager and a number of others were wounded.

The rioting became so serious that Gen. has forbidden, tho officers and men of the Berlin garrison to smoke on the him. Testimony showed Noah Stiovll, his 6on by his first wife, is the Bermndez Reina, the military governor Sia mm a mntmt'm principal streets of the city, because of irregularities in the salute offered to only heir at law. of Madrid, was summoned and through nesses as tho women who appeared against him. Kate Schubert was unworthy of belief in the opinion of the general term.

ELI ES UPON POLICE. tM(aMlL tk Wapvnk-KKi Atf Hill a- PkaKMKrfma royal personages. Kansas Citt, March 20. With his efforts order was restored. assets estimated at 81, 880,000 and lia mm4 Cm destroyed by fire on the The flat Quarantine Kbnsett, M0.1 March small bilities of 81,050,009, the National Bank Arkansas legislature Proposes 1 The a liimuwi mm house and adjoining buildings were hwf also badly damaged.

Loss in of Kansas City, at Fifth and Delaware, suspended and will liquidate and go out of The 'bonk in the The state board of irrigation met at Topeka a few days ago and organised by the election of D. M. Frost, of Garden City, chairman, and W. B. Sutton, of Russell, secretary.

D. A. Valentine, of the Clay Oentei Dispatch, has been appointed clerk oi pox excitement is all over and the quarantine established by neighboring towns against Kennett has been Blake the State's Bad Men Csef uL Little Bock, March 18. --The state senate has passed Dunna-vant's bill providing for the purchase Spanish Government Only- Able to Count Upon Their Support. LoxTKHVMarch" A dispatch from Madrid to the Standard says that the rrm i wm, cf mrmt 'RtDEslC'IKS Ui OUi iff itrnrmf sr.

mui Kl ssnris rt rm TM rraios satrc tr 1 a mrt. nvonnta hands of O. W. But one case has been here, and, the victim, Charles McCarty, died a week of a tract of land for use as or 41 AUrrtv tbt rruw rt ler of the currency. rrrria.

nunc ih rSKrs CO, it 01 "government is only able to count on the support of the police, the civil guard having declined to act against 1st ab. i niils evts tor nuu mr stus on Mtt Morev, of La Porte, served in the Mexican war and also in th civil war. For this latter service was granted a pension. When the Mexican pension law was enacted he applied for a pension, and; it wa granted, but he was Informed that the law would not permit of two pension being drawn, and he must choose which one he would take; The Mexican pen slon was the larger, and he took that and the other was stopped. lie now claims the latter and will sue in th court of claims for the recognition oi his demands.

The case is interesting tc old soldiers of both wars. ALBVQTEnqcE, N. M.j March '20. 4 caJATsa UTsitur. Aormotor Com ago.

Trains are carrying passengers, express and freight as heretofore. Tho Caruthersville trains have never been surance smalL I. D. Juskins' hotel at Macieville, W. was consumed by fire.

Three men were burned to death and three more were Injured so that two of them will die. A special from Chippewa Falls, said that a party of hunters discovered three men dead ia an old shanty. Tho supposition was that they a convict farm, and an appropriation of 875,000 to carry tho project into effect. It is proposed to remove the penitentiary to this farm when the northern division of the appellate court. F.

M. Lockhart was appointed clerk of the western division and S. B. Bradford of the eastern division. According to the report of an ac special to the Democrat, announces the arrest of Jim Turner Bill Cook's partner, at Eddy, N.

by Deputy United States Marshal Perry, the same interfered with. L. Douglas Capt Crossman has made an affi officer who caught Bill Cooh. davit of the circ*mstances of his ship negotiations aro completed. It is the intention of the state government to supply the state charitable institutions with actual necessities ol life from this farm.

This will save 8200,000 annually to the state. Caddo. I. March XLrLata Satur being fired at by a Spanish man-of-war and matlod It to Secretary Orcsham at 1. CObDOVAn, WPicsarwAisiuro calt.

the young officers took part in the. riot at the offices of El Globo. The. spirit of the garrison shows that almost all tho officers sympathize with the young rioters. There is great excitement in tho city, and no such military conflict has been seen sinco the restoration of the monarchy.

Watson Nominated Again. Atlanta, March 17. The popu lists of the tenth congressional district met at Thompson, Mc Duffy county, today and nominated ex-Congressman fmtwwiasak I 1 day evening pear Blue Ridge, ten miles southeast- of here, Dave Chris while beating his wife, was Bhoi twioe by his wife's brother, fifteen years bid, from 3.WPCUCE5CLES. Much of the trouble that was occa Enforcing the Gambling Law. Cincinnati, March Law and tho effect of which he died the following evening.

Tho boy is under ar Order league closed np the city yesterday. Slot machines and all such de sioned bf reason of the errors and mistakes which occurred In the engrossment and enrollment of congressional measures by hand wilL it is. believed, had been hunting wolves, using poison to kill them and had accidentally got the poison mixed with their food. About 200 angry Poles, men and women, stoned Catholic church at Chicago and five policemen on guard were cowed, but on arrival of reinforcements, the rioters were driven off. There had been trouble in the parish many weeks.

Father Barzinskl was driven away three weeks; ago and the church was closed and locked for two weeks and the parishioners determined to oppose a reopening of the edifice. Tbey denounced thai priest UtBIES rest.1 vices were run into the collars last countant Justice of the Peace John T. Sims, of Kansas City, is short in his accounts nearly 81. 00. Charles Johnson and Charles Anderson, burglars who recently broke jail at Atchison, were arrested at Kansas City, a few days later.

The Northeast Kansas Teachers' association will meet in Kansas City, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 18-30, The governor has commuted the sentences of twenty-two prisoners in the penitentiary, most of them for good behavior. r. E. E. Irvln was recently arrested at Frontcnoc upon the charge of robbing the post office at that placo on the week.

Gambling places have been liofiTos, March 80, In tho presence be' obviated hereafter" by Jthe new method of having that work of 8,000 people in the Suffolk Athletic Thomas bl Watson to make the race for the seat which. Congressman Black accepted the nom closed wherever it was possible tc shadow them for some Daring Late reports from Floyd county, by traveling men returning fronr there, were not encouraging for the arly suppression of the malady now raging in tho Mud river country. 1 had become so violent that even thr physicians of the surrounding town? refused to attend the victims. Man) deaths have occurred and the disease was on the increase. The disease resembles cholera, except that it chokes the victim to death, beginning in the stomach and rising to the throat In almost every case it has been fatal.

The victim seldom live tree days from the attack club, Jake Kilrain of Baltimore and Steve O'Donncll of Australia, Corbett's Over Om Mfflsso Pesel) 1 IK Europe at this; time eight great ination in an hour's speech. the past week the midnight closing law has been strictly on forced. Last night the records showed over forty saloon- sparring fought eight rounds, ship canals are under consideration. If decided on, their cost will be over and at tho close Patsv Shenard. amid Home for Ex-Pullman Men.

Chicago, March 18. The unemployed ADottr shoes are equally satisfactory. is ts arrested yesterday for keeping shouts of "Kilrain," declared the con 1 Bwy bjttw mm mmm war ic pwutwi I open in violation of the Sunday law. test a draw. It took Referee Shepard 8400,000,000.

The 8100 shares of the Sues canal are now worth 8588.60. Three thousand vessels passed through and declared they would prevent him from celebrating mass. After order was restored tho priest conducted the servico under guard of a detail oi of Pullman and vicinity are to be aided to homes in the south by tho bureau of labor and transportation, About -500 1 aeir sfaNtuca Jvo minutes to make up bia mind TMsnonirt ISvery piaco wua mu vmu cnirancu iu the rear, side or front to a bar is being nailed. -K that decision to make. the canal last year.

night of February 13. persons are ready to go. If rsjr 1 mrlr yem.

The Sedgwick Pantagraph from Sedgwick, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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