Records of Eastern State Hospital, 1770-2009 (2024)

  • Box 28 Folder 15

    "A communication to the legislature, respecting the laws and regulating the admission of patients into the Eastern Asylum," undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 16

    "A communication touching the state of the asylum," undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 17

    "A diary" (fragment), undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 18

    "A Song of the South" (poem?), 1861 .

  • Box 28 Folder 19

    "A third state lunatic asylum in Virginia" (draft/fragment), undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 20

    Accounts and receipts, 1842-1880 .

  • Box 28 Folder 21

    Admission and patient statistics (ages, eye/hair color, diagnosis, occupation), 1845-1849; undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 22

    Admission of colored patients, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 23

    Admission of insane slaves, Notes on acts concerning, undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 24

    Admission questionnaire (blank), 1858 .

  • Box 28 Folder 25

    Almanac pages (fragments), 1869 .

  • Box 28 Folder 26

    "Americans" (poem), 1850 .

  • Box 28 Folder 27

    Animal classification, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 28 Folder 28

    "Anniversary Oration," by Alfred C. Posts (cover page only), 1849 .

  • Box 28 Folder 29

    Annual report of the directors of the Eastern Asylum to the legislature of Virginia (with report of the superintendent), 1842 .

  • Box 28 Folder 30

    Annual reports (1855-1857; 1867-1859; 1859-1861), 1861 .

  • Box 28 Folder 31

    Annual reports (drafts/fragments), 1842-1845 .

  • Box 29 Folder 1

    Annual reports (drafts/fragments), 1846-1849 .

  • Box 29 Folder 2

    Annual reports (drafts/fragments), 1850-1857; undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 3

    Answers to questions in report of Pennsylvania hospital, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 4

    Appendix: "Miscellaneous items relative to the colored insane" (with notes), undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 5

    "Appendix to work on insanity," 1846 .

  • Box 29 Folder 6

    Appropriations, Statement of, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 7

    Arithmetic, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 8

    Assistant physician, Notice concerning the appointment of an, 1850 .

  • Box 29 Folder 9

    Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, Circular regarding meeting of, 1846 .

  • Box 29 Folder 10

    Astronomy, Essay/notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 11

    Authorization to contract for pork, 1846 .

  • Box 29 Folder 12

    Biblical quotations, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 13

    Bibliographies and reading notes (miscellaneous), undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 14

    Bloodletting in insanity, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 15

    Board members, Lists of (?), 1843-1851 .

  • Box 29 Folder 16

    Board of Directors meeting invitation and notes, 1847 .

  • Box 29 Folder 17

    Bonds: Admission of patients, 1852-1877 .

  • Box 29 Folder 18

    Bonds: Blank, 1841; 1845; 1849 .

  • Box 29 Folder 19

    Bonds: Slave patients, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 20

    Bonds: Steward's, 1871 .

  • Box 29 Folder 21

    Bonds: Storekeeper, 1868-1871 .

  • Box 29 Folder 22

    Bonds: Treasurer's, 1868-1872 .

  • Box 29 Folder 23

    Books and periodicals, Order to purchase, 1843 .

  • Box 29 Folder 24

    Books published by J.S. Redfield, List of (advertisem*nt), undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 25

    Booksellers of political essays, List of, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 26

    Botany and plants, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 27

    Building Committee, Report of the (draft), 1850 .

  • Box 29 Folder 28

    Buildings at the gate, Cost estimate for, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 29

    Carpenter, Notice about the position of, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 30

    Case histories, 1830-1836; undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 31

    Case histories (fragments), 1813-1837; undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 32

    Case histories (missing pages), 1812-1837; undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 33

    "Cases in Surgery" (fragment), undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 34

    Census of 1840 (statistics on the number of insance by locality), 1840 .

  • Box 29 Folder 35

    Changing names of asylums, Notes on, 1861 .

  • Box 29 Folder 36

    Cholera, Articles about, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 37

    Circulars, Order for (also contains a notice regarding the procurement of a teaching position), undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 38

    Clothing, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 39

    Comets, Essay/notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 40

    "Commentaries on the Causes, Forms, Symptoms and Treatment of Insanity," by George Mann Burrows, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 41

    "Comments on the code of by-laws adopted in the Eastern Lunatic Asylum" (job descriptions), 1857 .

  • Box 29 Folder 42

    Commitment papers, 1843-1937; undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 43

    Committee appointed "on asylums for colored people," Report to the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane, undated (post-1844) .

  • Box 29 Folder 44

    Committee on Lunatic Asylums, Report of (fragment), undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 45

    Communication from Dr. John Galt, Notice regarding (Board of Directors), 1857 .

  • Box 29 Folder 46

    "Communication to the Board of Directors of the Eastern Asylum," (draft Superintendent's report), 1843 .

  • Box 29 Folder 47

    Cost of board, Notes on the, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 48

    Court yards, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 49

    "'Cravius Brittanica:' A New Ethnological Work," Notes on, undated .

  • Box 29 Folder 50

    Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, Report of the Board of Visitors, Doc. 19, 1850 .

  • Box 29 Folder 51

    Deaths, discharges and elopements, List of (draft), undated (circa 1859) .

  • Box 29 Folder 52

    Deeds, 1869 .

  • Box 29 Folder 53

    Diagnosis, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 1

    Disease statistics (fragments), 1812-1837 .

  • Box 30 Folder 2

    Dislocated joints, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 3

    District law (hospital boundaries), Notes on undated (circa 1845) .

  • Box 30 Folder 4

    Division of patients between Western Lunatic Asylum and Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Notes on the, 1841; undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 5

    Donations (private), Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 6

    Doric building, Ordering regarding use of (for Board of Director's meetings), 1857 .

  • Box 30 Folder 7

    Dr. Greene's Indianopathy (advertisem*nt), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 8

    Drawing of men on horses (pencil), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 9

    Election of Dr. John Galt as superintendent, Notice regarding (Board of Directors), 1841 .

  • Box 30 Folder 10

    Employee assignments (?), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 11

    Employees and servants, Lists of, 1844; undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 12

    Encyclopedia entries - "Per" (fragment), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 13

    Essay: Untitled fragment (topics: management, classification, amusem*nts, labor and employment), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 14

    "Essays on Asylums for Persons of Unsound Mind," (First and Second series, with notes), 1850-1853 .

  • Box 30 Folder 15

    Executive Committee, Notes on the responsibilities of, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 16

    Executive Committee, Report to the (superintendent's report), 1847 .

  • Box 30 Folder 17

    Famous cases of insanity, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 18

    Female asylums, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 19

    Female officer, Notice to appoint a, 1848 .

  • Box 30 Folder 20

    Female reproductive organs and childbirth, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 21

    "Fisher's Restraining Apparatus for Insane Persons," Advertisem*nt for, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 22

    Floorplan, Sketch of (unidentified), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 23

    Fongera's Ready-made Mustard Plasters, Advertisem*nt for, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 24

    Forwarding request to the Post Master, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 25
    Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper

    (untitled article), 1880 .

  • Box 30 Folder 26

    French medical pamphlets (various), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 27

    Galt, Alexander, Biographical sketch of, undated (circa 1860) .

  • Box 30 Folder 28

    Galt, Alexander, Obituary for (draft) , undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 29

    Galt, Alexander, Signature of, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 30

    Galt, Annie, Obituary for, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 31

    Galt, John M., "An Essay on Botany for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine," University of Pennsylvania, 1841; 1843; undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 32

    Galt, John M., Biographical notes concerning, undated .

  • Oversized Box 02

    Galt, John M., Certificates in midwifery and medicine, 1740; 1767 .

  • Box 30 Folder 33

    Galt, John M., Graduation certificates, University of Pennsylvania, 1840-1841 .

  • Box 30 Folder 34

    Galt, John M., Obituary for, 1862 .

  • Box 30 Folder 35

    Galt, John M., Tax receipt, 1848 .

  • Box 30 Folder 36

    Galt, Sally (Sallie), Correspondence, 1856-1862; undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 37

    Gas, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 38

    General Assembly, Petition to the, 1845 .

  • Box 30 Folder 39

    German expressions (translated), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 40

    Goode, Thomas J., Will of, 1834 .

  • Box 30 Folder 41

    "Gray's Elegy" (poem), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 42

    Guerrant v. Goode, Notes on, 1856 .

  • Box 30 Folder 43
    Guide to Health and Long Life

    , by Robert J. Culverwell, M.D., 1849 .

  • Box 30 Folder 44

    Hallucination, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 45

    Hebrew roots for English words, List of, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 46

    Hiring of employees and servants, Notice concerning the, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 47

    Hospital boundaries, Notes on (fragments), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 48

    Hospital employment, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 49

    Hospitals and asylums, Notes on (possibly drafts of "Essays on Asylums"), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 50

    Idiots and idiocy, Notes on, 1846; undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 51

    Improvements, Figures for, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 52

    Improvements, Report on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 53

    Improvements to the hospital, Report on (relative to $7000 appropriation), 1853 .

  • Box 30 Folder 54

    Incidents, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 55

    Indices and tables of contents (unidentified), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 56

    "Insanity in Italy" (essay), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 57

    "Instructions for Observation of the Aurora," (Smithsonian Institution circular), 1849 .

  • Box 30 Folder 58

    Instruments used during childbirth, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 59

    "Internal improvements," (essay/notes), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 60
    Jewett's Advertiser

    (cover pages), 1840; 1842 .

  • Box 30 Folder 61

    Job descriptions, undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 62

    Journal (miscellaneous poetry, writing, etc.), undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 63

    Journal (superintendent's), 1840-1841; undated .

  • Box 30 Folder 64

    Journal entry (fragment), 1859 .

  • Box 31 Folder 1

    Journal of legislative notes, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 2

    Keeping of dogs, Resolution regarding the (Court of Directors), 1842 .

  • Box 31 Folder 3

    Kentucky State Lunatic Asylum, Report on (fragment), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 4

    Kitchen, Contract for, 1847 .

  • Box 31 Folder 5

    Latin words, List of, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 6

    Law regarding release of harmless patients, Notes on, undated (circa 1850) .

  • Box 31 Folder 7

    Laws, Notes on, undated (circa 1840-1846) .

  • Box 31 Folder 8

    Legislation, Notes on (Board of Directors), 1841 .

  • Box 31 Folder 9

    Legislation, Notes on (miscellaneous), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 10

    "Legislative acts relative to the insane hospitals in Virginia" (essay), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 11

    Libraries, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 12
    Library of Useful Knowledge

    publications (electricity, galvanism, electromagnetism), 1827-1831 .

  • Box 31 Folder 13

    Lithograph prints of hospital, Rough proofs of (north, east and west views), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 14

    Mailing lists for annual report, 1846-1854 .

  • Box 31 Folder 15

    Mailing lists for annual reports, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 16

    Male reproductive organs, Diagram of, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 17

    Merrimac battle, Notes on the, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 18

    Moore, Rev. Richard C., Eulogy for, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 19

    Moral management, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 20

    New building committee, Report of (draft), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 21

    Newspaper articles (some asylum-related), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 22

    Notes, Miscellaneous subjects (drafts/fragments), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 23

    Notes, Miscellaneous subjects (drafts/fragments), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 24

    "On the Lincoln Asylum" (essay and notes), 1853; undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 25

    "On the propriety of treating the insane and persons affected with other diseases in the same establishment" (report), 1851; undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 26

    "On vassel" and on "Law of nations" (essays/notes), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 27

    "On water closets" (essay/report), 1850 .

  • Box 31 Folder 28

    Opening of a new building and need for a female officer, Notice regarding the, 1849 .

  • Box 31 Folder 29

    Patient census, 1773-1853 .

  • Box 31 Folder 30

    Patient discharge (draft), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 31

    Patient letters (?), 1859; undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 32

    Patient pass, undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 33

    Patient statistics, 1856-1862 .

  • Box 31 Folder 34

    Patients, Lists of (?), 1842-1857 .

  • Box 31 Folder 35

    Patients by locality of origin (no names given), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 36

    Patients from the Navy and Marine Corps, Order to receive (draft), undated .

  • Box 31 Folder 37

    Patients (male) in hospital, List of, 1841 .

  • Box 31 Folder 38

    Patients postponed and rejected, List of, 1856 .

  • Box 32 Folder 1

    Pay patients, List of (also contains notes on superstition and insanity), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 2

    "Periodicity of disease and bodily functions" (fragment), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 3

    "Perseverando" (poem), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 4

    Physicians and hospitals, Lists of, 1844-1846; undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 5

    Poems (untitled), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 6

    Porticoes, Specifications for, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 7

    Power of attorney, (Anthony Robinson, Jr.), 1836 .

  • Box 32 Folder 8

    Probable receptions, Notes on, 1844 .

  • Box 32 Folder 9

    Promissary notes, 1869 .

  • Box 32 Folder 10

    Quarterly report (fragment), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 11

    Quarterly report respecting patients paying board, 1859 .

  • Box 32 Folder 12

    Quartermaster's account (for Capt. D. Lambert), 1861 .

  • Box 32 Folder 13

    Reading notes (miscellaneous loose), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 14

    Reading notes on various works (bound), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 15

    Reading notes on various works (bound), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 16

    "Reading, recreation and amusem*nts for the insane" (report to the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane), 1848; undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 17

    "References for pamphlet," undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 18

    "Religious observations" (essay/report), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 19

    "Remarks respecting a proposed law prohibiting the Western Asylum from making selection as to cases applying for admission to that institution," undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 20

    "Reports of American asylums for the insane," 1851 .

  • Box 32 Folder 21

    Responsibility for patients who leave the asylum, Notice regarding, 1855 .

  • Box 32 Folder 22

    Salaries, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 23

    Salaries of officers, List of, 1856 .

  • Box 32 Folder 24

    Selection of sites for insane asylums (essay), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 25

    "Sermons of Capt. James DeCocy (copied by Edward Petticolas) and "Epistles of Capt. James Cossy," 1853; undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 26

    Servants for hire, Notice to those with, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 27

    Servants offered for hire, Lists of, 1846; 1851 .

  • Box 32 Folder 28

    Sewerage, Contract for construction of, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 29

    "Silver Sutures in Surgery," the Anniversary Discourse before the New York Academy of Medicine, by J. Marion Sims, M.D., 1858 .

  • Box 32 Folder 30

    Slave patients, Notice regarding, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 31

    Slaves, List of (with age and race), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 32

    Southern Protection Insurance Company, Advertisem*nt for, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 33

    "Special report concerning repairs and improvements," undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 34

    "Special report concerning the number of officers, their salaries, etc.," 1856 .

  • Box 32 Folder 35

    "Specifications of the proposed addition to the northern building of the Western Asylum" (circular), undated (circa 1848) .

  • Box 32 Folder 36

    Statistical information by locality, undated (circa 1840) .

  • Box 32 Folder 37

    Store House, Plans and elevations for (photocopies), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 38

    Superintendent's reports (drafts), 1847-1848 .

  • Box 32 Folder 39

    Supplies, Request for prices of, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 40

    "Supposed causes of insanity" (photocopies), 1847 .

  • Box 32 Folder 41

    Sutures, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 42

    "The annexation of Texas" (essay), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 43

    "The bibliography of insanity" (with notes), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 44

    "The Eastern Asylum for the maintenance and cure of insane persons" (circular), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 45

    "The Last Lines of Edgar A. Poe (Annabel Lee)" and "There is Something Good in Every Heart" (poems), undated .

  • Box 32 Folder 46
    The Medical Times and Gazette

    , Vol. 16, 1858 .

  • Box 32 Folder 47
    The Opal

    , edited by the patients of the State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, NY, 1852 February and June .

  • Box 32 Folder 48
    The Peninsular Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences

    , Vol. IV, No. V, 1856 .

  • Box 32 Folder 49

    "The rate of board in lunatic asylums" (essay), 1853 .

  • Box 32 Folder 50

    Transportation of lunatics, Resolution concerning the, 1854 .

  • Box 32 Folder 51

    Travel itinerary, 1850 .

  • Box 32 Folder 52

    Traveling expenses, Notes on, undated .

  • Box 33 Folder 1

    Treatment, Notes on (miscellaneous topics), undated .

  • Box 33 Folder 2

    Treatment history, Male patients (fragment), 1850 .

  • Box 33 Folder 3

    Treatment registers, 1833-1843 .

  • Box 33 Folder 4

    Treatment registers, 1844-1845 .

  • Box 33 Folder 5

    Treatment registers, 1846-1848 .

  • Box 33 Folder 6

    Treatment registers, 1849-1850; 1861 .

  • Box 33 Folder 7

    Treatment registers (fragments), undated .

  • Box 33 Folder 8

    Vacancy at Williamsburg Female Academy, Notice to teachers regarding a, undated .

  • Box 33 Folder 9

    Ventilation of buildings, Contract for, 1872 .

  • Box 33 Folder 10
    Virginia Gazette

    circular, 1854 .

  • Box 33 Folder 11

    Visitor's pass to Eastern Lunatic Asylum, undated .

  • Box 33 Folder 12

    Williamsburg Male Academey and Female Academy, Meeting notices for, 1856-1857 .

  • Box 33 Folder 13

    Work done by the Male Department, List of, 1843 .

  • Box 33 Folder 14

    Writings of patients, undated .

  • Box 33 Folder 15

    Wrought iron, Statement of purchase, 1842 .

  • Records of Eastern State Hospital, 
1770-2009 (2024)


    What is the history of Eastern State Hospital Virginia? ›

    Williamsburg has the distinction of being the site of the first insane asylum in the country. This hospital was built in 1773 on eight lots in the James City County portion of the city acquired from Dr. Thomas Walker,2 the noted explorer.

    What is the history of the Eastern State Hospital in Lexington KY? ›

    On December 7, 1822, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky passed the Act to Establish a Lunatic Asylum. Ten acres of land, along with the unfinished building of the Fayette Hospital, was purchased and the hospital was established. The first patient was admitted May 1, 1824.

    How long has Eastern State Hospital been around? ›

    Eastern State Hospital, located in Williamsburg, Virginia, was founded in 1773 with a well intentioned emphasis on community focused mental health care.

    What was the public hospital in Virginia of 1770? ›

    Eastern State Hospital is located in Williamsburg, Virginia. The Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds, as the facility was first known, was established by act of the Virginia colonial legislature on June 4, 1770.

    What is the abandoned lunatic asylum in Williamsburg? ›

    The answer is Eastern State Hospital – a huge complex of buildings and surrounding farmland – offering residential mental health services for patients living in the Eastern half of Virginia. It evolved from a 24-room Public Hospital opened in Williamsburg in 1773 to care exclusively for mentally ill residents.

    What is the biggest hospital in the state of Virginia? ›

    1. Inova Fairfax Medical Campus – 923 beds. The Inova Fairfax Medical Campus, located in Falls Church, is the biggest hospital in Virginia, with 923 beds.

    What is the oldest hospital in Lexington KY? ›

    Founded in 1877, Saint Joseph Hospital was Lexington's first hospital and serves residents of central and eastern Kentucky.

    What is the oldest hospital in Louisville Kentucky? ›

    The Louisville Marine Hospital, the first hospital in Kentucky, was created to help the sick and injured crew members who were abandoned in Louisville on their way down the Ohio River.

    What is the name of the University of Kentucky Hospital? ›

    Opened in 1962, the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital, a 569-bed acute care hospital, is part of the UK HealthCare patient care enterprise.

    Is Eastern State Hospital for the Criminally Insane? ›

    Evaluation and treatment services are provided for adults prior to their trial, after they are convicted or after they are acquitted by reason of insanity. Treatment Malls - Eastern State Hospital provides a treatment program that recognizes the worth, dignity and rights of all patients.

    Who is the CEO of Eastern State Hospital? ›

    The Department of Social and Health Services has hired a new chief executive officer at Eastern State Hospital. Eric Carpenter, who brings with him years of health care executive leadership in both behavioral and community health, will officially start with the department's Behavioral Health Administration on June 1.

    What was the oldest hospital? ›

    In contrast, the Mihintale Hospital in Sri Lanka, established in the 9th century is probably the site with the oldest archaeological evidence available for a hospital in the world. Serving monks and the local community, it represents early advancements in healthcare practices.

    Were there hospitals in the 1700s in America? ›

    The 18th-century hospital was a rarity, except in urban settings such as New York and Philadelphia where the poor needed inexpensive, readily accessible health care and could not afford to get it at home.

    What were hospitals called in the Civil War? ›

    In 1861, there were two types of hospitals that surgeons operated in: field hospitals and general hospitals. Field hospitals were located near the front lines and served as an initial treatment center for those soldiers evacuated from the battlefield.

    What was the first black owned hospital in the United States? ›

    Provident Hospital (Chicago, IL)

    Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses, the first Black-owned and operated hospital in America, was founded in 1891 by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams.

    What was the first mental asylum in Virginia? ›

    Eastern State Hospital has the honor of being the first public facility in the United States constructed solely for the care and treatment of the mentally ill.

    What is the history of DePaul hospital Norfolk VA? ›

    The Hospital of St. Vincent DePaul was incorporated in 1856 by eight Daughters of Charity during the yellow fever epidemic. The Sisters of the Daughters of Charity came to Norfolk in 1839 to run St. Mary's Orphan Asylum and care for the sick and dying during the yellow fever epidemic in Norfolk.

    What is the history of Virginia Mason hospital? ›

    Founded Nov. 1, 1920, Virginia Mason has grown over the last 100 years from a multi-specialty group practice to a two-hospital, nonprofit health system caring for patients in the Greater Puget Sound, central Washington's Yakima Valley and throughout the Northwest.

    What is the history of Fauquier Hospital? ›

    History & Tradition

    Fauquier Hospital initially opened its doors as a 20 bed hospital on February 26, 1925. Purchased for $14,000, Fauquier Hospital was occupied in the "Garner House" as it was known, and was located at 32 Waterloo St., Warrenton, VA.

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    Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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    Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.