Support - 08-Event MIB configuration (2024)

About the Event MIB

The Event Management Information Base(Event MIB) is an SNMPv3-based network management protocol and is anenhancement to remote network monitoring (RMON). The Event MIB uses Booleantests, existence tests, and threshold tests to monitor MIB objects on a localor remote system. It triggers the predefined notification or set action when amonitored object meets the trigger condition.


The Event MIB uses triggers to manage and associatethe three elements of the Event MIB: monitored object, trigger condition, andaction.

Monitored objects

The Event MIB can monitor the following MIBobjects:

·Table node.

·Conceptual row node.

·Table column node.

·Simple leaf node.

·Parent node of a leaf node.

To monitor a single MIB object, specify itby its OID or name. To monitor a set of MIB objects, specify the common OID orname of the group and enable wildcard matching. For example, specify ifDescr.2 tomonitor the description for the interface with index 2. Specify ifDescr and enablewildcard matching to monitor the descriptions for all interfaces.

Trigger test

A trigger supports Boolean, existence, andthreshold tests.

Boolean test

A Boolean test compares the value of themonitored object with the reference value and takes actions according to thecomparison result. The comparison types include unequal,equal, less, lessorequal, greater, and greaterorequal. For example, if the comparison type is equal, an event is triggered when the value of themonitored object equals the reference value. The event will not be triggeredagain until the value becomes unequal and comes back to equal.

Existence test

An existence test monitors and manages theabsence, presence, and change of a MIB object, for example, interface status.When a monitored object is specified, the system reads the value of themonitored object regularly.

·If the test type is Absent,the system triggers an alarm event and takes the specified action when the stateof the monitored object changes to absent.

·If the test type is Present,the system triggers an alarm event and takes the specified action when the stateof the monitored object changes to present.

·If the test type is Changed,the system triggers an alarm event and takes the specified action when thevalue of the monitored object changes.

Threshold test

A threshold test regularly compares thevalue of the monitored object with the threshold values.

·A rising alarm event is triggered if the valueof the monitored object is greater than or equal to the rising threshold.

·A falling alarm event is triggered if the valueof the monitored object is smaller than or equal to the falling threshold.

·A rising alarm event is triggered if thedifference between the current sampled value and the previous sampled value isgreater than or equal to the delta rising threshold.

·A falling alarm event is triggered if thedifference between the current sampled value and the previous sampled value issmaller than or equal to the delta falling threshold.

·A falling alarm event is triggered if the valuesof the monitored object, the rising threshold, and the falling threshold arethe same.

·A falling alarm event is triggered if the delta risingthreshold, the delta falling threshold, and the difference between the currentsampled value and the previous sampled value is the same.

The alarm management module defines the setor notification action to take on alarm events.

If the value of the monitored objectcrosses a threshold multiple times in succession, the managed device triggersan alarm event only for the first crossing. For example, if the value of asampled object crosses the rising threshold multiple times before it crossesthe falling threshold, only the first crossing triggers a rising alarm event,as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Rising and falling alarm events

Support - 08-Event MIB configuration (1)

Event actions

The Event MIB triggers one or both of thefollowing actions when the trigger condition is met:

·Set action—Uses SNMP to set the value of the monitored object.

·Notification action—Uses SNMP to send a notification to the NMS. If an object list is specifiedfor the notification action, the notification will carry the specified objectsin the object list.

Object list

An object list is a set of MIB objects. Youcan specify an object list in trigger view, trigger-test view (includingtrigger-Boolean view, trigger existence view, and trigger threshold view), andaction-notification view. If a notification action is triggered, the devicesends a notification carrying the object list to the NMS.

If you specify an object list respectivelyin any two of the views or all the three views, the object lists are added tothe triggered notifications in this sequence: trigger view, trigger-test view,and action-notification view.

Object owner

Trigger, event, and object list use anowner and name for unique identification. The owner must be an SNMPv3 user thathas been created on the device. If you specify a notification action for atrigger, you must establish an SNMPv3 connection between the device and NMS byusing the SNMPv3 username. For more information about SNMPv3 user, see"SNMP configuration".

Restrictions and guidelines: Event MIB configuration

The Event MIB and RMON are independent ofeach other. You can configure one or both of the features for networkmanagement.

You must specify the same owner for atrigger, object lists of the trigger, and events of the trigger.

Event MIB tasks at a glance

To configure the Event MIB, perform thefollowing tasks:

1.Configuring the Event MIB globalsampling parameters

2.(Optional.) Configuring Event MIB object lists

Perform this task so that the devicesends a notification that carries the specified object list to the NMS when anotification action is triggered.

3.Configuring an event

The device supports set and notificationactions. Choose one or two of the following actions:

¡Creating an event

¡Configuring a set action for an event

¡Configuring a notification action for anevent

¡Enabling the event

4.Configuring a trigger

A trigger supports Boolean, existence, andthreshold tests. Choose one or more of the following tests:

¡Creating a trigger and configuring its basicparameters

¡Configuring a Boolean trigger test

¡Configuring an existence trigger test

¡Configuring a threshold trigger test

¡Enabling trigger sampling

5.(Optional.) Enabling SNMP notifications for theEvent MIB module

Prerequisitesfor configuring the Event MIB

Before you configure the Event MIB, performthe following tasks:

·Create an SNMPv3 user. Assign the user therights to read and set the values of the specified MIB objects and object lists.

·Make sure the SNMP agent and NMS are configuredcorrectly and the SNMP agent can send notifications to the NMS correctly.

Configuring the Event MIB global sampling parameters

Restrictions andguidelines

This tasks takes effect only on monitoredinstances to be created.


1.Enter system view.


2.Set the minimum sampling interval.

snmp mib event sample minimum min-number

By default, the minimum sampling intervalis 1 second.

The sampling interval of a trigger mustbe greater than the minimum sampling interval.

3.Configure the maximum number of objectinstances that can be concurrently sampled.

snmp mib event sample instance maximum max-number

By default, the value is 0. The maximumnumber of object instances that can be concurrently sampled is limited by the availableresources.

Configuring Event MIB object lists

About this task

Perform this task so that the device sendsa notification that carries the specified objects to the NMS when anotification action is triggered.


1.Enter system view.


2.Configure an Event MIB object list.

snmp mib event object list owner group-owner name group-name object-index oid object-identifier[ wildcard ]

The object can be a table node, conceptualrow node, table column node, simple leaf node, or parent node of a leaf node.

Configuring an event

Creating an event

1.Enter system view.


2.Create an event and enter its view.

snmp mib event owner event-owner name event-name

3.(Optional.) Configure a description for theevent.

description text

By default, an event does not have adescription.

Configuring a set action for an event

1.Enter system view.


2.Enter event view.

snmp mib event owner event-owner name event-name

3.Enable the set action and enter set actionview.

action set

By default, no action is specified for anevent.

4.Specify an object by its OID for the setaction.

oid object-identifier

By default, no object is specified for aset action.

The object can be a table node, conceptualrow node, table column node, simple leaf node, or parent node of a leaf node.

5.Enable OID wildcarding.

wildcard oid

By default, OID wildcarding is disabled.

6.Set the value for the object.

value integer-value

The default value for the object is 0.

7.(Optional.) Specify a context for theobject.

context context-name

By default, no context is specified foran object.

8.(Optional.) Enable context wildcarding.

wildcard context

By default, context wildcarding isdisabled.

A wildcard context contains the specifiedcontext and the wildcarded part.

Configuring anotification action for an event

1.Enter system view.


2.Enter event view

snmp mib event owner event-owner name event-name

3.Enable the notification action and enternotification action view.

action notification

By default, no action is specified for anevent.

4.Specify an object to execute thenotification action by its OID.

oid object-identifier

By default, no object is specified for executingthe notification action.

The object must be a notification object.

5.Specify an object list to be added to thenotification triggered by the event.

object list owner group-owner name group-name

By default, no object list is specifiedfor the notification action.

If you do not specify an object list forthe notification action or the specified object list does not containvariables, no variables will be carried in the notification.

Enabling the event

Restrictions andguidelines

The Boolean, existence, and threshold eventscan be triggered only after you perform this task.

To change an enabled event, first disablethe event.


1.Enter system view.


2.Enter event view.

snmp mib event owner event-owner name event-name

3.Enable the event.

event enable

By default, an event is disabled.

Configuring atrigger

Creating a trigger and configuring itsbasic parameters

1.Enter system view.


2.Create a trigger and enter its view.

snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name

The trigger owner must be an existingSNMPv3 user.

3.(Optional.) Configure a description for thetrigger.

description text

By default, a trigger does not have a description.

4.Set a sampling interval for the trigger.

frequency interval

By default, the sampling interval is 600seconds.

Make sure the sampling interval isgreater than or equal to the Event MIB minimum sampling interval.

5.Specify a sampling method.

sample { absolute | delta }

The default sampling method is absolute.

6.Specify an object to be sampled by its OID.

oid object-identifier

By default, the OID is 0.0. No object isspecified for a trigger.

If you execute this command multipletimes, the most recent configuration takes effect.

7.(Optional.) Enable OID wildcarding.

wildcard oid

By default, OID wildcarding is disabled.

8.(Optional.) Configure a context for themonitored object.

context context-name

By default, no context is configured fora monitored object.

9.(Optional.) Enable context wildcarding.

wildcard context

By default, context wildcarding isdisabled.

10.(Optional.) Specify the object list to beadded to the triggered notification.

object list owner group-owner name group-name

By default, no object list is specifiedfor a trigger.

Configuring a Boolean trigger test

1.Enter system view.


2.Enter trigger view.

snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name

3.Specify a Boolean test for the trigger andenter trigger-Boolean view.

test boolean

By default, no test is configured for atrigger.

4.Specify a Boolean test comparison type.

comparison { equal | greater | greaterorequal | less | lessorequal | unequal }

The default Boolean test comparison typeis unequal.

5.Set a reference value for the Booleantrigger test.

value integer-value

The default reference value for a Booleantrigger test is 0.

6.Specify an event for the Boolean triggertest.

event owner event-owner name event-name

By default, no event is specified for aBoolean trigger test.

7.(Optional.) Specify the object list to beadded to the notification triggered by the test.

object list owner group-owner name group-name

By default, no object list is specifiedfor a Boolean trigger test.

8.Enable the event to be triggered when thetrigger condition is met at the first sampling.

startup enable

By default, the event is triggered whenthe trigger condition is met at the first sampling.

Before the first sampling, you mustenable this command to allow the event to be triggered.

Configuring an existence trigger test

1.Enter system view.


2.Enter trigger view.

snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name

3.Specify an existence test for the triggerand enter trigger-existence view.

test existence

By default ,no test is configured for atrigger.

4.Specify an event for the existence triggertest.

event owner event-owner name event-name

By default, no event is specified for anexistence trigger test.

5.(Optional.) Specify the object list to beadded to the notification triggered by the test.

object list owner group-owner name group-name

By default, no object list is specifiedfor an existence trigger test.

6.Specify an existence trigger test type.

type { absent | changed | present }

The default existence trigger test typesare present and absent.

7.Specify an existence trigger test type forthe first sampling.

startup { absent | present }

By default, both the present and absent existencetrigger test types are allowed for the first sampling.

Configuring a threshold trigger test

1.Enter system view.


2.Enter trigger view.

snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name

3.Specify a threshold test for the trigger andenter trigger-threshold view.

test boolean

By default ,no test is configured for atrigger.

4.Specify the object list to be added to thenotification triggered by the test.

object list owner group-owner name group-name

By default, no object list is specifiedfor a threshold trigger test.

5.(Optional.) Specify the type of thethreshold trigger test for the first sampling.

startup { falling | rising | rising-or-falling }

The default threshold trigger test typefor the first sampling is rising-or-falling.

6.Specify the delta falling threshold and thefalling alarm event triggered when the delta value (difference between thecurrent sampled value and the previous sampled value) is smaller than or equalto the delta falling threshold.

delta falling { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }

By default, the delta falling thresholdis 0, and no falling alarm event is specified.

7.Specify the delta rising threshold and therising alarm event triggered when the delta value is greater than or equal tothe delta rising threshold.

delta rising { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }

By default, the delta rising threshold is0, and no rising alarm event is specified.

8.Specify the falling threshold and thefalling alarm event triggered when the sampled value is smaller than or equalto the threshold.

falling { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }

By default, the falling threshold is 0,and no falling alarm event is specified.

9.Specify the rising threshold and the ringalarm event triggered when the sampled value is greater than or equal to thethreshold.

rising { event owner event-owner name event-name | value integer-value }

By default, the rising threshold is 0,and no rising alarm event is specified.

Enabling trigger sampling

Restrictions andguidelines

Enable trigger sampling after you complete triggerparameters configuration. You cannot modify trigger parameters after triggersampling is enabled. To modify trigger parameters, first disable triggersampling.


1.Enter system view.


2.Enter trigger view.

snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name

3.Enable trigger sampling.

trigger enable

By default, trigger sampling is disabled.

Enabling SNMP notifications for the Event MIB module

About this task

To report critical Event MIB events to anNMS, enable SNMP notifications for the Event MIB module. For Event MIB eventnotifications to be sent correctly, you must also configure SNMP on the device.For more information about SNMP configuration, see the network management andmonitoring configuration guide for the device.


1.Enter system view.


2.Enable snmp notifications for the Event MIBmodule.

snmp-agent trap enable event-mib

By default, SNMP notifications areenabled for the Event MIB module.

Display and maintenance commands for EventMIB

Execute display commandsin any view.



Display Event MIB configuration and statistics.

display snmp mib event

Display event information.

display snmp mib event event [ owner event-owner name event-name ]

Display object list information.

display snmp mib event object list [ owner group-owner name group-name ]

Display global Event MIB configuration and statistics.

display snmp mib event summary

Display trigger information.

display snmp mib event trigger [ owner trigger-owner name trigger-name ]

Event MIB configuration examples

Example: Configuring an existence triggertest


As shown in Figure 2, thedevice acts as the agent. Use the Event MIB to monitor the device. Wheninterface hot-swap or virtual interface creation or deletion occurs on thedevice, the agent sends an mteTriggerFired notification to the NMS.

Figure 2 Network diagram

Support - 08-Event MIB configuration (2)


1.Enable and configure the SNMP agent on thedevice:

# Create SNMPv3 group g3 and addSNMPv3 user owner1 to g3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-userv3 owner1 g3

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3g3 read-view a write-view a notify-view a

[Sysname] snmp-agent mib-viewincluded a iso

# Configure context contextnameA forthe agent.

[Sysname] snmp-agent contextcontextnameA

# Enable SNMP notifications for the EventMIB module. Specify the NMS at as thetarget host for the notifications.

[Sysname] snmp-agent trapenable event-mib

[Sysname] snmp-agenttarget-host trap address udp-domain params securityname owner1 v3

2.Configure the Event MIB global samplingparameters.

# Set the Event MIB minimumsampling interval to 50 seconds.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventsample minimum 50

# Set the maximum number to 100 forobject instances that can be concurrently sampled.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventsample instance maximum 100

3.Create and configure a trigger:

# Create a trigger and enter its view. Specifyits owner as owner1 and its name as triggerA.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventtrigger owner owner1 name triggerA

# Set the sampling interval to 60 seconds.Make sure the sampling interval is greater than or equal to the Event MIBminimum sampling interval.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]frequency 60

# Specify object OID as the monitored object. Enable OID wildcarding.


[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]wildcard oid

# Configure context contextnameA forthe monitored object and enable context wildcarding.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]context contextnameA

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]wildcard context

# Specify the existence trigger test forthe trigger.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]test existence


# Enable trigger sampling.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]trigger enable


Verifying theconfiguration

# Display Event MIB brief information.

[Sysname] display snmp mib eventsummary

TriggerFailures : 0

EventFailures : 0

SampleMinimum : 50

SampleInstanceMaximum : 100

SampleInstance : 20

SampleInstancesHigh : 20

SampleInstanceLacks : 0

# Display information about the triggerwith owner owner1 and name triggerA.

[Sysname] display snmp mib event triggerowner owner1 name triggerA

Trigger entry triggerA owned by owner1:

TriggerComment : N/A

TriggerTest : existence

TriggerSampleType : absoluteValue

TriggerValueID :<ifIndex>

TriggerValueIDWildcard : true

TriggerTargetTag : N/A

TriggerContextName :contextnameA

TriggerContextNameWildcard : true

TriggerFrequency(in seconds): 60

TriggerObjOwner : N/A

TriggerObjName : N/A

TriggerEnabled : true

Existence entry:

ExiTest : present| absent

ExiStartUp : present| absent

ExiObjOwner : N/A

ExiObjName : N/A

ExiEvtOwner : N/A

ExiEvtName : N/A

# Create VLAN-interface 2 on the device.

[Sysname] vlan 2

[Sysname-vlan2] quit

[Sysname] interface vlan 2

The NMS receives an mteTriggerFirednotification from the device.

Example: Configuring a Boolean triggertest


As shown in Figure 2,the device acts as the agent. The NMS uses SNMPv3 to monitor and manage thedevice. Configure a trigger and configure a Boolean trigger test for thetrigger. When the trigger condition is met, the agent sends an mteTriggerFirednotification to the NMS.

Figure 3 Networkdiagram

Support - 08-Event MIB configuration (3)


1.Enable and configure the SNMP agent on thedevice:

# Create SNMPv3 group g3 and add SNNPv3 user owner1 to g3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-userv3 owner1 g3

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3g3 read-view a write-view a notify-view a

[Sysname] snmp-agent mib-viewincluded a iso

# Enable SNMP notifications for the EventMIB module. Specify the NMS at as thetarget host for the notifications.

[Sysname] snmp-agent trapenable event-mib

[Sysname] snmp-agenttarget-host trap address udp-domain params securityname owner1 v3

2.Configure the Event MIB global sampling parameters.

# Set the Event MIBminimum sampling interval to 50 seconds.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventsample minimum 50

# Set the maximum number to 100 forobject instances that can be concurrently sampled.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventsample instance maximum 100

3.Configure Event MIB object lists objectA, objectB, and objectC.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventobject list owner owner1 name objectA 1 oid

[Sysname] snmp mib eventobject list owner owner1 name objectB 1 oid

[Sysname] snmp mib eventobject list owner owner1 name objectC 1 oid

4.Configure an event:

# Create an event and enter its view. Specifyits owner as owner1 and its name as EventA.

[Sysname] snmp mib event ownerowner1 name EventA

# Specify the notification action for theevent. Specify object OID toexecute the notification.

[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA]action notification


# Specify the object list with owner owner 1 and nameobjectC to be added to the notification when the notification action istriggered

[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification]object list owner owner1 name objectC


# Enable the event.

[Sysname-event-owner1-EventA]event enable


5.Configure a trigger:

# Create a trigger and enter its view. Specifyits owner as owner1 and its name as triggerA.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventtrigger owner owner1 name triggerA

# Set the sampling interval to 60 seconds.Make sure the interval is greater than or equal to the global minimum samplinginterval.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]frequency 60

# Specify object OID as the monitored object.


# Specify the object list with owner owner1 and name objectA to be addedto the notification when the notification action is triggered.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]object list owner owner1 name objectA

# Configure a Boolean trigger test. Setit* comparison type to greater, reference value to 10, and specify the eventwith owner owner1 and name EventA, object list with owner owner1 and name objectB for thetest.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]test boolean

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean]comparison greater

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean]value 10

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean]event owner owner1 name EventA

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean]object list owner owner1 name objectB


# Enable trigger sampling.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]trigger enable


Verifying theconfiguration

# Display Event MIB configuration andstatistics.

[Sysname] display snmp mib eventsummary

TriggerFailures : 0

EventFailures : 0

SampleMinimum : 50

SampleInstanceMaximum : 10

SampleInstance : 1

SampleInstancesHigh : 1

SampleInstanceLacks : 0

# Display information about the Event MIB objectlists.

[Sysname] display snmp mib eventobject list

Object list objectA owned by owner1:

ObjIndex : 1

ObjID :<hh3cEntityExt


ObjIDWildcard : false

Object list objectB owned by owner1:

ObjIndex : 1

ObjID :<hh3cEntityExt


ObjIDWildcard : false

Object list objectC owned by owner1:

ObjIndex : 1

ObjID :<hh3cEntityExt


ObjIDWildcard : false

# Display information about the event.

[Sysname]display snmp mib event eventowner owner1 name EventA

Event entry EventA owned by owner1:

EvtComment : N/A

EvtAction :notification

EvtEnabled : true

Notification entry:

NotifyOID :<hh3cEntityExtMemUsag


NotifyObjOwner : owner1

NotifyObjName : objectC

# Display information about the trigger.

[Sysname] display snmp mib eventtrigger owner owner1 name triggerA

Trigger entry triggerA owned by owner1:

TriggerComment : N/A

TriggerTest : boolean

TriggerSampleType : absoluteValue

TriggerValueID :<hh3cEntityExt


TriggerValueIDWildcard : false

TriggerTargetTag : N/A

TriggerContextName : N/A

TriggerContextNameWildcard : false

TriggerFrequency(in seconds): 60

TriggerObjOwner : owner1

TriggerObjName :objectA

TriggerEnabled : true

Boolean entry:

BoolCmp : greater

BoolValue : 10

BoolStartUp : true

BoolObjOwner :owner1

BoolObjName :objectB

BoolEvtOwner :owner1

BoolEvtName :EventA

# When the value of the monitored object greater than 10, the NMS receives an mteTriggerFired notification.

Example: Configuring a threshold triggertest


As shown in Figure 2, thedevice acts as the agent. The NMS uses SNMPv3 to monitor and manage the device.Configure a trigger and configure a threshold trigger test for the trigger. Whenthe trigger conditions are met, the agent sent an mteTriggerFired notification tothe NMS.

Figure 4 Networkdiagram

Support - 08-Event MIB configuration (4)


1.Enable and configure the SNMP agent on thedevice:

# Create SNMPv3 group g3 and add SNMPv3 user owner1 to g3.

<Sysname> system-view

[Sysname] snmp-agent usm-userv3 owner1 g3

[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3g3 read-view a write-view a notify-view a

[Sysname] snmp-agent mib-viewincluded a iso

# Enable SNMP notifications for the EventMIB module. Specify the NMS at as thetarget host for the notifications.

[Sysname] snmp-agent trapenable event-mib

[Sysname] snmp-agenttarget-host trap address udp-domain params securityname owner1 v3

[Sysname] snmp-agent trapenable

2.Configure the Event MIB global sampling parameters.

# Set the Event MIBminimum sampling interval to 50 seconds.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventsample minimum 50

# Set the maximum number to 10 for objectinstances that can be concurrently sampled.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventsample instance maximum 10

3.Create and configure a trigger:

# Create a trigger and enter its view. Specifyits owner as owner1 and its name as triggerA.

[Sysname] snmp mib eventtrigger owner owner1 name triggerA

# Set the sampling interval to 60 seconds.Make sure the interval is greater than or equal to the Event MIB minimumsampling interval.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]frequency 60

# Specify object OID as the monitored object.


# Configure a threshold trigger test.Specify the rising threshold to 80 and the falling threshold to 10 for thetest.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]test threshold

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold]rising value 80

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-threshold]falling value 10


# Enable trigger sampling.

[Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA]trigger enable


Verifying theconfiguration

# Display Event MIB configuration andstatistics.

[Sysname] display snmp mib eventsummary

TriggerFailures : 0

EventFailures : 0

SampleMinimum : 50

SampleInstanceMaximum : 10

SampleInstance : 1

SampleInstancesHigh : 1

SampleInstanceLacks : 0

# Display information about the trigger.

[Sysname] display snmp mib eventtrigger owner owner1 name triggerA

Trigger entry triggerA owned by owner1:

TriggerComment : N/A

TriggerTest : threshold

TriggerSampleType : absoluteValue

TriggerValueID :<hh3cEntityExt


TriggerValueIDWildcard : false

TriggerTargetTag : N/A

TriggerContextName : N/A

TriggercontextNameWildcard : false

TriggerFrequency(in seconds): 60

TriggerObjOwner : N/A

TriggerObjName : N/A

TriggerEnabled : true

Threshold entry:

ThresStartUp :risingOrFalling

ThresRising : 80

ThresFalling : 10

ThresDeltaRising : 0

ThresDeltaFalling : 0

ThresObjOwner : N/A

ThresObjName : N/A

ThresRisEvtOwner : N/A

ThresRisEvtName : N/A

ThresFalEvtOwner : N/A

ThresFalEvtName : N/A

ThresDeltaRisEvtOwner : N/A

ThresDeltaRisEvtName : N/A

ThresDeltaFalEvtOwner : N/A

ThresDeltaFalEvtName : N/A

# When the rising threshold of themonitored object is greater than 80, the NMSreceives an mteTriggerFired notification.

Support - 08-Event MIB configuration (2024)


What is a MIB browser? ›

An MIB browser is a tool that allows you to pull data from network devices and displays it in a readable format. It loads MIB files and query data, filters out information from an MIB tree, and gives you the option to configure and manage SNMP traps.

What is the MIB format? ›

Management Information Base, or MIB, is a formatted text file that lists the data objects used by a particular piece of SNMP equipment.

What are the different types of MIB? ›

Two types of managed objects exist:
  • Scalar objects define a single object instance.
  • Tabular objects define multiple related object instances that are grouped in MIB tables.

What is the difference between SNMP and MIB? ›

A MIB or Management Information Base is a formatted text file that resides within the SNMP manager designed to collect information and organize it into a hierarchical format. The SNMP manager uses information from the MIB to translate and interpret messages before sending them onwards to the end-user.

How to configure SNMP configuration? ›

Configure SNMP agent information

In the right pane, double-click SNMP Service. Click the Agent tab. Type the name of the user or administrator of the computer in the Contact box, and then type the physical location of the computer or contact in the Location box. These comments are treated as text and are optional.

What is the purpose of MIB? ›

What does the Medical Information Bureau do? The Medical Information Bureau (MIB) maintains a database of confidential medical and non-medical (hazardous avocations, hobbies, and driving violations) information. The main function of the MIB is to provide the exchange of underwriting information among its members.

How do I browse MIB files? ›

How do I look at a MIB? A MIB file is just ASCII text, so you can view it in any word processor or text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad. Some manufacturers provide precompiled MIBs in binary format, but those aren't readable. You want the raw ASCII version of the MIB file.

How do I create a custom MIB file? ›

Start the <KaseyaInstallDirectory>\knm\mibcompiler.exe.
  1. Click the Compile button.
  2. Specify where where you want to save the compiled *. dat file.
  3. Click the Browse button to select the *. dat file that was just compiled. ...
  4. Move or copy the compiled *. ...
  5. Restart "Kaseya Network Monitor Service"

What is MIB for network devices? ›

MIB Definition

Management Information Base, also known as MIB, is a hierarchical database that contains configuration and other vital management information of SNMP devices in the form of data objects. An SNMP management system uses these database files to interpret the messages sent by the managed devices.

What is the function of MIB? ›

MIB acts as a translator between human network managers and the network devices being managed. Each object (or entity) in a network—such as a router, server, or printer—is assigned an Object Identifier (OID) in the MIB.

What is the MIB protocol? ›

A management information base (MIB) is a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) flat-file, nonrelational database that describes devices being monitored. Network management platforms monitor nodes by reading the value of the managed resources in the MIB.

What does the SNMP MIB provide? ›

An SNMP-compliant MIB contains definitions and information about the properties of managed resources and the services that the agents support. The manageable features of resources, as defined in an SNMP-compliant MIB, are called managed objects or management variables (or just objects or variables).

How to read MIB SNMP? ›

A MIB file is just ASCII text, so you can view it in any word processor or text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad. Some manufacturers provide precompiled MIBs in binary format, but those aren't readable. You want the raw ASCII version of the MIB file. Note: MIB files are sometimes provided as Unix text files.

How to do a MIB walk? ›

To walk the MIBs, you can use either the read-only or the read and write community string.
  1. Specify the host name or IP address for the device.
  2. Specify the SNMP community string.
  3. Select the SNMP tree to walk: Standard starts the SNMP walk from 1.3. 6.1. Private starts the SNMP walk from 1.3. 6.1. ...
  4. Click Walk.

Are MIB and MB the same? ›

megabyte. The terms mebibyte and megabyte are closely related and often used as synonyms, though technically they don't refer to the same amount of capacity. They are close in size, however. One mebibyte equals 1.048576 megabytes.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.