Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (2024)

Been into fitness and healthy lifestyle for a while now?

Here comes the best part and the biggest motivation of all – tracking your results.


And today I’m going to prove why those numbers matter and why you should track your results especially if you’re really serious about making some changes to your lifestyle and want to start getting in shape for real.

Just let’s get one thing straight – by tracking your results I don’t mean just stepping on the scale every day and freaking out every time it goes up.

Instead of that, I suggest a plan that allows you to find the right path and keep up with it.

And again, please don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that those numbers you’ll track determine who you are, because they really don’t.

We always make the mistake of taking those numbers emotionally when we really shouldn’t – in fact they can only help us see if we’re on the right way.

The data you collect about your progress is going to help you and I am going to show you how much writing everything down and tracking your step by step results means in fitness.

Let’s start now!

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (2)

Why Is Tracking Your Results SO Important?

First of all they’re showing us if we’re doing everything right, meaning training and nutrition.

Sometimes we think we eat healthy when we actually don’t and other times we go to the gym stuck on the cardio machine for hours and we still can’t get the scale moving.

That’s why tracking results is crucial in finding out if you’re on the right track.

PS: If you don’t know what’s healthy and what’s not, and don’t really know where to start, grab my nutrition plan ASAP!

Second is motivation.

When you track your weight loss progress right, you’re getting a clear picture of how everything you’re doing is paying of.

At first it may not be as visual, so weighting and measuring yourself will get you the progress on paper.

And there’s nothing more motivating than to see how far you’ve come and that your efforts are paying off.

By getting the whole picture of your progress, you’ll learn what works for you best, get some boost in your motivation that will keep you striking to achieve more and more.

But what should you track?

We’re finding out right now!

1. Measuring Your Body With A Tape

Tracking the changes to your body circumference measurements is the first thing you should do.

This is one of the most common tracking methods, especially for those into fitness, since it gives you the inches you’ve lost around certain areas

The things you can measure are:

  • Waist
  • Bust
  • Hips
  • Tights
  • Arms
  • Calves.

I’ve packed a guide on how to do it right, so head on to check it out.

2. Weighting Yourself

Next is weighting yourself… but first I have to talk to you about something even more important – scales.

Well, they have been on the bad word for far too long now, and we have to cut it out.

Girls, why do we all fear the scale so much?

Scales shouldn’t determine how we feel, in fact they are just this helpful tool we could use to get to know how much we weight and there’s nothing we should fear about.

And aside the emotional insecurities they cause, scales have been on the bad word and there’s a good reason for that:

They don’t give you the whole story about your body or your weight loss progress (or at least most of them don’t).


Because besides fat, they are measuring everything else: muscle, bones, organs and even momentary hydration, water retention and food you’ve had.

“The human body is one incredibly complex piece of machinery.
There are things going in, coming out, transforming, and dissolving all of the time.
As a result, your weight can fluctuate wildly over the course of a 24-48 hour period. Depending on what you ate today, how much water you drank, if there was sodium in your food, what kind of clothing you were wearing, what time of day you weigh yourself, your weight WILL be different.”

Steve, Nerd Fitness

Oh the countless times I myself have been stressing out about those stupid numbers that vary from one day to another.

Also, this explains the fact that even though I look fit today, have abs and all other kinds of muscles all over my body and I feel amazing, I still have almost the same weight as when I was not fit, had fat around my body, muffin top etc.

That’s because muscles may take less space then fat, but they weight more than fat.

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (5)

And all of that is try – BUT this doesn’t means that when tracking the weight loss progress we should leave scales out of the picture.

It only means that we just have to learn to use them right, and I’m just about to show you how.

The Right Way to Use the Scale

First of all, avoidday-to-day weigh-ins orlooking at single weigh-ins.

The issue with comparing daily weigh-ins is that it’s pretty hard to tell if your weight change is due to fat or from body fluid/content fluctuations (that’s why some even suggest that you should measure theweekly weight average, be we shouldn’t go that far).

I’d suggest to always measure at the same time of the day, maybe in the morning and never right after a workout.

The fact is that scale is a wonderful tool to measure your results but when you combine it with your body fat percentage.

That way you will know all of your numbers and get the full picture.

This means that besides the weight of our body, we should consider some other factors such as how much out of that is fat, muscle, bone structure, organs, water retention etc.

And that’s where the nowadays smart scales does the trick.

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (7)

The HAMSWAN Wireless Smart Body Fat Scale I use is actually a wireless body composition analyzer that’s designed with ITO technology to measure your body data with high accuracy.

This means that when you step on this scale you’re getting the full picture by taking in consideration 8 measured parameters:

  • Body weight
  • Bone mass
  • Body fat
  • Muscle mass
  • Body water
  • Visceral fat
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

This means that this smart scale gives you a full report of your body with high accuracy in just a few seconds.

Plus, it’s connected to an app andauto generates graphs, storing up data up to 10 users.

You just have to download their app “New iwellness” on Apple store or Google Play to sync data (Fitbit, Google and Apple Health) via Bluetooth connection, and just step on the scale.

I started using the smart scale just a while ago and I really like all of the info I get from it, almost everything I need to know to maintain a healthy and balanced life.

Especially the info about my muscle mass, since I exercise daily I really feel like that’s good to know.

As you probably already know, I stopped eating sugar few years back, but there’s another “white colored enemy” I still deal with in almost every meal and that is salt.

So, from the info I got from the Hamswan smart scale, I found out there was nothing to worry about since the water retention was not that bad.

With this kind of scale you can get the reality standing behind every single one of those numbers, showing you whether you’re losing the right kind of weight – fat.

Head on to check it out atHAMSWANannnd use the codeTHANKU10to get $10onany $30 order :)

Now, To Solve The Emotional Touch Of Scales

Don’t use scales or any other measuring methods to make you feel good or bad about yourself.

Instead, use them as guidelines and motivations to always strive for better.

You have to be honest with yourself if you want to succeed, and that stands for almost everything in life especially when it comes to fitness.

So, use those numbers to become better and make you strive to achieve more – let them guide you through fitness to make better choices in future.

One day, when you get there, those charts and tracks would mean so much more.

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (8)

3. Progress Photos

Progress photos aka before and after photos are by far my favorite method for tracking physical progress and changes.

Since they are visual, they make tracking so much more inspiring.

Sure, collecting the data and seeing how the numbers change over time is amazing,but it’s nothing compared to the motivation you get from seeing the changes in the physical appearance.

This is mainly because we see ourselves daily and it’s pretty difficult to notice any changes from just looking at the mirror.

But that’s the best thing with progress photos – you’ll have snapshots from different points in your journey that’ll make it easy to see how your body changed and how much results you actually have.

However, you should know how to take these photos so that you could get realistic results.

We come across 2 seconds transformations all the time, where people take a picture with relaxed and usually pretty bad posture and then one when flexed with good posture, and they look like they’re taken from totally different points, when they’re actually taken just a few seconds apart.

We don’t want to do that, we want to get actual results.

So, here are some tips for taking progress pictures:

  • Wear a sport bra with bikini or a swimsuit
  • Take three relaxed photos: front, side, and back
  • Always use the same background, clothing, lighting and shooting distance
  • Take the photos at the same time of day each time.

Here’s my progress photo:

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (9)

Also, here’s a before and after of few girls I’ve been working with and that have been using my nutrition plan.

This is Lina, the both pictures are taken in August, one year apart.

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (10)

And this is Marty, she didn’t want to take pictures of her for the before and after, but I packed something to show the difference to all of you.Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (11)

Now It’s Your Turn!

Start collecting the data about your progress right now!

I’ve also designed a cute and inspiring fitness planner for all of you planning and trucking addicts out there.

So, head on to check it out!

You can write down every single detail, result, progress, meal, workout and almost anything you want to track.

And remember, if you write it you’ll do it!

Till next time babes

Tracking Weight Loss Progress - Why It's Important & How To Do It Right (2024)


Why is it important to track weight loss? ›

Tracking is an invaluable tool on the weight loss journey, promoting awareness, accountability, and motivation. By keeping a record of your efforts, you gain insights into your behaviors, identify patterns, and make informed decisions for sustained progress.

What is the best way to track weight loss progress? ›

How to track weight loss progress
  1. Use a scale. This option is tried and true for a reason. ...
  2. Monitor your BMI. Your BMI, or body mass index, is a ratio of weight and height. ...
  3. Bust out the tape measure. ...
  4. Notice how your clothes fit. ...
  5. Take a selfie. ...
  6. Use a weight tracking app. ...
  7. Be consistent in your tracking.
Aug 24, 2021

What is the importance of weight loss? ›

Weight loss to a healthy weight for a person's height can promote health benefits. These include lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, less stress on bones and joints, and less work for the heart. It is vital to maintain weight loss to obtain health benefits over a lifetime.

How do you measure your body for weight loss progress? ›

Hips: Place the tape measure around the biggest part of your hips. Thighs: Measure around the biggest part of each thigh. Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm above the elbow. Waist: Measure a half-inch above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist.

Why is it important to track your fitness progress? ›

Progress assessment — Keeping track of your workouts allows you to assess the progress you've made. By analysing your tracked data, you can identify patterns, strengths, and areas that may need a bit of improvement.

What's the most important thing when losing weight? ›

One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such as brisk walking — for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Some people may require more physical activity than this to lose weight and maintain that weight loss. Any extra movement helps burn calories.

What is weight loss progress? ›

The two main stages of weight loss are rapid weight loss and slow weight loss. In the first stage, you'll drop weight at a rapid rate. Most of the weight loss in this stage is from protein, carbs, and water. In the second stage, you'll lose weight more slowly, but most of the pounds you shed will come from fat.

How to track fitness progress? ›

Keep A Fitness Journal: Maintaining a fitness journal is a classic and practical tracking of your progress. Use it to record your workouts, including the exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods. Additionally, note how you feel during each session and any observations or improvements you notice.

How to track weight gain progress? ›

Track your weight gain progress
  1. Keep a diary to monitor your kilojoule intake and training schedule.
  2. Be consistent. Weight gain requires that you increase your daily food intake every day. ...
  3. Make sure your goals are realistic. ...
  4. See your doctor regularly to assess your progress.

How did Kelly Clarkson lose weight? ›

She credits several factors that contributed to losing weight, including exercise, eating a healthy mix of food, and allowing herself occasional treats. Clarkson also enjoys infrared saunas and cold plunges. Experts say sustainable improvements to your diet and exercise regimen are the most effective weight loss aids.

How does losing weight change your life? ›

Some possible changes to your life from losing weight

You could have more energy, improved mood, improved mobility, decreased joint pain and better sleep. You'll lower your risk of some cancers and other obesity related diseases and improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

How often should I check my weight loss progress? ›

Our weight fluctuates somewhat from day-to-day, and daily weighing can lead to discouragement and potential diet sabotage if you see a higher number on the scale than you saw the day before. Most diet experts believe that a once-weekly or even monthly weigh-in is a more accurate reflection of weight control progress.

What are the signs of losing belly fat? ›

How to know when your body is burning fat
  • An improved sense of well-being.
  • A decreased appetite.
  • An improvement in the way your clothes fit.
  • Better-quality sleep and less snoring.
  • An improvement in your mood.
  • Better health parameters such as a lowering of blood pressure, decrease in chronic pain, or smoother bowel movements.
Aug 4, 2022

Do you need to track to lose weight? ›

"It turns out, you don't need to track 100% each day to be successful," says Xu. "Specifically in this trial, we find that people only need to track around 30% of the days to lose more than 3% weight and 40% of the days to lose more than 5% weight, or almost 70% of days to lose more than 10% weight.

Is it important to track your weight? ›

"Keeping tabs on your progress is important to help achieve your weight loss goals," said Peeke, who chairs the Science Advisory Board for the Jenny Craig weight loss centers. However, she added, "If daily weighing causes you more anxiety than motivation, then it's not right for you."

Why is self monitoring important for weight loss? ›

The goal of self-monitoring is to increase self-awareness of target behaviors and outcomes, thus it can serve as an early warning system if problems are arising and can help track success. Some commonly used self-monitoring techniques include: Food diaries. Regular self-weighing.

Why keep track of weight? ›

Record keeping can help you lose weight — and keep it off

If you're not keeping track of what you're eating and doing for exercise, you need to start. Record keeping is one of the most powerful tools in weight management.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.