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Word WorksCracking Vocabulary’s CODE

2nd Edition


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Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series™ Word WorksCracking Vocabulary’s CODE

Published by Thoughtful Education Press, LLC.227 First Street, Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423 Phone: 800-962-4432 | Fax: 201-652-1127 |

This Word Works: Cracking Vocabulary’s CODE Resource Guide is part of the Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series™Word Works: Cracking Vocabulary’s CODE portfolio.(ISBN: 978-1-58284-130-4)

© 2008 Thoughtful Education Press, LLC.

All rights reserved. No part of this book, including but not limited to the accompanying Thoughtful Classroom PortfolioSeries™ Word Works: Cracking Vocabulary’s CODE folder and Becoming a Vocabulary Master classroom poster may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, orany information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of briefquotations embodied in critical articles and reviews or those pages designated as reproducible.

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Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series™ and The Thoughtful Classroom™ are trademarks of Silver Strong & Associatesand Thoughtful Education Press.

Additional titles in the Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series include:

Compare & Contrast: How Comparative Thinking Strengthens Student Learning

Reading for Meaning: Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

From Note Taking to Notemaking: How Making Notes and Summarizing Strengthen Student Learning

Inference: Strategies for Making Logical Connections and Developing Powerful Explanations

Task Rotation: Differentiating Activities, Assignments, and Assessments by Learning Style

Questioning Styles and Strategies: How to Use Questions to Engage and Motivate Different Styles of Learners

Classroom Curriculum Design: How Strategic Units Improve Instruction and Engage Students in Meaningful Learning

The New American Lecture: How Notes, Organizers, and Differentiated Questions Help Students Build Strong Memories

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Table of Contents

Welcome to the Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

ThoughtWork: Before the Next Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

ThoughtWork: Before the Next Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

Part 3: Evaluating the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

ThoughtWork: Before the Next Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

Part 4: Learning from Student Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67



Word WorksCracking Vocabulary’s CODE

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THOUGHTFUL CLASSROOM PORTFOLIO SERIES …· Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series™ and The Thoughtful Classroom™ - [PDF Document] (5)


Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Welcome to the Thoughtful ClassroomPortfolio Series

The Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio SeriesSometimes the simplest innovations produce the greatest results. Designed by a collaborative ofteachers, administrators, and trainers, Thoughtful Classroom Portfolios make the important work ofbringing high-impact, research-based instructional practices into your classroom or school easier thanever before.

Each Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio serves as a complete professional development training resourcefor teachers to learn, plan, and implement a specific research-based instructional practice in theirclassrooms.

Each Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio consists of three parts:

1. The six-sided portfolio, in file-folder format, provided as a handy tool for quick reference during lesson planning, as well as a convenient location to store student work samples for later evaluation.

2. The comprehensive Resource Guide, which contains worksheets, templates, examples, and activities to be used during teacher training sessions.

3. A matching poster for presenting the strategy or technique to students in the classroom.

How to use this Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio

Truly understanding, mastering, and using a new practice in your classroom takes time andcommitment. You should expect to spend at least 20 hours (including meeting time and practice)mastering a new strategy. Although our suggestion is to break the material and training into four parts (or sessions) as shown below, you may choose to break up the work differently to suit your own schedule and needs.

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE (3 hours)

Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit (2 to 3 hours)

Part 3: Evaluating the Unit (2 to 3 hours)

Part 4: Learning from Student Work (2 to 3 hours)

We recommend that you spread your training sessions out over two months (two meetings per month) to allow ample time for completing the ThoughtWork practice assignments provided for use between sessions.

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The Thoughtful Classroom Portfolio Series and Learning Clubs—perfect together!

One of the best ways to get the most out of using Thoughtful Classroom Portfolios is to use them with teacher teams as part of a Thoughtful Classroom Learning Club. A Learning Club is a collaborativesupport structure developed by Silver Strong & Associates to encourage educators to work together toplan, implement, and evaluate lessons and units that make a difference in student learning. Ourresearch has consistently shown the value of Learning Clubs in helping teachers not only learn, but also apply what they learn in the classroom. For tips on how to start your own Thoughtful ClassroomLearning Club in your school, visit

We believe that successful schools are built on a culture of support that encourages teachersto apply new ideas and practices in their classrooms. We are confident that creative toolssuch as Thoughtful Classroom Portfolios can play a significant role in fostering such a culture,and we are proud you have chosen one of our products to help you as you work to improvethe quality of teaching and learning in your classroom and throughout your school.

Please write us at [emailprotected] for any assistance or to share your ideas and suggestions. Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we continue to revise and developnew portfolios.

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Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

The goal for this session is to examine current vocabulary instruction and learnthe four phases of Vocabulary’s CODE.

In this session you will:

nn3 Understand why vocabulary is essential for students to besuccessful in the classroom, on state tests, and in their careers.

nn3 Explore a model for thoughtful and effective vocabulary instruction.

nn3 Learn the four phases of Vocabulary’s CODE.

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Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Let’s Get Started Peanut butter and jelly. Romeo and Juliet. Yin and yang. Some things just go together naturally. Here’sanother natural pair: successful students and content knowledge. The reason the two go together issimple. Successful students are adept at mastering and using the content knowledge they learn whilereading, in the classroom, and beyond the school walls.

But have you ever stopped to think about what content knowledge is? Knowledge of a content areacomes in the form of critical concepts, ideas, and terms. In other words, content knowledge is made upof vocabulary. This means that students’ academic success rests heavily on their ability to remember,understand, and communicate using new and critical vocabulary.

But our vocabulary represents more than what we know—it’s also how we learn more. As RobertMarzano (2004) explains, vocabulary words are the building blocks for future learning. New learning isbuilt on top of previous learning, and previous learning is made up of—you guessed it—vocabulary. So,the more concepts and terms students know, the more they’ll understand and can learn. For example,take a look at this problem on honeycombs.

Many people know that bees store their honey in structures known as honeycombs. Many people also know that honeycombs are made of wax. But when mathematicians and scientists look closely at honeycombs, they see what most people overlook; they see thousands of tessellated, regular hexagonsjoined together.

Why tessellated regular hexagons? Is it possible that another shape such as apentagon, an equilateral triangle, or a square might make for a more efficienthoneycomb? Or is there something about the natural design that offers maximumhoney storage using a minimum amount of wax?

Students’ ability to understand this problem will depend almost completely on their understanding of the underlined terms. They’ll need to know that regular shapes have equal sides and angles. They’llneed to know the critical attributes of hexagons, pentagons, equilateral triangles, and squares. Andthey’ll need to know that regular hexagons are tessellated when there are no gaps, no overlap, andwhen each corner point is surrounded by exactly three hexagons.

So, if “knowing the vocabulary” is a prerequisite for deep understanding, what happens to thosestudents who have not mastered the critical terms and concepts that make up the content? More oftenthan not, they become sealed off from the learning opportunities and demands of the classroom, andthey lose their grip on what they’re learning. To put it succinctly, “If students hold limited meanings forthe words, they also will hold limited understandings of the concepts, hence limited understandings ofthe subject” (Herber, 1978, p. 130). Clearly, if we expect to close the achievement gap, we will need toaddress vocabulary instruction head on. That’s why we say: teaching vocabulary is one of the mostimportant instructional decisions we can make.

corner point

tessellated regular hexagons

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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

There are three distinct ways to grow a vocabulary. One way is through wide reading. A second way avocabulary grows is through experience, as we talk and listen and interact and take the many paths thatour lives present to us. A third way to expand vocabulary is through direct vocabulary instruction, inwhich the teacher focuses students’ attention on the critical academic words and terms they’ll need tosucceed in school and beyond.

In this Resource Guide, we’ll be concentrating on direct vocabulary instruction. By applying the WordWorks approach to vocabulary instruction, we show our students how to:

• develop a preliminary understanding of new words and academic terms.

• revise that understanding as they read and learn.

• practice using new terms so that students understand what they mean andhow they are used.

Take a few minutes to think about your own experiences with teaching and learning vocabulary. Then,collect your thoughts in Figure 1.1. When you’re done, share your thoughts with your Learning Club.

Figure 1.1: Activity – Reflecting on Vocabulary

What do you remember about your own experiences as a student learning new vocabulary terms?

How do you learn new words now, as an adult?

What do you do in your classroom to help students learn new words?

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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Why Vocabulary MattersNow that you know that vocabulary instruction is a “best bet” for raising student achievement, let’s lookinto some of the reasons. On the following pages are twelve reasons for teaching vocabulary. Readthem through, then give each reason a number ranking from 1-3.

• A 3 means “essential to me.”

• A 2 means “important to me.”

• A 1 means “not as important as the others.”

Try to divide the reasons up evenly: four 3’s, four 2’s, four 1’s.

nn 1. Vocabulary touches the lives and work of all teachers. Science may have labs and English dramatic readings; kindergartners may work with clay blocks, while high school math students make use of graphingcalculators; but every teacher, no matter the grade level or content area, has a vocabulary to teach and learn. Because vocabulary learning is acommon concern of all teachers, it facilitates teachers’ abilities to share and learn from each other.

nn 2. Increasing students’ vocabulary directly affects their achievement.Consider Figure 1.2 below:

Adapted from Marzano (2004) Building Background Knowledge fro Academic Achievement, p. 69.

(Original data from Stahl & Fairbanks, 1986)

Figure 1.2: Vocabulary Instruction and Student Achievement on Subject-Area Tests






No vocabularyinstruction

Direct vocabularyinstruction (when based

on high-frequency lists)

Direct vocabularyinstruction

(when based on important

academic terms)






ile r




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Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

nn 3. We can have a significant effect on students’ vocabulary knowledge byusing the right strategies. Students who were taught vocabulary using bothlinguistic and nonlinguistic strategies performed on average:

– 37 percentile points higher than students who were asked toremember definitions, and

– 21 percentile points higher than students who createdsentences using the words in context.

nn 4. The more vocabulary students know, the better learners they become.What’s the reason for this? The logic is pretty simple. The richer students’vocabulary becomes, the more background knowledge they acquire. Themore background knowledge they acquire, the more they bring to each newlearning experience. And the better prepared and more informed they are atthe beginning of the learning experience, the more they can learn. So, byexpanding students’ vocabulary, you’re also expanding their ability tocomprehend new information and helping them on their way to becomingpowerful lifelong learners.

nn 5. Increasing vocabulary produces a significant increase in students’comprehension of content area material. For example, as Marzano (2004)explains:

“The effect size of .97 for direct vocabulary instruction that targetsacademic terms that students will encounter in their reading material…is even more impressive. Specifically, it indicates that students’comprehension will increase by 33 percentile points when vocabularyinstruction focuses on specific words important to the content they arereading as opposed to words from high-frequency lists.” (p. 68-69)

nn 6. Words are the tools of thought. The truth is, “knowing the vocabulary” isessential if you expect to do any kind of deep thinking on just about anytopic. To help explain why, we offer two brief scenarios:

Scenario 1: You’ve been asked by your school to help decide whatcomputer systems to buy for your building. In your brain’s bank of“computer words” are terms such as processor, hard drive, operatingsystem, gigabytes, and RAM. Now, take those words away. Erase themand their meanings from your vocabulary. How insightful will youradvice be? Would you trust a recommendation for a purchase ofthousands of dollars in hardware from someone who doesn’t knowwhat a processor is or why it’s important to know how many gigabytesof information a hard drive can hold?

Scenario 2: Now imagine two high school students in an economicsclass who are about to write an essay on the development of the New Your Stock Exchange. One student has mastered the 20 criticalterms from the unit; the other has not. Whose work will show greaterdepth of thought?

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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

nn 7. The number of vocabulary words students know correlates with theirperformance on standardized tests. Consider:

High-performing students know, on average, between 4,500 and 5,400 more words than students with low standardized test scores.(Nagy & Herman, 1984)

nn 8. Differences in vocabulary account for some of the most troublingdifferences between students. Consider:

• Students from high socioeconomic families possess roughly4,700 more words than students from low socioeconomicfamilies. (Nagy & Herman, 1984)

• On average, mid-range socioeconomic first graders learn 50%more words than their low socioeconomic peers. (Nagy & Herman, 1984)

nn 9. Good oral and written communication depends on a robust vocabulary.This statement is so self-evident that it needs no further explanation.However, we all like a good story, so here’s a true story that Heidi HayesJacobs (2006a) tells about Mr. Davidson. Mr. Davidson taught high schoolscience for more than 30 years when he decided to make a change. Afterconsulting with his fellow teachers about the poor quality of many students’writing, he posted in his classrooms a word bank for each new unit of study. The word bank was a collection of “vivid, precise, and engaging words that embellish and give power to thinking in print and in speech... Inshort, Mr. Davidson stepped up his role as a science teacher to that of ascience teacher who gives his students a critical tool for better science:better words” (p. 33).

And the results? As Jacobs explained in her recent workshop on literacy(2006b):

By asking students to use at least five words from the word bank intheir lab reports and allowing students to revise their reports to makethem more engaging, Mr. Davidson saw students who began the yearwriting “It went down the test tube” end the year with sentences thatsounded like this: “The viscous blue fluid oozed down the side of thetest tube.”

nn 10. Students with strong vocabularies do better in college, in their careers,and in life than students with inadequate vocabularies. Although thisstatement may not be fair, it is certainly true. Study after study shows that arich vocabulary opens all kinds of doors that remain closed to students withaverage and below-average vocabularies. Thus, the students with the mostpowerful vocabularies are most likely to become successful college studentswho get the most academic opportunities and adults who land the bestjobs with the highest salaries.

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Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

nn 11. Improving students’ content-area vocabulary is a manageable andmeaningful district-wide task. As Marzano’s research (see Figure 1.2 onpage 6) shows, teachers make the greatest impact on student achievementby focusing vocabulary instruction on critical academic terms rather thanhigh-frequency lists. This means that fewer—but more important—words arethe name of the game. With this idea in mind, Beck, McKeown, and Kucan(2002) suggest focusing instruction on roughly 400 words each year, or 10-12 words per week.

nn 12. A good vocabulary builds confidence and self-esteem. As Hart and Risley(1995) show, access to rich language experiences correlates strongly notonly with poverty but also with self-concept. Students with limited languageexperiences and limited vocabularies often struggle with their confidenceand tend to have lower self-esteem than their peers.

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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Review your rankings with the members of your Learning Club. Then, take a few minutes to summarizethe reasons for making vocabulary instruction central in your classroom and your school. Don’t just re-list the reasons. Try to condense and distill the list into a concise summary. Record your summary in Figure 1.3 below.

We might summarize the reasons for teaching vocabulary as follows. Teaching vocabulary:

• is a concern of every teacher, regardless of grade level or content area.

• leads to significant increases in student achievement.

• improves student comprehension and their ability to learn.

• fuels deeper thinking and more powerful communication.

• can help students build self-esteem and improve their access to academicand career opportunities.

• is a manageable task for schools and districts.

• can level the playing field for disadvantaged students and, in the process,help us close the achievement gap.

How does our summary compare with yours?

Figure 1.3: Activity – Summarizing the Reasons for Vocabulary Instruction

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Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Pause for a moment to look at the six-sided outside folder of this Word Works portfolio. The folder willserve as a quick reference for some of the topics covered in greater depth in this Resource Guide. Youmay also want to keep student work and assessments in this folder to monitor student progress. Openthe folder and read the first inside panel, entitled “What is Word Works?”

The Word Works approach to vocabulary instruction is powerful because it helps students achievemultiple learning goals. In this Resource Guide, we will focus on four of the most common goalsassociated with vocabulary instruction (Figure 1.4).

Now, take a few minutes to compare your own goals associated with vocabulary instruction with thesegoals. Use the activities in Figure 1.5 to shape your thoughts. Then, discuss your responses with yourLearning Club.

What can Word Works do for you and your students?

Figure 1.4: The Four Goals of Word Works

Build Students’ Background KnowledgeVocabulary instruction is one of the best ways to build students’ backgroundknowledge—and grow their capacity for future learning. Why? Because the morebackground knowledge students acquire, the more they bring to each new learningexperience. And the better prepared and more informed they are at the beginningof the learning experience, the more they can learn.

Deepen Students’ ComprehensionWord Works focuses students’ attention on the most important concepts andterms, which enhances their ability to understand and identify the main ideas andkey details in what they read and study.

Help Students Develop More Powerful ExplanationsTo write powerful explanations, students need to be able to communicate clearlyand precisely, while also demonstrating mastery over critical concepts. Few thingsdevelop these abilities as well as vocabulary instruction.

Improve Students’ Self-Concept/ConfidenceStudents with limited language experiences and limited vocabularies often struggle with their confidence and tend to have lower self-esteem than their peers. Vocabulary instruction helps level the playing field for these students. As their ability to learn academic vocabulary grows, so will their confidence in themselves as learners and contributors in the classroom.

Goal #1

Goal #2

Goal #3

Goal #4

Goal #1

Goal #2

Goal #3

Goal #4

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Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Figure 1.5: Activity – Processing the Four Goals

Create an “amoeba” in the quadrant below that shows how much attention your currentapproach to vocabulary instruction gives to each of the four goals. For example, if you give most of your attention to deepening comprehension and developing powerful explanations, your amoeba might look like this:

What are some different ways you are currently using vocabulary instruction to help your studentsmeet these goals?

Background Knowledge Self-Concept

Comprehension Explanations

Background Knowledge Self-Concept

Comprehension Explanations

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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

What Is a Word? Or, the Difference Between a Vocabulary and DictionaryWhat is a word? It’s a more provocative question than it seems to be at first glance. Think about it.Then, record your ideas in Figure 1.6.

Clearly, both a dictionary and a vocabulary are made up of words. So what’s the difference? Well forone, a dictionary is a reference. It provides you with just about every single word you can use. Avocabulary is different. A vocabulary is your own personal dictionary. It represents the words you know—the words you do use rather than all the words you can use.

Are there other differences? Yes. But to get to them, we need to focus some attention on the first twoquestions: What is a word? and What does it mean to know a word?

Suppose you were reading a book and right in the middle of the page you found the word “cat.” Youwould know that word stood for a small furry animal with a tendency to purr and kick balls of yarnaround. Now, suppose you drove into a rest stop on the highway and saw the image:

You would know that stood for information.

Teaching a class, you hear a “bzzzz” or a “brrrinngg,” and you know a period has just ended or one isabout to begin.

Now, what do all these situations have in common?

Linguists would say these are all examples of signs. A sign is a mark, picture, or sound that stands forsomething else. Every word is a sign.

Figure 1.6: Activity – Thinking About Words

What is a word?

What does it mean to know a word?

Now, what is the difference between a dictionary and a vocabulary?


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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

One way to get to know a word is to think about it as a sign, to pay attention to what it signifies. Forexample, when you hear the word “vocabulary” what other words come to mind? We’ve written theword “vocabulary” on two different organizers in Figure 1.7—on the back of a Spider Organizer and atthe center of a web to help you collect your associations. Choose your organizer and complete it bycollecting your associations with the word “vocabulary.” By the way, using Spider Organizers or webs atthe beginning of a unit is one way to provoke thinking about a critical concept word.

Another way to use a Spider Organizer is to list the associations as clues and have the students figureout what the word or concept is. Figure 1.8 below shows how a first grade teacher used a SpiderOrganizer to introduce her students to their unit on (of all things!) spiders.

Figure 1.7: Activity – Two Incomplete Organizers

Figure 1.8: Spider Organizer


8 legsthousa

nds of eggs


some live in holes

some live near the

tops of mountains

web spinner



can jum


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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Research into how humans remember information (Anderson, 1995) and build their backgroundknowledge (Marzano, 2004) demonstrates that a word has two parts, a label (the word itself) and apacket of knowledge associated with the label that is stored in our permanent memory. These packetsof knowledge are built out of our direct and indirect experiences with the word and include both a set of linguistic associations and a set of nonlinguistic associations, which can include stored images,sounds, feelings, and physical sensations. For example, say the word “movies” and many people mightcall up a packet, or network, of linguistic associations like Figure 1.9.

On top of these linguistic associations, most people will also call up things like the smell of popcorn,the shock of the cold air in the theater, the swelling music of a soundtrack, the images and lines ofdialogue that have stayed with them through the years. Compare the depth and richness of this packet of words, images, sensations, and feelings with a dictionary definition of the word “movies.”

movies: n. the exhibition of a motion picture, or the motion picture industry in general (usually preceded by the).

So, one way in which a vocabulary is different from dictionary definitions is that our vocabulary wordshave meanings that are filled with images, sounds, and sensations. It should come as no surprise then,that research shows that asking students to memorize definitions from a dictionary or glossary is one ofthe least effective ways to build students’ vocabularies and background knowledge.

A simple and effective way to begin the process of building students’ memories and deepening theirunderstanding of new words is to use a method called “dual-coding” (Paivio, 1990). Paivio discoveredthat when teachers dual-code learning by asking students to process information using both words andnonlinguistic forms of representation, students’ recall of the new information increases significantly.

Figure 1.9: Linguistic Associations for the Word “Movies”



movie stars

the theater my first Kiss

Karen Upshaw



that fake buttery stuff

George Clooney

Marilyn Monroe

Clint Eastwood

Dirty Harrysummertime


The Oscars The Red Carpet

the bigHollywood sign

superhero moviesSpiderman


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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Introducing Vocabulary’s CODE

Let’s try a little dual-coding right now. Using Figure 1.10 below, create a visual icon that represents your understanding of “vocabulary.” Then briefly explain why your icon is a good representation of the word “vocabulary.”

Figure 1.10: Activity – Visualizing Vocabulary

Term: vocabulary



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Silver Strong & Associates • Thoughtful Education Press • • 800.962.4432

Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Another difference between a dictionary and a robust vocabulary is that our vocabulary includes us—our experiences with the words we know. Again, let’s look at the word “vocabulary.” This time, we will use a teaching tool called “Think of a Time” (Figure 1.11) to help you reflect on your experienceswith vocabulary.

Figure 1.11: Activity – Think of a Time

Think of a time when your vocabulary either helped you succeed or got in your way.Describe the situation and how you used your vocabulary. How did you feel in thesituation?

Think of a time when you observed someone who used words powerfully. What wasthe effect of this person’s vocabulary on you?

Think of a time you helped someone master new words or concepts. What did you doto help build this person’s vocabulary?

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Let’s look at another way to know a word in greater depth than a dictionary definition. Figure 1.12shows three examples of a concept known as “chair.” Even though they differ, what do all three chairshave in common that make them chairs?

Chairs have a seat, a back, and a base. Only one person can sit on any of them. There are other thingswe sit on, but they are not called chairs because they lack one or more of these attributes. A stool isnot a chair because it does not have a back. A couch is not a chair because it sits more than one, and a table is not a chair because your mother wouldn’t let you sit on it.

Figure 1.12: Three Chairs

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

The following organizer is called a Concept Definition Map. It is used to help students analyze conceptsand determine their critical attributes. Figure 1.13 shows a Concept Definition Map for the term “chair.”

Figure 1.13: Concept Definition Map for “Chair”


(examples thatshare some, but

not all, of thecritical attributes)



love seat

Category the word belongs to Critical attributes


Word or concept under analysis

furniture has a seat youcan sit on

has a back tosupport upper body

has a base thatholds the seat off

the ground

holds only one persondesk chairrocking chair

Adirondack chairfolding chair

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Now it’s your turn. See if you can create a Concept Definition Map for the term “bicycle” in Figure 1.14.Compare your map with the maps created by the other members of your Learning Club.

How would you go about creating a Concept Definition Map for a more abstract term like “vocabulary?”

Let’s look at one more difference between a vocabulary and a dictionary. We might call this differenceplayfulness. One way we get greater control over our vocabulary words is by playing with them, byexperimenting with and refining their meanings so that they take on a life of their own in our minds in a way that no dictionary definition can match. One way we do this is through metaphors and similes.Our minds are designed to compare things, even if those things have no obvious similarities. This quest for connections and relationships allows us to see words and their meanings in new andsurprising ways.

Figure 1.14: Activity – Concept Definition Map for “Bicycle”


(examples thatshare some, but

not all, of thecritical attributes)


Category the word belongs to Critical attributes


Word or concept under analysis

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Let’s try a simile now. Think about the question that opened this section: What is a word? See if youcan create a simile for “word” by comparing it to something that has no obvious relationship to it. Is aword more like a:

• suitcase?

• spider’s web?

• tree?

• picture in a frame?

Pick one item from the list. Then use Figure 1.15 below to explain your simile. Try to give at least threereasons for your choice.

Of course, there are many other ways to help students build their comprehension of important wordsand concepts that go beyond the superficial and easily forgotten definitions found in dictionaries. InPart Two of this Resource Guide, we’ll examine a set of specific tools and techniques that help studentsbecome vocabulary masters.

Now, let’s take a moment to see what we’ve learned so far about words and vocabulary.

A word is like a _____________________________________ because...

Figure 1.15: Activity – Creating a Simile

What new understanding do you have of the word “word?”

What new understanding do you have of the word “vocabulary?”

What does it mean to know a word?

Figure 1.16: Activity – Revisiting Our Understanding

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Cracking Vocabulary’s CODE, or How the Mind Learns New Words If we want our students to master critical concepts and build a solid base of knowledge so they cansucceed in school and in life, then we need to know Vocabulary’s CODE. What is Vocabulary’s CODE?We’re glad you asked.

CODE is a simple way of applying what current brain research tells us about how to master newinformation. (If you’re familiar with our strategy called New American Lecture, then you already know about the power of CODE.) Its name stands for the four essential interactions that must happen between our brains and new words if we expect to remember their meanings and apply them to our learning: CONNECT, ORGANIZE, DEEP PROCESS, and EXERCISE.

In this section, you’ll get an overview of CODE and how it works. As you learn the phases of CODE,you’ll develop a simple and personally meaningful glossary, with entries for each phase of CODE. Using Figure 1.17, you will:

• write the name of the phase.

• develop your own definition of the term, or phase.

• create a simple icon that will help you remember what the term means.

The reading describing CODE appears directly after Figure 1.17.

You’ll notice that Figure 1.17 has a fourth column labeled “Examples from the Lesson.” You’ll be askedto complete this column later, but don’t worry about it for now.

The first phase in CODE is to connect with new words. As a model, we have completed the entry forCONNECT. For each of the remaining phases, you will create your own entry. When you’ve completedyour glossary, compare your definitions and icons with the members of your Learning Club.

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Figure 1.17: Activity – A Glossary for CODE

Phase My Definition How I’ll Remember It(Icon)

Examples from the Lesson


Using context and ourown memories to get ahandle on new words.

In the classroom, it meansteaching students how

to attack words andproviding lots of exposure

to new words.

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

To learn new words and their meanings deeply, we need to:

ONNECT with the new word by searching our memories and examining the context in which theword appears. The essential idea here is that the brain wants to establish a connection—eitherbased on what it already knows or what it observes—to the new word in order to get a handleon it. Helping students connect with new words takes more than one form. For example, oneway to help students connect with new words is to teach them how to attack words by breakingthem down into parts, using context clues, drawing on associations, etc. Another way is tomaximize their exposure to new words. For example, strategies like Word Walls immersestudents in current vocabulary, thereby building their connection to new words every day. In thisguide, we will explore both types of connection techniques.

RGANIZE new words into meaningful categories and frameworks. As the number of new wordswe encounter grows, the brain creates an organizational system into which these new words canbe slotted. Stop and think for a minute about all the categories our brains create, and all thewords and ideas that fit into these categories: classes you teach, types of trees, cars you’veowned, students in your first-period class, ice cream flavors, the list goes on and on. Theprinciple is the same when it comes to vocabulary instruction, except that as students arelearning increasingly complex content, the categories into which new terms fit aren’t always soclear. So (we bet you know this), students will need help.

Complete the second row of your glossary (Figure 1.17).

EEP PROCESS new words. Deep processing means interacting with a new word in more than asuperficial, fill-in-the-blank kind of way. Deep processing a word can mean visualizing it, restatingits definition in our own words, creating a metaphor for it, even acting it out or explaining ouremotional response to it. It is important to note that deep processing is where trueunderstanding happens. This is because connecting and organizing help us to get a handle onnew words and categorize them, but neither promotes the kind of rich, multilayered interactionof deep processing. It is also important to note that deep processing greatly increases retentionand recall: by allowing our brains to make deep and meaningful connections with new words,we have an easier time remembering and using them.

Complete the third row of your glossary.

XERCISE our brains by revisiting and practicing what we have learned over time. When it comesto learning new words, the brain is like a muscle: skip the exercise and you’ll lose the definition(pun intended). To hold onto the words we learn and what these words mean, we need toreview our learning in a way that promotes high levels of retention.

Complete the fourth row of your glossary.








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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Experiencing Vocabulary’s CODE We’re coming to the end of Part One of this Resource Guide. But before we wrap things up, we’d likeyou to experience the four phases of CODE.

Below you will find a short reading called “The Most Bizarre Meeting Ever.” In it are a number ofunfamiliar words, which have been underlined. In the set of activities that follow, you will become“intimate” with these words by moving through the four phases of CODE. When you’re done, go back to your glossary (Figure 1.17) and list the specific techniques that were used in this lesson for eachphase of CODE. Begin by reading the passage below and seeing if you can figure out what eachunderlined word means.

The Most Bizarre Meeting EverRaul: That had to be the most bizarre meeting ever.

Jahnelle: I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I guess that’s what happenswhen your boss is suffering from the world’s worst case of torschlusspanik.

Raul: Tell me about it! He peenged on and on about how he used to be aworld class swimmer—how he used to “cut through the water like a torpedo”and how he used to look like “a million bucks in a Speedo.”

Jahnelle: Did you see when he held up the picture of himself from hisSpeedo days and said, “Once upon a time I was a Speedo-sporting, back-stroke god. I was admired by women on four separate continents. Now I’m aNobodaddy.”

Raul: No. How could I have missed that? It must have happened right whenJake started to flaffer around the room in his overly-starched suit showingeveryone his collection of breath mint wrappers from restaurants aroundHouston.

Jahnelle: What a nihilarian!

Raul: I do remember when Wendy got up and told the boss that shethought he looked more godlike than ever, and that she was sure he couldbeat his old swimming times. I mean, she’s got to be trying to make theboss look like a complete fool for some devious purpose. I think she’s tryingto ruin us.

Jahnelle: Whether Wendy’s a lordswike or not, I just wish the boss hadn’ttaken her so seriously. I did not need to see him strip down and conduct therest of the meeting in his Speedo to prove that he still had it. By the way, isthat when you fainted?

Raul: Yes, but it wasn’t because of that. Did you see the consultants the bosscalled in to bring fresh new ideas into the company?

Jahnelle: Do you mean the guy with the eye patch and the parrot whohanded out “free” copies of his book, Managing Like a Kye: How to SaveMoney the Pirate’s Way and then wanted to charge us $20 per book at theend of the meeting?

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Raul: No, not that one. The one that was into myomancy and claimed hecould forecast the success of the company over the next five years. I tell you,the minute he pulled out those rodents everything went black for me. I havean unnatural fear of those little critters.

Jahnelle: Did you know that guy makes over $500 an hour?

Raul: Wow. If only I could keep from passing out, I’d change careers.

Jahnelle: So you were out for the end of the meeting?

Raul: Yep. I just came to ten minutes ago.

Jahnelle: Then you missed the announcement about the company softballouting this weekend?

Raul: It’s not cancelled is it? I just bought a new mitt and catcher’s mask.

Jahnelle: Well, it’s not a softball outing anymore. We’re having a hastiludeinstead.

Raul: What?! Where on Earth are we going to buy spears? Wait a minute. Is that even safe? Or legal?

Jahnelle: I don’t know. Maybe we should seriously consider going back toour old jobs.

Raul: Nah, despite all its quirks, I think this company has a bright future. I’m sticking with and my stock options. Now, can you buyspears in the mall?

Phase 1: Connecting to New WordsThe reading above contains a number of what Erin McKean (2002, 2003) refers toas “Weird and Wonderful Words.”

For each of the nine words from the passage, generate a preliminary definition inthe column titled “My Educated Definition” in Figure 1.19 on the next page.

How did you generate your definitions? What techniques did you use to “educate”your definitions? Record your ideas in Figure 1.18 below.

Figure 1.18: Activity – How I Educated My Definitions

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Figure 1.19: Activity – Comparing Definitions

Word My Educated Definition Actual Definition Differences










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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

How Close Were You?Here are the nine words defined. How close were your educated definitions? What subtleties, or shades, of meaning did you miss? Note the differences between your educated definition and theactual definition in the “Differences” column in Figure 1.19.

Figure 1.20: Activity – Comparing Definitions

Word Definition

torschlusspanikA German word that literally means “shut door panic.” It is similar to a mid-life crisis or the fear that life is passing by too quickly.

peenged To whine while complaining.

NobodaddyA term coined by English poet William Blake. The word is a combination of nobody and daddy and means someone who is no longer worthy of admiration.

flaffer Tol make noise while moving.

nihilarian Someone who is concerned with things that are of no interest to others.

lordswike Traitor, from Old English roots that literally mean ‘lord deceiver.’

kye A cheap and greedy sailor.

myomancy Archaic practice of using the movements of mice to predict the future.

hastilude Latin for “spear play.” It refers to Medieval competitions involving spears.

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Phase 2: Organizing the WordsIn working with these words, you may have noticed some patterns or natural groups that some of thewords might fit into. Put the nine words into at least three different groups. (You can use the sameword multiple times.) Then, give each group a label that describes how the words go together. Increating your groups, don’t be afraid to look beyond the obvious. See if you can create a group that no one else in your Learning Club creates, but that has compelling logic behind it.

Figure 1.21: Activity – Group and Label

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Phase 3: Deep Processing New Words

It’s Kinda Like...

From the nine words, pick one—any one, your favorite one. Use it to create a simile in Figure 1.22. Howis your word like something else? Below your simile, explain the relationship between the two items.

Picture This...

Now use Figure 1.23 to create a visual icon for three different words:

_______________________________ is like _______________________________…(your favorite word)

Here’s how:

Figure 1.22: Activity – Simile

Figure 1.23: Activity – Visualizing Vocabulary

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Phase 4: Exercising Your Words

The Proof Is in the Pudding Writing

Now that you’ve gotten intimate with a number of weird and wonderful words, it’s time to put those words to use. Use Figure 1.24 below to write a short, creative piece that uses at least five of the nine words.

Don’t forget to go back to the fourth column of your glossary (Figure 1.17) and list thetechniques used during this lesson.

Figure 1.24: Activity – Parawriting

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Part 1: Learning the Strategy

1. How did the phases of CODE help you deepen your understanding of the new terms in the reading?

2. How did the specific techniques used in the lesson support the phases of CODE?

3. How is CODE similar to what you already do with your students? How is it different?

ThoughtWork: Before the Next Session Take a moment to reflect on what you have learned so far about vocabulary instruction and its secretCODE. Answer the questions below.

In the next session, you will be learning a set of vocabulary tools and using them to design a vocabulary-centered learning unit. In order to prepare for the next session you’ll need to:

• Keep track of any instances in your teaching when you think you could have used CODE to enhance student learning.

• Bring to the next session all of the material you’ll need to plan a vocabulary-centered unit (content, standards to cover, etc.).

Figure 1.25: Activity – Reflecting on Part One

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

The goal for this session is to work with a partner to develop a vocabulary-centered unit for your students

In this session you will...

nn3 Learn how to focus vocabulary instruction on the most critical terms.

nn3 Develop a Vocabulary Toolbox–a set of tools and techniques for guiding students through the phases of CODE.

nn3 Analyze sample vocabulary units designed by teachers.

nn3 Design a thoughtful vocabulary unit in your own content area.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Prioritizing Vocabulary Words A common frustration with vocabulary instruction resides in this simple fact: it is impossible to teachevery word a student needs to know. That’s why vocabulary prioritization is so crucial to vocabularyinstruction. By conducting a brief content analysis during unit planning and then organizing keyvocabulary into three categories—essential or central, important, nice to know—teachers can tackle themanageability issue with relative ease. Each category serves as a guideline for how much emphasis andtime should be spent on different words. For example, this is how a middle school teacher prioritizedher words for a unit on green plants and their role in the world’s ecosystems.

simple leafcompound leafannualsbiennials

Figure 2.1: Prioritized Words for a Unit on Plants

Nice to know

photosynthesiscarbon-oxygen cyclefood chaindeforestation

Central Concepts

carbon dioxide flowerspollination fruitroots chlorophyllstem chloroplastleaves stomataseeds cellulose


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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Let’s try a little vocabulary prioritization right now. Below are twenty vocabulary terms from Part One ofthis Resource Guide. How would you prioritize these terms? Use Figure 2.2 to decide which terms arenice to know, which are important, and which rise to the level of central concepts. When you are done,discuss your selections with your Learning Club. What similarities and differences can you find amongyour lists?

background knowledge Concept Definition Mappermanent memory critical attributesdirect vocabulary instruction simileacademic vocabulary Word Wallshigh-frequency word lists connectdual-coding organizenonlinguistic associations deep processsigns exerciseSpider Organizer comprehensionThink of a Time definition

Figure 2.2: Activity – Prioritizing Vocabulary Words

Nice to know

Central Concepts


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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

A Vocabulary Toolbox Teachers need a repertoire of instructional techniques to teach vocabulary. There are three reasons why this is true. First, there’s the research, which tells us that vocabulary learning improves dramaticallywhen students are exposed to words multiple times and are given the opportunity to work and playwith those words in a variety of ways (Marzano, 2004). Second, different kinds of words call fordifferent kinds of instructional techniques. Sometimes we want students to identify with terms (thinkendangered species); some words scream for classification (think of the instruments in the orchestra); some words (say reptiles vs. amphibians) are best understood when set against each other for comparison. Other words lose their abstraction once students make a visual connection (for example, cube). Because different kinds of words call for different kinds of instruction, only arepertoire of techniques will allow you to find the ideal fit between the words you teach and the many ways you can teach them. Finally, there’s the issue of implementation, of what to do in the actual classroom to make all of this stuff work. Although the four phases of CODE provide a basicframework for vocabulary instruction, the question of what specific tools and techniques teachers can use to help students CONNECT, ORGANIZE, DEEP PROCESS, and EXERCISE their words remains. For these reasons we have developed the Vocabulary Toolbox (Figures 2.3-2.6). The Vocabulary toolbox presents a variety of vocabulary tools and strategies organized according to the four phases of CODE. As you design vocabulary lessons or units, refer to this toolbox to help you select appropriatetechniques for each phase and to ensure deep learning for all students through multiple and diverseexposures to new words.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Figure 2.3: Tools for Helping Students CONNECT With New Words

Word Walls

An ideal tool for creating a classroom culture thatbreeds that all important familiarity between studentsand the words they encounter in their courses.Creating a Word Wall involves five steps:

1. Over the course of a unit, ask students to list wordsthat are new or unfamiliar to them.

2. During class, ask students to share the words ontheir list. Record these words on a sectioned-off part of the chalkboard or on poster paper.

3. Ask students to define each recorded word and togenerate one to three synonyms for each word. (If a synonym is not possible [e.g., for a propernoun], then a very brief definition will do.)

4. Create the Word Wall by recording these synonymsbelow each original word.

5. Have each student write a summary of, response to, or thesis essay about the reading or unit, usingwords from the Word Wall. Students must use fiveto ten words correctly in their writing.


A good glossary contains more than rewritten textbookdefinitions. Student glossaries have four columns:

Vocabulary Notebook

A tool for helping students use context clues todevelop their own perspective on the meaning ofdifficult words. To develop a Vocabulary Notebook,students move through five steps:

1. Students read the text, focusing on difficult words.(Often these words are highlighted by the teacher.)

2. Students assess their understanding of each wordusing symbols:

3. Using semantic clues (prefixes, suffixes, root words)and context clues, students generate a preliminarydefinition for each word.

4. Students find and record the dictionary/glossarydefinition that best fits the way the word is used.

5. Students compare their definitions to the actualdefinitions, noting similarities and differences.

Vocabulary Knowledge Rating (VKR)

Students write the terms from the chapter or unit on their VKR organizer. They then use a simple 1-4 rating system to determine their current level of understanding. Near the end of the unit, students revisit their VKR ratings to see how their understanding has evolved and where they need to focus their study efforts.

See It, Say It, Spell It, Show ItTeach students how to use the Four S’s to connect deeply with new words:

1. See the word. Note its spelling and the way it looks when written.

2. Say the word. Saying the word out loud a few times forges a connectionbetween your mouth and your brain.

3. Spell the word. Write the word out in your glossary, paying closeattention to how it is spelled.

4. Show the word. Show your understanding with sketches and sentencesyou create for these words in a glossary or Vocabulary Journal.

This tool is especially useful when the context doesn’t provide anysubstantial information about a word’s meaning.

3 = I know this word

= I think I know this word (underline)

= I don’t know this word (circle)

First,studentswrite theword.

Second,they recordthe textbookdefinition.

Third, theywrite theirown definition.

In the fourth andfinal column,students, dowhatever helpsthem rememberthe word’smeaning. Students can:• draw pictures;• list examples;• connect the

word to theirown experiences;

• provide a real-worldapplication.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Figure 2.4: Tools for Helping Students ORGANIZE New Words

Group and Label

Students examine the unit vocabulary and place wordsinto groups based on common characteristics.

For each group students create, they devise a labelthat describes what all the grouped words have in common.

Word Banks

Students examine a list of words and place them intothe appropriate slots in a visual organizer.

A Diagram to Die For

Students are asked to create a diagram that shows therelationship among the critical terms.

Fist List

The teacher provides a categoryin the palm of a hand organizer.Students generate five wordsthat fit the category, one foreach finger of the organizer.Spider Organizers work thesame way, only with eight words instead of five.

equilateralhexagonisoscelesn-gons (polygons with

more than four sides)octagonparallelogram


Paleo PeriodArchaic Period

Woodland PeriodMississippian Period

prehistoric periods


fiber matsvillages

palisadesguard towers



ceremoniestemple moundsburial mounds


head dressesbeadstattoos















Vocabulary Map

A technique used to visually organize key termsaccording to the hierarchical relationships betweencentral concepts, supporting ideas, and importantdetails.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Figure 2.5: Tools for Helping Students DEEP PROCESS New Words

Visualizing Vocabulary

Students create visual images, sketches, or icons withbrief explanations to demonstrate understanding.

Concept Definition Map

A map that defines a term by:

• establishing the larger category the term fits into.

• listing critical attributes of the term.

• providing examples of the term.

• comparing the term to non-examples, which sharesome, but not all, of the critical attributes with theterm under study.

Three-Way Tie

Students select three critical words from a unit’svocabulary and arrange them in a triangle. They then connect the words with lines and explain therelationship between each pair of words by writingalong each line.

Creative Writing

By crafting short creative writing pieces, studentsdevelop imaginative and personally meaningfuldefinitions of words. Some creative writing formatsinclude metaphors/similes (comparing words to familiar, but unrelated concepts), cinquains (five-line poems that follow a standard structure), and storytelling.

Metaphor/SimileA colony is like a child because a colony depends on a country, just like a child depends on a parent. Bothcolonies and children are younger and often rebelwhen they grow up.

Cinquainterm: DNAtwo adjectives: long and spindlythree action verbs: inheriting, determining, encodingfour-word sentence or phrase: It carries our traits.ending word: genetics

Multiple Input Processing (MIP)

Based on the fact that multiple methods of storing information improve recall, Multiple Input Processing givesstudents a variety of ways to process and store words and their meanings.

Spatial Understanding: What does the word look like?Create a mental picture, then sketch it below:

Interpersonal Understanding: What are some feelings youhave about the word?It makes me a little nervous because solving equations seems

harder than the math we did last year.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Understanding: Make aphysical symbol with your body that explainswhat the word means to you.(The student held out two hands, each with two fingers up to represent thetwo equal sides of an equation.)

Linguistic Understanding: In your own words,write what the word means.

An equation has two equal numbers separated by an equal sign. Even if thetwo numbers don’t seem the same, they must be, or it’s not an equation.




racing bikemountain bike

the “hand me down”bike from my brother

mode oftransportation


two wheels

pedal and chainsystem

powered by rider

1+1 2

ray Two different rays

with the same end

point form an angle.



of th



is th

e po




s ha


in com



In the angleQ is the vertex




vertex angle

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Figure 2.6: Tools for Helping Students EXERCISE Their Words

Effective Practice

Guidelines for studying vocabulary.

1. Review often in the beginning, but only for shortperiods of time. For example, if you are reviewingten words, then five minutes of review threeseparate times will be much more effective thanfifteen minutes of review all at once.

2. Over time, start to leave longer gaps of timebetween review sessions. So, if you have reviewedthree times for five minutes in the first three days,then you should start to review less frequently, say,again in two days, then in three days, then in fivedays. Review sessions should be as short aspossible while still reviewing all the words.

3. There is no substitute for use. Nothing helps youinternalize new words and their meaning betterthan using them. Whenever possible, slip newwords into your conversations, your email and text messages, your journal.

4. If you still find yourself having difficultyremembering words and their definitions, go back and make a deeper connection.If you can’t remember a word’s meaning, odds are you didn’tmake a strong enoughconnection when youlearned it. Use DeepProcessing tools likeConcept DefinitionMapping, VisualizingVocabulary, andMetaphors/Similes to get a stronger grip on the word.


After independent review, students retrieve all thevocabulary they can. Students join a group of 3-5students, compare lists and add any words ormeanings they missed that their team members have on their list. Students then leave their team to “Boggle” with other students, gaining points forterms and meanings that appear on their lists, but not on their competitor’s lists.

You can also use many other popular game formats to review vocabulary in a mildly competitive manner.Vocabulary Jeopardy, Word Baseball, and Teams-Games-Tournaments all make for fun and effectivereview games.

The Four R’s

Teaching students how to look back on their glossariesand deepen their understanding by:

Revisiting what they’ve recorded.

Reviewing the word’s meaning.

Refining their definition of the word in light of newunderstanding.

Revising their way of remembering the word byadding their original picture, creating a metaphor or simile, adding new examples or non-examples,providing a real-world application, etc.


Students write a paragraph or short piece usingbetween five and fifteen vocabulary words. Each wordmust be embedded meaningfully into the text or itdoesn’t count.

Vocabulary Carousel

The teacher sets up five or six stations. Students work insmall groups and move to all stations. Stations includea variety of vocabulary activities, such as:

• Visualizing Vocabulary: creating and explainingsketches or icons that represent key words

• Which term doesn’t belong? (And why?)

• Storytelling: writing a brief story that uses a list ofincluded words

• Word searches and scrambles

• Comic strip: creating a three-panel comic stripdemonstrating a term or concept

• MVW: selecting the “Most Valuable Word” andexplaining why

• Creating cinquains, raps, and jingles

• Developing metaphors or similes for key words

• Grouping and labeling terms to create aclassification system

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Sample Vocabulary Units Manageability is a key factor in the case for direct vocabulary instruction. As we have already seen, there are entirely too many new words each year for direct vocabulary instruction to be applied to them all. Thus, the best time to prioritize and select essential vocabulary is during unit planning, whenthe teacher is naturally focused on the task of separating the essential from the non-essential content.By tapping into this natural link between content and vocabulary and then designing the lessonsequence with both in mind, the unit is made more powerful, while the teacher’s work burden is reduced significantly.

In this section you’ll take a look at four units that are focused on vocabulary. You may notice that thesteps the teachers take in designing their units correlate closely with the phases of CODE (Steps 2-5follow CODE, while the first step involves selecting and prioritizing the unit words). To process thesefour units deeply, you and your Learning Club will use the strategy known as Jigsaw.

This Jigsaw task is designed to increase each Learning Club member’s sense of responsibility forlearning by making each member an “expert” in one part of the content. The experts then meet to share their acquired knowledge. Each expert teaches the content in which he or she is an expert to the other team members.

On the following pages you will find a matrix organizer and four sample vocabulary units. Here’s how you and your Learning Club will use these resources to complete this Jigsaw activity:

1. Form groups of three.

2. Read the sample unit on To Kill a Mockingbird. Review the completed columnfor this lesson in Figure 2.8. You and your team will be completing the remainingthree columns in Figure 2.8.

3. Assign each of the remaining three units to a member of the team.

4. Read your sample unit carefully. As you read it, underline key ideas, phrases, andinteresting points. Use the margins, a blank sheet of paper, or the space below(Figure 2.7) to make a set of notes that will help you to teach what you haveread back to your team.

5. Rejoin your team. Each team member should teach the contents of the sampleunit to the other team members. As team members explain their units, thegroup should work together to complete each column in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.7: Notes on Your Assigned Unit

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Figure 2.8: Activity – Jigsaw Matrix

Planning StepUnit 1:To Kill a


Unit 2:Linear Equations

Unit 3:Tops & Bottoms

Unit 4:Ancient Egypt

How did theteacher identifythe essentialvocabulary?

Considers characternames and places.

Looks for expressive“writer’s words.” Places

special emphasis onthematic words and

words associated withthesis writing.

How did theteacher helpstudentsconnectwith newwords?

Makes a deepconnection with wordpersuade. Students

draw on theirexperiences and listtechniques they’ve

used. Later, they usetheir lists to convince

a friend to read the novel.

How did theteacher helpstudentsorganizethe words?

Teaches students how to build webs of related terms.

How did theteacher activatedeep processingof key terms?

Students comparesymbols and signs

and discuss differentcharacters’ visions

of courage.

How did theteacher helpstudentsexercise and\orrevise theirunderstanding?

Students collectexamples of themesand use examples torevise their glossaries.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

High School English

To Kill a Mockingbird1. Identify the essential vocabulary your students need to learn deeply.

Mark Veon reads To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee with his ninth grade students early in the fall. Mark considers character names and place names important examples ofvocabulary his students need to remember and understand. He also wants his students toacquire the new and powerful words Lee uses to make her novel vivid and precise. Markdecides to put a strong emphasis on words related to the novel’s themes, as well as wordsrelated to the kind of writing students will create for a thesis essay. Here is a portion ofMark’s vocabulary list:

2. Decide on a strategy to help your students arrive at a preliminary understanding of the words (CONNECT).Mark wants to focus on the word persuasion. He introduces the word persuade and itssynonym convince. Then he immediately asks his students if they have ever persuaded theirparents to change their minds, and asks them to make a list of the techniques they used. Later, he has students read the back cover of the novel and use their persuasion techniquesto try to convince others that they would enjoy reading To Kill a Mockingbird.

3. Establish a method to help your students ORGANIZE the new words.Mark shows his students how to build webs of related terms. For instance, one student’s web for persuade includes argue, reason, influence, and explain, as well as force and compel.

4. Activate DEEP PROCESSING of the words.Mark uses comparison and discussion to help students develop a richer sense of words’meanings: students compare symbols and signs and discuss the differences between Jeb’s, Atticus’s, and Mrs. Debose’s visions of courage.

5. Search for opportunities for students to EXERCISE, revise, and practice theirunderstanding of the new words.As students read the novel, they collect examples of the novel’s themes. They use theirexamples to write and revise their definitions in a glossary of themes in the back of their notebooks.

Figure 2.9: Sample Unit 1

Thematic Vocabulary prejudice, persuasion, courage,character

Thesis Writing Vocabulary theme, thesis, evidence,symbol, character, motivation

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

High School Mathematics

Linear Equations1. Identify the essential vocabulary your students need to learn deeply.

Jody Hoch examines her state standards to determine the essential vocabulary for her uniton linear equations and selects the following terms:

2. Decide on a strategy to help your students arrive at a preliminary understanding of the words (CONNECT).Though some of the vocabulary is familiar to Jody’s students, the context in which the words appear is quite different, so she begins the unit with a New American Lecture on the role of these key terms in solving linear equations. During the lecture, Jody stops frequently—to permit students to find or create their own illustrations for each term.

3. Establish a method to help your students ORGANIZE the new words.In addition to the visual organizer she uses in her lecture, Jody also helps her students see word relationships by asking them to Group and Label different kinds of graphs and their equations.

4. Activate DEEP PROCESSING of the words.Jody chooses four of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences to help her students processthe key terms:

5. Search for opportunities for students to EXERCISE, revise, and practice theirunderstanding of the new words.Jody uses speed quizzes and rapid-fire games such as Vocabulary Jeopardy and Word Baseball.

Figure 2.10: Sample Unit 2

axis, coordinate pair, coordinate plane, Descartes, graph, horizontal,intercept, linear, parallel, perpendicular, slope, variable, vertical

Linguistic She asks them to define

the term in their own words.

Intrapersonal She asks them to discuss

and write about their thoughts and feelings during problem solving.

Spatial She asks them

to create an icon or symbol.

Kinesthetic She asks them to

represent the termswith gestures.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

First Grade English/Language Arts

Trade Book: Tops & Bottoms1. Identify the essential vocabulary your students need to learn deeply.

Christina Natoli uses trade books to teach her first graders a few well-selected “useful words”each week. Useful words go beyond basic sight words; they are thematically important, usedregularly in life, and help enhance the sophistication of students’ language and thinking skills.This week’s story is Tops & Bottoms by Janet Stevens, which is about a wealthy, but lazy bearand a poor, but clever hare with a large family to feed. The hare proposes a business dealwith the bear and then outwits the bear by taking advantage of the bear’s laziness. So whatuseful words does Christina select? Only three: lazy, clever, and deal.

2. Decide on a strategy to help your students arrive at a preliminary understanding of the words (CONNECT).Christina reads the story aloud, stopping when she comes to one of the useful words andusing the See It, Say It, Spell It, Show It method to introduce students to each word.Christina helps students get a good grip on the word’s meaning by providing a student-friendly definition and concrete examples that use the word in multiple contexts: “The boywas too lazy to do his homework and just wanted to lie around on the couch. My dog is so lazy he won’t play fetch when I throw the ball.” Then, Christina asks herstudents to generate their own examples.

3. Establish a method to help your students ORGANIZE the new words.To help students place the new words into “families” of related words,Christina has her students generate a Fist List for each word.

4. Activate DEEP PROCESSING of the words.Christina presents a set of statements and asks students to put thumbs up for clever andthumbs down for lazy:

The boy found a new way to solve the mathematics problem.My dog is too tired and old to chase cats.He was able to understand quickly what needed to be done.That idea is worth a million dollars.Don’t bother me. I’m just too tired to play today.

Later, Christina asks students questions that use the words. Each question requires students to make a choice and explain their reasoning:

Would you rather make a deal with a lazy person or a clever person? Why?Who is more likely to be a good problem solver, a lazy person or a clever person? Why?Would you prefer to play with a lazy friend or a clever friend? Why?

5. Search for opportunities for students to EXERCISE, revise, and practice theirunderstanding of the new words.Christina ends the lesson by having her students create pictures for each word and thenwrite a sentence that uses the word and explains the picture. Christina does this each weekwith a trade book that she reads to her class. Three words a week, thirty-four weeks, overone hundred new words. Wow!

Figure 2.11: Sample Unit 3

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Fifth Grade Social Studies

Ancient Egypt1. Identify the essential vocabulary your students need to learn deeply.

Pat Schwartz begins her fifth grade unit on Ancient Egypt with a Word Wall that is organizedby the essential questions she hopes her unit will answer:

2. Decide on a strategy to help your students arrive at a preliminary understanding of the words (CONNECT).Pat begins her unit by placing her students into cooperative groups and providing each teamwith a manila envelope containing 20 pictures related to Egyptian civilization. Students studythe pictures, looking for patterns and generating predictions relevant to Pat’s questions. Patthen helps her students create a little glossary where each of the 20 most important wordsin the unit is defined and connected to one of the pictures.

3. Establish a method to help your students ORGANIZE the new words.Pat’s Word Wall acts as a graphic organizer to help students see the relationship among thewords, but periodically she uses both Group and Label and webbing to help students findnew relationships.

4. Activate DEEP PROCESSING of the words.To help her students make their understanding of important words memorable, Pat usescomparison and discussion. For instance, students compare and contrast two of Egypt’s most important pharaohs, Hatshepsut and Akhenaten. Students also rank the gifts ofEgyptian civilization in order of importance and then discuss.

5. Search for opportunities for students to EXERCISE, revise, and practice theirunderstanding of the new words.Near the end of the unit, students create a hieroglyphic for the key words in the unit andthen use those hieroglyphics to write meaningful sentences about the nature of Egyptiancivilization.

Figure 2.12: Sample Unit 4

Why Is Egypt Considered the First Great Civilization?

What did Egyptians believe?Geb (earth god)Nut (sky goddess)Ra (sun god)mummificationafterlife

How did the Nile helpcreate Egyptian culture?

irrigationdesertdeltafertileriver valley

How was Egypt governed?kingdompharaohpriestsHatshepsutAkhenaten

What was so great aboutAncient Egypt?


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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Figure 2.13: Completed Jigsaw Matrix

Planning StepUnit 1:To Kill a


Unit 2:Linear Equations

Unit 3:Tops & Bottoms

Unit 4:Ancient Egypt

How did theteacher identifythe essentialvocabulary?

Considers characternames and places.

Looks for expressive“writer’s words.” Places

special emphasis onthematic words and

words associated withthesis writing.

Draws on herstandards to select terms.

Selects only three“useful words”: words that are

thematically important,used regularly, andbuild thinking and

language skills.

Chooses words thathelp answer the unit’s

essential questionsand puts them on a Word Wall.

How did theteacher helpstudentsconnectwith newwords?

Makes a deepconnection with wordpersuade. Students

draw on theirexperiences and listtechniques they’ve

used. Later, they usetheir lists to convince

a friend to read the novel.

Delivers a NewAmerican Lecture on the role of key

terms in solving linearequations. Studentscreate illustrations

for terms.

Uses See It, Say It,Spell It, Show It tointroduce words.Provides student-

friendly definitions andexamples.

Students examinepictures and use them

to identify patterns.They then generate

predictions. Studentsalso create a glossary

using the pictures.

How did theteacher helpstudentsorganizethe words?

Teaches students how to build webs of related terms.

Students group andlabel different kinds of graphs and their


Students place wordsinto families using

Fist Lists.

Reinforcesorganization throughWord Wall. Also usesGroup and Label and

webbing to helpstudents find new


How did theteacher activatedeep processingof key terms?

Students comparesymbols and signs

and discuss differentcharacters’ visions

of courage.

Uses multipleintelligences to

process key terms.

Uses statements and questions to deepen students’

understanding of the three terms.

Students compare and contrast two

important pharaohs.They rank the gifts of

Ancient Egypt anddiscuss their rankings.

How did theteacher helpstudentsexercise and\orrevise theirunderstanding?

Students collectexamples of themesand use examples torevise their glossaries.

Uses speed quizzesand games like

Vocabulary Jeopardyand

Word Baseball.

Students createpictures and sentences

for each word.

Students create ahieroglyphic for eachterm and then write

meaningful sentencesabout Egyptian


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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit Now that you’ve tried your hand at prioritizing vocabulary words, reviewed a set of tools for guidingstudents through the four phases of CODE, and analyzed a set of sample units designed by teachers, it’stime for you to design a unit of your own. You will be using the content you brought to this session todesign your unit. To design a thoughtful vocabulary unit, we follow five steps:

1. Identify the essential vocabulary your students need to learn deeply.

2. Decide on a tool or strategy to help your students arrive at a preliminaryunderstanding of the words (CONNECT).

3. Establish a method to help your students ORGANIZE the new words.

4. Activate DEEP PROCESSING of the words.

5. Search for opportunities for students to EXERCISE, revise, and practicetheir understanding of new words.

Remember to refer to the Vocabulary Toolbox (Figures 2.3-2.6) to help you select appropriate tools foreach phase of CODE (steps 2-5) above.

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

Sample Planning FormsREPRODUCIBLE

Make copies of Figures 2.14-2.18 beforeusing them. You will need more blank

forms as you plan future units.

Identify the Essential Vocabulary Your Students Need to Learn Deeply—What are the mostimportant words my students need to learn?

Figure 2.14: Activity – Planning Step 1

Nice to know (Word Recognition)

Central Concepts (Word Expertise)

Important (Word Description)

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

REPRODUCIBLEMake copies of Figures 2.14-2.18 beforeusing them. You will need more blank

forms as you plan future units.

Decide on a Strategy to Help Your Students Arrive at a Preliminary Understanding of The Words(CONNECT)—What will I do to help my students get a strong initial grip on the new words?

Figure 2.15: Activity – Planning Step 2

Establish a Method to Help Your Students ORGANIZE the New Words—How will my studentsorganize the words in a way that makes sense and helps reveal the larger structure of the unit?

Figure 2.16: Activity – Planning Step 3

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

REPRODUCIBLEMake copies of Figures 2.14-2.18 beforeusing them. You will need more blank

forms as you plan future units.

Activate DEEP PROCESSING of the Words—How do I want my students to think more deeply aboutthe most important words?

Figure 2.17: Activity – Planning Step 4

Search for Opportunities for Students to EXERCISE, Revise, and Practice Their Understanding ofthe New Words—How can I help my students rehearse their new vocabulary words, as well as putthem to use in different contexts?

Figure 2.18: Activity – Planning Step 5

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Part 2: Designing a Thoughtful Vocabulary Unit

1. Take a second look at your unit design. What might go wrong?

2. What patterns do you see as you look at your potential problems?

3. Select one type of problem. What are the facts that you know about this type of problem?

4. What are some possible causes for this type of problem?

5. What is the best solution to this problem?

ThoughtWork: Before the Next Session Use these reflection questions (Figure 2.19) to help you identify problems you might encounter as youimplement your vocabulary unit in your classroom and to develop solutions to potential problemsbefore they actually occur.

In between this session and the next, you will be conducting your unit in your own classroom.Before the next session, please complete the following exercises:

• Using your notes in Figure 2.19 as a guide, take some time to reviewand refine your unit design.

• Select a teaching partner and schedule time for each of you to observeeach other in the classroom. The two of you will take turns. You willpresent your unit to your class while your partner makes notes on theparts of the unit that he or she observes. Then you will switch roles.Use Figure 3.1 from the next section of this Resource Guide to structureyour observation notes.

• Come prepared to the next session to share what you have learned byimplementing and observing a thoughtful vocabulary unit.

Figure 2.19: Activity – Reflection / Questions

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Part 3: Evaluating the Unit

Our goal in this session is to deepen our understanding of thoughtful vocabularyinstruction by working in teams to reflect on and refine our work.

In this session you will…

nn3 Share your experiences in implementing and observing a thoughtfulvocabulary unit in the classroom.

nn3 Reflect more deeply on your own unit by exploring specificquestions related to each of the phases of your unit.

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Part 3: Evaluating the Unit

Sharing Your Experience Now that you have designed and implemented a Word Works unit and viewed one of your peersrunning a Word Works unit (or at least part of one), it’s time to share what you’ve learned with yourLearning Club. Take turns presenting to the group the elements of the unit you observed. Use Figure 3.1 below to guide your presentation.

Selecting VocabularyHow did the teacher select the essential vocabulary?

Looking back: Did the chosen words cover the territory? Were there too many words so thatstudents were overwhelmed? Were there too few, or were some important words left out?

ConnectingHow did the teacher present the words to help students connect to them?

What role did students play in making connections?

OrganizingHow did the teacher help students organize the words?

What kinds of relationships did students see?

Deep ProcessingWhat activities did the teacher develop to help deepen students’ understanding?

How did students respond to these activities?

ExercisingHow often did students exercise or rehearse their knowledge of the words?

How would you describe students’ progress?

What word or words caused students the most difficulty?

Figure 3.1: Activity – Observation Notes

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Part 3: Evaluating the Unit

Once you have reported to the group on the lesson you observed, share your own thoughts on yourunit. Use the questions below (Figure 3.2) to guide your discussion.

What goal(s) did you set out to achieve?

What steps did you take? What was hard for you?

What came naturally?

What worked about the unit, and what just wouldn’t work?

Pair up with the teaching partner whose class you observed. Use your observation notes to discussthese questions: What stood out in your partner’s unit? What questions did the unit raise for you? Howmight you improve upon your partner’s unit?

Now consider the feedback your partner gave you. Use Figure 3.3 to expand on your partner’s ideas for how to improve your unit. Talk about what you thought you did well, how your students respondedto the unit, and what you might do differently next time.

Figure 3.2: Activity – Discussion Questions

How might you improve your unit?

Figure 3.3: Activity – Notes Toward Improving My Unit

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Part 3: Evaluating the Unit

ThoughtWork: Before the Next Session Before the final session, please complete the following tasks:

• Plan and conduct another vocabulary unit with your students. Use the planning forms provided (Figures 2.14-2.18) to guide you. Review the sample units (Figures 2.9-2.12) for models and ideas. For a compendium of vocabulary tools that address each phase ofCODE, take another look at the Vocabulary Toolbox (Figures 2.3-2.6).

• Conduct the unit in your classroom.

• Collect three samples of student work from your unit and bring them to the next meeting. The student work you collect should require students to use the vocabulary terms from your unit and should reflect what you believe to be three distinct levels of skill: a low, average, and high level of skill.

• Bring enough copies of student work to distribute to the members of your Learning Club.

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Our goal in this session is to examine student work at various levels of proficiency and to use it to help us refine our work in designing and implementing thoughtful vocabulary instruction.

In this session you will...

nn3 Share and discuss the student work you collected.

nn3 Develop a rubric for assessing student work based on yourdiscussion and work samples.

nn3 Plan your next steps in building students’ vocabulary skills.

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Examining Samples In this final session we are going to use student work to assess the effectiveness of our vocabularyinstruction, our students’ vocabulary skills, and students’ grasp of the content.

Let’s begin with a model to guide our examination of the student work you collected for this session.Below is a high school writing task that requires biology students to use key academic vocabulary intheir response (Figure 4.1).

On the following pages you will find samples of student work from the task in Figure 4.1. The studentwork is divided into three separate skill levels. The first level represents the lower third of studentachievement, the second level represents the middle third, and the third level represents the highestthird of student achievement. Examine the samples in Figures 4.2-4.4 and complete the exercise thatfollows in Figure 4.5.

People often use metaphors and similes to help them understand complex systems. Metaphorsand similes are ways to compare things that are not obviously alike. For example, you mayremember from our unit on cells that we used a simile to compare the parts and functions of a cell to the parts and functions of a city. Today you will be developing a simile to show what you know about the human nervous system. How is the human nervous system like a computer? In developing your simile, you should:

1. use at least ten critical vocabulary terms from your unit.

2. provide three different ways in which a computer is similar to the human nervous system.

3. try to make your response as interesting as possible to engageyour reader.

Here is the vocabulary list from our unit:

brain nervescentral nervous system neuronscerebellum olfactory nervecerebrum optic nervecornea ossicleseardrum peripheral nervous systemequilibrium responsesexternal ear sensory organsganglia spinal cordinner ear stimulimedulla retinamiddle ear

Figure 4.1: High School Biology Writing Task - Simile

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

The human nervous system is made up of two groups. There is the centralnervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervoussystem would be the inside and the peripheral nervous system would beeverything you connect to the computer.

In the central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord. They are kind of like the processor in the computer. But there are other parts like thecerebrum, cerebellum, and medulla. The peripheral nervous system hassensory organs and nerves to get information. Our eyes, ears, hands, andnerves are almost like the keyboard, mouse, monitor, and speakers. Theinformation is what we can see, hear, and touch. What goes into thecomputer is stimuli and what comes out is a response.

Figure 4.2: Level 1 Student Work

The nervous system in our body is a lot like a computer network. Insteadof cables and satellites connecting computers, there are nerves. Instead of files being passed along, there are specialized cells called neuronsrelaying messages. The peripheral nervous system is the outer network in which information is taken in through various sensory organs. Thisinformation then goes to the central nervous system which is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is like a server that sorts out messages and information from the nervous system. There are two main types of messages passed along the nervous system, stimuli andresponses. Stimuli are anything we see, touch, taste, smell, or hear that causes a reaction or response. Responses are the actions that our body takes because of the stimuli.

Think about a thunderstorm. To see a flash of lightning, your eye takes in the image and passes information about what you are seeing along theoptic nerve, which connects to your brain. Your brain processes the imageand lets you know that it is a bolt of lightning. Your response might be to anticipate the thunder. Then when you hear the thunder, the soundwaves enter your external ear and vibrate the eardrum. The sound wavesare amplified by ossicles. This information reaches your inner ear and ispassed along to the brain for processing. If the thunder is loud enough, you might even respond by covering your ear, or hitting the floor!

Figure 4.3: Level 2 Student Work

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Why do people say that the human nervous system is like a computer? Well, for one thing, both the nervous system and a computer are designedto process information quickly. A computer has a central processing unit or CPU to do its processing work. In humans, processing occurs in thecentral nervous system and is the main job of the mighty brain. The braindoes so many things so quickly and so well that it makes the best computerprocessor seem like an old Atari system.

Processing all your body’s thoughts, sensations, and functions is a lot ofwork, so the brain has different parts that help it do its job so well. The cerebrum processes memories, learning, and information gathered by the senses. The cerebellum coordinates muscles so that they can worktogether, and it helps you keep your equilibrium. The medulla pulls itsweight by taking care of your breathing, heartbeat, circulation, anddigestion. Attached to the brain is the spinal cord. The spinal cord carries messages to and from the brain.

So we know that the brain is like a CPU. But both a brain and a CPU needinformation to process. So where does the information come from? With acomputer, information enters through peripheral devices like a mouse, akeyboard, or a modem. In the human nervous system, information entersthrough the sensory organs, which pick up different stimuli in theenvironment. The ear picks up sound. The eyes receive light. The nose andtongue pick up taste and smell, and nerve endings all around the body reactto temperature, pressure, and pain. These sensory organs are all part ofthe peripheral nervous system.

The peripheral nervous system has another function as well. Just as acomputer has to relay information from peripheral devices like the keyboardand mouse to the CPU and back to other devices like the monitor andspeakers, the peripheral nervous system has to move information to thebrain and then from the brain to all other parts of the body. In acomputer, this is the work of circuits and wires. In the human body,neurons, or nerve cells, and ganglia, which are bundles of nerves, do thiswork. Neurons deliver information from the sensory organs in the body tothe correct areas of the brain, just like circuits carry information to thecorrect area of a computer’s processor. The resulting actions (and reactions)are called responses.

Even though the human nervous system has a lot in common with acomputer, there is one big way that they’re different. The human brainkeeps every single person on the planet alive. Let’s see Bill Gates or Steve Jobs invent a computer that does that.

Figure 4.4: Level 3 Student Work

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Take a moment to examine your thinking about the student work samples you have just reviewed. What do you notice about the level-three sample that is missing from the level-one and level-twosamples? What criteria might you use to compare these levels and how might you describe eachsample based on those criteria? Record your thoughts in Figure 4.5 below.

The teacher who designed the simile task in Figure 4.1 created this rubric (Figure 4.6) to guide hisassessment of student work. You may want to use this rubric as a model when you develop your own rubric later in this session.

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Possible criteria

Figure 4.5: Activity – Reflecting on Sample Student Work

Figure 4.6: Rubric for Biology Simile



Low or StrugglingPerformance


Shows deepunderstanding of humannervous system, including

its components andfunctions

Incorporates most criticalvocabulary terms

meaningfully throughout essay

Shows a solidunderstanding of the

human nervous system

Incorporates at least halfof the words meaningfully

Shows a superficialunderstanding of the

human nervous system

Many of the words usedare “dropped in” – notused in ways that are

meaningful to the reader


Student provides threestrong connections

between human nervoussystem and computer, and

elaborates on each one

Student identifies threeconnections, but may failto elaborate on one or

more of them

Student’s connections aredifficult to find and lack



Student response has avoice: writing is engaging

and reflects student’spersonal style

Writing followsconventions of writtenEnglish and is nearly


Student writing is clear,but may not have a well-

defined voice

Writing follows mostconventions of written

English, but may containsome errors

Student writing is oftenconfusing

Writing is marked byfrequent errors

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Let’s now turn to your thought process in selecting the student work samples you brought in today.Take a few minutes to reexamine your samples. Keep the following questions in mind:

• How did you select work from each level?

• What criteria did you use to choose this work?

Record your thoughts in the space provided (Figure 4.7).

Level 1

Level 3

Level 2

Figure 4.7: Activity – How I Selected Student Work Samples

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Part 1: Learning the Compare & Contrast Strategy

Learning From Student Work Look at the back of your Word Works portfolio, at the panel entitled “Learning From Student Work.”Read over this section and then get together with a partner to share the student work you collectedwith him or her. Work together to analyze the content, process, and product of the student work usingFigure 4.8 below. Keep in mind that examining this student work is less about whether commas andsemicolons are in the right place and more about how well your students have incorporated theacademic vocabulary into their work.

ContentWhat does the work suggest about which words my students understand well and which onesmight be more problematic?

ProcessWhat does this work suggest about how my students think about vocabulary?

What examples of very good thinking do I see?

When students are not thinking as well as I wish, what seems to be the problem?

ProductWhat do I think about the overall quality of the products my students have created?

How well are they communicating their ideas?

What signs are there that show they are reaching for excellence?

Figure 4.8: Activity – Analyzing Student Work

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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Use this blank rubric (Figure 4.9) to compile what you and your partner discovered across all threelevels of student work from your unit. When you are finished, continue to the next page so you andyour partner can discuss the next steps in Figure 4.10.

Figure 4.9: Activity – Creating the Rubric



Low or StrugglingPerformance




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Part 4: Learning from Student Work

Before completing this session, take a few minutes to think about your own grasp of the Word Worksapproach to vocabulary instruction. Refer to the “Academic Literacy Milestones” section at the bottom of the “Learning from Student Work” panel of your portfolio. Where do you think you are now? What do you need to do to move to the next level?

ContentWhat have I learned about teaching and learning vocabulary that I can apply to my next unit?

ProcessWhat have I learned about my students’ thinking that I might want to consider in designing future units?

ProductWhat I have learned about my students’ abilities to communicate and their motivation toperform at high levels?

Figure 4.10: Activity – Next Steps

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ReferencesAnderson, J.R. (1995). Learning and memory: An integrated approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Beck, I.L., McKeown, M.G., & Kucan, L. (202). Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction. New York:Guilford Press.

Hart, B. & Risley, T.R. (1995). Meaningful differences in the everyday experience of young American children.Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Herber, H.L. (1978). Teaching reading in content areas. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall

Jacobs, H.H. (2006a). Active literacy across the curriculum: Strategies for reading, writing, speaking, andlistening. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.

Jacobs, H.H. (2006b). “Active Literacy Workshop.” November 30, 2006. San Diego, CA.

Marzano, R. (2004). Building background knowledge for academic achievement: Research on what works inschools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

McKean, E. (2002). Weird and wonderful words. New York: Oxford University Press.

McKean, E. (2003). More weird and wonderful words. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nagy, W.E. & Herman, P.A. (1984). Limitations of vocabulary instruction (Tech. Rep. No. 326). Urbana, IL:University of Illinois. (ERIC No. ED 248498)

Paivio, A. (1990). Mental representation: A dual coding approach. New York: Oxford University Press.

Powell, G. (1980). A meta-analysis of the effects of “imposed” and “induced” imagery upon word recall. Paperpresented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Diego, CA. (ERIC No. ED199644)

Stahl, S.A. & Fairbanks, M.M. (1986). The effects of vocabulary instruction: A model-based metaanalysis. Reviewof Educational Research, 56 (1), 72-110.

Strong, R.W., Silver, H.F. & Perini, M.J. (2008). Reading for Academic Success, Grades 2-6: Differentiated Strategiesfor Struggling, Average, and Advanced Readers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

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Figure 1.1

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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