The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (2024)

Plant Care Sweet Potato Vine

4.6 out of 5 (45 experiences)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (41) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (42) Easy to propagate

About Sweet Potato Vine

The sweet potato, native to the Americas, and were domesticated over 5,000 years ago. Their large, underground tubers are a staple in cuisines around the world. The leaves are also edible, and are used in many dishes from Africa to Southeast Asia. You can grow new sweet potatoes by removing the 'eyes' that grow on potatoes from the grocery store and planting them in soil! 🍠

Taxonomy The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (43)

Ipomoea batatas




Also known as


The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (44)

How to care for Sweet Potato Vine

💦 Water

How often to water your Sweet Potato Vine

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (48)

0.5 cups
every 9

Sweet Potato Vine needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.

Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (49)

Water 0.5 cups every

☀️ Light

Finding light for Sweet Potato Vine in your home

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (51)

1ft or less from
a window

Sweet Potato Vine love being close to bright, sunny windows 😎.

Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.

Sweet Potato Vine does not tolerate low-light 🚫.

Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Sweet Potato Vine in your home 🏡.

🪴 Nutrients

How to fertilize Sweet Potato Vine

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (52)

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.

By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.

To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Sweet Potato Vine after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.

  • The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (53)

    Hi friends! I noticed these little white grain-y things on most of my sweet potato vines' leaves, and I was just wondering what they were. They don't appear to be on the younger/newer leaves, so is this an okay/common thing for sweet potatos?! Thanks! #SweetPotatoVine

  • The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (54)

    Why are the leaves brown Hello, I’m needing some help with figuring out what’s going on with my Doja Cat. She’s an oriental sweet potato vine that I propagated from a cutting. I had her outdoors for the most part since I started propagating her but moved her inside because her leaves kept getting brown and falling off. Was the sun the cause? I’ve only had her inside for a few days but she’s a lot perkier and doesn’t require as much water. Thanks a lot. #SweetPotatoVine #HappyPlants

  • New plant Here’s another one that’s new and I’m killing it 😞 don’t know if I should try putting it outside or what? It’s right next to a South facing window. Help please!

  • The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (55)

    Are these aphid eggs #aphids #sweetpotatovine My sweet potato plant has been recovering from a green aphid infestation that caused him to lose all his leaves over winter (or maybe he was just hibernating lol). I ended up treating it with a pyrethrin solution at the start of spring, and he's doing great now, growing super fast. I have, however, noticed these odd protruding dots on some of his leaves. I read that aphids only lay eggs in winter, but I am not sure what else these could be. Does anyone know if these are actually eggs, and how I should help my plant out with this?

  • The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (56)

    Is this color change healthy? My #SweetPotatoVine is a cutting taken from an outdoor plant. It’s very well rooted and gives new leaves. Currently it’s under an LED 1500 w lamp. I see the leaves turning a purple color and while I do love how it looks I was wondering why it’s happening and if it’s an indication that is won’t thrive as an indoor plant. #PlantAddict #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy

  • What type of plant is this? #SweetPotatoVine

  • The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (57)

    So this has been one of my favorite plants see grow this summer! I took a cutting from my grandmothers #SweetPotatoVine in her yard and have been enjoying it as an indoor Plant. What plants do you love that are considered under rated?

  • The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (58)

    Propagate Best way to prop this sweet potato vine to become a houseplant?

  • So if I'm not trying to get sweet potatoes from this do I still need to use a 5 10 10 fertilizer? #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newplantmom #hangingplants #plantmommy #plantlove #SweetPotatoVine

  • Ms. Butters is a sweet potato vine. 😁😁

Browse #SweetPotatoVine

💡 FAQs

⭐ Difficulty Level

Sweet Potato Vine can be challenging to care for, according to some plant parents. Check out the reviews down below to learn from their experiences!

Benefits of Growing Sweet Potato Vine →

Common Sweet Potato Vine Problems →

💦 Water Needs

Sweet Potato Vine prefers for the soil to dry out between waterings and should be watered regularly. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

Sweet Potato Vine Water Frequency →

Sweet Potato Vine Root Rot →

☀️ Sunlight Needs

Sweet Potato Vine requires abundant, bright and direct light. Place it less than one foot from a window to ensure it receives enough light to survive 💪. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement in your home 🏡.

Sweet Potato Vine Light Requirements →

🐶 🐈 👶 Toxicity

Sweet Potato Vine is not known to cause harm to humans or pets. Regardless, if you, a family member, a cat, or dog has ingested any plant material, please consult a doctor or a veterinarian.

💨 Humidity

Sweet Potato Vine doesn’t require additional humidity. Plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves, so the best way to provide humidity for your plants is through watering the soil.

Sweet Potato Vine Humidity Needs →

🪴 Soil

Sweet Potato Vine does best in well-draining soil. A good soil will contain lots of organic matter such as coco coir as well as perlite or vermiculite to help with drainage. Adding a handful of perlite to regular store-bought potting soil should do the trick!

Best Soil Mix for Sweet Potato Vine →

When and How to Successfully Repot Sweet Potato Vine →

💩 Fertilizer

Sweet Potato Vine is a fast growing plant and may deplete the nutrients in its soil over time. Replenish them with a gentle organic fertilizer or compost every 1-2 months depending on your location and season. Fertilize more often during the growing season and in warmer and brighter climates.

How Much and When to Fertilize Sweet Potato Vine →

🌎 Native Region

Sweet Potato Vine is native to Worldwide.

🌸 Flowers

Yes, you may see your Sweet Potato Vine bloom with the right amount of sunlight and water.

⬆️ ⬇️ Growth Pattern

Sweet Potato Vine is a naturally climbing plant and can be trained to climb indoors if you provide a moss pole or trellis. The newest growth will emerge from the end of the stems.

How and When to Prune Sweet Potato Vine →

🌦️ Growing Outdoors

USDA Hardiness Zone
Sweet Potato Vine can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 9a-11b. Find your local hardiness zone here.

Sweet Potato Vine Temperature Tolerance →

🌱 Propagation

How to Propagate Sweet Potato Vine →

🍂 Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves aren’t always a reason to panic, and can be a normal part of a plant’s life cycle. Unless brand new leaves are turning yellow or all the leaves change color at once, it’s likely just your plant shedding old leaves.

Overwatering and root rot are the most likely cause of problems in Sweet Potato Vine, since they are sensitive to wet soil. The leaves may also appear to be curling or drooping. Less often, yellow leaves are caused by underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, or pests.

Replace soggy soil with fresh, dry soil and download Greg to make sure your plant never gets overwatered again!

🧐 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting a sad-looking houseplant, start by checking for signs of distress in its leaves, such as yellowing, browning, or drooping, which can indicate overwatering or nutrient deficiencies.

Inspect the soil moisture; too dry or too wet soil can cause problems.

Ensure the plant is getting the right amount of light, as too much or too little can stress it.

Finally, consider environmental factors like temperature and humidity, and adjust care routines accordingly to revive your plant.

  • Common Bugs Affecting Sweet Potato Vine →
  • Sweet Potato Vine Dropping Leaves →
  • Sweet Potato Vine Mushy Leaves →
  • Brown Spots on Sweet Potato Vine →
  • Sweet Potato Vine Leaves Falling Over →
  • Sweet Potato Vine Leaves Curling →
  • Sweet Potato Vine Yellow Leaves →
  • Sweet Potato Vine Root Rot →

Care Summary for Sweet Potato Vine

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (59)

Sweet Potato Vine

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (60) Greg recommends:

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (61) Water

0.5 cups every 9 days

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (62) Placement

< 1ft from a window

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (63) Nutrients

Repot after 2x growth

Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (64)

What other plant parents say

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (65) Fast grower 33

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (66) Easy to propagate 22

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (67) Survivor 18

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (68) Large, lush leaves 16

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (69) Blooms easily 4

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (70) Browns easily 4

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (71) Pest magnet 2

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (72)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (73) 4 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (74) 106 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (75) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (76) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (77) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (78) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (79) 11/10/2021

Be sure to have a drainage and water until water comes out!

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (80) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (82)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (83) 9 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (84) 185 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (85) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (86) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (87) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (88) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (89) 10/06/2021

literally just stick a sweet potato in water

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (90) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (91) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (93)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (94) 72 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (95) 17,956 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (96) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (97) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (98) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (99) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (100) 09/25/2021

Very delicate leaves.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (101) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (102) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (104)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (105) 110 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (106) 2,758 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (107) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (108) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (109) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (110) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (111) 08/04/2021

What a wonderful mistake I purchased , what o thought was a golden pothos turned into a lemon lime colored vine. I love it. I have made for it from clippings. It was outdoor but I brought her in and happy I did , she is an excellent addition to my plant tribe.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (112) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (113) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (114) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (115) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (117)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (118) 3 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (119) 261 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (120) Des Moines, IA

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (121) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (122) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (123) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (124) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (125) 07/27/2021

It could circle the room and/or cover the bookcase if my roommate didn’t ask me to prevent it from doing so 😞 but it’s very satisfying and carefree… also at about 75¢ from the grocery store 😁

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (126) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (127) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (128) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (130)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (131) 5 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (132) 31 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (133) Taylorsville, UT

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (134) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (135) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (136) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (137) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (138) 07/23/2021

browns pretty easily

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (139) Browns easily

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (140) Pest magnet

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (142)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (143) 2 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (144) 36 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (145) Fort Gibson, OK

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (146) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (147) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (148) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (149) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (150) 07/21/2021

These babies need lots of hydration every day, but if you forget for one or even a couple days, she’ll sprout back up after a good watering!

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (151) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (152) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (153) Blooms easily

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (154) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (156)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (157) 20 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (158) 2,058 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (159) League City, TX

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (160) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (161) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (162) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (163) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (164) 07/13/2021

Pretty to look at !

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (165) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (166) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (168)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (169) 4 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (170) 107 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (171) Phoenix, AZ

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (172) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (173) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (174) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (175) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (176) 07/09/2021

Put cuttings into water for a few days and plant when you have strong roots, loves water but can survive without moist soil.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (177) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (178) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (179) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (180) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (182)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (183) 36 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (184) 5,685 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (185) Orangevale, CA

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (186) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (187) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (188) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (189) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (190) 07/05/2021

I wanted an easy kind of beginner hanging plant. I water him about once a week and just enjoy watching him grow.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (191) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (192) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (194)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (195) 110 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (196) 2,758 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (197) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (198) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (199) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (200) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (201) 07/04/2021

What can I su , look at this beauty , the rich unique shaped leaves and the pink trumpet shape flower. What’s not to love. I do have this plant outside can not wait to watch it flourish inside for the winter.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (202) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (203) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (204) Blooms easily

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (206)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (207) 93 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (208) 6,167 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (209) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (210) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (211) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (212) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (213) 06/12/2021

I love growing sweet potato vines atop my fish tank!

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (214) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (215) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (216) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (217) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (219)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (220) 4 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (221) 171 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (222) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (223) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (224) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (225) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (226) 05/24/2021

I just started growing mine a few weeks ago and it’s already started making roots in it cup of water! I’m expecting to see some vines start to sprout soon. I really want to get another one of these guys! They’re so so so easy to take care of; all you have to do is stick some toothpicks in it and put it in a cup of water so it sits half submerged.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (227) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (228) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (229) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (231)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (232) 66 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (233) 9,716 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (234) Jacksonville, FL

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (235) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (236) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (237) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (238) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (239) 05/19/2021

Perfect for a hanging pot or climbing on a trellis. Prolific grower in full sun.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (240) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (241) Large, lush leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (242) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (243) Survivor

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (245)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (246) 11 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (247) 213 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (248) Philadelphia, PA

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (249) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (250) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (251) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (252) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (253) 05/16/2021

Although this is a morning glory, not a sweet potato, it still is similar.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (254) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (256)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (257) 74 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (258) 5,697 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (259) Highland, CA

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (260) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (261) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (262) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (263) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (264) 05/12/2021

Just a fun thing to do maybe with your child, just plop a sweet potato in water and that’s it, you’re going to get vines in no time. It’s fun to look at all the roots in water (like staring at a lava lamp) and it’s exciting to see new sprouts.

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (265) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (266) Easy to propagate

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (268)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (269) 41 Plants

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (270) 2,891 XP

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (271) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (272) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (273) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (274) The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (275) 04/26/2021

ugly. always looks dead and is dropping leaves

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (276) Fast grower

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (278)

The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (279) Trending in your area

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The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (298) Similar to Sweet Potato Vine

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The Complete Sweet Potato Vine Plant Care Guide: Water, Light & Beyond (2024)


How much light do sweet potato vines need? ›

Sweet potato vines thrive best when receiving at least six or eight hours of daily sunlight. Some will grow in partial shade, but the foliage will be richer, more vibrant, and more vigorous when planted in full sun.

Do sweet potato plants need a lot of sunlight? ›

Sweet potatoes grow best in light, sandy soils but grow well on heavier soils, high in clay and amended with organic matter. Full sun requires direct light at least 6 hours/day; prefers 8 - 10 hours/day. Days to maturity: 85 - 120.

Do sweet potato vines need a lot of water? ›

Keep soil evenly moist. Make sure plants receive an inch of water per week, or more during extreme heat. Containerized plants will need to be watered more often, every 1-2 days during hot spells. Don't overwater or allow plants to dry out.

Do potato vines like sun or shade? ›

🌅 When the Potato Vine Basks in the Glow: Benefits of Direct Sunlight. Vibrant foliage is the Potato Vine's reward for basking in the right amount of sunlight. Six to eight hours of sun exposure can enhance leaf coloration and overall plant vigor.

How do you make sweet potato vines fuller? ›

Pruning. Prune sweet potato vine to remove broken or sickly vines. Cut back rapidly spreading vine tips that have exceeded their boundaries to prevent them from extending too far. Cut about 1/4 inch above leaf nodes to encourage new growth.

What not to plant next to sweet potatoes? ›

Squash will compete with Sweet potatoes for space: these vigorous growers like to spread out. Prevent problems by not planting any members of the Solanaceae family (potato, tomato, all peppers, ground cherries (tomatillo), and eggplant) in the same spot next year.

What kind of fertilizer for sweet potato vines? ›

Phosphorus and potassium boost blooming in sweet potato vines. 🌱 Use balanced 10-10-10 or 12-12-12 fertilizers for optimal growth. Avoid over-fertilization to prevent leaf burn and stunted growth.

What month is best to plant sweet potatoes? ›

The best time to plant sweet potato plants is after the ground is thawed and after the last spring frost date has passed. If the ground doesn't freeze in your location, then the best time to plant is usually a month after your last spring frost date.

Do sweet potato vines need a trellis? ›

You can grow sweet potatoes vertically to ease harvesting the leaves or for space-saving. It can be done in the garden or in large containers. Choose a sturdy trellis and weave the vines through the trellis as they grow. (Remember that sweet potatoes are naturally crawlers, but not climbers.)

Why is my sweet potato vine droopy? ›

Overwatering is the usual suspect when it comes to droopy Sweet Potato Vine leaves. It's like giving your plant a bigger drink than it can handle, leading to a soggy mess and stressed roots. Check if the soil feels more like a wet sponge than a moist crumble; that's your clue to ease up on the watering can.

Can you keep sweet potato vine as a houseplant? ›

You can simply grow a sweet potato vine as a hanging houseplant in a smaller container where your plant with beautiful lime green foliage can spill out, and enjoy eating sweet potato leaves as well. Containers also need a trellis to help the vines move upward rather than outward as they spread all around your home.

What pairs well with sweet potato vine? ›

For a cottage garden, grow sweet potato vine with classic flowering annuals such as snapdragons, African daisies, and geraniums. For a more tropical look, grow this annual with plants such as caladium, canna lilies, and elephant ear. Sweet potato vines are also commonly grown in vegetable and herb gardens.

Can sweet potato vines get too much sun? ›

Think of it as the plant's version of a sunburn, where leaves can become more crispy than a well-done bacon strip. To keep your vine's leaves lush rather than scorched, balance is key. In the heat of summer, Sweet Potato Vine can enjoy the sun but might appreciate a little shade during peak hours.

What is the best position for potato vines? ›

Potatoes need an open, sunny growing site, not prone to late frosts, as the young shoots are susceptible to frost damage in April and May. They like rich, fertile soil, so dig in plenty of garden compost or well-rotted manure before planting, especially if your soil is light – see our guide to soil types.

Where is the best place to plant sweet potato vines? ›

Where to Plant Sweet Potato Vines. Sweet potato vines do best in a humid climate that's not excessively hot, similar to their native tropical weather. No matter where you are, whether it's cooler or warmer, make sure these plants get at least six hours of sun each day. Plant them in rich, well-drained soil.

Can sweet potatoes grow in the shade? ›

Most vegetables need sunshine. Although we can put most plants in the preferred position, sometimes we just lack space. Sweet potato is an interesting vegetable, because although it grows best in sufficient sunlight, it also grows in the shade.

What are the best conditions for sweet potato vines? ›

Sweet potato vine thrives in hot, humid conditions, but tolerates some drought. Even watering encourages more vigorous plants. Lightly prune or shape as needed throughout the growing season to keep sweet potato vine in check.

Do sweet potato vines do well indoors? ›

Because sweet potato vines are sensitive to heat and cold, growing them indoors provides optimal growing temperature. They need at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit for good growth, which is great for most homes. A warm 75 degrees is the most optimal temperature.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.