The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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6 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIANREGISTER THURSDAY AUGUST 12 1897 appointed iu committee to draw cut im male of jetty tolls and wait on tb Cooixal at their next meeting It was decided to aak the metnlien fur the district to vote against theCodlin Muth Act which eowfared most arbitrary and unbearable It was also resolved co ask the inembcra to do all in their power hate clause Lli 29 31 36 and 4" of the I'hyUvtora Bill erased XV ASLEX 9 Wednesday A well attended meeting was haU at the Wiksleys inHtute on Tuesday evening to ndvr the bot means of obtaining a supply ui wttur tor the district In the absence of the 'hairman uf the District Council Coun edlor Robin'un occupied the chair Mr 11 XX ehr moved that the Government be asked to contrnet a jHiblie reservoir in the vicinity of XVpdrvv to Mipply water to farmers and others in tuie of Ken tty Mr btssmaa seconded It ua arrui that there was no more suitable p'x i than WnUeya for a reaervoit as it ui' ventral had a splendid watershed nnd ui ample supply of water could ben vud any ordinary aera'ou The 'l'trt is an exceptionallv dry uoe no r'njnent water being obtainable within a rihu rive to eiht miles of the unship ltd then' supplies are of a very in i' nor quality Many farmers have been carting water fur months ciring the pea vn ami it to the senary rainfall this vint hive i vi'ri pnaqieet 4 auon starting to rm ax'am Thu motion was earned unani inoush Mr A Schulze That a 'mimitcc rtued to obtain signatures to a ixiEion ruid if cessarv arrange a deputation r' "nt same the Government Mr Oliur neemded Carried The Chair tn with vn Wehr Sooth Schulze 2 Oliver and Torrent were appointed the wrh power to add toibeirnumber a teoi thanks to the Chairman dosed the Peering WENTWORTH Monday The weather io generally fine with sliarp now and then and a few light showers bi although the drought is broken up a good is not uaured yot The peat season Im Seen datrvus to the stxkLolders and more especially to the smaller ones Many natap vst of lessee losing from ftiper tu 73 per cent of tbeir stock and in rii where the losses have not been so gr rill tbe expense uf scrub cutting Ac wd) make a tenons didereace to their net eiptt fr the yew Butchers' meat is hardly eatable at stock I in? aus dutely unprocurable Th neighbouring stations are preparing for i) eanng but wo will late this year Tsri uoia had two largo teams of supplies dii tched frutn here last week Thu Darling not be open for at least three or four vrt Tne Mayor Mr Bowring has been in Sydnev and with me aid ot Sir Josephbliott hasdonc gixwiand extensive work in bringing matters local and district need W'e the various departments Mr Morgan Morris who Li forn'te years lwn Editor of the Pnbrrtl S' has evered his connection with that pap'r and is going to remantle General regret is Mt at hi departure S'v ut thousand teres of land on the ilding has leen resumed by tbe Minister tor the purpose of making it aca labic homestead selections and a this land is within from five to ten miles from the Knit will when taken up prove of very ps jd antage to XX nntworth The macbinerv at the irngatwa mtaisaow 'inpletc and takc nover but owing to then ver having been eo low the contractor fur the iiannels Ac has lieen unable to start work unfortunately this coming season will be lot GOOLWA Wednesdav The election here to day for Mayor through Mr Neighbour having resigned re sulted John Thomas I'nderwuud 56 votes John Henry Glastonbury 30 vote Mr I nderwood proposed a vote uf thanks to Returning Othe and thanked the elec tor fur having placed him at the head of the P'll Mr Glastonbury seconded Th Re rninq Otfieer responded WATTLE LAT Hatortay Thursday last Miss Eatt uf Mypunga Jetty who was driving a buggy and pair from aukablla narrowly escaped a serious aeci b'tt The horses bolted and Mias Hatt from the trap but luckily eaeapiM wittijiii injury Mr Kyau the local teacher with comiderable nsk to himself captured the runaway pair before any damage bad been done WEATHER AXI) CROPS Tuesday It iv generally adtnitted that the start of th sea is alv'ut the licst have had for nue years The cro and feed although simcwfiat hknarl are coming on nicely an in about a cr six weeks' time as the vrmer tbvr ft in tb grou th should be 1 t'vk gi rally have had a bad tim lut will now be able to pull through all Should the season continue as it hw :1 should have an excellent urop of wh it and fe should be plentiful XX'oLSELEY Tuesday Lil on un Ly last but only a quarter et mt nas roistered This will prove of cent to tM crop and grass A severe troM exprrien ed this morning and there is rv appearance of another benight IMirr GEILXIEIN Monday Ni shower1 of rain tell on Sunday jUu rerot au meh having been registered Tii" grw in 'erupt continue to make good pro r'cvd rather backward IRDER TOWN Tuesday riorieuv weather prevails The heavy shifter which fc'Q on Sunday lait ncfited pv and gra vi It is very evident that the iliitUaaJfcrtilizurwill begenerallyadopted ti in the course uf a few years The few Muull Add wks put in with the drill last aon give great promise the plant being Ktrung and vigorous Jtock are slowly ru nng and the worst ia now euasi leredoer Kain is wanted to replenish tht dams MALLEE LAT Saturday Scan ity of feed is still felt hut th wheat looks promising and fanners are antici pating pro purnts season THE CASE MRS WATSON rniroR Mr am under the impression that Mr has been iuiijudgiii A fortnight previous to the appearance niy letter the widow walked tweuty tn miles into Terowi to get aa us nncefor herself and family She failed to ic etvc lielp and walked back again A 7 port hwl been circulated around Terowie the eifei that in response to Mr Bartlett's appeal in September over Vi had been ted for her and some with whom she Urd to make dealings wanted to know what lai Ixw oow of this money Only was llcted and only half of this wse handed to in cash the remainder going towards I vmg a few necessanea for the family I requested to write contradicting this riitiour and immediately wrote to Mr Kairi rt aluog him to put it right through I i ir ttp 't I made careful enquiries before mikin? any apjieal on her behalf and it was by ''K: that 1 did it and there are neighbour1 a7 miles distant wboconld give amorenik fu a i ount uf hardships thou myself Th i vt time I visited her Mr rank Baycs Manoe of Station wont with roc Mu lGjes al saw her and seeing in pditi in nianatd to collect a little money to at and arraiun for khuu one twdnve Ti rowir it It has on said that her Ian I lu' rtagt but is she io a pAition mortgage it and if so would any one lvarce a much as twopence per acre on it? She i still tr iiigpri' dby creditnrawith whom her ri aloil cuu'racMd debts and the Govern ment havo inaud that her rent njws be tuwd in a few tuunths' time rom present app' iiran' A will le abl to do it and sh will be turned adrift to do the lies she io It is tru has a few cows left but none of them ftcre in milk when I was there in tM tiivv Living looked aft ly a kind fnvrvi thirty inilea awuy During the last ni'inth or two mure ht'u die! I waa aware that sh had rrrl assistance from the irners Lcf 'iiml but nt to the extent that hss been mentioned wad as am over I'si miles awav at present and will not be in dt tm for anurimr fortnight 1 cannot eeek an interview but el sure that a satis factory evplauatmn will be forthcoming In I trut that those wbo are not willing do the poor woman any good will try to do tier harm and that vsm'thing vpy yet be douc to make Iter path lighter 1 atu Sir Ac XV CAI ST Ndlinghoo Station Anpist 9 (XVe have revived three mibecriptiofta in rropuuse to Mr Uaust' appeal but have hld over wknnwledrnxT of their receipt pending an intimation the wishes in con a qn nie of the somewhat altered cirrum ntance of the case Eb Dastarolt A correspondent wribw "or some time oertain evil disposed per sons liave bo on the alert to try and get nd ot the pet'" of these people having the good fortune to poswes aoch animals Last week tbr ma tiff slu*t owned by Mr Allen which took the first pnw tb Show wapuinM: and last night the Siameee cat O'vnr bv Master Ernes Scrymgour of tbe I fen' Beaiiii ruad whieh took a pros at the how and which hebeved to be the onlyne in the colony Buccumbed to tbo trope of puisun layer" TO DARKEN GREY HAIR Lockyer's Sulphur Hair Restorer qukkm boH restores the natural eoloer kver the real English Hair Restored MIMNG PERTH Wednesday The bll'iwing crashings have been re ported: raser's Sixitb 370 tons 213 ox t'uo Jubilee tons JU oz Lily tuns 7 04 KALGOORLIE AVednesday The Coolgardte Mint crashing for the past month was 2U0 tons which yielded 7 ox of stneJed gold including 273 on obtained by scaling the plates The average waa 2 oa 16 du per ton Thanew lode recently dis covered at the 100 ft level is upeuiug up welL and it looks as promising as the North Bonkler lode of which it is probably a con tinuation The Great Boulder Perseverance crashings fur July were as Stone treated lo43 tuns ywlding lTUfi uz of smelted gold average oz dwt per ton It is esti mated that the tailing contain nearly I uz per ton In thu Great Bewilder Mine the drive will in a few days connect the auth workings in the west leg uf the kide with the winze sunk near the point of the horse winze which is down to the uiwsft level in extremelv ri tellunde ore The face of the routh drive in the went lode is still in gradu telluide ore The vanze in the Hannan's Cr wus Mine is down to the iMJ ft level in good ore It is expected that the crussnit will make the con nection to night BROKEN HILL Wednesday Running lull iimiist week Block lb mill did again excellent work treating 2451 tone crude Mipuuio producing 52 tons (nett) concentrate worth in bulk 31 '26 oz silver per ecut lead and '3 per rent zinc The wrek's despatches totalled 7RK tows and the balance of i onccntrates remaining on the ore floors 11V2 tons In connection with the additional concentrating plant thu stone breaker is in position and the tin crusher and jigs are wall in liand Underground the meu are busy ex cavating the chamtier plat at the 71 ft level at Kelly's shaft but ihc work at this point ia very shift and it will lw yetaume time before it is comujelerl toaflow for croK'CUttiug west The winze Muthward from this shaft at the ill 3 Jevl is tetnpwariiy suspended the men being required clswhcre All the working toprt in various sections of this nyne main tain thi ir i otisiactory appt araoce last week average asay ot ore mined bcintr 17W oz of stiver 2'44 eeat ad and pur cent zine fa pairs in eonneotion with the slight settle ment Ineh ocijirrvd on th Junction North Mine yesterday have been nmpleted GYMPIE Wednesday No 1 North Glaumire has washed up 3W sous tor A4 oz A dividend of Is is payable on Wednesday August 18 HARTERS TDWERS Wednesday The following crashings have been reporlitl 9neen Central tuns for 1U3 oz Caledonia 2izl tuns fur oz Itay ftvn tons for oz Victory 114 tons for lull oz Brilliant Extended l3Ji tuns tor oz MEETINGS Yi ba South An ordinary genent! ecing of aharebolders wm held at Au tralasia Chambers King atruet on Wednesday afternoon Mr 8 I Solomon presiding The Directors' report During th past six months tin following work boa been carried out on your property Development work ha renawted almost entirely of costeena and oj cuttings in order Uloi ate the exact position of the Yuba lode (main i which undoubtedly runs through your Mocks In this a considerable amount of time and money were expanded before any definite sign tne Yuo lude furmatiun waa met with but we are pleeeed to be able tn report that this has been struck in a costen cluse to the boundary and a shaft is now being sunk and is 31 it deep on a uicareous iron lode which is without question the continuation of the Yuba Mine lode XXe have every reason le lieve that with depth we shall develop a very strong and valuable xlo The vacant on the Board caused through thed ath of Mr a Sanders has been filled by the appoint ment of Mr Ashby Your Board taking into consideration the shortnene of funds ana boing averse to making a call decided in the middle of lost tnunth to temporarily Au peud ratiuns on the property pending a reply to a letter forwarded to London In view of the fact uf the Yul Company a property being offered to Mr Brookman in London your Directors seized tbe opportunity for opening negotiation for the sale of your property also and an at thia meeting seeking your authority to act in regard to the same' On the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr Ashby the report and balance sheet were adopted The Directors were empowered to iiixKe of the property on the best rtn they could get GkkiT Bbiimix GM A An extra ordinary niectinc ot shstTholdivs was h4d Wednesday at III il vd txi li uige to con firm the resolution passci i at a former "That this Comfiany be voluntarily wound up and ttmt the S'rotary be as liquidator The shareholders prison: cun tirun ihi resolution nnaaimoiialy TELEGRAMS ROM MINK managers MiK'Hi Ca'miX1AN Anri rnubb? to I'ni during past fortnight owing to 'teanipuiup i oliapuug Ne'v uno armed on Saturday and startea pumping to day Priv Aueu: 1 1 Heavy influx of water in engine haft raised gallons in ten huurs Batin now running full twenty four hour daily BRofHv Kritvuri Augmt 11: Reef greatly improved sph udid gold south drne MKtiirwny Augurt 7: Main shaft down ft: cutting plat at third Sinking good and waler mode rate Driving facue ukiiig ll Crushing delayed owing to ituoxiM etad shortness uf water at mtiian (Liter) Leviathan Manager arranging to oven oine diliiiully will start criv hing next week X'u RY Uniikp driven at 300 ft level ft total from shaft ft also made and fix' 2b ft ladders Ground in present face crusacu very hard MISCELLANEOUS Goio ir Wii AMiN'A An Adclaitle Syndicate i working ootuo claims ua the same line az Hubijs i Toady's st Wadnaimngs At 12 ft the ii have struck a rich lrlo show ing beautiful in gold all through We Laic lieen howu a specimen from the lude The Blair Aiii Mektiv A wntre Your rt of this meeting has led some to imagine that 1 said that Mr Burford wa a foil I did nt say anything uf the sort and I Lad no desire to convey any such imure miou Xly a on for sinremting Mr Burford tirvioeiit from the Dintto rate was because he was lUe youngest man un the Board "Sydney Sharholder'' The No 1 North Norseman Cutupany Ims been refused six months exemption RM OKIA To mum insertion ot reports whs xhotild he hri air i pointed ill ctpy mutt he lerihly itten on otic idr the pi only and ht at tb signa ture i'f the Miuiuk MiiUk'r ur aeirvtary of the Company I ortnight July Extended rat II ft ratal iroi dx lt i1 it Cuou try a little tiiruei pt aed through several leaders of 'lusrtzue in i iron TtRHixuoftkiL Aimnit ti CIean! np 17 tons for ''wt ut 'topes were interfered 1 it ut in Utn which rriluced quality of stone sbiu inti cuai' tn acain at uny tn ment and thv mr in prine Siikins a wins with twoen Mtith of ft and if rol ct'of abmit half a'i ounce un continue will tak out a cru'hini soon rnuiicthle Mxzit Bh'k i Week AiiffUMt Maiahaft 'link to 11 it gronud hard at Gutom Tim bered to i ii ii River tunnel driven to sift Lode making very truoi intermixed with kradcni of inxirtone wnirh carry fair pcreontago of fine X11 Inve ia Peace winze driven to 17 ft lode still ntunUin' its uiul and vaioc ive cotupletC'l tienchv for bedlog and piles aad will etart al eti' wilb erection of rnwie Hair alau sUtrUM local nlat oiigineud hrnlers Ishmi LtXK AtSTi' July On tinned vre at tins at to so it: still ia tne raef formation Uute another 15 ft to drive hefoie meeting er Chicaco reef tnsat bv wi bin th: althoaphit might have ne Iwlow water IIXL AI STIV Gix July Pros pectins At ft level ma drive bars driven 44 ft still ia good uuwtz ironstone mica and felspar uitkine twarl toot wall look inn very well in face abu gotns down awd eh wg may be expected at luvr ptb tiu Wright Orivw cxtvnded to 13 ft face all in quartz ironstone formation and looking better: now dnvini 'n conroe of fimatton Ai unm Week Jane AnvraiG Tetley Shaft Tins shaft sunk ll tL total irompUt 49 ft and from surface ft so chans North drive al No 2 level driver io ft total 73 ft Lode is ewt is full width4 drive bnt is still rather lew grade assays ararige lox pertnn Contractors driven aonth drive 3 ft total 71 ft The end ia still ia very hardiurtziie nxnyinK dwt per toa No 1 winas hrlow tin level vank 4 fl total 13 ft Lode ia bottom ahoat ft wide wil tasty pertnn Stope alxtve tbi level still continue to yield payable ore ton hogged and shipped names average elichtly over Sot per tua WiJ warn be in a pfitiuii to inertHM entput eontridarably At the No 1 level No wiaze sank ft total 14 ft Lole beta very wide oxidised and ramei about 1 dwt of gold per ton ent starred from shaft Co tet wuitb and value of lu4e 5 ft driven erostewt i not yet through lode Thia prove the formation to be aS least ft wide Assay dte of ore from creascM lut dwt per toe Kroukm wt Munk 5 ft 95 Ik Started to pn ont at thia depth wtHch equal Uh No 1 level Tetley Sinlt Aiwtrslix North ntroctnri smk 4 ft in mu! trots sorfaee 114 ft fa A start will now be made te rroescut east towards Jqdd sktft Tin depth is alo eqnsl Na 1 level Tetley Shaft Australia East No Nott drive from ream ret drive 4 ft a ft Lode ia nil width of drive and assays dwt per ton Main sonth drive driven ft total fmm emsrat ft Lode in end to net as rich as formerly but is stitl of a payabte character aswtyinc os per ton West erooarat from north drive admired it Ukal 45 ft No eteaagi Net West croerari extesM 8 ft total 4 ft iftimJk Nwto toiitorp bssm aS Mnto littte Kaloool4B kOPireriiT duly Matobaft sunk ft ratal bofow Ko 34? ft ex 587 fa tram hraeo is tod dforito with a Itol cakite aad pyrites la iu Cat two fasti dtotog fertaigtoitotiuM eat a little mare water kMuatna Unu Miswa or eeWrigbt June 30 Iron Irak Na 1 shaft sank ft and timbered 35 ft ital depth 8 ft Into toaoe timbered in all 80 ft Passed ttownah owe mwali of irtaratoae carryra gold gronnd soft deeM poaod eeU I shall next week imwiei healing dirt from thto shaft with torseaad "wtoto" Btoto smith's shop and stabtes completed Na shaftaak 1 ft and timbered 15 ft total dejah 38 ft Ground cMtinnesin bard Mae schtot still toavfly charged with mineral I have wwwtoemeaon thehaft three io a ahift as well ae ea Na I shaft Iron Momtreh Lease 1 tore two men putting to a crosscut went from No shaft nt ic ft toseL Lndn wnsprcviomdy ratal to ft toraLbrtm 2 ft wide and averaging 15 dwt pw tow As it ie ehame teriMic of the district to improve with depth 1 intend to prospect ft at the Ito tt teveL Morxr Week Anguet 2 TbereagMy sampled and tested all tode formatfoae to western craeocut of No 1 shaft at ft level and aUhcagh I find ft earsies gotd for whole diaeare totvee aatnely 130 ft hare not found any part of it snfl eiratly rich tc be payable Ate tried serae addj lienal eroepectn Iran main gautclede ead haw found tnem equal to aav tefte reported of the CotuKnced to extend ensure cracstfr parpooe at further testing tode ia that directisa Boi lbes Jaiy3O: 3lain nhaftarak 7 ft total 3)6 ft Water at present ahont 16W gallons day of st hour Me 3 (new) shaft sunk 17 ft total ft Very Hmto rhste here still sinking to lode matter easy to work with to nameraMe leadera all of which carry gold TtuaLuaa(Ttraa LOU Western Australia) Jtsaight July 30 East drive IPO fg level driven 8 ft total it ft Nomgnoartera wailyot ground still very hard and ugly fur Wanting Also etartod drive west at erne level ao this drive will giro opportunity 1 eat west nail of lode about 90 ft deeper and we may come acroat groat change from that point WaMr makta in sheet its weal quan tity but io a greet deal tatter rhea fonneriy Brorex Hill Jtmtiox WeokAngwd 7 Xais 750 ft Level Drive esteaded north emt 90 ft Prom tMe point a drive will now he started st an angle to tract lode Ides of going north to to hare a reserve opposite tonlt for rap port nt wee Neeemary ueeraratioe made vlkxft for bringing down main rods and fixing pit wort at bottom fixing of pitwortwill bestartodou Monday M0 ft Driving a still east on sill floor resumed face whieh to carried 7 ft wide sbowsa strong compact lode of good milling ere No walls are showing en Mtber tide Drive is new in from main cwwot 196 ft Stones ia back ef this level from north wince southward carried through to 57u ft level for twe sets fong aces gotag southward show good friable ore lea ting a good body of secead grade on (be footwall atoe to stupes south of main crosscut as far as Junction boondary ft Stopes beiat carried walk trumnonh boundary up to tbe third and fourth floors 4do hers which is about 18 ft wide is eomrvowd ef a mixture ef first ead recead grade ere 62u New supes north and couth of new wince to the bnteom of this level continue to yield usual quantities of average grade Excavation for loading for new pnmping eegiae completed and iMseao are wo encHued hcildiwt mum New brace and platform fixed te first landing and greater pmion of old engine removed Shipped 131 tows first relphiden an( alon disposed ef 4Ss tons of seeouds lueally total 62tiwu Dvke Rege vt ortnight East Lease ft Rast crosscut extended 8 1 total Ii ft West crosscut eneaded 4 ft total lu fL tfnartz leader cause ia last 2 ft of east crosneut Lt borehole touched stoae Chang oeenrrod in this drive whieh leads me to believe that stoae is dose at hand Pceviously thia drive cowsfotod of rd diocite when a serpentine formation "in1 in whieh carries small quartzite fader Dake Min taken over Duke Exteaded an Ihmere faae which joins them ra east ead join a portion of ours on south They have taken it over on account of rich eastern lode baring an austere underlie They are confining all thrir wort to this eastern brie and erecting machinery there Our low being so dose I cannot are why Indo will not afattve into mirv If not at ln ft it must tower down When Duke gets machinery to work It will ne more widely known end ours wilt epus intn prominence Tig: BAhtt's Creek Coxou Tb south drive from No 2 level to interoect No 3 reef extended to l7 ft Na 1 winze ea Smith's Reef Mak to Mj ft below No 1 level Winze on No 3 reef sank to 44 ft to No change ia quality of tode Kiting up at Maakec tabfa and ether work about battery going as usual Week Angvst 7 No 8 Level 'ftopiug (row winze some quartz was left here snd want ground for multoek Ba not crushed this week: will start crashing on Mowtav Otk Na 2 North C'outractore driven to 17 fi No change reef still I in July Machinery working well Am pushing on wilb week am anxious to get int rorf TEMTERAXCE Pnosrrrr WCT This L'nioa held its annual meetiagoa Thursday afteraouu August 3 when tbs members had the pleasure ot welcoming bom tbrir President Mrs Nichotls after her extended tour io Mueenaiaad After tb President had given aa letsreeting account of her journey and tbe meet iags field indifferent places and tbo propose of Lempor ane wrk tb annual burins ef tbe Vetoa was tnt'isaeted Tbe tocretary's report showed that tbe work of the Inion had been conducted as previowly Th boldtog ef cottage meetings bad neen lately uedlrtsken by Mrs Houston Th Treasurer reported a small balance to hand On ac uuat ef her numerous duties Mr NKbolle felt obliged to refuse the office of Prsrident far the coming Tor and Him Lockwood wu elected to that poritioa while the fuemer Secretary nad Treurer werere electtri SrnvrHURvx The annual meeting was held in th traihalbyn Wesleyan Cbureti ridtiv th PrvideaC in the chair Mr Alien Ititrict President and Mrs Darby of the Stirling I nto' assisted Tbe reports of the bccretarysnd Treasurer were read anil approved Reports re roid from th difT reet departments showing that tlHuigh they bad ant made much pregrem dunug the year they were holding their Mr St nte' report rofrehusenc ruora on zle day was very satiafortory All the offi cers were re elected mid two new wmlier jrined 1 tlieevceiiiea public meeting was held Mr Rinkiu preMOing Tbe Secretary aud Treasurer reset satisfactory reports Sir Darby gave a song and diet wards read a tong and totorestlng account of th Anstrslsniou Convention held ia Brishasss which she bad attended Nr Aden spoke at some length showing tbe need of patience and perseve rance to effect any good work Th minister of th 'Vedevsn and Pnmitiv Chur 'ben also spoke a few words Th meeting was con iaded with a mtnpnr A TEsirttutss Th Rv fsift tli hampiim of ti mprraneeand local notion who ha bem conducting a mission ia New south Wales finishes this week and proceeds to M4 bourne where one week will spent and then on Adelaide catching tb Orotava on September 1 arriving in England in time to take part in th 1 great Albax meeting at tbe ree Trad Hall Manchester on October 2 expvto to return to New ZeJand six months bsfore tbe general elec tion to battle for tbe cause He ha received a letter lately from a prominent politicise asking him to stand for Paritamewt but it to not likely that will take such a step IA MR TO THE ElliTtto ''Electors'1 opinion of me is a matter of no moment 1 shall be only too pleased to allow Mr uHaud bis neeiatMce during dire uion ot tbe question at Wack vs if ho will givu me his nain Mr olland voiuplains that I did nut uuvet hie letwrof May 21 I did not think that his totter required any reply I regarded it as an attempt to back down by raising imaginary difficulties uch as stating that tbe price uf chaff at Morgan waa or £10 per ton that it ould bn neeveaary to hire horons and trap to undertake the trip of inspection and that the cost of tlie tnp would be at toast 1 think that amount is rxcesstse in tbo extreme As Mr ulland had plenty of time to have undertaken tbe trip while the steamers were running before May 21 and as there is a mailcoach that runs to tlw settlements every week why did Mr olland not travel by roach if he wanted to go7 itut Mr oiland did not aak rue for a cheque aasuggroted by If he bad I would have rent it at once He asked for Htggesfii'jns from me 1 had none to give him I was quite prepared to carry out uiv promise that I made and I am so still aut as tbe rteanrers are running now I hope that Mr olland will al an early date undertake the tri(L 80 as to give Nouth Australia the advantage of his expert knowledge and un biased judgment I forward to yuu a cheque for £lu to be han led to him on application 1 ain Sir Ac WILLIAM RUSSELL I We have received Mr Russell a cheque for £10 Mb fti and ako a copy of Mr olland's letter to Mr Russell In addition to the point mentioned above this document explains that want of rain baa delayed me quite three weeks but I expect to be' able to start about June Ed THE CITY IN DARKNESS to me snrron No wonder the South Australian Gas Commay can pay sorb fat dividends if it treats all iu customers as it docs the City Corporation Taking the year at thirteen lunar month tbe city gaalampa are alight only about seven months and then only during half of tbe night with anything like a light tor at midnight the pressure ia token off Th rare lamps were not Be on Saturday night because it was supposed to be a moonlight night but it was very cloudy and what licife taoun there was dtMHpeared below tbe horizon at about I o'clock am Tbe rest ot the night passed in pitch darkness No wonder the bouas breskers from the other colonies are settling down here as there are such splendid oppor tunities for them to carry on their work It is a disgrace to tbe city the way it is lit up Now that thia question is before the Corporation I trust that thaw will eome to some better arrangements If tbo electric light can he supplied withart ranch extra coot wo should adopt it I am Sir 4c BELCHER fWe are mfortned that tbe City Council and not the Gas Company decided vM nights tbe lamps wore not to be lit that tbe Gas Can pony baa faely raade an ofler to light the lamps with improved burner all night and every night throughout the year and that the gM supplied tasted by tbo Corporation gaa examiner wboae reports show that tbo ilhsrai natinff power of tbe gas is iwraaiili islily abovo tbe standard reg oirea Ed ProreU Batoara ef Aniwfl Awkraa PowelTt Bafara ot AafasA Craghs MoaeMtia Bataa ci Antoeed Loagha Lang Treebtaa Pcwstt's Rstara ot Aalarafl Canghs Night Powells Bataa of Artseefi Mnetna PvweiTs ffnfara ot lalinfl Ceogha fare Israfdy PmwH'i Batara ot Atfnta Salt tad RattoMr Tiafis Lta Jtet snfi Mensa faNuMUU Mfite Ch Milts iMsBai tfa woric istawtata XH anfiapwarOi AA ORDER THE GARTER Loan Msaaocura used to ray that there was only ana order in the world worth having nad thne wm the Garter beeraraa there wm no merit attached to it at all Mid that whet Made it Abe first radar Enropa Aadthoreia Ird Meibnorno abosred his ranal ahrwwdneaa Tbo dratsnetion raoa and women love boat and appr ornate moot ia the dietinetina wbieh instead of ranking a mm distmgniahfld Merely singles him cut nlrendy bran so dietiuguMbed that no reason woods to bo given foe dioenguiehing bira further This tbe distinction Warner's Cmo enjoys testiraouy foe its curative pronertira oppose on every hand Mr Albert Stneoy Ths Etas 31 Park wrad KiMn rays: pros ran greet pitatsrc to testify to tbo wras dorfnl cmrativo properties at Warnor'e Cure or a eanot bomrpaeeod Tbe symptoms were nausea biliooreara great wenknraa and trerabiing of tbe late After taking two bottles of Warner's Cure I Mt And that is tbe kind ef testicay which men and women covet moot WAionn's Safk Cobb ts a Sficifio fob Liver and Kidnbt Dikbanb SPORTING A final renuader given to owsen and trainers that acceptances fw tbo second day of the AKC Grand National MeoWnw are due st 4 o'clock this afternoon with Mr ft inal payments for the Caulfield Grand National Steeplechase to be decided on Satur day haT to be declared at 4 'cloak this after noon Hear Hear wm scratched on Wednesday morning at II o'clock fur the Mayor's Mib to bo ran on Saturday next at tbe ft Grand Natwnal Meeting Omtideooe has been nominated for tbo Moonee Valley Steeplechase to bo ran on August IS and for tbe VRC SteopieebaM to be derided oa August 21 In Melbourne this week a tbo Vietoriaa Club there waa some wagering over forth coming event In connection with tbe Caul field Cop to £40 waa taken Ixieksmith £1000 to £5 Trent and £300 to £15 Batchica la doubles Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup Amberite aau acile were tacked to win Doft) or so at b'b to and Laukaunth and Aurora for a similar amount Our Melbourne correspondent telegraphed on Wediteeday that Woodbine bad beta with drawn from the Owa Plate and Welter Han dicap to be decided at Caulfield oa Saturdayext The following are the probable starter and riders toe tbe Cauifietd Grand National Steeplechase published in a Vietoriaa Hur "A Ik Ri1r Dnadi 12 Butbttlaad Already ft fl Allan Hive tl 8 Csz Vigil It Headricks TriPM Il 7 A WUttMM Zoerofl 11 7 Laverty Brii 11 0 8 fair Cedric 10 12 Coraeroa Mootrow 10 7 Morris Crmfldeac in 1 A Bred Blacktbera bi 0 Watters Tnoei 910 Brewer Britemarte 9 5 Law Scout 5 Gieomu Craheras 9 9 Mr Deaa Warpaint is to be sent to Queouland where be is to do stud duty Satanelia by Qui Vive frotn Lady Drntaraer has been shipped from Sydney to Western Australia Tbe death is reported of tbe sire Wheat nteal wbo won the Quooweiaad Darby ra IN83 Tbe Arrott ot Tuesday TMmaaian ateepleehater Moatroee who is engaged in the Caulfield Grand National Steeplechase at 10 st 7 IK went with Tirnoni at Caulfield on Saturday morning the object being to go tbe Grand National journey which means covering twelve feeceu Mootruee however cane down at tbe first fence and wa not perveverod with pulling up rather sore Yesterday moraing be was accompanied by another TaMaanian in Britonaarte ova a two milea journey Montrose jumped how ever only three fences while Britomarte encompassed six Moatrne cantmed fur a great part of the journey and be distinctly gave tbe impression that be is not now too sound His exhibitions at Caulfield show him to a fast bone but aa uncertain jumper and therefore not the boat boree in tbe race to MAITLAND JOCKEY CLUB Tbe annual general meeting of the Maitland Jockey Club wm held at the Yorke Valley Hotel on riday evening Dr Dickeuaon pre sided over a good attendance The balance sbeet showed a good credit halanee It was decided that the races bo held on November and tbe following officers were appointed ratruns the Lioux A Addison O'Luglilin and Howe MLC'a Moira bbaunon and Copley President Dr DiekunnoQ Vice Mr 1 PrindeviUe Clerk of Scalas Mr Hornier Clerk of Course Mr Hilton Handicapper JI Hughe Time keeper Mr John McLeay jun Treasurer Mr Oatey Hon Secretary Mr McCarthy Committee Dr Dickenson MoHr Oater McLeod John McLeay jun Honner Uifey McCarthy yerboff PrindeviUe and June Kenny Stewards Dr Dickenscm Kenny Oatey McLeod John McLeay jun Honner Hihy Walsh McCarthy Meyerhotf and John PrindeviUe It was decided to give away clore on £170 ia stakes GEELONG RACES MELBOURNE Wednesday Jhe winter meeting of tbe Geelong Racing Club wm held to day nleaaant weedier bm parned off successfully The sport wm excel lent and tbe finishes cloae and exciting The fin Uh for the SiceoleeltaM was very fine Balmaghie looked all over tbe winner up the straight but in tbo last 100 yards he wm tackled on either aide by Nipper and Rattler and Nipper eventually won by half a bead Ductor came a terrible cropper three fence from home and broke his neck His jockey Glennon escaped with a alight concussion of tbe brain After tbe Trial Stakes Lewis tbe rider of Bayonet lodged a com plaint against McGrath tbe joekey on Princem for interference in tbe early part of the rec? The Stewards suspended McGrath for one moath The following are tbe results TRtlL lUKMCXP White Veil (Maaaiag) 1 Grandt (IGnitf) 2 Bayonet (K Nia suited Ill BDLK to'X Oriou (M' NIebuJ) I Yarrow (Leak) AUAIooe Gift Seven started B4RWIW HAWtCI NadftytR Lewi) I White Veil (Manniae) fclrelhspty (CalUu Q) 3 fits started stRsrix Nijiperfnifawooli 1 Ralwaghieft'ameroD) fattier i Water) 3 Seven started Autxss HAhniCA MtssCarbiaefNaaBiaf) 1 wu Siitn) 2 Damien (Moure) 3 Niti" stAteL Emery' Broken HtlL Simpleton was an older hors than Syntax 2 Syntax was by Sir Edmund from Black Bcea I Surefoot Laving beat taken charge of by tbe Starter you are not entitled to gut your wmey beck 2 Confi dence is the elder of the twn "Constant Kalgourlia WA Port Admiral ran second and Lord Grenville third in the ARC Birthday Cup woo by ulham CRICKET WnonntiA The snmial meeting wm held the Institute on August 9 Mr Rawlins presided over a guoj artjndaaoa The following officer were eldcted for the ensuing Patron Mr Bower President Mr A Brock Captain and Secretary JI Hopkins Viee Captaut and Assistant Secretary Colman Com mittee Mesar erguson A Crane A Waters Captain and Vice Captain Several now members were prepared sad tbe npoung match wm fixed for the 2nd ci October A vote of thanks far past Mrvicre wm accorded Mr Blackouru the late Secre tary who has removed to Weetern Australia also to Merer erguson Waters and letcher wbo have joined tbo Pon Adelaide Electorate Club POBT OSWLEB AWUTToy Lew Ughtv Berea Rafa Lower Light IS Teaby 49 end 3 for Manual Saad 3 far 10 A Putevm 17 Mt out Iteeraa Plaine te far A olfad It Bfater 13 JO Daw kins 4 for Pot 4 for 41 Central Twa Welh CtatraL 143 Wasfey It and afar 26 Wretey and 3(w Tfafiv 20 Tewbjr Row ft WMfa 11 Twa WrtU 77 Maoeel 18 and (or IX Urea 17 MrCsvdlT Cowan Crifey 4 fa Nonreeu Yours PuxmeaaCnicuriM AMoetxnon Bute Bute 94 Tteugiw fit alisdnT tiorrisre 21 aiwwri 6 fa 96 A Tre0 3 fa fl Morrison fa IT ft TiMigote 3 far IS Bwiisrisa Saud lugrira WMllSSl 3 fa XX MeMaaasfaXt Port Broughton Bate 7 fa 123Jefaedetored) Trseu48 not fa Pal wood £3 8 Ti 01'1 17 ft Troneere 4 fa 21 aL wfa 4 fa 33 Port fa A WiiltaaraMSBaofa Dowfafl 3 far 38 BoddalfaM Bute Brefaeld Rtite fa Ml (faifa dadared clerad) fi Trngere Caeaa 9 tot ret Puiwred 16 Tseng fa not Trrerere 11 8 Itengsee 9 fa 10 Cowan 8 fa TL Britt ifiillfi fa Tj WL JeteN MW Barta Btact rw nP KUMM form AMUsem*nTS THEATRE ROYAL Tb military drama was repealed oa Wednesday Bight under th pateOMfB and the prasenos of Anting Commaadaat Makm the officers and men of tbo South Amtralian Military oma There wm a large sttendaare and the etirriag sriueiof military life presented by Mr George Rigaold aad his eompany were well portrayed and kindly applauded Three trill bo only two more opoortunitiM ef eeeing thia com pfay THE HORSE EDUCATOR Professor Norton Smith th expert horn odneatar wm largely patronised on Wednesday evening Outbmta atppreeialiua were frequent The gnat attraction this evening awill be a contest between a veritable outbw and tbe human Profrenoe Tbe horse in question comm from Mr Troy atebfea and as be ia deMtihed one that bitea kicka and strikes and having been given up by three horwbreakem tbe contest should be aa exciting one Pro fereor Smith offers t5 to any one who will secure him for 11 genuine curing atallionn one that has a record for viMb that haa killed or injured noose one ENIELD INSTITUTE A concert wm given in th Enfield Institute on Tueeday evening in aid of the local Glee Club There wm a large audience and tbe progruMMC wm carried out euocemfully under tbe direction of Mr Gratton orremta ot Chalmers Church The opening number a quartette 'IathisboeroftofsetedepleBdmrn waa spiritedly rendered by Misses Pnest and ft Harman and Musan Gratton and A Lyon who also snag sobbing Mias Ruth Harman was beard in children's and the duet Whisper and I shall bear' with Miss Harman Miss Judd contributed Revenge and The cows are in tbe clover Mr Sparrow recited Arkwright's Poor little aad Tbe enchanted shirt' Mirs Priest sang and Mr A Lvua Bandit's The latter with Mr Gratton contributed the duel Tbe concluding number wm night by the quartette Mr Gratton waa the accompanist CATHEDRAL HALL Aa enjoyable entertamtMat consisting of vocal selections and tableaux was given by the boys of St Peter's choir at the Cathedral Hall on Wednesday evening There was a large audience who testified to their apprecia tion of the efforts hy frequent and hearty applause Getty's plantation song Pompey's Ming by tbe company opened the pro gramme and later tn th evening two other numbers down dar" and up bv the same writer were given Master Hoiking was beard to advantage in Butterflies Master Sands sang the beret is (Bacbl and other solo numbers were pro'wntod by Masters Pwey Hack and raser Tbe pro gramme ineluded two Smart's ing "and etav home is (Toors) sung by Masters Hoakiag Hack and Pizey a characteristic dance from Mr Dunn's by pupils of Mi Hooper and four tableaux Mr Dunn tbe Cathedral organist acted musical director and accompanist ENTERTAINMENT AT GOODWOOD A successful children's concert and magic lantern ootertaanneat took place at tbe resi dence of Mr 8 Knox Kpnagbank Good wood rood Booth on Monday evening Tbe programme wm carried out by children living in toe district in a very creditable manner nd tbe Rev Paynter showed lantern views Mrs Lyall played the overture and accompanied tbe songs at the children on tbe piaao A vote ot thanks was passed to the Chairman Mr Sweeney for presiding ami to thoae who bac assisted to shucc tbe en tertainment a success OR THE CHARITI1A or mri part it ha been customary for theamber of the various gymnasia under the mastership of tbe Herren A and Leeches to give demonstrations for the pleasure of the pupils and their friends Tbe training neceaaary for tbeec local events is equally good for the eatimabte purocM which baa now emanated from Mr Hugo Lascben and been takes up very heartily hv the masters mistressee and pupils of all the leading colleges gymnasium daaam aad schools The purpose ia to giro a grand outdoor demoa atratioa on tbe Jubilee Oval oa tbe firat Saturday in September and the muster ot gymnasts will be bnt a few short of 1200 wbo have consented to take part in the demonstra tion This of iteelf should be sufficient to attraet a largo crowd ot spectators ac tbe nominal fee to be charged for admission as nothing of the kind Las ever been attempted before in the colonics but tbe excitement necessary for the cntercainmonl of every Australian crowd will be found in tbe inter collegiate bi' ycle races and the prooesrion of bicycles decorated The Messrs Lichen give their ssmees entirely free of charge for conducting the exhibition aud tbe committee and officials for the general arrangements include representatives from each college school aud gymnasium inte rested The committee hope to be able to distribute a considerable sum between several draerving charities ae a remit of the combined effort for a very worthy object COURSING SACC BUCKLAND PARK MEETING Tbe Diamond Jubilee Waterloo Cup to be run at Buckland Park 00 Wednesday aud Thursday next has cioeed with forty four uoraina'ions The tunung at tne 1'iuiopton te exposed the furta of several greyhounds wbo would otfierwiM have been included ra the Buckland veoturu but seeing tbe amount of coiiraug that greyhound owners have had this season the number wbo have nominated must be regarded as quite satisfactory and no doubt the meeting will prove aa iraceeaaful as those that have preceded it at the park whieb is now beginning to look nt its beet again Tbe attractive nature of tbe outing is recognised by all wbo have paid a visit there during the part fifteen years and it ueeseutiallya spocts tnai meeting where a beautiful trophy ia regarded as worth battling for as well as the stakes With Mr Hope in th saddle tbe competitors may rely upon gutting sound verdicts althoigh ae only one dug can win out of two sent from slips there mar be soma people dissatisfied who do not understand tbe points or tbe rules of couraing Mr Jlatliirarm informs us that bares are not plentiful to tbe eye in th paddocks but fa says they always turn up whan theolulits there aad no doubt will furnish tiie requisite number of runs for the Cup and the Plate Coursing will oonmence in the same paddock as last year tbe white gate at the station being the starting point and before luncheon oa tbe first day velnclea are to remain in tbe road Init after that all presant will be brought close possible up to the beaters Luncbeim fur members will be laid ia tbe hd with seating accom mndation st the tables and the ottsrer (Mr Kmgdqn) will provide luachson for the public ia a place near by which will be separated from the members When the acceptances are in on Monday next the oommittp will hold a meeting and arrange the division of tbe stake ana otbor matter and tbe draw will take place at Roberts's Sturt Arcade Hotel at fi o'clock the tint" evening Ttw committee held a financial meeting oa Wednesday afternoon and with a balance ot £lv 9ft fid haa 1 from fat year hope to get over the pment mertiiu? without loss although in tbe previous seasoa with a start of £8 15a 4d in hand th're was a small debit balance at the finish over a two days mveting no that very little margin is left if tbe meeting happens to run into three days last year Tim 44 dog entered for this stake will give aa extra bye a compared with 4H but will certainly be better than 43 so that tbe action of tbe committee is jnsti tfod in keeping open the nomination time a couple ot days The first brace of dog will fa doe in slip at tbe white gat at tbe station at 9 am on Wednesday next 18th instant Th following is tb fat of aoainatora for the Waterloo Cup aad Messrs A Ware Samuel Tdbeb Read Jerome Johnson Bsrr Amith 1 Millar PM Jam Quinn rost Pearoe Jamas KubnaL John Crrewell oote Addison Brother Buttenek Cafes McDonald fit Lee Sexton ulwood Leach Bowman Jelioy Watkins McMichael A tiarvey Harvey Warten Martin Grav McWhirter jun John Hammer Young Bhrat Hubbla Smith Brown tf Crsker Ntcbofea ol brad and Dr OCommU HAMLEY BRIDGE Wednesday Tbe following is th draw fa tbe Hawley Bridge ouurmng tafarag to ba held on August 18 IV and 20 Tbe Make wm over filled Ifan McMafa CfUfsTo Watasra faMal Mr Walsh's taehfor ftBfebmand's Wslfa agatMt Mt OeHN Jtefimtran Black Barty faifa Mr Mefftey's Mr Bara's Brandy safari Mr Lambml Biota bv uat IL gaiS Mr Battery's ffmtaer Mr Barrett oVQ aptari Ml Oapmas Lady Mr Ooodtas LsAmw against Mr McOm's Dnrti Mr Prise's fisfey fatal Hr Murphy's Ttale Mr Pnntagari's iyw Mr Bfasnatty Mr Kirk's lantktn fatal Nr Gunnar's Jma Mr JflhMiel Pmittiifa fatal Mr Gerid's Marcy Mr McCana's Kart Barn atat Mr aUan AalteoMfa The tat ya an tebete tteriUpn al itah anatic THE LIQVOR QUESTION ADDRESS BY THE REV WHEATLEY Th aRMrai public meatag of tb Gawier Breach tfa WCTU waa bald at tbe fata laatitate Hall on Tuesday evusHg Auguat IB There wm a large atumdaac and tbe Presi dent Mrs Skewea occepiad tbe chair The annual report read tan Oorraspottd ing Hserstary Mis Marsh showed that tbe year had been smfaiv on Monthly and special and meetings and mis otfa bad been held A refreshment booth had bon ran at tbe Gawier Show and a public water troagh erected in tb town The aumber at aMMberwM now 105 agninrt lari year The Rev Wnanxr Secretary of tb 8A Alliance delivered a vigorous adtaeea and after referring to the i sugar of intoxwaata to the individual and th doty of the individual as his brother 'a keeper to do all be cook! to eop with th aril dealt with tbo pobbe aspect ot the question If they knew tbo amount at ttoaaj sugataad tbo iafloeace brought to bear oa Cnsir representatives ia tb interests at tbe liquor traffic they would be indignant and they would mor wide awake than tfay were at election times (Applause) Thio liqwr traffic was a power in booth Australia and only thorn who did no know what went on behind the eooma thought differently They should see th shuffling th wm done by members of Parliament and tbe want of satisfaction in tbo wbulo thing Until the temperance people were prepared to sink every other oooakierntiou for the time being and pul this thing into tbe forefront of our polities our rebgfa our daily practice they would always be laughed at by poliudana and have Acta Parliament practically valuefaa in Courts ot law Ho bad come to the cou clusiun that would no penuanont benefit to tbe working cfesees until the power of thepublic bouHewMdeattpyed (Arnilauae) It wm the hope of everything thatdrared men down and kept them down It could be got rid of by a combination of moral vuaawn aad legal suon Tby muM not legislate in tMlvanc of public opinion but it mute not lag behind (Ap piause We had a Sunday closing Act but did not have Sunday closing Tbe Com missioner of Police told bin that eighty men went into a certain hotel on the previous Sunday and in reply to bin question why he did not tak action raid that it wm becausa h' could not got a conviction under the pre suet Act A lawyer showed him (tbe speaker) recently how be could driest nearly every osm brought forward How long were they to put up with laws like thia! (Applause) After referring ia scathing terms to tbe actions of tbe in relation to Mr King O'Malley and other matters he said that a leading QC advised him reeeatlr to let him see the manuscript of an address he wm announced to 'deliver he said the trade would very piefad te stop his little game (Laughter) Nothing would suit him better than to do thru months for tailing tbe truth (Laughter and He had received piteous appeals from those who suffered through tbe liquor traffic Why should not the trade pay for tbe havoc it made? (Applause) All the trade wanted wm to be lut alone but they would aot have that wish gratified A vote of thanks waa at tbe instance of Mr Coombl seconded by Mr 8 Bailkt accorded to the rev geatfoman and to Mias Ethel Bruaa who rendered two solo DISTRICT TRAINED NURSING SOCIETY Tbe monthly meting of the general com mittee wm held on Monday afternoon at the Church Oifioea Leigh etreeL Tbe President Hrsu Dr Campbell occupied the chair Tfa foilowiag srara MeedaoM Rymill Wright Scott Hamilton MIssm Howard Brown Benham Canon Pollitt Revs Ellis aud Berry Dr A A Hamilton Mews White and 8 Leader Hou Treasurer and tbe Bitter Superin tendent and Secretary Nurs Mullaney Th Treaeuier reported that at last monthly meet ing the funds in hand were £270 Expenses durrag th month wore £27 receipt £18 leav ing a net balance of £241 The Secretary reported that tbe amouut of sickness among tbo poor had been grea during July Min any previous mouth Several cases had been attended in North Adelaide awl Bowdeu whieh required night ae well as day nursing Wert Adelaide had also had some severe cases Tbe nurse bad frequently to go out in tbe night and in doing so had found their bicycles of great service On ease wm iartaaeed in which tbe North Adelaide nnrae bad to proceed at midnight to Nailxworth to a poor woman for whom she had toperform the last offices before leaving Without her bicyclo she would have been unable to go as she wu unaccompanied ty any one In every district a great deal at genera! distress had been relieved Pitiful cases were constiuitly cropping up The total number of riite paid during the rauniii hy the nurses tn West Adelaide Bowden North Adelaide Norwood Port Ade laide and Gxwler were i'M to 16) patients The coat per visit was 4W and per patient 4 fid An additional dr enwcgency nurse bad becu engaged and wm now actively employed Mta Howard re ported that an influential meeting had been held at Parkside at which a number of tbe residents attended and agreed to raire fuadsneccmary to secure the service of a nurse for that dmtricL it was suggested that Unley and Goodwood should join although it would be better to have two nurses in so lam aa arex Regulation 25 was struck out and two new rule were passed to tbe following effect Th actual cost of a nuree (exclusive of the first cost of a bicycle) is per anautu 2 A auroe may fa stationed in any diatrivt at a ot of nut fas than £tU but tbe actux amount to be paid by any district shall be fixed bv the Getj ral 'Committee In discuss ing them two new regulations it was shown that they were baaed on the experience of three year Tb Central or General Com mittee find that tbe funds at their disposal only enable them to maintain a nurse in West Adelaide and one in Bowden where there are no local oom nut tees The other districts are exported to maintain themselvra as nearlyM possible which most of them now do rhe following ladta mid gentian were added to the General Mr Tom Wigley Mrs A Stmpnon Mr Hardy (Parkmde) Mr Viuer Smith Mr A Simpson and Dr Evans at Bowden RIENDLY SOCIETIES Vsitid Dacgrtiks of The Lily Lodtre 1 held its usual meeting on Tuesday niy 10 in the Rechabite HaiL The President Sister Leaver oot med tbe ehar aad was ably supported by Pant Prmiilemto Sisters 11 Lingwoud Smith A Prime A Capper and Hutton After the toual bosiaen had been dvpoeed of Brother Jingwood Smith prevented the iodge with a beautiful emblem picture of tfa Order designed and painted by hiMerii The rablra is computed ri hiero glyphic representations of charity Upon the pedestals are represented the twn other cardinal virtues aith and Hope whiiit be tween them is displaced the shield of tne Order enriched by tne oormxcopi and tbe dove with the olive branch indicative of peace and reooacoliaikm The shield is quar tered by the Christian Crass in token that the Order is founded upon the principle of the Gospel whilst across its base is displayed tbe motto Amici tia Amor et Puras Uon tfa hield Unity and Strength Industry Thrift rugality Christianity Innofacn Justice and Tima are typified Above is dis played the universal globe enclosed by the laurel branch Tbe globe is divided by tfa cfoped hands signifying tfa universal character ri tbe Order's mission Above all beams the Omniscient Eye Below the cnUem and around tbe name of the Lodge and Order photograobs at tfa founders of tfa Order entwined with wattle blaeram and Sturt pea (Clianthusl ar displayed Tlie whole makes a beautiful picture Brother Lean Grand Secretary on behalf ri tfa Lodge thanked Brother Lingwuod Smith for hie handsome present and bis many acts of kindness to the Loder and Order Tfa pic tore mar be seen at the Lodgeroom fteebantte Hall Adelaide TMC 4 jBpnd ooaios 9i Ruroue St WOTICE HIT CYCLISTS MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS to Tut xorroa I srish to appeal to those principally sowerasd in tbe sad decline ri morality as seen in tbe streets at night A general lament cMtes from repsctablu persona ra all elMsra at saeount ri thm development ia tfa young life ri th colony To any one going thr ngh the street after dusk especially on Sunday nights tbe sight at large numbers of girls rom tbe aye or thirteen npwarda showy in dress aad xne in oond jet presenta a very par sapec and snggeste a terrible harvest ra star for parents and children If parent were asked ra plain language if tfay re a consenting party to tfaw you girls thus exnomng themselves to rain tfay would mdignantl deny tbe imputation but are they not giving tacit consent by allowing tbeir ehildtw each liberty knowing th danger whieh surrounds them! Tbe riuldrea are fem respouibla Tfay may or may not have been trained to decency and self reapecL It mate with tbeir parent wbetber tfay are ro or not and are not tfa latter responsible? It is eo sad to hear fathers and motfan say tfay have bo power over aad cannot restrain tfa chtklred they bare brought into tbe world They should consider wbetber by a strong effort and stronger praver they may not arrest further trouble We know bow fard tbe straggle to begin afresh must to tbe mother wbo may have delayed control bnt gentle aad loving advice to a Erl aught to sooceed A mother to influence child must set a good example and may look for enccesa by srif coetrob God knows this difficulty aad only waits to fa asked to help Il ia poasiNe that parents wbo do not see tbeir children in the streets do not realix tbo evil influence which earround them and would fa appalled if this evil entrapped them aad allured teem to their rain Then 1 ask mothers wbetber it would not fa better to train tbeir girls early in self respect and to hold themselves aloof from familiarity which mesas insult from men aud boys who haunt tfa streets at nigut for ne other purpose beseech mothers to fame do time in restraining advising and explaining to tbeir girls wbat to avoid nod bow to respect them reives I know tbo extrenm difficulty with which working mothers have Co contend buw in small hoeene when tfay ere wearied with work it 0 hard to make tfa evenings attrac tive to their children and from very fatigue they let them but to what and whor*! Do they stop to ask thia? In a climate such ours where tbe open air is eo attractive and freedom is eo general the young people incline to outdoor recreations while son may perhaps have been working in dose rooms or there however ranaol in clude tfa mere children from twelve years of ago whom grieve to see in tbe atrrets but is tfare no way of taking recreation without th loom and perilous society of tbe streets! There are girls wbo are above reproach and wbo claim respect from even larrikins but how many ar otherwise! And are the former tbe fatter for th sight and sounds whieh must take tbe bloom from modesty Tbe men and boys are not always tbe aggressera and are tbemrelve in danger when idle girls are about Now all thia ead but true state ri things brings ua to wonder what can fa done to help young girls If tfay feel tfay must have variety can they or their parents suggest any way in which it cm be found for ana by them which may raise instead ri lower tbeir moral condition! It is a strong conviction of thinking people that unless there is some check to the downward morality ri th young a terrible future is ia More for them If there young girls could fa tort with tfa quertMsm Do you know what yon are doing and what nsk you ran how you are losing relf reapect aad the repect of others aad in what misery such careiessnem may ashed by the earaeet mother who want to help many would stop to chink who may have hitherto beat thoughtless at all but pleasure and who may fa willing to meet any effort made for theirbenefiL It has been suggested that in our bright climate it would be possible to introduce the German system of temgardmiL in which parent and children may take tbeir recreation together and who need it more than weary mothers? Large number ri young lads have healthy and useful amusem*nts provided for them by those wbobririetkd them with a desire to elevate tbeir tastes and character Could not something of the kind te arranged (or giris! Would not the parents te glad to support such an effort by encouraging tbeir girls to interest them save in tending a better life? 1 am Mir Ae A GAWLER THE WAR AGAINST VERMIN Kaagarilla August 9 TO TSK EDrtOB Sir In reply to a question aa to wbetber tb small producers would oome nadir the benefit ri the Wire netting Act tbe Commis sioner ri Crown Lands states that such wm not coutetnplated Why nut? I ask as an elector aud prodooer fur nearly twenty five yean wbo baa never liad a coueesaiun (rum the Governmt'ut 'Ire only the rich or large holders ri fend to be legislated fur aad tbe small producer left Co his own resources to do battle with tbe vermin! Il is pleading see tbo stand Mr Puynton has liken against thia one nded proposal nod 1 hope be will be successful ia getting the benefits of tiro Act within tb reach at alL The Cutnnumioner in timated that a party HU) be able to obtain wire netting to ran a ring fence around a large block He teem to bar forgotten that in some settled districts there are cross road angle roads deep creeks rocks and tluMuanda of acres of next to useless scrub lands aad in comparison only a few acres uf uiuvatable land Tbe wire netting ia tbo beat means of coping with the vermin or yean there have teen ousorim against tbe depredations of tbe pest and the same will gu un in perpetuity unIm tiro matter is taken up by ths Stat a and th producer aad dealt with in a determined manner Instead of the State experimenting wuh £ltMM for thia and £SUUW for that with little or no benent accruing the cheapest sad most effectual way to deal with tbo trouble would fa to opcu a Vermin und ri a quarter or half a million pounds as may fa needed to be eentroUed by Boards and worked cm the State Bank lines Those wbo needed tbe most would eontribute the must There would always be fund available to oombat with any pert that may assail the producer Much trouble arises owing to the fact that while some persons do tbeir best to fight tbe vermin often thrir efforts ar nullified owing to theu apathy or inability to do anything for want of money Such a fund could fa darned into ABC divisions tauming thai tb amount needed was a quarter of a millionf would be th I'astoral Vermin und of £100000: ft £100 ow to te for the Settled District roduwra' ond and £JOiX) fur stores account for procuring tbe teat known rearodroft There would be no need for fresh taxation When once fairly established tfa thing should te MlLsoppocting Idle funds could be utilited by tbe Bank 1 am Sir te PARSONS THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY TO TBI KDITOR Th Government might well pause before committing themsches to taking tbe advice ri a man wbo has ao recently pro nounced that the very hazardous risks ri tbe Exhibition Building exposed by Superin tendent Booker did not Tbe tfemgna BQL as they are of the Art Gal lery have tu be approved by the Board ri Governors Are tfay Irold enough to driy tbe opinion ri the Minister! A few years back it rested with tbe old Hospital Board to adopt a line of action which would have saved this colony all tbe discreditable Hoapital bangle and that line ri action was clearly before them It wm wbat every bmuneu firm would take in sitnifer cates Tfay told in thrir band some £130uu of pri vately donated funds They needed a new Hospital aad they ought to have gosro to work by paying for tbeir own designs putting up tfa plfae tlroMsdve and steering dear ri the blundering Government aa far they could Bat they wanted to time" to "save the cost of to mv anything and everything but their own dignity nay tbeir own existence They found like some co else in an fable that when you pray for it is possible to change your bum too 1 late when fa comes The Honorary Staff fell victims to this rror ri the rid Board Let tbe Governors of tfa Art Gallery learn in time the moral of at least not knuckling down too much to th transient glones ri a colonial Govern ment I as Sir ket ARTIST CAHNKTR IM fete (IS tfa A BEAUTIUL COMPLEXION Apply Mpkotea Lotion It drtva away BOMB CO PbtagmeBMs tan my taMt tor pjssnvspMa taffy Cyriirta STMBB NnwtegrwMffiaBff amimirisa filial at troapaM tetri wk Ow flatbetypM am INscaMia ite On madtaaa 8a Mtwil vtttt OaelerSaliiflMtettthrigafem ffiafigwrameata Sulptoline dtvalapa a lovely akin Il boctteL Made Advt MMtet tbe Sultaa rf Turkey kM km donbhate peraeu ri Inn ad By tiro Ctriri at tbe im perial watdreteft lamed ia at tbeaemetieM th Sultan' confidential mm ri beameaa Tfa In iji tte coinage eaMicta ehiefly of wtalm' teeth tbom ri greater value bei dyed red Th natives exchange twenty white teeth for on red one we eteage abilluct OTTO STTG TBa Wnlikttil noria anaflfeqM aa I iaatriking LITER COMPLAINTS Knwfe Dixwuw awn Qnxixg Irritating md Disfiguring ERUPTIONS On the ace Cured by Sarsaparilla RmnaAaMa Experiaaee ef Un Dorethy Maher itnrey Vietaria wfaaa partrait va privileged to ghe tetov: take pleasure in testifying to the proat benefit I derived from Sarsaparilla I suffered from eruptions on my face of a very irritating and vexations nature or a considerable time I expert mented with various so called blood medicines but without any allevia tion of my trouble At last your famons Sarsaparilla being strongly recommended to me I began to use it and after taking two bottles it was most gratifying to see and feel the effect in allaying the irritation and reducing the eruptions When 1 had used three bottles the erup tions disappeared altogether with out leaving a mark on my fane and I have never been troubled with anything of the kind SARSAPARILLA 6eM Befth ri ttetirifi CMri THE STOCK AND SHARE MARKET Silver stocks were dull prices Low bo important clang Tte market in Wretera Australian gold opaned utrougon Wodr4ay wtea a good volume ri exchange took place and price offered for moat ri tbe higher priced yenturea were in advance of closung rateft Toward tiro latter part ri the day however there waa a aiirht reaction and vali ia several inttaaces fell back a little Tte lower priced atoeka were well npportnd and pricea with few exeeptiana remained rirui RANGE SALE AND CLOSING LOTATIONS 930 a UU 530 pm MILO Wester Australian Stock AasecUted (ordiaaryfa 53a Iff A 54a rale M1U GJ BUu A 4L rale Block 45 fa fa 2d aafea fa Id fa ltd fa Doekier Central (ora fid call Ila 11 6d BoulJar Cantral td rale ad Bovlffer Coaeoli Me 2a eff 8 la 7d rak la 7iL boulder llalf nile Sooth (fld call la 3d 1 1 alc la fld 1 fifd vul dev Norte 0 8 2a 2d sale la lad la lid Hodder Nur Wert (3d call paid) iofd 8 la tele Ud llreokmaa BMblar Ua fld 8 14a bruektau'Uuldsn 2a 3l Brupfiy'a la rate fld 7L brown UUi CeawalCSff call la toiL la lid rate la lid liruwn Hill Mu 1 31L 4)d 11 own I till 4 bft Biair Atu l(pid) IL 2a 7d BLur AihU icon td call la Cd 81a 8 I salr la 44 la Hotuiie 1 la 1 rate la 7d Banuie Charlie flxieo 4d Uonnftf tixrlie Central (id call fillet (at xnetnni jjil L' M'le 13 rd 14 wlet 13 li'Jd la ia le 12a Proprirtary 1 1 ('axiTer 5a Sd ft Sa v4 tnee 5a 3d baA General Gordon Ga fid flaftLffa General Uonloa la 9ff la lid rate 2a General te Exteaded 4L Golden 4a flu ft 5a Gvlden llonertoe 3 7m ft 79a tiofi'e bd iL tiulden 9ff Great O5a ud tS fa Iff rale fid £fa Urtat BuoMer Na 17a A 17a fid tales 17a 17s 1 17a tl urvot BouMer Afa rate Mt tireot Bosldtr Mala 2fa xL ft 7a llMnault Sale2 ftL fiaanan's f'en'tsl I xten Li 4d A la 5d HanuaMirentmi 5 Sd ALbUDAH I jL 449 3d llaunan'e barvka jL Uannmi't Ureya rJaS 28a rate Sfa 9ft Jd 13a Ita tale 13a ilunan'i Hill Wet(eo llanuati lri le of tte Vxllejr (euafa 6H (tau ui Kvwarn North(wJd) la (A Mana Uear4 Nct XLfi ltd ttMMMua' Wraith 4d ItHperial ta id A 3a IUad take AtutiaCM cU li 3a flL lUd latke Aeftra 2L lalazd take Aaliz ft ft £13 ft 13 7a fid rata £13 Ta ft? IvMitee Junctioe (84 call ta SA la ud ivaatee tenth la loff ft 4a llffate 7H IH Kgoorlie Hank ef te 2fa ante aa Kafemalie ft id Kirkpatrick Moult Beano (paidj II Kalrarli urid UlMe 7m 74a rata Lady Bountiful 1 ml fid tady Muahetk ft 2d ft tally Mvy Ntte (al attekro) Tiff Lady prad) 2a Liffy teerry id call ft 10d like View a 13a fid ft ta 14a fid miet £8 ifa ta Ua ta 13a A take Vi tenth (paid abut) t2a 9d A 33 rate 3fa 32 nd 10yd latke Vie Htraffii ft 15a Mantatik ft 3 IA Martana Ccnttal ft 38 ratal! J4cnzie Toraailo uL Mount Ateander ft It 4L jfouat Beuron (con It It IM MuQ tCUarlotce ft id ft fid rate Sjd (Id tiePbertan Bewxrd 1 ta talea 4 Tjd ta t4 Noraemt (cro 3d rn pastes la 2d Xo I Norlb 5hhm ft 1 fld No 1 North Nurtetnan ft It ft 1 21 JCeetb Jl ft 24a rate tt North S7a fiff ft SaaaaleeSTa fidPreraiet 27a ft 27a fid aata 27a fid 27a Sff Preraierteoth ta fa Id mIm ta JJ ta ltd ta Prtoeero 1 fa nnrra 11 id ft fa 6dea)eaaMfie6d prinrem Boyal fit M8 fataeata fa fata Qieva Maraatxi ft 24a Qoea Margaret ii Qveea Marnret a 7a tale 7t fa lift Ooecn Warcaret I teaih ft ia Qocea Mtrjtrel 3 3d ft fa ta mlea 8a ta 3a ta 4d aQMtart Meaate paid) Ita Ijd 8 16a Ud rata I'M fid edaiid ft 15a fid ulway (eo) a 7)d Rfer Earvk (eo fia fid Keefer ft fid Hoyal Dan ft ta fa rata ta ta Itoi ai De(cataedl ft lid ft ta iff Beyal Mint Berth (paifffaft ta 8lc Hill Sorth Extended A 2K rteUd5ri hlag HtU Prorrtaary (2d eaUted iud ft ta BL iforthera eMer(B! tall Iff ft ta Seffdea ta fid 8rtk 6a ta Me tatate ma Mt Ma fid Tkree CnfeaiM (en ta ta 54 Three CliM Kxteffd (paid) ta 9ft Throe Cetamee ftxtewdeffloon) ta Tiaffaro fia ta ft ta ta aaleo 5 4ft Tern KUirai Mom ft ta Iff fid taiieJflrrtrhmM (partfaB ta 14 Taiteff Beotekmaa (ee ft ta Victory Caitta ta ta ft ta 9ft Brnken 4H tia fid alflfl fife Mr Mra it ta 9 ta ft 7m rate 77a ft 5e fid Nurth ft lla low ft 128 IJff (roll La ta Juaniofl 2ta BL ft aaMfeiM tfe North fi ta 4 nanza tbi call Ijff ft fiftafeM Junction ta fii 3 uha 41 ta Sibet Hitt Junction (ta call yfrffi lift rkiora Smis'i A Co (old) ft 42a ft 48a llanaza fa ft fin fit 1l hMt 3a 14 ft ta 4 tlurou and ifa taft 19a fTLe letter anfl "fi' renrmmt b9V 94 tcUcrnt ilm clove of tbe marfceLj ALDBIDGKfcGBEOr aa a ra ra 28 KOVAL BXCBANOft Stegfawffrattt ixtended Crolgardte ita Wta tenro rat 4nio (piiJl 8 ad Ivaafee (LA £18 7a Ivanhoe toutb Rxiended 4a ta Lak lew G'DMl (L) 141 fake View Baath (aafek 32a 61 Sjl 9d as 60 MmttMtt CtewaL 11L MiNtnt Charlotte Bara ta tj injl Cv ta: Qtroea Marzant Sett ffa ldi Qneratiata Nenswt (paid) Ma Ml TfeffaTa Era AI 3 Hannan 1 (Jruva (CJ Srata Kati gvrli Gold inen (L) 7fa KaliarN GM Mine (CA 7a 73a ta rtiati CefaufeL Ma fit baker Creek Cotwla ta ta ta ta l0C irij Ivanhoe Suatb LxiMdoft 5a Lake Vfew Caratak £8 Ita £4 ita: Ltae fr JadJfiaM Menrte ifaroara ta 2d ta jd 1ft Mamtt uiiviir eu tiCraeTM ta tfoeea lrawret fieuih 7a at nntw Bbl 77a: ItetaBta Chaffer' (e tn 4J fr tianau'a CncMt tool Ifa fi UmmVi (ert ktaafaL: Kalcarli(eoi)74a UowoieCI la 7L Boulder Col Xo I la 7d Central fa lid General Gtarffea (midi fi hTOCK EXCHANGE ADELAIDE Webfi'RsiMT AraCbT 11 10 Coolgarffie MM (LL Ila Colcird Mint (C) 12 Uft Grant Main Reef (C) 27a ffaiaaait (C) ta Ilaunant Oreia (CJ 2fa MotA Kakerbe National (ordamry) eu iff 1 11 4 Spot fawn Hill 4s fid Meant fieddick 7 i eu 11 4 1 18 ts tt iHy Dawn Rlm and Wyndham 1 Ua Ent Mexican ft fa lOd entefa left Kelh wfa HI? Rrid tta 8 ft Lta 1ft ta lud dkn r' tiiria tlM AroncUtion rat'med teliyht Musiiall liteoery rritiaent Trusteeiieram Intut £19 fid "uney Ilydraul'C 1 eth xi and 1 Company Inta reul ti lnterc lnaiil (paid 1 fi itiuik dvpmlt Ita ft A JS Bank Ihpotilt Tomb 4 Co fL loft Cfcrtk Nu 1 Chalk No 8 (iialk'i Junction i'Dtei Inrarance tae a Iteorry Nee tenth Mmdard tenth lzb yuc tt id St lift Virterii and I feledoaia Bloek ta Victoria and Caledonia block JOft Lnag Tunnel Extended Lunt Tann North McEvoy North Prentice tioldeM Age CllAltTERfi ToWEEfl Waffwrtaj ftonnie Dan lee IL 4 td ft a brilliant 7 sd ft 7a ta aaltt Brillioatefl Kriiliaat Exteaded (paidt Hate 9a fkilhaBl block a 2d Sn 4 N'rth NyiMft iorktou Cm) Wickham nd Bullock Ulaad 1lil Junction lgirt i'lfu ld CutUMil Mnithflold arid Golden Pile iranhur teeth Kxteided ten'ieht iiaunan't iTiffe of Um Valley INTERCOLONIAL SHARK MAHKRl MKLBOCftNH wffaattay uioeteon tbe Stock ticctaaae ceratfeaad eig dull ceoeriJIy and th totem at tnmraetiea rtlerttd durinc tbe day waa aaaU btt ffaalttta 0 8 44 li 9 i ti 1 lull Hitall lti nl ta 'd lL pe Rale ta lid sfi UN ET WeffMftty CewtnrecUl Rank af Sydney 43 it 1 Vk traia refereiice ta IBa ltiyerald's Brtecry Meli nrae Tram aad 'ilrertoa Tramvay £5 TamfauKae lux Ita 3d broken Hill Water fiqiiattiDdlavetlineat I Lu nnett A Ceta blte in Block 14 Nertii Broken Ifa Lake Geura pper N8W Mount Lyell £12 'rlen iterate 2a 1L Colebrook Ita Curtin Dari llerculrr ta fd Moan Lyell Extended fid Mnuut Lyell Extended (jaM'i Ifa aft 11 North Mount Lyell tax 1 ff Xurli Meant Lyell (pradKtiM fld I Haylvy' Cunroit jrenianl Meiiite fl infaH ta a Bfevk Horae Vuited 1 3 Iftertnn 5 fid (ilrndnea lid a ff Meiropollua Board of Watto 3 ptt cenu Uetnikie £194 7 tendon Bank pueil Beeeipta tict ria (due yi) 1 1 otumeitutl bmk I'refenare Sharaft 15 Brilliant Ext tel icon 7a 10ft ft 7a llta Brilliuit Extended (pudl fit falff Clark Rnllient wxveter aad Vtearj 7ft 1 fi 8 ria le ta Pyrite lift 9d EBTH Wfltoattay loniiirr viiti tniir outii Kouldrt NH Wret iri'ine 01 ar teulb tteronn £5 1H Iff IRTTyt 81IL4U lino uni (lertEin ontoddafedfpakl) utiroe ('a oit fa fidft taaateafia 6ft New Queen ft 3a id ft fit fift mtea ta 7ft fa 6d Papua Brilliant aad Victoria ftU ffi gft Krr bri rate IO Id 15a luft idr 3d fi 13a ta Queen Cr ita Id ft Ita fid mte Ma 6ft central ft ta Mftta aft aM XvL3 4 I Qnrea Central (jaldv ta fiftfttaMlMtay Vietnria aud juen fa fid 7a Mm Vi'tori aud Qunn ft ta 94 ft ta 8ff rate ta id fa uj ta lift rate ta Mffft a fld 8 9a Iff eatetaaff fata Shortly after her marring a Berta aaraaaff on being naked by her former mrataaoa tevtia was getting 00 replied I'm fttti ffft mum but uch I uarana fade tte matt1 PETER M0LLETO NEW COD LIVER OIL DOW NOT "ffWCAT wvofforrvmt Th attv Cod Lter Off elk By Nam fe ftrorafetri at which are tberarta to erooeiwaa Akatiamly pare tea flawtaa btt ttoaa toaitagfiWfefeMtttOBfftiaffaattf or Ctattteam Everywhere "'dns ELIXIR a lii r' Ml iTES tuc 'S1 Atf1'? 1' a.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.