

Advice and Recommendationsto the Department of Energy

In Partial Response to the Charge Letterof September 24, 1991: Part E

November 1992

U.S. Department of EnergyOffice of Energy ResearchWashington, DC 20585

FUSION ENERGY ADVISORY COMMITTEEAdvice And Recommendations ToThe U.S. Department Of Energy.

In Partial Response To The Charge LetterOf September 24, 1991: Part E

Members of FEAC

Robert W. Conn, ChairmanDavid E. BaldwinKlaus H. BerknerFloyd L. CullerRonald C. DavidsonStephen O. DeanDaniel A. DreyfusJohn P. HoldrenRobert L. McCrory, Jr.Norman F. NessDavid 0. OverskeiRonald R. ParkerRichard E. SiemonBarrett H. RipinMarshall N. RosenbluthJohn SheffieldPeter StaudhammerHarold Weitzner

FEAC/92-IV November 6, 1992


Table of Contents

Preface Page 5

The initial letter of charge to FEAC from Page 6Dr. William Happer, dated September 24, 1991.

First supplementary letter of charge to FEAC from Page 8Dr. William Happer, dated February 20, 1992.

Second supplementary letter of charge to FEAC Page 10from Dr. William Happer, dated Jume 22, 1992.

The letter of charge to Panel #4 from Dr. Robert Page 11W. Conn, dated June 8, 1992, that arose as aresult of the May 19-21, 1992 meeting.

FEAC's letter that accompanied the transmission Page 13of the report of Panel #4 to Dr. William Happer,dated November 6, 1992.

Appendix I Page 15

The report to FEAC of Panel #4,dated September 22, 1992.

Appendix II

Minutes of FEAC Meeting ofSeptember 22423, 1992.



This document is a compilation of the written records that relate tothe Fusion Energy Advisory Committee's deliberations with regard tothe Letters of Charge received from the Director of Energy Research,dated September 24, 1991, February 20, 1992 and June 22, 1992.

During its fifth meeting, held in September 1992, FEAC provided adetailed response to the charge contained in the letter of June 22,1992. In particular, it responded to the sentence:

"I am asking for your best technical judgement on how tostructure the magnetic fusion program within thesedifferent funding assumptions, but without change in thebasic goal of demonstrating fusion power and within thebasic assumption of strong international collaboration."

The response was prepared in the form of a report entitled "FusionEnergy Advisory Committee Report on Program Strategy for U.S.Magnetic Fusion Energy Research", dated September 23, 1992. It hasbeen published by the U.S. Department of Energy as a separatedocument.

To assist with their response to the charge, FEAC established aworking group, designated Panel #4, which reviewed priorities in theU.S. intermediate confinement experiments in detail. This panelprepared background material which was provided to FEAC during itsSeptember 1992 meeting to help with its deliberations. The report ofPanel #4 is included in this report as Appendix I.


SEPTEMBER 24, 1991



A year ago, the Fusion Policy Advisory Committee (FPAC) reported its findingsand recommendations on fusion energy programs of the Department of Energy(DOE). The Secretary of Energy adopted FPAC's recommendations subject toexisting budget constraints. This translated to terminating work onalternative confinement concepts and pursuing only the tokamak concept withinthe magnetic fusion energy program, as a precursor to a Burning PlasmaExperiment (BPX) that would be integrated into a larger international fusionenergy program. Fusion energy was highlighted in the National EnergyStrategy, which mentioned both the International Thermonuclear ExperimentalReactor (ITER) and BPX as major elements of the program. The Secretarytravelled to Europe earlier this year to conduct personal discussions with theItalian government on their potential interest in a bilateral agreement onBPX.

Since that time, a number of events have led to a reexamination of thestrategy being used to pursue an energy-oriented fusion program. Theestimated cost of BPX has increased and foreign interest in substantialparticipation has not materialized. Last week, the Secretary of EnergyAdvisory Board Task Force on Energy Research Priorities was asked to reviewthe relative priority of the BPX proposal among the programs of the Office ofEnergy Research and to recommend on the appropriate tasking to the FusionEnergy Advisory Committee (FEAC). The Task Force recommended that the DOE notproceed with BPX, but rather focus on ITER as the key next step after theTokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) and the Joint European Torus in developingthe physics of burning plasmas, along the lines currently being proposed bythe European Community. The Task Force also recommended that the U.S. fusionenergy program continue to grow modestly (even in an ER budget that isdeclining in constant dollars) and suggested that a more diverse program thatincluded a less costly follow-on device to TFTR in the U.S. would be moreeffective in the long run.


I would like to explore seriously the programmatic implications of thisrecommendation under two budget scenarios -- a constant dollar budget formagnetic fusion through FY 1996 and a budget at 5 percent real growth per yearthrough FY 1996. 1 am therefore charging the FEAC to advise me on thefollowing questions.

1. Identify how available funds now used for BPX, as well as a modestincrease (described above) could be used to strengthen the existing baseprogram for magnetic fusion research.

2. Within the above envelope of funding, identify what follow-onexperimental devices for the U.S. fusion program might be planned foruse after the completion of experiments at TFTR and before the plannedstart of ITER operation. For such devices, indicate how they would fitinto the international fusion program.


3. What should be the U.S. position on the appropriate scope, timing, andmission of ITER if BPX does not go forward?

Although you will need some months to complete the work envisioned in thischarge, I would like to have your initial thoughts on the above three topicsin a letter report from your meeting of September 24-25, 1991.

Then, by January 1992, I would like to have your recommendations on theappropriate scope and mission of ITER and any suggestions you can make tolower its cost or accelerate its schedule. At the same time, I would likeyour recommendations on the relative importance to the U.S. of the variousITER technology tasks, on the role and level of U.S. industrial involvement inthe ITER engineering design activity, and on the balance between ITER project-specific R&D and the base program.

By March 1992, I would like your views on how to fill the gap in the U.S.magnetic fusion program between the completion of TFTR work and the plannedstart of ITER operation. In addressing this issue, please includeconsideration of international collaboration, both here and abroad.

By May 1992, I would like to have your recommendations on a U.S. conceptimprovement program, including relative priorities and taking into accountongoing and planned work abroad.

William HapperDirectorOffice of Energy Research


Department of EnergyWashington. DC 20585

February 20, 1992

Dr. Robert W. ConnChairman, Fusion Energy

Advisory CommitteeUniversity of California, Los Angeles6291 Boelter HallMechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear

Engineering DepartmentLos Angeles, CA 90024-1597

Dear Dr. Conn:

I am writing to expand on the portion of the charge you received September 24,1991, regarding concept improvement. Specifically, that charge asked "By May1992, I would like to have your recommendations on a U.S. concept improvementprogram, including relative priorities and taking into account ongoing andplanned work abroad." I understand that you discussed this charge element atyour meeting on February 6 in California, forming a panel (#3) to developinformation and requesting some points of clarification from DOE. I furtherunderstand that possible major program elements which address tokamakimprovement, such as TPX and the ATF/PBX-M facilities, are already well alongin your review process through Panel 2.

Given that tokamak reactor development will be the primary focus of the U.S.magnetic fusion program, it is reasonable to ask what activities areappropriate on non-tokamak concepts and on small-scale exploration of tokamakimprovements. There are a number of ideas on alternate concepts and tokamakimprovements, and the exploration of these ideas has historically addedrichness and innovation to magnetic-fusion development. It would be useful ifyou could recommend a policy and selection criteria to help guide our programchoices on concept improvements within our goal-oriented program strategy.The overall policy question is whether, given the demands of the mainlinetokamak program and current budget constraints, we should encourage and fundproposals on concepts other than tokamaks.

Within the concept improvements area, what priorities should be given toexploratory tokamak improvement proposals, like the compact toroid fueling andhelicity current drive that are now under small scale investigation? Shouldthe priority be higher for U.S. alternate concept activities that connect tomajor significant international programs or for unique U.S. activities? Underwhat conditions and within what criteria should concepts that have littleconnection to tokamaks, or to other major international programs, beconsidered?


I know that these issues are of intense interest to some members of the U.S.fusion community. It is important to have your best judgment on thesequestions within the context of overall magnetic fusion program goals,strategies, and funding constraints.


William HapperDirectorOffice of Energy Research


Department of EnergyWashington. DC 20585

June 22, 1992

Dr. Robert W. ConnChairman, Fusion Energy

Advisory CommitteeUniversity of California, Los AngelesLos Angeles, CA 90024-1597

Dear Bob:

The Fusion Energy Advisory Committee (FEAC) has now reviewed and reported onthe primary elements of the magnetic fusion program. Given that background,it would be quite helpful if FEAC would provide recommendations on strategicprogram planning. Please provide your views for three different out-yearfunding assumptions: starting with the FY 1993 House Appropriation Mark ofS331M for magnetic fusion, (A) 5 percent real growth; (B) level funding, i.e.,with only inflation; (C) flat, without inflation. Of course, the FY 1993budget process is still incomplete, and I will revise this guidance if we havebetter figures before you meet.

Within these assumed cases, which program elements should be enhanced,protected, reduced, or eliminated and on what schedule? In all cases theprimary goal should be maximum progress toward a Demonstration Power Plant. Iam asking for your best technical judgment on how to structure the magneticfusion program within these different funding assumptions, but without changein the basic goal of demonstrating fusion power and within the basicassumption of strong international collaboration.

Please provide your recommendations by the end of September 1992. I know thatall FEAC members have worked intensely to develop your recommendations on theindividual program elements in my first set of charges. Therefore, I believeit is most useful to take this overview now while the contextual informationis fresh. I realize that this will require additional dedication on top ofyour already extensive labors. I do appreciate your efforts.


William HapperDirectorOffice of Energy Research






(213) 825-4544FAX (213) 825-2599

Dr. David Baldwin, LLNL June 8, 1992Dr. Harold Weitzner, NYU

Dear David and Harold:

Thank you for agreeing to be chair and vice-chair of FEAC Panel 4 on "Priorities inthe Intermediate Confinement Experiments." Your report will provide important input tothe FEAC workshop in July on priorities in the overall fusion program. In addition, it willassist the FEAC in reaching its specific recommendation in September on the operation ofATF.

The facilities in the toroidal program that you are asked to evaluate and prioritize arethe ATF stellarator and the PBX, and C-Mod tokamaks. This should be done against thebackground of the DIII-D and TFTR capabilities, assuming that full D-T operation in TFTRbeginning in mid-1993 and a strong DIII-D program are supported as recommended in theApril 1 FEAC letter to Dr. Happer. As described below, I ask you to focus more on afactual evaluation for our July meeting, leaving for September a more completedetermination of a basis for FEAC recommendations on priorities.

For the July meeting, please provide the following information for each of theidentified mid-scale toroidal facilities:

1. The physics issues that are addressable in this class of facility and thecompleteness wiB wWch each of the identified devices can address these issues:and

2. For each device, the goals and objectives, additional hardware, the strengths,uniqueness, limitations, present status, projected costs and time required toachieve its objectives.

In addition, for the July meeting, please provide preliminary priorities and their time scalethat your Panel would assign to the operation of these facilities, along with an indication ofthe reasoning behind these priorities.

At the July meeting, the full FEAC will make use of your evaluations and your draftpriorities in its examination of the broader program. Later, in time for the Septembermeeting, I would like your panel to reexamine its preliminary priorities in light of theFEAC's July workshop and feedback provided there. Further, this will provide anopportunity for your Panel to hear responses from the programs reviewed. Your revisedpriorities will then serve as input to the September meeting of FEAC. This two-stepprocess will provide ample opportunity for each program to have a fair opportunity toanswer questions and concerns.


When this process has been completed, the FEAC must answer the followingquestions:

1. If the fusion budget is sufficient to do so, do all of the facilities warrantoperation? If not, which ones do not warrant operation?

2. If the fusion budget is not sufficient to operate simultaneously all thefacilities which warrant operation,

a) Should their operation be phased, implying one or more machines would bemothballed, and if so how?

b) Should all be operated at a reduced level? orc) Should one or more be closed down, and if so in what priority order?

The combination of your evaluations and priorities should be sufficient to permitFEAC to respond to Dr. Happer's request concerning the ATF and other priorities. Iunderstand that this will not be an easy undertaking for your Panel, for FEAC, or for theprograms involved since all are staffed by high quality groups. I will do all that I can toassist you in this endeavor.


Robert W. Conn






November 6, 1992 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90024-1597(213) 825-4544

FAX: (213) 206-4832

Dr. William HapperDirectorOffice of Energy ResearchU.S. Department of EnergyWashington, D.C. 20585

Dear Dr. Happer,

Recently, I forwarded to you the report of the Fusion EnergyAdvisory Committee relating to strategic planning for futureactivities in magnetic fusion energy research. As part of the processthat led up to that report, FEAC established a panel that reviewedpriorities in the intermediate confinement experiments and thatprovided background to FEAC during its deliberations. Thebackground material was presented to FEAC both verbally and in theform of a written report. I am forwarding with this letter a copy ofthat panel report.


Robert W. ConnRobert W. ConnChairmanon behalf of theFusion Energy Advisory Committee


~~~~~t14 *

1 4

Appendix I

The report to FEAC of Panel #4,dated September 22, 1992.


Report from Panel 4 of the

Fusion Energy Advisory Committee


Priorities in the Intermediate Confinement Experiments

David Baldwin (Chair)*Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Harold Weitzner (Vice Chair)*New York University

Steve Dean*Fusion Power Associates

Richard D. HazeltineUniversity of Texas, Austin

Neville C. LuhmannUniversity of California, Los Angeles

Stewart PragerUniversity of Wisconsin

Barrett H. Ripin*Naval Research Laboratory

Marshall N. Rosenbluth*University of California, San Diego

Richard E. Siemon*Los Alamos National Laboratory

Alan WoottonUniversity of Texas, Austin

September 22, 1992

* Member of FEAC

This report was prepared by a panel established by, and reporting to, the Fusion EnergyAdvisory Committee (FEAC). The report of this panel should not be construed asrepresenting the views, official advice or recommendations of FEAC.


In a letter dated June 22, 1992, Dr. Will Happer, Director, Office of Energy Research,

requested that the FEAC address the priorities within the MFE program under several

budget scenarios. As part of the preparation for answering this charge, Panel 4 was

created by the FEAC chairman, Professor Robert Conn, whose charge letter to the Panel

is contained in the Appendix. He asked the Panel to assemble background information on

three mid-sized toroidal facilities, the Alcator C-Mod and PBX-M tokamaks at the

Massachusetts Institute Technology and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory,

respectively, and the ATF stellarator at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and to

provide draft conclusions to the FEAC on the question of priorities. The Panel was later

asked to provide similar background information on the proposed DIII-D Upgrade, in

view of the fact that the Upgrade objectives encompassed many of those of the three

smaller facilities.

The following four sections contain summaries of the four machines' capabilities and

their places in the world programs. These summaries were prepared with the cooperation

of the respective research groups. Draft positions of the Panel on priorities were

communicated directly to FEAC as part of its deliberations, the conclusions of which

will be available at the September 1992 FEAC meeting. Because the priority

recommendations of the FEAC supersede those of Panel 4, the issue of priorities have not

been revisited by the Panel, as had originally been planned.


A. Program Plan

The purpose of the Alcator C-Mod program is to address a range of critical issues

confronting the development of the tokamak as a viable fusion reactor concept. These

issues include power and particle handling, control, enhanced transport, and RF heating

and current drive. The high magnetic field (9T) and strong shaping (K = 1.8) of Alcator

C-Mod result in plasma currents up to 3 MA, projecting to plasma performance

comparable to the best so far achieved in any tokamak. The state of the art plasma

diagnostic complement and ample port access combine with the unique characteristics

associated with the high particle-, power, and current- densities of this relatively small

size device to position Alcator C-Mod as a premier research facility in the world tokamak


Alcator C-Mod has a unique capability to address the problem of power handling in an

ITER- (and reactor-) relevant divertor geometry. The surface power density (total power

divided by plasma surface) in C-Mod is in the range of 0.5-1 MW/m2 , which exceeds the

level required in ITER and is typical of a reactor. A major objective of the Alcator

research program is to demonstrate a solution to the problem of divertor power handling

at reactor-relevant power densities, in a manner consistent with clean, high performance

core plasmas. Our initial approach focuses on reactor-relevant metaiiic plasma facing

components, an inclined-plate, semi-closed divertor geometry, and the high-recycling,

radiative modes of divertor operation.

Alcator C-Mod also offers unique opportunities for addressing problems of axisymmetric

stability, disruption avoidance and control, as well as for characterizing disruption effects.

The low vacuum vessel resistance and the conducting super-structure are particularly

relevant to ITER, as is the magnetic configuration. Extensive diagnostics are installed to

monitor heat deposition, halo currents (including toroidal variation), and power balance.

The hybrid analog/digital control system can be used both for disruption avoidance and to

implement optimized ramp-down techniques to minimize electromagnetic loads.

The physics and scaling of confinement remain vital topics determining the feasibility

and attractiveness of a fusion reactor. Two general issues must be addressed: transport

prediction and confinement improvement. The Alcator C-Mod program aims to advance


this area of fusion research both through fundamental studies of transport and by

investigation and development of enhanced confinement modes. The unique parameter

range accessible on Alcator C-Mod (high field, high density, small size) can be used to

test dimensionless similarity scaling by comparison with larger, low-field devices, such

as DIII-D and ASDEX-U, which operate with the same non-dimensional parameters. C-

Mod will extend the study of enhanced confinement to unique densities and magnetic

fields, of direct applicability to future devices of the IGNITOR class or reactors in the

ARIES line. It will also establish the scaling of confinement and access to enhanced

confinement regimes. Of particular interest is the possibility of enhancing confinement atreduced current (high q*, high 3 leading to an attractive reactor scenario with substantial

bootstrap current and modest RF current drive requirements, as exemplified by the

ARIES I study.

In addition to providing bulk heating power for the divertor and confinement studies, the

ICRF program on Alcator C-Mod aims to optimize antenna performance at high RFpower densities (>10 MW/m2 ) and to determine the heating effectiveness of various

ICRF heating scenarios. These studies should lead to optimized antenna design for ITER

and reactor type devices. ICRF will also provide heating power for long pulse, lower-

hybrid current driven plasmas as part of the advanced tokamak studies program. The

goal of these experiments will be to demonstrate noninductive current drive operation,

including profile control, in combination with substantial bootstrap current, for time

durations in excess of the L/R time, and to study the confinement in such discharges at

reactor-like densities, magnetic fields, and q* values. These experiments will also

address the compatibility of such non-inductively driven operation with high

performance, low Zeff core plasmas and high heat flux divertor operation.

The culmination of the C-Mod program would thus be a demonstration of the

combination of essential features of an attractive tokamak reactor, namely high

confinement, non-inductively sustained current, low impurity content, and reactor-

relevant divertor power density.

B. Divertor and Edge PhysicsB.1 Introduction

Alcator C-Mod is designed with a closed divertor (see figure 1.2). This design is

complemented by the very wide range in densities that can be achieved with a high

magnetic field. The combination of these geometrical and plasma characteristics creates


an ideal environment in which to test the radiative and gaseous divertor concepts.

Additional unique aspects of the Alcator C-Mod divertor are the high-Z divertor material,

metal walls and a highly-inclined plate (poloidal angle - 15°, toroidal angle - 1°). It is

an important contribution to divertor designs to test the compatibility of such features

with ITER-level power- and particle-densities. Since the upper divertor has an open, flat-

plate geometry, it will be possible to perform direct comparisons of closed and open

divertor performance on a single tokamak. C-Mod has an extensive array of edge and

divertor diagnostics which will be used to characterize the edge transport of plasma and

impurities, and their divertor plate interactions.

A unique contribution of the Alcator C-Mod divertor program lies in our ability to

provide results with plasma parameters, divertor geometry and divertor material which

are significantly different from those being investigated elsewhere in the world program.

Essentially all divertor tokamaks, other than C-Mod, operate with essentially similar

plasma parameters (ne, Te, B). To make matters worse, the bulk of data from these

experiments are at electron densities, power densities and magnetic fields which are

significantly lower than those envisaged for ITER or ARIES. The consequence is that

present modeling is based on a narrow set of data with geometries unlike those being

considered for next step devices. With the data from Alcator C-Mod, it will be possible

to make interpolations in a number of areas, rather than extrapolations, to ITER and


B.2 Divertor Integrity

Control of the power deposited on the divertor plates, during normal operation as well as

disruptions, is a central limiting factor in the present ITER design. For example, the

predicted peak heat loads for the ITER CDA are 10-30 MW/m 2 , levels which are beyond

the steady-state heat removal capabilities of present technology in anything other than

small laboratory experiments. However, included in the heat load specification is an

uncertainty of a factor - 5 which is composed of an amalgam of uncertainties associated

with such variables as scrapeoff lengths, inner-outer divertor asymmetrical loading (from

plate to plate) and toroidal peaking factors. The uncertainties are due to the sparsity of

data and the dissimilarity of the geometries of presently operating tokamaks compared to

ITER. It is clear that no matter how the predictions of the divertor plate heat loads for

ITER might be reduced, either through advanced divertor physics (e.g., radiation) or by

reduction of uncertainties, any such decreases could have an enormous impact on the

overall ITER design.


Alcator C-Mod will have maximum surface power density (total power divided by

plasma surface area) in the range 0.5-1 MW/m 2, and divertor plate power densities in the

range 5-30 MW/m2 . These values make the power handling problems prototypical of

ITER and tokamak reactors.

An extensive array of edge diagnostics will provide information on the heat loads and the

uncertainties associated with their prediction. These include 220 thermocouples

measuring first-wall tile temperature distributions, a poloidal array of IR tile surface

temperature measurements, a poloidal array of 48 Langmuir probes inset flush in the

closed divertor surfaces, and a pneumatically-driven Langmuir probe in the SOL.

Langmuir probes have also been placed in the outboard limiter and the ICRF antenna

protection tiles. Comparisons of measured heat loads with those predicted from

measured plasma parameters at the plate will provide important tests of the standard

sheath transmission model at small field-line angles of incidence. Edge modeling is

crucially dependent on the heat transmission factor boundary conditions and on a

knowledge of particle and heat diffusivities in the SOL. The density and temperature e-

folding lengths measured by the probes, and other diagnostics such as reflectometry and

spectroscopy, will provide a measure of the diffusivities and insights into the underlying

transport processes.

Disruptions also affect divertor integrity. In addition to the subs.:ntial heat loads

generated during disruptions, another important disruption effect is the generation of halo

currents flowing poloidally through the first-wall and vacuum vessel. These currentsinteract with the toroidal field, producing forces which have caused damage to the tiles

and other in-vessel structures in some tokamaks. The details of these currents are not

well understood. The outer closed divertor plates of Alcator C-Mod are designed so that

they can be electrically isolated from the vacuum vessel; at present they are connected to

the vessel through current shunts. The current flowing through each of the 10 toroidal

divertor segments will be measured to determine the magnitude, time duration and

toroidal variation of disruption-induced halo currents, and thus to infer the resultant

forces. The divertor probe array will yield information about the poloidal profile of halo

currents at the divertor surface, as well as about the local plasma evolution during



B.3 Divertor Lifetime

The plasma-induced erosion rate of plate material is of great concern in determining first

wall longevity. For ITER and ARIES, the erosion rate due to evaporation and sputtering

is predicted to be large. However, the redeposition rate of the eroded material is

predicted to compensate much of this, so that the net erosion rate is much smaller. The

operational data base relevant to this question is small, particularly with respect to the

effect of highly inclined divertor plates (poloidal angle - 15°) found in ITER CDA,

ARIES and Alcator C-Mod. It is unknown whether the movement of material swept

along a plate due to erosion/redeposition cycles will be an important factor or not.

Perhaps of greater import is the erosion which occurs during disruptions. Predictions for

net erosion in ITER with carbon tiles imply that disruptions will lead to the need to

replace the divertor anywhere from 1 to 17 times during the physics phase. The

uncertainty of this prediction is due primarily to the unknown protection characteristics of

the plasma vapor shield, and to the unknown toroidal and poloidal heat load distributions.

There are similar uncertainties for tungsten as the divertor material.

The Alcator C-Mod staff is currently working with Sandia National Laboratory,

Livermore (SNL-L) to characterize our molybdenum tile surfaces. After each period of

operation, beta-backscattering will be used to monitor, in-situ, changes in the surface.

Periodically, sample tiles at different poloidal locations will be removed for more in-

depth analysis. In-situ measurement of the erosion rate (not net erosion) will be made

utilizing 1 and 2-D spectroscopic imaging of the divertor surfaces at wavelengths

corresponding to neutral molybdenum emission. The time integrals of these data can be

compared with the net erosion/redeposition rate, and the redeposition inferred. The

measured Mo source rates will also be compared to those calculated from knowledge of

the hydrogen fluxes, sheath potential and sputtering rates, thus providing information on

the effect of small field line incidence angles on sputtering rates. The above diagnostics

can also be used to characterize disruption erosion and the resulting metal plasma vapor


B.4 Particle Control

There are two stages at which the inflow of impurities can be controlled: (1) source

reduction of impurities and (2) reduction of their transmission to the central plasma. The

impurity source rate at the divertor plate can be reduced by lowering sputtering (lower Te

and Ti) or by reduction of evaporation (heat loads). The effect of the small field line


incidence angle on sputtering rates and ion sheath acceleration could be beneficial, but atpresent this is quite uncertain. The wall impurity source can likewise be reduced throughreduction of the high-energy charge-exchange neutral flux from the central plasma(operation at high density) and through (better bonding of 02 to wall; covering ofmetals). Once an impurity is generated, the second level of protection becomesimportant, namely impurity screening by reduction in neutral impurity transmissionthrough the edge plasma and flow of the corresponding impurity ions into the divertor.The processes involved in SOL plasma flows are poorly understood, and there is littleexperimental data concerning flow patterns.

A number of periscope systems are being installed on C-Mod to provide spectroscopicviews (1- and 2-D) of the walls, divertor plates and antennas. The source rates forimpurities at these locations will be measured as functions of changing central anddivertor plasma conditions. The impurity screening efficiency can be calculated througha model which uses measured divertor and SOL plasma parameters and known ionizationand charge-exchange processes. This model will be compared to measurements ofimpurity densities in the central plasma (VUV and X-ray emission) and in the SOL(Omegatron mass-spectrum analyzer).

Flows in the SOL are a vital factor in determining the impurity screening efficiency. Itappears that flow reversal, with resulting stagnation points, must exist, but this is notexperimentally confirmed. It is important to understand these flows .:J, specifically, tocompare different plasma geometries (open vs. closed divertor) under the same plasmaconditions. JET and DIII-D have operated with open, flat-plate divertors that have beenutilized for obtaining H-mode, not particle control, but the ITER CDA and ARIESdivertor geometries are of a more closed nature.

The Alcator C-Mod divertor program emphasizes the diagnostic characterization of SOLflows. A Mach probe will be the initial flow diagnostic for the SOL. In addition, amultiple-point gas puffing system will be used to inject trace impurities at differentpoloidal locations and the flow of those impurities followed by their emission. Directspectroscopic measurements of doppler shifts will also be made.

The plasma parameters in the divertor and the divertor geometry have important roles inimpurity retention. It seems likely that the higher the density in the divertor (opaque toneutrals) and the more closed the divertor geometry (mechanical baffle), the better its


impurity retention properties. High divertor densities can also improve hydrogenic

neutral exhaust (proportional to the divertor neutral pressure) with a concomitant

improvement of density control in the central plasma. However, the neutral pressure in

the divertor cannot be increased indefinitely; the neutrals can blow-through back to the

main plasma and have effects on the density and confinement there.

The closed and open divertor geometries, combined with the high densities found in

Alcator C-Mod, provide a unique ability to explore the allowable limits of neutral

pressure (and pumping). Initial experiments will focus on the use of 3 gas gages to

measure the divertor and general vessel pressures. The divertor neutral pressure can be

varied utilizing some of the 28 capillary gas puffing tubes inset in the tiles. This will

determine the limits of neutral pressure for a given set of divertor and plasma conditions.

The effects on the divertor plasma characteristics will be monitored as well.

For helium exhaust, high pressure in the divertor is not enough. Methods have been

proposed to pump helium preferentially, including semi-permeable membranes, material

surfaces that pump helium preferentially (helium self-pumping) and optimized pump duct

geometries. All of these methods need to be tested for high particle and heat flux

conditions, with both high-Z and carbon first-wall tokamaks.

Alcator C-Mod and SNL-L are determining the applicability of using the helium self-

pumping technique (developed by SNL-A/ANL and used on TEXTOR) to C-Mod. For

Alcator C-Mod, nickel wo!d again be a suitable material. However, other materials,

including molybdenum, could be considered. This experiment would be significant in

demonstrating the viability of the concept in a metal first-wall device.

B.5 Divertor Concept Improvement Studies

B.5.1 Radiative Divertor

The Alcator C-Mod divertor configuration is the most closed of any divertor now in use.

This is due to the combined baffle-divertor plate structure at both the inner and outer

divertor plates which minimizes the mechanical opening to the divertor. This unique

geometry, combined with the high densities, and high power- and particle-fluxes,

maximizes the entrainment of impurities and their resultant radiation, which in turn

minimizes the heat load on the divertor plates. This capability is further enhanced by the

existence of the 28 gas puffing tubes described in section B.3.3. Impurity gases can be

puffed into the divertor at one or more poloidal locations to modify the radiation profile


in the divertor. A central goal of the Alcator program will be to explore the efficacy of

this technique through probe, IR, spectroscopic, bolometric and pressure measurements.

In addition, the effects of such a radiative plasma on the central plasma will be

characterized. If the initial results warrant it, and with additional funding, pumping will

be added.

B.5.2 Gaseous divertor

In the gaseous divertor concept the parallel ion heat flux into the divertor is converted,

through neutral collisions, into a perpendicular neutral heat flux. No other tokamak has a

divertor so ideally suited for the investigation of the gaseous divertor concept. The

characteristics of the Alcator C-Mod divertor, which are so important for its use as a

radiative divertor, are also advantageous for gaseous divertor studies. This work is a

natural extension of the particle control studies of maximal divertor neutral pressure

described earlier. It will be crucial to identify the dependence on divertor pressure of the

various divertor power loss channels: radiation, peak heat load and distribution. Biasing

of the outer divertor plate (which requires additional funding) could allow enhanced

neutral retention.

B.5.3 Highly-inclined divertor plates

Single-null Alcator C-Mod plasmas can be operated with strike points on either the

highly-inclined closed divertor or the more standard open flat-plate divertor. Studies will

be performed to compare the two geometries, characterizing the differ.::ces in heat loads,

impurity generation, impurityretention (magnetic sheath, plasma baffle and mechanical

baffle with closed divertor), neutral particle retention and heat load prciiles.

B.5.4 High-Z material tiles

There are clear gains to using a high-Z material in a reactor: density control, low tritium

and deuterium retention, low disruption erosion and low sputtering (for low Te). Alcator

C-Mod will make unique contributions to our understanding of tokamak operation withhigh-Z materials, under reactor relevant heat and particle flux conditions.

C. Control and Disruptions

Active control of the tokamak plasma is essential for proper operation. In circular cross-

section plasmas control has usually been limited to the current, the radial and vertical

position, and perhaps the electron density. In more modem, elongated, tokamaks the

control of the shape is also important and, of course, the inherent axisymmetric instability


to vertical displacements requires much more careful implementation of feedback

algorithms. As tokamak research moves forward, the control of increasingly more

aspects of the plasma becomes important. Eventually, of course, stabilization of the

operating point of a reactor through burn control will be essential. However, even before

then, there exist many opportunities to influence, and hence control, the confinement and

stability properties of the plasma by active control of heating, fueling and edge profiles.

Perhaps the most important stability problem is the control and avoidance of disruptions,

since these are often a driving factor in structural design.

Alcator C-Mod is an excellent facility in which to study various aspects of plasma

control. Its thick conducting structure is prototypical of future large machines and makes

it mechanically robust to disruptions. The ITER-relevant plasma shape and divertor

provide a vital testbed for optimizing the control and stabilization of the axisymmetric

configuration, while the modest size and excellent internal access around the plasma in

Alcator makes possible the investigation of different plasma-stabilizing structures, for

example 'twin loops'.

Control of plasma profiles can be obtained by control of the particle and heat sources.

The 20-shot pellet injector provides an excellent means of density profile control. ICRF

absorption calculations indicate rather localized absorption of RF power. We therefore

anticipate quite good control of the heating profiles and hence, to the extent permitted by

transport, the temperature profile. In combination, these two tools offer the opportunity

to explore control of the pressure and to some extent the current profile. We therefore

plan to pursue studies relating to control of the transport (discussed in more detail in the

transport section) and also the stability. The planned LHCD experiments offer additional

possibilities for direct control of the current profile.

Another important aspect of control relates to the effect of fast particles on MHD

instabilities such as the sawtooth. Sawteeth can have a dominant influence on the

prospect of ignition in experiments such as ITER, since they limit the peak temperature

and may eject high-energy particles (e.g., alphas) from the plasma core. The ICRF

heating on Alcator C-Mod offers the ability, at densities in the vicinity of 1020 m -3, to

explore the sawtooth stabilization effects observed on JET and elsewhere. Lower Hybrid

current drive enables the pursuit of similar studies using fast electrons and in addition

offers current profile control, whose effects on stability can be studied in combination

with the fast particles. Present theoretical indications are that the ion tails to be


anticipated from ICRF are not likely to excite toroidal Alfven modes, which are a concernin respect of fusion alpha confinement. However, the existence of a substantial ion tail isexpected to offer the opportunity to contribute to the broader understanding of energeticparticle transport and instabilities.

The dynamic loads experienced by a tokamak during a disruption depend on the decayrate of the plasma current and on the plasma motion, as well as the conducting propertiesof the surrounding structure. The factors determining current quench are not fullyunderstood. However, the decay rate has been found to be strongly affected by thematerial composition of the first wall. Alcator C-Mod is unique among modem tokamaksin having a high-Z metallic first wall and it can therefore study the decay rate dependenceon wall material as well as vessel conductance.

It appears extremely difficult to control directly the helical instabilities leading todisruptions. However the instabilities are themselves determined by the magneticconfiguration, especially the profiles. We intend therefore to explore methods ofdisruption avoidance and mitigation through active monitoring and control of the profilesand plasma shape.

For this application, Alcator C-Mod's unique hybrid digital/analog real-time controlsystem, which provides for a high degree of flexibility, will be programmed to identifydisruption precursors and to respond appropriately. Initially the response would probablybe a quick reduction of density, current, shaping, and/or ICRF power. i.e., a withdrawalfrom the boundaries of the operational space. If the withdrawal is insufficient to avoid adisruption, control of plasma position and other parameters during a disruption may beable to limit its severity. We shall study strategies for accomplishing this mitigation.

D. Transport

D. Background

Studies of confinement and transport continue to be a vital part of the Alcator program.Two general issues will be addressed: transport prediction and confinement improvement.The first is crucial if we are to have confidence in the performance of future machines.As fusion devices get larger, the cost of compensating for inadequate understanding byconservative design can be enormous. The second will also be crucial in lowering thecost of future machines by reducing the demands on machine engineering required to


reach the necessary levels of performance. In mapping out our research program, we

place our greatest emphasis on those areas and those parameters for which Alcator C-

Mod represents a unique facility; most notably its very high toroidal field, current and

plasma density capabilities, and divertor configuration. In addition to its contribution to

the general state of knowledge of transport, this work can be directly relevant to machines

in the IGNITOR, ARIES line. It should be noted however that with its high performance,

wide range of operating parameters, and excellent set of diagnostics, C-Mod should be

able to address all of the transport issues important to the fusion program short of those

directly connected with a nuclear burn.

D.2 Transport Prediction

The goal of these transport experiments is to obtain sufficient understanding of energy

and particle confinement in present day devices to confidently predict the performance of

future devices. Empirical scaling laws are a minimal representation of this knowledge

though much progress has been made on this basis alone; understanding of the underlying

physics would be much more satisfactory. By itself, C-Mod allows the extension of

scaling laws into new parameter ranges, increasing the accuracy of the scaling and/or

revealing discrepancies. Compact, high field devices have shown themselves to be

capable of running over a wide range of operating space, thus historically the Alcator

tokamaks have made significant contributions in the area of transport prediction.

It has been proposed to improve the quality of the empirical scaling approach and to

increase contact with the underlying transport physics by deriving scaling relations in

terms of appropriate dimensionless parameters. A crucial test of this approach comes

from comparing machines running with identical dimensionless parameters but very

different dimensioned parameters. Specifically we have proposed to undertake such a

study jointly with DIII-D and ASDEX-U. All three machines can run discharges with

similar shape and aspect ratio (though the match is closest between C-Mod and ASDEX-

U) and with nearly identical dimensionless parameters. Table I.1 lists machine

parameters from C-Mod, ASDEX-U, and DIII-D, and compares them to those scaled

exactly from the minor radius. Note that to make this comparison worthwhile, one of the

machines must be a small high field, high current device; otherwise the dimensional

differences are too small to be significant.

An important feature of compact high field devices is their ability to run high

performance discharges over an extremely wide range of density. (For Alcator C, this


range was well over two orders of magnitude.) This translates into an ability to run over

a wide range in the collisionality parameter with hot, thermalized plasmas. Such a

collisionality scan will be important in elucidating the role of trapped electrons and ions

in anomalous transport. The trapped electron mode is of course a leading candidate for

anomalous electron losses in a wide variety of machines and regimes.

D.3 Confinement Improvement

There is special interest in regimes where confinement is enhanced, particularly when

relative to scalings with plasma current, which could lead to practical driven-

current/steady-state machines. With enhanced confinement regimes seen in such great

variety and on virtually all existing tokamaks, it would seem reasonable to assume that

future machines can operate with confinement well above L-Mode levels. Before this

assumption can be made however, a number of important questions must be answered:

What are the conditions necessary to access enhanced regimes? What are the

mechanisms which lead to the enhancement? How does confinement scale in these

regimes and how good can confinement get?

There is no consensus on the mechanism or the trigger to achieve H-Mode. The general

observation is that the threshold goes up with device (plasma) size and toroidal field.

Attempts to derive a scaling law for the power threshold have met only limited success;

exceptions exist to virtually every rule. Because of its unique place in parameter space,

C-Mod should make a substantial contribution to resolving this question. Extrapolations

of scaling relations from different groups result in values of H-Mode threshold for C-Mod

from 200 kW to over 10 MW. (Our best guess from dimensionless scaling arguments is athreshold in the range of 3-4 MW.) Clearly, we will be able to distinguish between these

extremes. It may be that a simple scaling relation is not an appropriate approach to

understanding the conditions to reach H-Mode, particularly as the role of atomic

processes in governing plasma edge conditions may be of great importance. C-Modexperiments will be a crucial test of the extent to which scaling from plasma physics

considerations is applicable.

Confinement within the H-Mode regime is not nearly as well characterized as in L-Mode

or Ohmic plasmas. As described previously, C-Mod will extend the parameter range of

the H-mode database into unique regimes and test the validity of the dimensionless

parameter scaling approach. Particular attention will be given to parameter scans which

promise to discriminate among competing theoretical models of H-mode transport.


Figure 1.3 shows the projected performance for C-Mod in nt-Ti space, under 4 different

confinement assumptions. An interesting feature of this plot is the drastic difference in

results when a Neo-Alcator term is added in quadrature with H-mode confinement.

Because of its very high current density, C-Mod will routinely run in regions of

parameter space where the L- and H-mode scalings predict confinement times greatly

exceeding those predicted for ohmic plasmas. The actual behavior of devices in this

regime has never before been investigated.

The second generic method for improving confinement comes from peaking the plasma

density profile. C-Mod will employ a 20-shot pellet injector which should be capable of

accessing this regime over wide ranges of target density and applied power. The standard

explanation for enhanced confinement in this regime is the suppression of ITG modes by

the short density scale length. While appealing and consistent with much data, there are

some serious discrepancies between experimental results and the ITG theory. Definitivetests may come by comparing experiment and predictions for both particle and impurity

confinement. It should also be possible to observe the ITG fluctuations directly with the

microwave reflectometer. With very peaked profiles, the ITG mode should be

completely suppressed. At reasonable densities, the large plasma current in C-Modshould provide operation with Xnc « Xe. This would allow us to isolate the electron

transport and possibly measure residual ion transport associated with electron modes.

D.4 Objectives of C-Mod Transport Program

The main objectives of thtC-Mlod transport physics program can be summarized as


* Test dimensionless scaling concepts.

* Investigate the threshold and properties for enhanced confinement regimes (H, VH,

P, IOC, Limiter Biasing/Er and combined regimes).

* Measure transport with strong applied RF heating.

* Test ITG and other drift wave theories.

* Correlate energy, particle, and impurity transport and investigate the importance of

off-diagonal transport matrix terms.

* Study the relationship between particle transport and the density limit.

* Attempt to determine whether electron transport is driven by electrostatic or

electromagnetic modes, or both.


E. RF Heating Program

The C-Mod RF heating program consists of two key elements: (a) ICRF heating with fast

magnetosonic waves at 80 MHz; (b) Long pulse (exceeding the L/R time) noninductive

current drive with lower-hybrid waves at 4.6 GHz. In addition to the heating and current

drive experiments, these systems will also be used to control temperature and current

profiles, and to explore access to enhanced confinement regimes.

E.1 ICRF Heating Program

The primary role of ICRF power in C-Mod is to provide the bulk auxiliary heating power

for carrying out the programs outlined elsewhere in this summary. Of particular

importance are studying transport and divertor heat load issues with ITER and reactor

relevant densities, magnetic fields, and plasma shapes. C-Mod can also test ICRF heating

at ultra-high densities, such as may be encountered in compact Ignitor-type devices.

ICRF heating will be carried out in both gas and pellet fueled discharges, and in both

inductively and non-inductively (LHRF) driven discharges. The ICRF power density on

the antenna surfaces will be high, up to 20 MW/m2 , which is in the reactor-relevant


E.2 ICRF Equipment

The transmitters for the initial operating phases consist of two 80 MHz FMIT units, each

operating at 20 MW, for a total source power of 4.0 MW. We also have two additional

transmitters on site, which could be refurbished if more power were needed. Given that

only about 75 - 80% of the source power is typically absorbed by the bulk plasma, at

least one of these additional transmitters should be refurbished for a total absorbed powerof 4-5 MW. The power from each transmitter is coupled to the plasma by a two-strap

antenna attached to the vacuum chamber wall. The straps may be operated either in-

phase (monopole) or out of phase (dipole), and the RF power density on the antenna is -

10 MW/m2 if one 2 MW transmitter is connected to each two-strap antenna. The

antennas can handle the expected RF and plasma heat loads for pulse lengths of at least

10 seconds. Based on code modeling, we expect good loading resistance for plasma

densities in the range from 1020 to 102 1m- 3, allowing coupling of the 2 MW of RF power

at RF voltages not exceeding 45 kV anywhere in the transmission line (including the

antenna itself).

The design of the two-strap antenna is shown in Figure 1.4. The Faraday shield elements

are slanted and coated with TiC or B4C. To facilitate operational flexibility in the initial


phase of plasma operations, a movable, single strap (monopole) antenna will be used for

coupling studies. This antenna has already been fabricated and will be installed in the

machine before Phase I operations recommence, thereby giving us experience with

operating the ICRF system at the earliest possible date. The fabrication of the double-

strap antennas is well under way, and the antennas will be available for installation into

C-Mod prior to the start of Phase II.

E.3 ICRF Heating Regimes

Assuming a deuterium bulk plasma, the base operating scenarios will use toroidal fields

of 5.3 Tesla (H minority regime) and 7.9 Tesla (He-3 minority regime). Single pass

absorption is excellent for the H minority regime (- 90%) whereas in the He-3 minority

case it is typically about 20%. In past ICRF experiments, efficient heating has been

observed for single pass absorption of order of 5% or higher. High single pass absorption

is desirable for minimizing impurity generation. The slanted, coated Faraday shield

design should minimize impurity production at the antenna surface. Ultimately,boronization may be necessary for effective impurity control in an all metallic

environment such as in C-Mod.

In order to heat plasmas at even lower magnetic fields (higher 3), we find effective

heating scenarios at B = 3.95 Tesla (2nd harmonic He-3 minority, with approximately

20% single pass absorption) and B = 2.65 Tesla (2nd harmonic H minority; electron

Landau/TTMP regime). In summary, while transmitters with continuously tunable

frequency would be optimal, a wide variety of magnetic fields (2.65, 3.95, 5.30, 7.90 T)

are suitable for effective heating of deuterium majority plasmas for transport, current

drive and divertor heat load studies.

E.4 Advanced Tokamak Regimes with Lower Hybrid Current Drive

Utilizing the 4.0 MW, 4.6 GHz lower-hybrid system from the Alcator-C program, C-Mod

can access non-inductive operation regimes which are unsurpassed by any other existing

tokamak facility in the world. Of particular importance is the high effective current drive

power (P/R c I) and the long-pulse operational capability of the C-Mod magnet system at

fields of B < 5 Tesla, where tpulse 27 s. Owing to the small size of C-Mod, this pulse

length exceeds the L/R time (t ~ 4 s), even at Te- 5 keV, Zeff 2. To achieve the above

temperatures at central densities of 1020 m-3 , an H-mode factor of 2 is assumed.


The main hardware requirements tor achieving the LHCD options in C-Mod include an

upgrading of the power supply/modulator systems to long pulse (10 s) operation, and

fabrication and installation of a new grill/window array. The 16 klystrons are CW tubes,

each with output power of 250 kW, for a total of 4 MW source power. At present, half of

this system is on loan at PPPL and we expect that this equipment will be returned to MIT

in FY 94, after completion of the PBX lower hybrid experiments.

Table 1.2 summarizes several advanced tokamak regimes which have been identified by a

combination of the ACCOME code and/or Nevins' Spread Sheet (based on the ITER-89

formulary). For the sake of completeness, in Table E. 1 we also include a pellet-inductive

scenario which assumes a peaked density (pressure) profile, and hence a high bootstrapfraction (fBS > 80%) at low currents (high 3p) with intense ICRF heating. The diffusion

time of fast electrons is typically an order of magnitude longer than their collisional

slowing-down time.

We thus expect efficient current profile control using the lower-hybrid driven fastelectrons. Typical values of v* at the 80% flux surface are from 0.1 to 0.5, so the plasma

is sufficiently collisionless to test bootstrap current theories.

The following important scenarios may be noted in Table E.1:

* Confinement studies in noninductively driven plasmas with strong ICRF heating atITER-like parameters (ne= 1020 m-3, B = 5 T, Ip _ 1.5 MA, qW= 3, R/a - 3.3, tpulse

_ 10 tskin).* Tokamak operation and confinement studies with High Bootstrap Fraction (IBS/Ip >

0.6) at high £ 43p and tpulse = 10 tskin.

* Current profile control (with LHCD and high IBS) combined with ICRF heating,permitting C-Mod to operate in the 2nd stability regime (P > PTroyon for tpulse = 10

tskin* Combined LHCD and ICRF provides for synergistic current drive studies.* LHCD in C-Mod allows a quantitative study of fast electron diffusion (e < 100 keV)

under a wide range of plasma operational modes.

In summary, C-Mod is an excellent vehicle for studying advanced tokamak scenarios of

the type identified for TPX/SSAT. These studies would take place in the CY 1996 - 2000


time frame, thereby providing important information for optimizing the SSAT operating


F. Unique Features of Alcator C-Mod; Limitations, Schedule

F. 1 Features

Alcator C-Mod is at present the only tokamak in the world with a closed divertor and

with the capability to modify the divertor relatively easily. In view of the ITER relevant

plasma shape and heat fluxes, the device is ideal for studies of ITER divertor design,

including questions of the effectiveness of radiative and gaseous divertors. The high Z

divertor walls and metallic first wall also provide unique ITER relevant information.

The combination of high magnetic field, current, and mass density will allow unique

testing of the validity of the scaling laws used to project machine performance. The

availability of substantial amounts of ICRF power is essential in this task.

With the availability of LH current drive, Alcator C-Mod could also explore enhanced

performance tokamak regimes for about 10 current penetration, or skin, times. This

capability, although dependent on upgrades for LHCD, is unique in the period in which it

is planned to be done.

F.2 Limitations

The budget described in the next section does not include increased engineering or

technical staff, which might be necessary, or at least highly desirable, as extra hardware

and diagnostic capability becomes available.

The ICRF system does not, at present, include tunable power supplies, so that scans of

machine performance as a function of B will require only different heating scenarios. In

the earlier device, Alcator C, ICRF heating was not effective for plausible reasons. Thus,

final success of the ICRF heating on a high density device is not absolutely assured.

The small size of the device and divertor will cause some difficulties in accurate

diagnostic analysis of the scrape-off layer and divertor regions

F.3 Schedule

Since the preparation of the body of this report (June 1992) the date for the completion of

the repairs to ,he poloidal coil feeds has slipped one or two months. The start date of

October 1992 shown in Figure A.2 could slip to late November or December of 1992.


G. Budget

The group has layed out a program shown in Figure I.1 that costs $16.8 M per year. The

personnel costs of $11 M include roughly 18 physicists, 20 engineers, 30 technicians and18 graduate students, plus support staff. With operating costs of $3.3 M and $.9 M forsmall scale acquisitions approximately $1.6 M per year is proposed for capital equipment.Over a six year period it would be allocated as follows: upgrade of ICRF systems $2.0 M,LH systems $4.8 M, divertor biasing $.5 M, and testing of ITER prototype divertor$2.3 M.


1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

B S 5T B 9T B 9T B 9T IH <8MWI S 0.8MA I < 2.5MA I < 3.0MA I S 3.0MA LH 4MW

Kc5 1.5 K5 1.8 ic< 1.8 cS 2.2ICH < 2MW ICH < 4MW ICH5 <6MW ICH 8MW

LH < 2MW


Ohmic, Full-field, Hi Power ICH, Opt. Divertor· s SOL & Radiative Gaseous &Tokamak

\ ICH divertor divertor & ImprovementStudies &ICH H-mode Studies Experiments


Repair oil; Insall Install Install Maint. & Insp.,Install Flywheel, FMIT #3 FMIT #4, Mod. DivernorICH Ant. Dipole Ant.'s LH grill

Limiter Ops, Radiative Divertor, Gaseous divertor, Design/buildShaped control, Power loading char., H-mode confinement, optimized divertor,

Shaped Div. ops, Compare open & Div. bias/pumping Advanced shapingOhmic Conf., closed divertors, I-limit studies, LH current driveICH coupling, ICH phyics, Shaping - high K Quasi-steadyPellet fuelling Transport scalings, state ops. with

L&H-mode studies divertor cooling

Figure I.1Schedule and physics program highlights for Alcator C-Mod, through CY 1998


Flat Plate \ VacuumDivertor Vessel


Divertorl / ^

Figure 1.2Alcator C-Mod vessel and first wall hardware


C-Mod ASDEX-U ASDEX-U DIII-D DIII- Machine XTest Actual Scaled DPoint from Actual Scaled

C-Mod fromC-Mod

a (m) .21 .5 .5 .67 .67 1.7

b (m) .38 .8 .9 1.3 1.2 3.1

R (m) .67 1.65 1.59 1.67 2.14 5.5

B (T) 8.0 2.7 2.7 2.0 1.9 .6

Ip (MA) 2.0 (<1.6) 1.6 (<3) 1.5 1.2

P (MW) 4 (<12) 2 (<20) 1.7 .8

ne (M 3) 6.0 (<1) 1.0 (<1) .6 .09(x 1020)

Table I. 1Values for nominal machire parameters and a proposed operating point for dimensionless

scaling experiments



\ \ -

2xlTER89-P\ \"H-mode" \

o12 0 . \ \ \ \"VH" modeITER89-P \ \+NeoAlcator

neoTE-3eo E \ \ a -1.o

(m 3s)

2xITER89-Po ±9 \\+NeoAlcator


1i 1 100

T. (keV)

Figure 1.3Predicted plasma performance for Alcator C-MOD under different confinementassumptions. Parameters are Ip = 2.5 MA, BT = 9 T, (q/ = 3), auxiliary heatingpower 4 MW. Each curve is a density (neo) scan from 1 to 20 x 1020 m-3. For thecases including NeoAlcator losses, they are added in quadrature with the (scaled)ITER89-P transport. Whether or not NeoAlcator confinement can be exceeded makesa very great difference at the lower densities.



IT^~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~· H--8- ITIr^

^ "^I .J ^ ^-^ T - - ' ' I- -- P---

/ / v 01110 1111- S 1 _

-r |!3_l^d III ~:

Ii q I. .4 E e o

Fiqure 1.4 Engineering drawing of the two-strap ICRF antenna.

ITER-like High Bootstrap, High Bootstrap(LHCD) 2nd Stable (OH-pellet)


Bo (T) 5.3 4.0 (5.3) 5.3

Ip (MA) 1.4 0.39 0.33

IBS/IP 0.03 0.63 0.81<ne> (1020m-3) 0.68 0.70 0.51

tpulse (s) 7.0 10.0 1.0

q(0)/q95 0.7/2.3 2.5/7.5 2.5/12.3

Tp/Tskin 11 13 0.5

PLH (MW) 4.0 0.5 0

PICRF (MW) 1.2 4.3 6.0

P(%)/Ptrovon(%) 0.09 1.20 0.80

Table 1.2

Advanced Tokamak Scenarios (From ACCOME code and Nevins' Spread Sheet)(Assumes H-mode, fH = 2; k = 1.6-1.8)


n.ORNL Advanced Toroidal Facility

A. Background and OverviewA. 1 MissionATF was designed to demonstrate high-S, steady-state, disruption-free operation that

leads to a reactor-relevant configuration. The ATF program goals for FY 94 - FY 97 are:* demonstration of (p) > 4%, low collisionality, and improved

confinement for pulse lengths up to 30 s;* optimization of the stellarator configuration and operational

techniques for improvement of LHD performance and the designof a better D-T stellarator;

* development of steady-state power and particle handling.Only ATF has the combination of configuration flexibility, Pj capability, pulse length,access for power and particle handling, and ICRF heating capability to accomplish thesegoals. It is cost effective because ATF and most of its heating additions already exist. It istimely because ATF would provide data >5 years before the large ($400 M) JapaneseLHD stellarator, and could thus determine the next generation of reactor development.There is a window of opportunity in 1994-97 for ATF to make crucial contributions tothe development of the stellarator concept and to allow the U.S. to capitalize on thestrong world program at relatively low cost.

A.2 RationaleThe world stellarator program provides the only credible, timely alternative to the toka-mak in reactor development. In the tokamak area, a steady-state, advanced tokamak(SSAT) has been proposed in parallel with ITER as essential to the development of anattractive tokamak DEMO. In the stellarator area, ATF will perform a similar role indemonstrating a reactor-relevant mode of operation. In particular, ATF protects againstfailure of the tokamak program and offers a promising route to fusion developmentthrough development of a lower-aspect-ratio, sheared-magnetic-field stellarator reactor(the decision points shown in Fig. II.1).

Stellarators have demonstrated energy confinement times, scaling and keV temperaturessimilar to those in tokamaks at the same stage of development (Figure 11.2) andWendelstein VIIAS recently (June, 1992) achieved H-mode operation. Stellarators haveachieved beta ((fl)) up to 2% and have operated for up to 20 s. Now, it is essential to


validate projections of (/3) 4% and improved confinement at low collisionality. In

particular, dimensionless parameter modulation studies in ATF showed that confinementimproves with increasing /3 and decreasing collisionality v as TrE/grB c .3 v 2.

A.3 Stellarators as Reactors

Stellarators require no plasma current. This eliminates disruptions and their associated

engineering problems, greatly reduces the recirculating power requirements of a reactor,

and removes a serious physics constraint on optimization.

New stellarator reactor assessments (Lyon et al, presented at ANS Meeting in June, 1992)

using the same costing algorithms and unit values as in the ARIES-I tokamak reactor

study show that a stellarator reactor with same power output as ARIES-I could have

* similar major radius

* lower 6ost of electricity

* significantly higher mass utilization

* much lower magnetic field

as shown in Table II.1.

The magnet systems and associated structure are smaller for the stellarator reactor

because the helical coils are closer to the plasma, and both the helical and poloidal field

coils have smaller cross sections. The stellarator coil set, structure, and blanket can be

constructed of > 10 modules, with additional central access, thereby easing the

maintenance problem. Coil configurations can be designed to have low power density

external divertors and to avoid the accumulation of helium ash, while retaining acceptable

alpha particle heating.

B. Technical Objectives

The ATF program focuses on performance improvements and physics understanding

needed for developing an attractive stellarator reactor: (1) confinement improvement; (2)

reactor-relevant levels of beta; (3) low bootstrap current; (4) exploration of a

configuration and transport data base for extrapolation to larger devices; (5) development

of an efficient long-pulse heating scheme (ICRF); (6) acceptably low fast-ion losses; and

(7) steady-state capability (power, particle, and impurity handling). ATF is the only

existing stellarator that allows an integrated test of these physics issues.B. 1 Short-term program (<5 years)


The proposed 31/2 year experimental program for ATF in FY 1994-1997 is based on 1¥/2

years of preparation at low budget levels in FY 1993-94, as discussed in Section VI. The

main objective for ATF in FY 1994-1997 will be to: (1) demonstrate reactor-relevantparameters ((/) > 4%, low collisionality [v*helical 102 oroidal < 1 a d

helical 0 toroidal < 1], and -2improvement in confinement) in long-pulse operation (=30 s); and (2) optimize the

stellarator configuration (developing a reactor-attractive magnetic configuration and a

corresponding modular coil set for a possible D-T test step). Key elements of the physics

program are:

* stellarator optimization: physics of ICRF, ripple-induced

transport, minimization of the energetic-particle loss region,

effect of electric fields on rp and TE, and dependence of beta

limits on configuration properties;

* tests of neoclassical theory: bootstrap current and Ware pinch,

transport from stochastic fields and magnetic islands;

* anomalous transport: gyro-reduced Bohm scaling and separationof helically-trapped and toroidally-trapped particle instabilities;


* second stability: tests of the predicted high-/ confinement

enhancement (rE/rgrB 1P.3 V0 2) and exploration of the second-

stability regime under equilibrium conditions; stability of broad

pressure profiles.

This program would build on ATF's demonstrated physics base: configuration control, 3-self stabilization; the neoclassical nature of the bootstrap current and its control (and

reversal); and the correspondence between tokamaks and stellarators in edge fluctuations,

velocity shear layer, and transport. These contributions are indicated graphically in

Fig. 1.3.

B.2 Longer-Term Program (>5 years)

If successful, the next step (FY 1998- ) would be true high-power steady-state operation

of ATF to demonstrate steady-state power and particle handling and plasma control. If

this step were successful (and the data from LHD, W VII-X, ATF, etc. are sufficiently

encouraging), and the tokamak were not ready to proceed to a DEMO, then the stellarator

program would be ready to proceed with the development of a D-T Stellarator.


C. Special Features

C. 1 Uniqueness of ATF Contributions

ATF will remain the world's largest stellarator until the end of this decade when LHD

starts producing results, and is the only large stellarator in the U.S. program. ATF has

>2x the plasma volume and much greater interior access and port size than any other

stellarator and >2x the heating power and >10x the pulse length of any other sheared

stellarator. Even when LHD is in operation, ATF will have >2x the volume power

density in pulsed operation and could have >2x the heating capability and 10x the surface

power density of LHD in steady-state operation.

C.2 Place in the World Program

There are basically two routes to stellarator development: sheared systems such as

Heliotron-E, CHS, and ATF leading to LHD; and low-shear systems such as W VII-AS

leading to W VII-X. The sheared system is optimum at lower aspect ratio. Each system

has important reactor-relevant features, such as (1) > 5%, modularity, and a natural

divertor. The best system for development of the reactor must arise from the experimental

program. ATF was designed to complement, not duplicate, other stellarators in the world

program by testing MHD optimization principles. It has a magnetic configuration similar

to that in LHD, but with extra flexibility for optimization.

C.3 Other Special Features

ATF can access the widest variety of magnetic configurations of any toroidal experiment,

allowing independent control of shear, magnetic well, and trapped rarticle fraction for

fundamental toroidal physics studies. Dynamic configuration control allows access to

configurations not otherwise accessible. In addition, ATF is the only experiment capable

of exploring steady-state operation in the second-stable regime and the only U.S. toroidal

experiment capable of true high-power steady-state operation before SSAT.

D. Parameters and Limitations

Because of budget reductions, auxiliary heating levels (=1 MW) were far below the

designed level of 6-8 MW during the initial period of ATF operation (1988-91), and

development of particle and power-handling systems were delayed. Nevertheless, good

progress was made in achieving relevant plasma parameters and in demonstrating the 20-

s pulse-length operation, with detailed, time-dependent control of the magnetic

configuration important to the next phase of the program. Maximum parameters achieved(not simultaneous) were Ti(O) = 1 keV, Te(0) - 1.5 keV,ie = 2 x 1020 m-3, TE = 30 ms,


and () - 1.7%. Sets of simultaneous plasma parameters for four different operating

regimes are given in Table H.2.

ECH plasma startup and busbar cooling presently limit ATF to operation at B = 1.9 T (5

s), B - 0.95 T (30 s), and B = 0.67 T (steady state). Using ICRF for plasma startup, as has

been done on other stellarators, would allow ATF to operate at fields between 0.5 T (for

maximum beta) and 2 T (for maximum confinement). Cooling of the main busbar from

the helical field power supply would allow steady-state operation at B up to 1 T.

ATF has an uncooled vacuum vessel, which limits the power to the vacuum vessel walls

to =100kW in steady-state operation and to 3-MW 20-s pulses every 10 minutes. There is

room to install water-cooled panels inside the vacuum vessel for steady-state operation at

higher power, but this is not planned for the 1994-1997 operating period.

The present levels of 0.4 MW of long-pulse (<30-s) heating and 1.8 MW of short-pulse

(0.3-s) heating are inadequate for an experiment of the size of ATF (3 m 3 plasma

volume). ATF plans call for short-pulse heating of 3.4 MW, long-pulse heating of 1.4

MW, and steady-state (>1 hour) heating of =0.1 MW at the start of operation in mid FY

1994. By October 1995, the short-pulse heating would be 8.4 MW and the long-pulse

heating would be 4.4 MW.

Figures 11.4 and II.5 show how ATF can reach the high-/ and low collisionality regimes

required to meet its physics objtctives. Figure 11.4 shows the plasma /3 as a function of

heating power for gyro-Bohm confinement and the expected enhancement TE/TgrB -

p0.3 v .2. Values of (3) > 4%-sufficient to test Pf self stabilization-are accessible even

with gyro-Bohm scaling. Note that for this plot we choose to operate at the maximum

density attainable in ATF,7imax= 1.3 nSudo, where isudo= 0.25(PB/a2R) 1/ 2. Figure 11.5

shows the central temperature and electron collisionality as a function of power. The

helical trapping regime (where instabilities related to helically trapped particles may

occur) is accessible even with gyro-Bohm confinement; with enhanced confinement, the

toroidal trapping regime (where instabilities related to toroidally trapped particles may

occur) also becomes accessible.

E. Current StatusATF is not operational at present. At the end of May 1991, an electrical short occurred

between two of the segments in one of the two large helical-field windings. A temporary


repair allowed ATF to operate in the Fall of 1991, but at reduced field and lower

repetition rate. Two spare helical segments are on hand to replace the damaged segments,

but ATF must be disassembled to install them. This disassembly was underway when it

was halted for lack of funds. ORNL estimates that it will take 4-6 months to finish the

repair in FY 1993.

The ATF group is now heavily involved in collaborations on different U.S. tokamaks

(DIII-D, PBX-M, TFTR) and Tore-Supra. Most of these people could return to ATF in

mid-FY 1994 without seriously compromising these collaborations.

F. Time and Cost to Complete ObjectivesF. 1 ATF Program, FY 93 - 97

Figure 11.6 shows the budget and schedule needed to carry out the research program

outlined in Section H. A detailed budget breakdown is shown in Table 11.3. This program

allows for 3 1/2 years of physics operation beginning in mid-FY 94. Prior to that, resources

are required to restore ATF to full operation. A more aggressive funding profile would

accelerate the ATF program by six months, as is shown in italics in Table 11.3.

The Fabrication budget provides for improved plasma heating capability (using heating

supplies already at ORNL) and installation of a module for edge particle and power

control tests for development of a stellarator divertor. A significant portion of the ATF

Operations budget, 3-5 M$/year, could be provided for outside collaborators. In the past,

US and foreign collaborators have contributed significantly to the ATF program,

supported both by their own funding and ORNL direct support of 0.5-1 M$/year.

F.2 Steady-State Upgrade

ATF was designed for steady-state operation. The coil systems and power supply can

operate steady-state at B = 1 T, but additional plasma heating and cooling is required. The

ATF Steady-State Project would cost an additional 25 M$ in capital investment (plus

-20M$ operating for three years) and have two phases. In the first phase (with 2-MW

heating capability): the power supply buswork and the helical-winding joint cooling

would be upgraded for 1 T operation; new, cooled panels would be added to the vacuum

vessel to handle 8-MW in steady state and the full divertor and pumping system would be

installed; and cooling would be added to the ICRF antennas and the BBC transmitters. In

the second phase, an additional 4-6 MW of steady-state ICRF heating would be added.


Each 2-MW increment would require an antenna, steady state transmitter, and

transmission line.

G. Appendix. Historical Background

During the past 10-15 years, there have been tremendous advances in stellarator research.

Notably, during the early 1980's experimental research on the sheared Heliotron-E

(Kyoto) and shearless W VII-A (Garching) showed confinement and beta similar to that

in tokamaks at the same stage of development. Subsequently, further experiments and

theoretical work, including an increased effort in the U.S. and the former Soviet Union,

showed that there could be attractive modular stellarator reactors.

The ATF was developed at ORNL with extensive national and international collaboration

to demonstrate these capabilities. During its operational phase from January 1988 through

October 1991, ATF amply demonstrated its potential to provide important answers for

stellarator development and the understanding of the fundamental toroidal physics. Broadcollaboration was an important feature of the program. However, exploitation of its full

capabilities was limited by successive reductions in budgets owing to changes in DOE

policy, as shown below in unescalated M$.

FY FY 198Y 198 FY 1989 FY 1990 FY 1991 FY 1992

19.3 17.7 16.2 12.8 8.2 0.4



NO0DIID., etC. -- ATF

NO/ ATFLongPulae <

Twoldal 4/ 30 ,1.x-2 xGi BAdvancd Toklmalk P hyO IO ATF Slady-SUt ./ .aD-T Buer (nER) LHD,. W VIIX NO

. l---- I --- .--- I ----el ATTF Steddy-Stt .1 NO j 5%,5 MiW.243xGrB _* W VII-X




I1--,--,--'--II 3S T O P I

, --- : ------- : -DEMO -DEMO


(a) (b)

Fig. I.1. Plans for development of (a) steady-state toroidalfusion reactor,and (b) stellarator reactor option.


x 10-2 -,^''(3() Ba). (b)

10- 10 -2

10 1O0 1 1 0- 10-3 1o2 101 1

Stoll 0.8 0.6 -0.6 2.4 0.6 -0.2 tok -2 0.8 0 6 -06 2.2 1.02 -0.2tgB (s)=0.25.BT .20 .PMw.am *KR m -A Tg8(S) 1.9 4 x10 21 *M 0 PV.am .(R/a) A

Fig. II.2. Comparison of energy confinement in stellarators and tokamaks (L-mode) using gyro-Bohm scaling. For ic= 1.4, R/a = 3, qcy = 3, (an "average" tokamak geometry), rEsfell= TE 'k


Key Characteristic Reference stellarator ARIES-INet electric power, GW 1.0 1.0Major radius, m 6.65 6.75Cost of electricity, mill/kW(e)h 67.8 87.4Mass utilization efficiency, kW(e)/tonne 197 100Magnetic field on axis/at coil, T 5.61/12.0 16.6/19.9

(P) 5.4% 1.9%Recirculating power fraction (to plasma) 0 9%

Table II.1. Comparison of reference stellarator and ARIES-I reactor designs.

Program Element Demonstrated Objectiveenhancement factor

Plasma performance E [ It l' = 2 enhancement in TE \ .

<< 1.5% > 4%,20-s pulse lengths @ 0.4-MW 30-s pulse lengths @ 4-MW o.. ,

* Configuration control static & dynamic control static & dynamic optimization i \of q(r),q(r). V"(r), f,,f .p(r) of q(r). q(r). V"(r). fP. p(r)

* Verify neoclass. theory control of bootstrap current bootstrap current, Ware pinch integrated test:@ lower v.

* Fluctuations & edge like tokamak separate helically-trapped and stellaratc' P=4%anomalous transport resistive interchg. in gradient = 'E toroidally-trapped particle ptimzaton =2 x r improvement

DTEM = constrain n(r) ? instabilities, gyro-Bohm scaling duration 2 30 s* Role of electric field biased limiter = velocity shear optimize at finite \

decouple energy & particle conf.* Second stability access to Mercier 2nd stability equilibrium access and '

with narrow p(r) ((p) 0.5%) enhancement at (p) > 4%Particle & power handling long pulse (20 s) with ECH particle and power distribution, \/'

install divertor test modules* ICRF heating modest heating at low power heating optimization using inside-

and outside-launch antennas

Fig. 11.3. ATF program elements, achievements, and future objectives.


High stored eneroy Hieh Low Long ECHshot #11740 #11186 #14514 #16654B (T) 1.9 0.45 1.9 0.95n, (1019 m-3) 11 4.3 0.53 0.5Pabs (MW) 0.96 0.98 0.79 0.25TE* (ms) 26 6.1 6.4 5Te(0) (keV) 0.4 0.3 1.0 1.0Ti(0) (keV) 0.4 0.3 1.0 0.2(/) (%) 0.4 1.7 0.08 0.15duration (s) 0.25 0.2 0.15 20

Table II.2. ATF parameters for four different operating regimes


n o = 1.3 nsudo

B (T) gB mod-gB enhanced5 0.63 _ _ gyro-Bohm

0.95 - -0.63 T


^ 3 3 _ \60, 0.95 T3 -

2 00.63T (Apr-90)¢ _ . j ---o gyro-Bohm

1 ~ 'i<=0.95T (Apr-90)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6P (MW)

Fig. 11.4. Expected plasma ,3 in ATF as a function of heating power for gyro-Bohmconfinement (thin lines) and for predicted enhanced confinement rE/r grB f 3 v-(thick lines). The solid points show achieved experimental values.


10 . i Fig. 11.5. Expected100 central temperature and

electron collisionality for1- : X^ helically trapped . helically trapped (vH*)

- _^ . helicallytrapped~10 and toroidally trapped.. ^------^- gyro-Bohm

I 0.1 - ___gyro-Bohm (VT*) particles as a*I 0.1 i s~ ~ _ ~~_^~ _^ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 > ~ ~function of heating

toroidally trapped 4 - power in ATF for gyro-

_0. ~01 ~enhanced Bohm and enhanced0.01B = 1.5 T gyro-Bohm 0.1 confinement.n =3x109m'3


3 _ -/ enhanced

'> gyro-Bohm.0

X 2 _

1 gyro-Bohm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

P (MW)


FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97

Budget, unescalated, M$

' ~Capitalci 'm '.iii - -20

Rpair & ref Fabrication 0

Installoutsids Install insids Commision a te


~vess~el :9 3ChourEC\I_ 4

instwm. wall: = power deposition pumping moduleaLong-pulse(Ž30s)wall conditioning I opu s Ion 3

Flaassembly ) ---- ~-~ rECH --~~~~ECHNBI~' I IRInstall outside Install inside Commission Steady tate

Repair & Refurbish 2.7 3.2 -- -- -- 5.9

Repair | U IlCRF antenna JHICRF antenna UIFMITxmitter I

Fabrication 0.3 1.4 3.5 3.0 -- 8.3

Operations -- 7.4 15.0 15.0 15.0 52.4

acilital 1.5 1.0 0.2 3.7

Total 3.0 13.0 20.0 19.0 15.2 70.2

FY93Total (accelerated) 7.2 19.4 20.0FY95 FY9 6 FY97

TabFig. 11.. ATF budget and schedule, FY 1993-FY 1997objectives

(in M$, unescalated)



A. SummaryThe DII-D program proposes to address most of the key issues now emphasized in

tokamak fusion research: high-beta, high-confinement operation, noninductive current

drive with detailed profile control, enhanced pulse length, and elaborate divertor

application and testing. In other words, it intends to explore "advanced" tokamak

operation in a serious and extensive manner. A distinctive feature of the program is its

intent to attack these technical challenges in an integrated fashion, eventually applying

the various operational advances simultaneously. The point is not only to take advantage

of synergism, but also to provide the experimental information most pertinent to future,

larger tokamak devices.

These are obviously ambitious plans that cannot be presumed to succeed. Yet it is

notable that, in a nonintegrated and sometimes transient fashion, many of the planned

achievements have been approached or even exceeded in previous DIII-D experiments:

high beta and current profile control are two prominent examples. Indeed, the widely

admired DIIm-D accomplishments make its program plan appear well grounded.

B. Background and Overview

DIII-D, the fifth generation of magnetic fusion experiments operated by General

Atomics, is the largest non-circular tokamak in the US. It is operated with extensive

national and international collaboration, including a long standing Japanese collaboration

and multi-disciplinary collaborations with, among other institutions, LLNL, ORNL, and

UCLA. The DI-D program is being called upon to provide R&D results to the

engineering designs of the International Thermonuclear Engineering Reactor (ITER) and

the proposed toroidal plasma experiment (TPX). The DIII-D tokamak program is now

demonstrating, transiently, advanced tokamak operation in the form of high confinement

modes, second stability and large bootstrap current operation. Specifically, DIII-D has


* high performance plasma operation with plasma betas exceeding those required

for a reactor,

* high-quality plasma confinement regimes (VH-mode, high inductance);

* increased first stability regime limits and tokamak operation in the second

stability regime;


* radio frequency heating and current drive that could provide for reactor current

profile control and steady-state operation;

* divertor heat load reduction and methods of impurity control that bear on steady-

state reactor operation.

The DIII-D long range research program focuses on divertor and advanced tokamak

issues. Its goal is to provide an integrated demonstration of well-confined high-beta

plasma with non-inductive current drive and effective divertor operation. Implementation

of this plan would obviously bear on ITER R&D issues, as well as possibly opening new

ITER operating options. In addition, it should identify engineering design concepts

pertinent to an electrical demonstration plant (DEMO).

The DII-D experimental plan and the schedule for implementation of new research tools

is indicated are Fig. III.1. The current and proposed parameters are shown in Fig. 111.2.

The proposed DIII-D program would use theoretical and technology advances to extend

the tokamak experimental physics database. Results from experiments at DIII-D and

other tokamaks indicate that plasma and divertor performance can be increased beyond

the baseline engineering design of ITER. A simultaneous demonstration of such

improved tokamak plasma and divertor operation could open a path to an attractive

DEMO, provide new operating options for ITER, and establish an advanced physics

foundation for the TPX program.

C. DIII-D Technical Objective and Goals

The Dm-D objectives and goals are based on extensions of DIII-D transient results.

They can, and should, be tested with enhancements to the DIII-D tokamak capability,

especially with regard to an extension of plasma duration beyond current profile and

particle/wall time constants. To assure that the near-term research results will benefit

ITER and TPX, it is planned to conduct experiments in an integrated fashion. That is, the

various advanced operation features are to be demonstrated simultaneously, at

sufficiently high temperatures to obtain reactor-relevant values of the appropriate

dimensionless plasma parameters.

The above issues provide the motivation for the DIII-D program objective: to carry out

an integrated, disruption-free long-pulse demonstration of a well-confined, high-beta

plasma. Confinement will be based on the simultaneous use of noninductive current

drive and an advanced plasma and divertor configuration. The reference scenario has an


ITER-relevant quantitative goal: to sustain a 2 MA plasma with 5% beta for 10 sec. This

goal is a step toward a steady-state tokamak with improved divertor operation.

Quantitative DIII-D advanced tokamak goals are guided by the ARIES reactor study,

which has quantified tokamak performance parameters that could lead to an attractive

reactor concept. These parameters-confinement quality, stability factor, divertor peak

heat-flux reduction factor, and bootstrap current fraction-serve as targets for DIII-D

advanced tokamak goals, and provide a basis to chart technical progress. Target

parameters for DIII-D research are specified in Table III.1. The goal is to simultaneously

achieve and sustain such parameters in DIII-D for times longer than the tokamak current

relaxation time.

Present results and understanding indicate that this goal can be achieved with upgrades to

the DIII-D current drive and tokamak capabilities.

D. DIII-D Research Plan

The DII-D tokamak is well suited to carry out the challenging divertor and advanced

tokamak research outlined above. DIII-D has operated reliably, in part because it is

relatively modem: in 1986 it was outfitted with a new vacuum vessel, new outer poloidal

field coils, and 5 sec pulse-length neutral beams. The DIII-D poloidal magnetic field

system can generate a wide range of plasma shapes. A digital control system allows these

shapes to be modified in real time, giving efficient access to a broad range of

experiments. The neutral beam system operates reliably with power levels up to 20 MW.

The DIII-D magnetic field is limited to 2.1 T, but the magnet set provides good access

for heating and diagnostic systems. The plasma diagnostic set is among the best in the

world, particularly in the plasma edge and divertor region. Thus, the existing DIII-D

facility is well suited for the proposed research and complements research being carried

out at other tokamak facilities.

Improved divertor and advanced tokamak results have already been obtained from DIII-

D, making prospects for the proposed research appear promising. Advanced divertor

experiments, which have demonstrated high pressures in the divertor plenum chamber,

bode well for particle control with divertor pumping. Simple gas puffing in the present

advanced divertor region has transiently reduced peak divertor heat loads by a factor of

five from an ITER-relevant level of 5 MW/m2 . Hence, it seems plausible that a ten-fold

reduction could be sustained with a more optimally designed radiative divertor


configuration. Fast wave electron heating and current drive experiments at the 1 MW

level, as well as 110 GHz ECH microwave heating experiments at the 0.3 MW level,

show efficient power coupling. These results all bode well for the proposed divertor and

advanced tokamak experiments at higher power levels.

The objective of the proposed research in advanced tokamak development is to establish

advanced operation through significant improvements in both the stability and

confinement limits, using localized rf current profile control, rf and neutral beam heating

for pressure profile control, as well as control of plasma rotation and of the plasma

boundary conditions. There are 3 goals: (1) building on recent experimental results,

achieved under transient and dynamic conditions, which show advanced tokamak modes

(including VH-mode, high inductance H-mode, high second stable core, and second

stable high bootstrap configurations); (2) experimental validation of the physics of rf

current drive and efficiency optimization, in order to develop and prove the tools needed

for advanced tokamak optimization; (3) combination of these efforts for active control

and optimization of the advanced tokamak modes, leading to a demonstration of fully

noninductive, high beta, actively controlled operation. The proposed rf systems (8 MW

of fast wave power plus 10 MW of ECH/LH microwave power) will provide the local

deposition and control needed for this research program. With the DIH-D neutral beam

system, the rf systems will provide full noninductive operation for 10 sec at the target

2 MA, 5% beta condition. In addition, the current profile control systems will provide

the flexibility to optimize advanced tokamak configurations and carry out fundamental

tokamak physics research.

The proposed divertor program concentrates on divertor power and particle control under

conditions relevant to ITER and future devices. The initial divertor research program will

be carried out with the existing advanced divertor configuration that includes particle

pumping and electrical bias capability. Experiments will concentrate on hydrogen

pumping, helium removal, impurity control, edge plasma, and divertor physics. Divenor

predictive code modeling and supporting theory will be benchmarked with detailed

diagnostic measurements. This should provide a reliable model for design of future

divertors. In 1995, a new configuration, called a radiative divertor, will be installed. It is

designed to disperse the divertor power over a broader surface area, reducing peak

divertor power flux by up to an order of magnitude when compared to present

conventional divertors. The first radiative divertor will be passively cooled and operate

for up to 10 sec. A later actively cooled configuration will allow experiments up to 60


sec duration. It is assumed here that ITER would pay for that upgrade. The rf power

levels and plasma conditions for the 2 MA, 5% beta, 10 sec integrated demonstration will

also provide a relevant test of divertor performance.

The experimental plan is shown in Fig. III.3. Each year's operating campaign is

characterized by simple physics objectives that will provide key information to next-

generation tokamaks (ITER, TPX, DEMO, Reactor). The cross-hatched periods indicate

the periods of research operations. Figures III.4 and III.5 show the experimental

programs and research objectives for the Advanced Tokamak and Divertor Development

programs. These objectives will be carried out with close coupling between theories,

experiments, and technology development to advance magnetic fusion research in such

critical areas as transport, stability, plasma-wall interaction, toroidal Alfven eigenmode

suppression, divertor physics, rf heating and current drive, and disruption control.

E. Advanced Tokamak Research

The DIII-D tokamak operates with thermonuclear performance approaching that of larger

tokamaks with many of the dimensionless plasma parameters equaling or exceeding those

required for ITER and the ARIES power reactor. However, these parameters are not

currently achieved simultaneously. Therefore, the goal of the future DIII-D high power rf

and advanced divertor programs is to achieve many of these parameters simultaneously,

and thereby demonstrate an integrated physics-engineering solution to ITER divertor,

disruption, and current drive issues.

A long-time thrust of the General Atomics fusion program has been aimed at production

of high beta plasmas and the development of theoretical understanding of plasma

stability. A measure of beta enhancement is called normalized beta 3n=P/(VaB), which

increases as the current profile is peaked.

The highest beta values achieved at DIII-D exceed those anticipated for ITER. In these

11% beta discharges, the central beta is 44% and the plasma center is calculated to be in

the second stability region, with the outer edge at the first stability limit. Future

experiments using high power rf current drive to control the current profile will aim at

broadening the central high beta second stability regime and maintaining this second

stability configuration for longer duration.


Using the neutral beam system, which injects up to 20 MW in one toroidal direction for

neutral beam current drive, DIII-D plasmas that enter the second stability regime do so

over most of the plasma radius. Up to 0.4 MA of non-inductive current drive has been

driven and poloidal betas of 5.2 have been reached.

The high power density DIII-D neutral beam system (1 MW/m 3) is also well-suited to

investigate toroidal Alfven eigenmodes (TAE modes). These dangerous modes are

predicted to be driven unstable by fusion alpha particles or high energy beam ions whose

speed exceeds the Alfven speed. Operating DIII-D at reduced magnetic fields decreases

the plasma Alfv6n speed to that of the 80 keV deuterium ions injected by the neutral

beams. These beam ions thereby simulate alpha particles. When the beam ion beta

reaches a few percent, TAE-mode magnetic fluctuations at 20 to 100 kHz are excited,

beam ions are ejected, and the thermonuclear fusion power production is reduced. This

provides an excellent opportunity to develop and demonstrate engineering design

solutions to stabilize TAE-modes. Theory predicts that stabilization can be implemented

on DIII-D and ITER by controlling the plasma current profile, the plasma shape, the fast

ion pressure profile, and the density profile. DIII-D already has plasma shape control and

is developing rf systems for plasma current profile control.

Significant progress has also been made in understanding plasma transport and

developing enhanced confinement modes. High performance VH- or H-modes are

regularly achieved and studied at DIII-D. The joint ASDEX/DIII-D JET H-mode study

has found that the plasma H-mode thermal energy confinement time increases

proportionally with plasma current, with major radius, and decreases with the square rootof heating power. DIII-D has shown that the confinement improvement in H-mode arises

from shear in the E x B driven edge plasma rotation suppressing turbulence. Tools to

control plasma rotation and to further increase confinement improvements are being


While the H-mode is considered the standard operating mode for ITER, recently DIII-D

has operated in the very high performance, or VH-mode, with confinement that is nearly

twice that of H-mode. The VH-mode was discovered in DIII-D following boronization.

It is characterized by a broader edge temperature pedestal. The DIII-D VH-mode resultsin two times higher thermonuclear triple product (nTT) than their H-mode discharges.

Otherwise many of the VH-mode characteristics such as current scaling and fluctuations

are similar to H-mode.


Development of localized rf heating and current profile controls to provide new tools for

heating, controlling, optimizing, and sustaining plasma stability and confinement is a key

element of the DIII-D program. Recent DIII-D results (as well as those from TFTR and

JET) have indicated the important role that the plasma current density profile plays in

plasma performance as measured by normalized beta or normalized plasma confinement.

A centrally peaked current profile is better than the broad current profile that is normally

generated with inductively driven ohmic current drive.

Four advanced tokamak operating modes have been generated in DII-D by control of the

current profile. The pulsed methods employed in the current DIII-D experiments are

limited in duration by relaxation of the current profile to the inductively-driven profile.

Current profile control using rf waves can be employed to sustain the advanced tokamak

configurations. Estimates of the required rf power levels are in the range of 10 to 20


DIII-D is developing two innovative and attractive rf heating and current drive

technologies; 110 GHz microwave electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and 30-120 MHz

radio frequency fast wave heating and current drive. The aim is to develop a physics and

engineering database for technologically-attractive and cost-effective systems for ITER

and as well as the tokamak DEMO reactor.

A 1.6 MW 60 GHz ECH system is being used for basic physics studies, such as

modulated transient transport, sawtooth and edge localized mode (ELM) stabilization,

plasma pre-ionization and startup, ECH current drive, and electron heating to aid fast

wave current drive experiments. The ECH-driven currents are consistent with theory and

extrapolate to a current drive efficiency of 0.2 to 0.3x10 2 0 A/W m 2 for ITER conditions.

Future DIII-D ECH experiments at 10 MW ECH power levels and higher frequency are

expected to drive MA-level currents at higher densities.

The next step in the DIII-D ECH program is construction of a 2 MW 110 GHz prototype

system using four 0.5 MW gyrotrons. Currently, one 0.5 MW system is under test at


The second element of the DIII-D rf current drive and profile control program uses a 2

MW fast wave system, operating at the ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF). ICRF

ion heating has long been recognized as efficient and effective, especially in large


tokamaks. A second important application of this available rf technology is being

pioneered in DIII-D, fast wave electron heating and current drive. The antenna is

designed to launch waves at a frequency for which no ion cyclotron resonances exist in

the tokamak rather than directly coupling to plasma ions. In this case, the fast waves heat

electrons by Landau damping and transit-time magnetic pumping. Fast waves are the

chosen current drive techniques for ARIES, and are identified as an alternative current

drive scheme for ITER.

Fast waves have long been recognized as attractive from an engineering viewpoint, albeit

lacking a physics database. DIII-D is now establishing this database using a 2 MW 30-

60 MHz system and a four-element phased array directional antenna. These experiments

are succeeding because DIII-D has sufficiently high electron temperature (boosted by

ECH) for the fast waves to be absorbed by the electrons. These new results now open an

additional engineering option for an ITER current drive system. In contrast to neutral

beam current drive, less technology development is required and fast waves do not excite

TAE-modes as do high energy ion beams.

The DIII-D fast wave current drive antenna was designed and fabricated by ORNL. It

has been extremely effective at heating electrons with heating efficiency equal to neutral

beam heating. In DIII-D experiments, H-mode plasmas are easily produced by fast wave

heating alone. Fast wave current drive experiments have yielded promising results.

Directional antenna phasing has been demonstrated and changes in sawtooth behavior are

as expected. Loop voltage drops are consistent with 0.1 MA of driven current. Future

fast wave experiments will be conducted at higher fast wave power with the addition of asecond 2 MW transmitter and with increased electron heating power from the 2 MW 110

GHz ECH system. On a longer time scale, the fast wave power will be increased to

8 MW for advanced tokamak and divertor research.

F. Divertor Development

Presently the ITER divertor is patterned after the DIII-D divertor configuration. While

satisfactory for DIII-D, the design is inadequate for ITER power handling. To address

these shortcomings, a DIII-D advanced divertor program is underway.

Two techniques to reduce the divertor power flux have been demonstrated on DIII-D.

The first is sweeping the divertor strike point to reduce the time average peak divertor

heat flux. The second involves injection of gas into the divertor. This technique has


reduced the peak heat flux by a factor of five, with little degradation of plasma


The present DIII-D advanced divertor consists of a continuous toroidal ring that can be

electrically biased to enhance plasma flow into its entrance slit. The baffled divertor

chamber will house a cryopump, to be operational in early 1993. Divertor pumping will

allow DIII-D to control the density of H-mode plasmas, operate at higher temperatures

where rf non-inductive current drive is more efficient, operate with a more severe and

realistic divertor environment, and carry out H-mode helium transport studies.

Plasma erosion of divertor materials is already measurable in DIII-D and is feared to be

critical to ITER. The Divertor Materials Exposure System (DIMES) being implemented

on DIII-D will allow in-situ experiments with various materials to be tested in ITER-like

conditions, including time-varying power pulses from edge localized modes and


The present DIII-D advanced divertor was built to maximize divertor flexibility while

minimizing the impact on the flexibility or capability of DIII-D. As a next step, a

radiative divertor will be implemented. This concept, demonstrated in Doublet III, aims

at ITER and reactor relevance by radiating the power to reduce divertor heat loads and by

decreasing the electron temperature to reduce the energy of particles striking the divertor

plates. A demonstration in a high power current driven tokamak would provide relevant

design data for ITER and DEMO. The radiative divertor will provide radiative heat

dispersal, impurity entrainment, fuel recycling control and pumping, helium exhaust, and

materials qualification. With adequate diagnostics, code development, modeling, and

benchmarking, DIII-D would become an integrated test bed for ITER divertor


The ultimate step in the present DIII-D divertor program plan is installation of an actively

cooled divertor. It is assumed that ITER would fund this step.

F.1 FY 92-95 Program

During the period FY 92 - 95 the DIII-D research program will have completed:

Transient studies of advanced tokamak operating regimes (VH-mode, peaked-

current profile, high ebp, second stability.)


* Validation of current drive physics of fast wave and electron cyclotron with

medium power.

* Initiated active control and optimization of advanced tokamak configurations.

* Completed the advanced divertor program demonstrating deuterium and helium

pumping, plasma density and impurity control.

* Developed and benchmarked improved theories and models of divertor and

advanced tokamak operation.

* Completed construction of a radiative divertor.

F.2 Outlook for FY 96 - 98

During the period FY 96 - 98 the DIII-D research program will have completed:

* Completed demonstrations of active control and optimization of advanced

tokamak configurations.

* Demonstrated high performance non-inducting sustained plasma (5% beta at

2 MA for 10 sec.)

* Optimized non-inductively driven advanced tokamak operating modes.

* Completed radiative divertor physics development and initiated actively cooled

divertor operation.

G. Upgrade and Modifications Required

Completion of the DIII-D FY 95 - 98 program will require several upgrades and

modifications. In cost estimating, DIII-D assumed that the base program would continue

at the current level. This wiltllow the present ongoing projects to be completed, aging

components to be replaced for modifications to diagnostics, modernization of the

computer system, and establishing a remote experimental site. These are essential

regardless of any upgrades or modifications. These expenditures together with research

operating costs consume the base budget. To add new capability requires additional

funds. The DIII-D cost estimates are provided in FY 92 dollars. Here, it should be noted

that a continuation of the base program at the current funding level implies that the

present 18 week (per year) run schedule will be maintained. While the recent DIII-D

advances in plasma control and improvements in diagnostics and data acquisition have

permitted them to make optimal use of the available machine time, it is clear that answers

to the important physics and technology issues being addressed by DIII-D could be

provided on a greatly accelerated time scale if additional run time is provided. When

queried on this issue, the DIII-D senior staff responded that a 36 week schedule would

result in a doubling of the productivity and research output while still permitting the


required maintenance, upgrades and experimental planning to be conducted. Concerningcost, the addition of a few additional weeks would require approximately $300 k/week.An expansion to the full schedule would necessitate the hiring of additional staff resultingin a yearly cost of $15 M. One view that was emphasized by the DI-D staff (and sharedby the Reviewers) is that the proposed upgrades should not be compromised or deferredin order to provide increased machine time.

G. 1 Radiative Divertor InstallationDemonstration of ITER and DEMO relevant divertor power dispersal and reduction in theincident plasma temperature requires installation of a radiative divertor. This passivelycooled modification would incorporate particle baffling and pumping as well as electricalbias. A high triangularity double null configuration appropriate for advanced tokamakperformance is under consideration. Implementation will be as a joint LLNL/GA effortincorporating other advanced divertor program participants. The total estimated cost is$16.2 M, including costs of relocating existing diagnostics.

G.2 Fast Wave PowerThe upgrade of the fast wave power for advanced tokamak central current drive andincreased divertor power loading will necessitate the addition of two 2 MW commercialrf transmitters (30-120 MHz). The total estimated installed cost, including transmissionlines, and tuners, is $6.5 M. To increase the pulse duration capability of the present 4-element 2 sec ORNL antenna to a 6-element 10-20 sec antenna would cost an estimated$2.8 M. To increase the pulse length to 60 sec will require water cooled Faraday shieldsestimated to cost $4.6 M.

G.3 Increased Microwave PowerTo increase the microwave power for advanced tokamak current profile control to 10MW will require installing ten 1 MW 110 GHz gyrotrons that are currently underdevelopment at Varian. This is an upgrade of the original 60 GHz gyrotron systemcomprised of ten 0.2 MW. Currently, four units are being modified for 0.5 MW 110 GHzgyrotrons. DIII-D is now examining the possibility of using 3 MW of lower hybridpower and 6 MW of ECH gyrotron power. A decision point occurs at the end of FY 95as to the advisability of adding more ECH power or adding lower hybrid power. Thetotal estimated cost ranges from $11.5 M to $25.4 M, depending on the mix of ECH andLHH and the power level. The final decision will take account of cost, physics issues,


and the state of the technology development (primarily a gyrotron issue). Currently, DIII-

D is performing a detailed study of the various options.

G.4 Diagnostics

New diagnostics are essential for the radiative divertor and advanced tokamak programs.

The estimated costs are $2.0 M and $3.0 M, respectively.

G.5 Tokamak Long Pulse Upgrade

Several tokamak subsystems need to be modified in order to increase the tokamak pulse

length to 10-15 sec at 2 MA plasma current and 2T magnetic field. This upgrade will

also allow 60 sec operation at half current and field. This pulse duration will equal

several current diffusion time constants for advanced tokamak studies and the 60 sec

pulse length will equal several particle/wall time constants. Needed are additional

poloidal field power supplies, improved magnet cabling, utility transformers, and

increased water cooling capacity. The total estimated cost is $7.1 M for 10 sec and

$1.4 M additional for 60 sec.

G.6 Neutral Beam Long Pulse Extension

To increase the neutral beam system pulse length beyond 3.5 sec at 20 MW or 5 sec at 16

MW required upgrades of the beamline internal heat handling, water cooling, and power

supplies. Upgrading the neutral beam system to operate at 20 MW for 10 sec will cost

$8.1 M, and $3.8 M additional for 60 seconds.

G.7 Radiation ShieldingAdditional neutron shielding is required to carry out the envisioned active long pulse

divertor arindhigh performance advanced tokamak research program. Currently, DIII-D is

enclosed in a shield that reduces the radiation site-boundary radiation by a factor 300. It

is proposed to add an additional factor of five, to raise the neutron shielding factor to

1500. Based on experience with the installation of the present shield, DIII-D estimates

the additional shielding will cost $3.5 M.

G.8 Building Modifications

General Atomics will provide the building expansion required to accommodate the

improvement to the DIII-D capability described above.


H. DIII-D Special Features

Unique Capabilities of DIII-D

H. 1 The largest Operating US Tokamak in the Post-TFTR Era

The DIII-D divertor and advanced tokamak upgrades together with the strong national

collaborative program would provide the US with an internationally competitive

magnetic fusion tokamak facility until the operation of TPX and ITER.

H.2 Plasma Shape

The large number of individually controlled poloidal field coils has allowed studies of

plasma shape (elongation and triangularity with indentation to be explored) on

confinement and stability. This capability has also been exploited by positioning small

plasmas within different regions of the neutral beam injection footprint.

H.3 Variable Aspect Ratio

The flexible DIII-D magnetic coil set together with the large vacuum system allows a

range of aspect ratios 2.5<A<5.3 to be studied. This feature has been exploited for

confinement studies and could be used for advanced tokamak second stability studies.

Most experiments are performed at small aspect ratio with strong shaping.

H.4 Digital Plasma Control

DIII-D possesses the world's most advanced operating real time digital plasma control

system. Already plasma shape, neutral beam power, and fast wave antenna loading are

under active control. In addition, more than one experiment can now be performed on a

single tokamak discharge. Future work will include active current profile control and

disruption avoidance and control.

H.5 Biased and Pumped Divertor

The electrically biased divertor has been effective for particle control, divertor strike

point variation, non-inductive startup, and H-mode threshold control. Installation of

cryopump is to be completed in January 1993 for density control.

H.6 ECH Power

The present 2 MW 60 GHz ECH system has been effective in electron heating, sawtooth

and ELM suppression, non-inductive startup, electron heating, modulated transport

studies, heat pinch and transport studies, H-mode studies, current drive and profile


control. The 110 GHz upgrade to 10 MW will extend these studies to higher density,

temperature and plasma current regimes. Pressure and current profile control will be

applied to sustain and optimize advanced tokamak configurations.

H.7 Fast Wave Heating and Current Drive

The DIII-D fast wave ICRF system has pioneered direct electron heating and current

drive. This work is in collaboration with ORNL who built the 4-element phased antenna.

Experiments at the 1 MW level have shown heating efficiency equal to that of neutral

beams and have resulted in driven currents of 0.1 MA. This technique looks attractive for

TPX and needs to be demonstrated at power levels well above Ohmic.

H.8 Diagnostics

A diagnostic system with exceptional edge and divertor diagnostics is operational.

Particularly noteworthy is the multi-pulse, multi-laser Thomson scattering system, the

high-resolution, high-speed ion profile charge exchange recombination system, the multi-

point motional Stark effect current profile instrument and five fluctuation diagnostics


H.9 Collaborators

DIII-D is a highly collaborative effort. Half the scientific staff are from institutions other

than GA. They participate in program planning, experiment development and leadership,

and in communicating the results. The most long standing collaboration is with JAERI.

The three major US partners are LLNL, ORNL, and UCLA. Collaborating institutions at

DIII-D include: International Laboratories (JAERI, JET, ASDEX, TEXTOR, ToreSupra, T-10, TSP, and Compass), National Laboratories (LLNL, ORNL, SNLA, SNLL,

ANL, PPPL, INEL), and Universities (UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCB, MIT, RPI, Cal Tech,Johns Hopkins, U. Md, U. Illinois., U. Paris, U. Washington, and U. Wisconsin).

I. Uniqueness of Contributions of DIII-D

DIII-D is dedicated to developing critical information pertinent to ITER, TPX and a

commercially attractive tokamak reactor, through an integrated program of advanced

tokamak and divertor operation. Its extensive poloidal field coils and digital plasma

control system provide exceptional flexibility to address a wide range of research topics.

Its advanced divertor and current profile control capability is unique: DIII-D is the only

div:rtor tokamak with ECH and fast wave current drive capability. The high power

neutral beam system allows TAE-mode studies to be carried out with shape and current


profile control. The vacuum and magnet system, together with unique diagnostics,

provide conspicuous opportunities for plasma disruption and mitigation studies.

I.1 Place in the World Program

DIII-D is the only device in the world proposing to simultaneously tackle the divertor and

advanced tokamak mission in an integrated manner. Simultaneous demonstrations will

be of major benefit to commercial fusion development; it is not clear that addressing

these issues separately offers more than academic interest.

DHI-D has been the pacesetter of ITER design through its active contributions to the

ITER Physics R&D. Because many elements of ITER are patterned after DIII-D, results

from DIII-D are directly applicable to ITER.

DIII-D is also exploring various operating modes of TPX: improved confinement,

second-stability, efficient steady state current drive and profile control, divertor power

dispersal and plasma cooling.

Two additional points deserve emphasis:

* The US has no other machine offering DIII-D's capability in advanced tokamak

and divertor operation;

* DIII-D can seriously compete with JET and JT-60U on the world front, in spite of

its smaller size and cost.

J. Dm-D Limitations

The current and proposed machine parameters of DIII-D are given in Fig. III.2. Its size

and current are roughly half that of JET and JT-60U. However, its flexibility allows

innovative confinement, stability, current drive and divertor experiments to be conducted.

The main limitation is the present low rf power levels (2 MW ECH and 2 MW fast wave

power), which are inadequate for a tokamak the size of DIII-D. Because these levels are

comparable to the ohmic heating levels, rf experiments, while of scientific interest, are

not sufficiently definitive for extrapolation to ITER or TPX; nor are they adequate to

sustain advanced tokamak configuration or to stress the divertor.

Another important DIII-D limitation is that the pulse length is at present limited to 3.5 to

5.0 seconds, although 10 second low plasma current (0.7 MA) and lo power (3 MW)


experiments are possible. The limited pulse length thus limits DIII-D divertor studies;

the proposed upgrades will fix this.

At the present time the outer wall is only partially graphite-covered, resulting in some

limitations on plasma operating mode and plasma purity. The outer wall will be covered

with graphite tiles in early FY 93.

K. DIII-D Current StatusOperational Status (as of 7/7/92)

K. 1 Pre-FY 93 Operation

The DIII-D is a flexible tokamak facility powered with neutral beams and rf systems

capable of addressing a wide range of physics and engineering research issues. DIII-D

began operation in 1986 and has had modest increases in capability in the past seven


Graphite tiles provide armor on the inside wall, floor, and ceiling. The outer wall

presently is mainly armored with Inconel tiles. In early FY 93, the outside wall will be

armored with graphite to reduce metallic impurities in the DIII-D plasma. Recent

experiments have used boronization wall conditioning, resulting in a fivefold reduction of

carbon and oxygen impurities and a thirty-fold reduction in metallic impurities.

In order to develop techniques for active disruption avoidance, magnetic error

compensation coils and a high speed (0.1 msec) digital control system, to feedback

control currents in plasma shape and position magnets, are being implemented.

The DIII-D tokamak has been operating typically 17 to 26 weeks per year since 1986. In

FY 92, without reprogramming, DIII-D operations have been curtailed to 14 weeks.

Experiments run were in support of the long range DIII-D program goal as well as in

support of next generation tokamaks. Physics experiments include: transport, H-mode

physics, high-beta, rf heating and current drive, divertor, advanced tokamak development,

TAE mode control, disruption control, and operational issues of importance to ITER and

TPX. These experiments are carried out using the 20 MW NBI, 2 MW FWCD, and 2

MW ECH heating systems, the 400' C bakeable vacuum vessel, and the advanced

divertor configuration, with real-time digital plasma control, intershot boronization and

helium glow discharge wall conditioning.


The first 0.5 MW 110 GHz gyrotron system is undergoing testing at short pulse lengths

(30 msec). Pulses injected into DIII-D show electron heating with the expected

efficiency and at the expected location. Longer pulse (10 sec) gyrotrons are being

developed at Varian. Sockets, magnets, transmission system, and antennas are all

completed at DIII-D. These units are compatible with future 1 MW gyrotrons.

Fabrication of mode converters is awaiting Varian completion of the production 0.5 MW


The advanced divertor baffle and bias system is operational and showing promising

particle control results. A 1 m 2 helium cryopump will be installed in early FY 93.

The 2 MW fast wave system is operational and a tilted Faraday shield is being installed.

A second 2 MW fast wave transmitter is being purchased and ORNL is building four

element antennas to be installed in the 0 and 180 degree midplane ports, presently

occupied by outboard limiters that will not be needed once the outer wall is armored with

graphite in the beginning of FY 93.

The neutral beams are operating reliably, although some high voltage transformers need

to be rebuilt, and the control system needs to be modernized. Minor beamline melting

occurs but serious damage is being avoided by careful monitoring and control.

The JET pellet injector is being modified by ORNL for installation in Summer 1993.

A new 150 liter/hour helium refrigerator will become operational in early 1993 to provide

helium for the neutral beamlines, advanced divertor, ECH gyrotrons, and pellet injector.

The computer systems are nearly saturated but handle the present data load (60

MBytes/slot). The hardware and software are becoming obsolete and therefore must be

modernized. A remote experimental site is being developed by LLNL to open DIII-D up

to off-site DIII-D users and to off-load data analysis from DII-D computers

The diagnostic system is generally mature and operational. Preliminary data have been

obtained from a Divertor Institute Materials Exposure System (DIMES) for divertor

materials testing and a lithium beam emission measurement. These diagnostics funded

by D&T and APP will become fully operational in FY 93.


K.2 Repairs Necessary

No repairs are necessary

L. DIII-D Schedules and Budgets

The DIII-D program plan for 1992-98 is given in Fig. III.1. The more detailed divertor

and advanced tokamak plans are given in Figs. III.4 and III.5. The projected budget

estimates assume a $41 M budget in FY 93 for GA, LLNL and ORNL. The cost of

upgrades and modifications are summarized in Table III.2 together with a funding profile

that is consistent with the program plan schedule of Fig. III.3. These costs are in FY 92

dollars. The $10.1 M cost to increase the pulse duration to 60 seconds is indicated by the

parentheses, and is not included in the $74.6 M total cost.




FY | 93 | 94- 95 . 96 I 97 I 98 99CY 93 I 94 I 95 96 97 98 99

Tokamak andNeutralB anm 5-sec Operation 10 to 20-sec Operation 60-sec OperationNeutral Beam

Divertor-Divert or ,Operate ADPConfiguration


Construct Operate Radiative Divertor

Design Construct Acveoled

RF Power 2MW MW 6MW Operate MW FWCD

2 MW Operate 4 MW 10 MW ECH

Base Physics,Codes, Theory

Figure III.1





! < i e 9 - Major radius 1.67 m

PORT Minor radius 0.67 m

ACCESS Maximum toroidal field 2.2 T

! SB !^ i 1 5 ~Available OH flux 12 V-sec

[-!-- ~ I M ID ;~ I ^ Maximum plasma current* 3.0 MA 3.5 MA

11 / M X X WNeutral beam power (80 keV) 20 MW 28 MW

i I w A n >COIL & RF power (60 GHz) 2 MW

i [ / SUPPORT RF power (110 GHz) 10 MW

i. l^^@^^m ^ RF power (30-120 MHz) 2 MW 10 MW

i V-zYACUUM Current flattop 5 sec 10 seci'fV~ r^!.._! . VESSEL (divertor at 2 MA)

BIASABLE PUMPED! DIVERTOR BAFFLE * Divertor operation; Limiter operation of 3 MA


Table III.1


ITER Best Achieved DI0-0 TargetCDA Design (Independently) (Simultaneously)

Confinement quality 2 3.4 4(H = TE/TITER-89P)

Stability factor 1PN = P/(lIaB)] 3 65 6

Divertor plate heat load dispersal 1 5 10(reduction factor)

Bootstrap current fraction 0.3 0.5-0.8 05




MFY 93 I 94 | 95 I 96 I 97 I 98 99

CY 93 94 95 96 9 98 99

> Develop physics of Advanced Tokamak (AT) regimes (transient)

Demonstrate particle and Impurity control techniques (ADP)

Establish configuration for Radiative Divertor

Assess confinement and stability limits of AT plasmas

,cln*~~~ < ̂I~~~~> c Evaluate and optimize bootstrap current

,qp0~~ < )Validate FWCD physics and efficiency

Validate second harmonic ECCD

Demonstrate active current profile control

< Demonstrate sustained advanced tokamak configurations

Initiate Radiative Divertor operation

Initiate 8 MW FWCD operation

>Demonstrate nonlnductive p and I profile control

Demonstrate divertor power dispersal

Demonstrate AT operation with high current

Demonstrate 2 MA, 5% 1

Demonstrate long-pulsepower and particlecontrol

Figure III.3


DIII-D DIVERTOR PROGRAM PLANFY 93 94 95 96 i 97 98 i 99

CY i 93 94 95 9 96 97 98 99


Test of techniques for fulure: · Impurity entrinmentBiasing, Pumping, Particle Control · BLae nhanoed pumpingBroad Collaboration Erosin & rdeposllon

CDI Input fromImproved codes *LEDGE, DEGAS, . __NEWrT-D. DIVIMP Set plawna shape.

divertor confguration.Input from I diagnosti modificatonscore physics - adtE v &^ SN. DN RADIATIVE DIVERTOR CosRdo dainb

' Pumping trt*Geometry Optlmlztlon - Bas tats

!__ , ___ I~ ~Atomic Physics GeOnltry chnge

deK sf oOnetruct


(hIcl. Impurlkie)J ~ ~ ~RI J^ ITER Technology

------- _ ^'^^^^^ \ Long Pulse Issuesam in* ' _______ deslgn ' oolwtruct

Vwey coolhg schemeR&D Input: Itollum Cooling D lovppnnt / \eltc olint g nc"

Materils .High hot loadsBr0 Clamping * Long pulse-B-,',,- . i.CT-npp IT .

FPim;io TTT zI.


CY | 93 1 94 1 95 96 97 1 98 99


VH-mode, Peaked-Current, For DEMO design,High e bp, 2nd Stable +... ITER & TPX operatlon

· Shape dependence Demonstraton Demonte AT scenaros with fully· Explore 2nd stable regime emonstrat on nonlnductlve current drive· Evaluate & optimize Phase * Evaluate Improvements In stabilty and

bootslrap current confinement relative to reference discharge· Assess confinement & stability · Integrate & optimize AT scenarlos

limits of AT dischargesI__ ' ~ACTIVE CONTROL &

,------- - L_-. OPTIMIZATION OFUnderstanding AT CONFIGURATIONS Demonstration

& Validation PhasePhase Integration of stability,

#-_ confinement, andcurrent drive physics

Use rf to modify p and J profiles· Use external colls to control


VALIDATE CURRENT Full noninduciv operaton DEMONSTRATE HIGHat low currentDRIVE PHYSICS · Dlsniplion avoidance PERFORMANCE PLASMA

Cplirzallon of scenarios withMedium power tests Integrated active control High beta & high currentof FW & EC physics reference discharge

·Validate FWCD physics · 2 MA pluama currentValidate second harmonic ECCD physics · 5% beta

· Assess Impact of trapped electrons on 10 oecondsCD efficiency

· Evaluate bootstrap current Interaction with rl· Demonstrate density control

Figure 111.5



TotalCost FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98

Radiative divertor 16.2 2.0 * 7.0 7.2

Tokamak 7.1 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 (1.4)

Neutral beam 8.1 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.1 (3.8)

Fast wave 9.3 2.0 3.0 4.3 - - (4.9)

ECH 25.4 0 1.0 5.9 * 9.3 9.2

Diagnostics 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0

Neutron shield 3.5 0 0 0 1.5 2.0

74.6 7.0 15.0 23.4 18.0 11.2 (10.1)

( ) = cost to upgrade to 60 seconds.* = decision point.


A. PBX-M Background and Overview

The PBX-M program is aimed at exploring two of the physics elements most important to

making an attractive tokamak reactor: an attractive operating regime characterized by high

beta, high confinement, and high self-driven currents; and avoidance of disruptions.

In their designs and experimental programs, PBX-M and its predecessor PBX have been

strongly driven by theoretical considerations, esp., in focusing on the second MHD-

stability regime as a potential reactor operating regime. Theory has suggested two

approaches to second stability: (i) providing strong inboard cross-section indentation for

qo - 1 (as in "bean shaping"); or (ii) employing non-indented configurations and holdingqo > 2. The former approach would be more attractive from a reactor viewpoint in

allowing higher beta, more bootstrap current and (possibly) reduction of certain transport-

inducing microinstabilities. The latter approach would be attractive in requiring a simpler

poloidal-magnetic coil arrangement. Having the capability to explore mixes of the two

approaches, PBX-M is positioned to determine the optimum.

Suppression of kink modes becomes more difficult at higher beta. Internal kinks can be

suppressed by increased triangularity, as in bean shaping. External kinks in PBX-M can

be controlled for moderate time scales by its close-fitting conducting 11. Longer-time

external kink avoidance will require control of the current and pressure profiles, together

with other active/passive techniques. For example, use the ponderc notive force of theion Bernstein wave has been suggested and will be explored. Similarly, disruptions

brought on by MHD activity should in principle be controllable by the same techniques

of profile modification, possibly combined with active/passive means, although a detailed

scenario has not been demonstrated.

Avoidance of MHD modes can be explored in PBX-M only for pulse lengths of 1-3 sec. (the

latter with minor facility modifications). At best, these only approach the L/R time scale for

current relaxation, or several (-5) times scales for profile adjustment.

In experimental program, the PBX-B has benefited from a number of productive

collaborations with other institutions. Both in degree of these collaborative efforts and the

degree to which the groups are integrated into the PBX-M team and its program planning,


PBX-M is prototypical of the "national-facility" type of organization anticipated for


B. PBX-M Mission, Technical Objectives and Results

The PBX-M mission focuses on the second stability regime and disruption-free operation. In

the short term (FY 92 - 95), the goal is to explore stability, confinement, and self-driven

current in the second stability regime. Capabilities to achieve these goals include current and

pressure profile control, plasma shaping, passive stabilization, and high aspect ratio

operation. The longer term (FY 96 - 98) program is disruption-free, second-stability

operation for times longer than the profile relaxation time. Both missions would provide

timely input into SSAT and other future advanced tokamaks. Below are presented results

from pre-FY 92 and plans for FY 92 - 95 and FY 96 - 98.

B. 1 Pre-FY 92 Operation

The original PBX performance was limited by external kink-driven disruptions, resulting in amaximum Pt of 5.5% and defining the basis for the ensuing upgrade, PBX-M. The major

upgrade changes were to increase major radius to allow greater indentation (30% in PBX-M

vs. 20% in PBX) and higher aspect ratio (from 4.7 to 5.5), to provide for a closed divertor

region for impurity control and optimized H-mode operation, and to install a close-fitting

conducting wall for stabilization of the external kink. Coarse current-profile modification

was to be affected by current ramping, neutral beam injection, L-mode to H-mode transitions,and pellet injection. The first stage of the PBX-M program examined transient high-P t

equilibria with regard to internal modes and conducting shell stabilization of external kinks.

Highlights of the pre-FY 92 operating period of PBX-M include:- Achievement of second stability in the outer 40% of the plasma volume with qo < 1

-Internal kink (fishbone) suppression by shaping and current profile control-Passive plate stabilization of the external kink at high t.

Simultaneous achievement of high TE/E-ITER-P (=3-3.5) and J/(I/aB) (=4-4.5)

- High value of Pt(R/a) = 37% for tokamaks, signifying a high level of stability at high

current density (low q).

-Suppression of low-n MHD modes by pellet injection

-Control of qo with counter-neutral-beam injection.

During this period, however, plasma performance was limited by low-n internal modes athigh P t and by low-n external modes at high Upo,. Theory indicates that both limitations can


be overcome by pressure and current profile control, indicating the need to enhance these


B.2 FY 92 - 95 Program

The primary objective of PBX-M for the FY 92 - 95 period remains the demonstration of the

existence and accessibility of the second regime of stability to ideal ballooning modes in high

pressure plasmas. To this end, current and pressure profile control will be used to obtain

second stability across the entire plasma for a resistive skin time. A 2 MW lower hybridcurrent drive (LHCD) system will permit edge current drive and associated control of q%.

Fast wave current drive (FWCD) will be considered for further q0 control. A several-MW

ion Bernstein wave (IBW) system will extend P well beyond the first stability limit and

provide ion pressure profile control. Localized electron Landau heating by IBW may also

provide seed electrons to enhance LHCD localization and efficiency. Radial diffusion of fast

electrons generated by LHCD will be studied.

Confinement will be studied (including possible improvement at second stability) with

profile and fluctuation diagnostics. The profile modification tools will permit controllable

variation of the scale lengths of the shear, density and temperature.

The flexible shaping and heating systems will permit study of the influence of energetic

particles on stability. ITER-relevant issues for PBX-M include toroidal Alfven eigenmodes,

kinetic ballooning modes, and energetic particle stabilization of sawtee:.

Innovative diagnostic development and comparison with theory rema:. major elements of theprogram. Strong national and international collaboration will continue in all aspects, from

planning to data analysis. Presently four Ph.D. thesis students and four pre-thesis students

participate in the project. A national Program Advisory Committee advises on issues and


B.3 Outlook for FY 96 - 98

After preliminary assessment of second regime operation, experiments will focus on

maintaining second regime and other high reactivity, low collisionality advanced tokamak

plasmas for pulse lengths greater than several skin times. The shape can be optimized within

one shot. For example, one approach would be to access second stability with qo-l, utilizing

indentation, but then to sustain qo>l second-stability in a non-indented cor.figuration,

including single null.


Complete disruption avoidance will be a major goal. Techniques include an integrated

passive shell/active coil feedback scheme, and fine current and pressure control on short time

scales. Both coil and profile feedback requires development of an advanced active plasma

control system, perhaps using a neural network. The long pulse length (-3 sec) is possible

with the present facility, although LHCD and IBW systems must be upgraded. The increased

duration will facilitate confinement and power handling studies, although the emphasis will

remain on MHD issues.

C. Upgrades and modifications Required

Completion of the PBX-M FY 96 - 98 program will require the following upgrades and

modifications in order to test long-pulse, disruption-free operation:

C. 1 Long-Pulse Capability: Plasma Operation

Flattop currents up to 600 kA are presently accessible for up to 3 sec (the shortest plasma

skin time, from the Mikkelsen '89 formula, is 0.3 - 0.5 sec). To study self-driven currents a

low collisionality requires a toroidal field of 2 T, at a cost of $0.4 M for minor repairs of

some motor generators.

C.2 Long-Pulse LHCD

To upgrade the 2 MW LHCD system from 0.5 sec to 2 sec (for a 3 sec plasma duration)

requires component modifications and exploitation of additional PPPL power supplies at an

estimated cost of $0.5 M. For increased flexibility in profile control an additional 2 MW is

desired, costing $4 M using existing MIT/LLNL components or $7 M if completely new.

C.3 Long-Pulse NBI

Upgrading the NBI from 0.5 sec to 2 sec requires installation of active cooling of the power

handling surfaces at an estimated cost of $5.0 M (including various ion source and

instrumentation improvements).

C.4 Advanced Active Plasma Control System

The existing analog plasma control system is now being replaced by a fast digital system,

modeled after a new DIII-D system. This will greatly increase the number of input signals

used to analyze and control the plasma. Finer control of the plasma shape and divertor

geometry will be possible. Further feedback control upgrades will use parameters


determined in real time to interface to profile control and stabilization hardware. This willguide the plasma along the path of stable operation. Total system cost is about $1 M.

C.5 Active/Passive Stabilizing Shell ("Power Shell")The combined passive shell/active coil system will be used to control low-n external modes.This integrated approach has been successful for n=0 vertical position control. Estimatedcost is $2.5 M.

C.6 IBW Upgrade

With the availability of the TFTR ICRF power supplies and sources, the total power of 14MW will yield the highest RF power density in presently operating tokamaks. The pulselength capability is already 2 sec. The power can be used for current drive (FWCD, IBW-LHCD synergy, bootstrap current), pressure profile control (FW minority heating, IBW off-axis bulk ion heating) and plasma performance improvements (IBW mode stabilization andICRF/IBW sawtooth stabilization). Central FWCD may reduce Ohmic electric fields to aidLHCD. Anti-current drive can be used to increase qo. Fast wave minority heating can heat

central electrons to increase FWCD efficiency. Antenna modifications for the increasedpower would cost approximately $1.0 M.

C.7 Divertor/Biasing Upgrade

A divertor upgrade is crucial to high performance in long-pulse, high-power discharges. For3-sec. operation, real-time water cooling must be installed. Divertor pressurization ("gaseousdivertor") could be applied to minimize divertor heat loads and impurity outflow. Specialdivertor electrode structures could be installed if suggested by present m=l divertor biasexperiments. The estimated divertor upgrade cost is $2 M.

C.8 Diagnostics

The long-term diagnostic emphasis is to improve spatial and temporal resolution and todevelop techniques to support divertor physics and long-pulse operation. A tangentially-viewing hard x-ray imaging diagnostic has measured the suprathermal electron distributionduring LHCD. A duplicate perpendicularly viewing system is proposed. A tangential CO2

phase contrast imaging diagnostic is being prototyped on CDX-U to image the outer 40% ofthe plasma. It will be upgraded to cover the full radial (horizontal) extent of the plasma.More fast framing cameras will be acquired for fluctuation studies. Divertor diagnostics willbe enhanced with more density and power loading measurement capabilities. New ECEsystems will supplement the time-resolved electron temperature measurements with the


multi-pulse TVTS diagnostic during long pulses. The neutral probe beam pulse length willbe extended for current profile measurements with the motional Stark effect system. Extrachannels are planned for the beam emission spectroscopy and poloidal rotation diagnostics.More CAMAC hardware and workstations will be obtained to accommodate theseenhancements. The total cost is about $2.8 M.

D. PBX-M Special Features

Unique Capabilities of the PBX-M ExperimentD. 1 Dedicated Experiment

PBX-M has the dedicated mission of advanced-tokamak, second-stability studies. It can testdifferent "trajectories" from first to second stability (e.g., low qo/high-indentation to highq(/no-indentation). Three new diagnostics are being developed to study the distribution andtransport of fast electrons produced by LHCD.

D.2 High Plasma Indentation

PBX-M plasmas can be produced with inboard indentation of up to 30%, predicted to lead toenhanced MHD stability. Strong indentation should allow access to second stability withnaturally occurring current densities (q = 1), as opposed to the approach through strongcurrent profile control with qo > 2. It has already been demonstrated that bean shapingsuppresses low-n "fishbone" oscillations.

D.3 High Aspect Ratio

The PBX-M aspect ratio of 5.5is the highest of presently operating tokamaks. High aspectratio has two advantages with regard to second stability. First, the 5 value and power neededto reach second stability decreases with increasing R/a ([ at R/a = 5.5 is about half of that atR/a = 3). Second, the unstable gap between the first and second regimes decreases withaspect ratio. High aspect ratio also yields improved confinement and stability in the firstregime (see Pre-FY 92 Operation).

D.4 Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Profile ControlThe LHCD system (2 MW @ 4.6 GHz) is the primary tool for current profile control. To doso, it is necessary to tailor the deposition profile of LH waves. This is achieved by a uniqueLH system which can change dynamically the phase velocity of the waves on a millisecondtime scale. Each of 32 wave guides is phased independently, allowing a wide range ofwavelength spectra. Experiments on time-varying phase velocities have already been carried


out in order to confirm the coupling predicted by theory. In contrast to JET results, recentexperiments on PBX-M have not shown LH coupling to be affected by H-mode conditions.

D.5 Low-n Passive StabilizationA 2.5 cm thick, aluminum, conducting shell surrounds 70% of the plasma surface and can beas close as a few cm (rw/a < 1.1). In other tokamaks, the wall distances are typically rw/a >

1.5. The growth times of disruption precursor modes have been observed to increase from100 ms to 10-20 ms as the plasma surface is brought closer to the passive plates. The

increase (to the L/R time of the shell for n=l modes) is significant in that it offers the

opportunity to control the current profile to suppress the modes within that time. Resultswith pellet injection for profile modification indicate success in suppressing low-n activity.The possible passive stabilization of ELMs (believed to be caused by external kinks) is alsoan important H-mode issue.

D.6 DiagnosticsInnovative diagnostics which have already originated in the PBX/PBX-M programs includecharge exchange recombination spectroscopy (for ion temperature), a fast ion diagnostic (forhigh space and time resolved fast ion loss measurements), beam emission spectroscopy (forinternal density fluctuations), and motional Stark effect polarimetry (for current profilemeasurements). For example, the 10-channel polarimetry diagnostic with 1 cm and 3 msspace and time resolution is sufficient for detailed comparisons between experiment andMHD theory. New diagnostics operating or under development include 2D-tangential hardx-ray imaging for suprathermal electron distribution measurements during LHCD, a fastreciprocating edge probe for fluctuations (with UCLA), 2D phase contrast imaging,reflectometry (with CIEMAT, Spain), third-harmonic ECE for ballooning mode fluctuations(with MIT), and two ECE diagnostics for suprathermal electron disruptions and transport.Several of these require the good tangential access available.

D.7 Passive Plate BiasingIn PBX-M, the electrically isolated, double-null divertor permits a potential drop from theoutside to the inside edge of the plasma. Developed with UCLA, five electrically separatedpassive plates allow electric fields to be applied across different plasma regions to studyeffects on H-mode transitions, ELM control, second stability access, and transport ofimpurities into the divertor region.


D.8 Ion Bernstein Wave Heating

The present system is 2 MW at 40-80 MHz for 2 sec., upgradeable to 14 MW using the

TFTR ICRF power supplies. Uses of IBW include bulk ion heating (without the fast tail

produced by ICRF), off-axis ion heating for pressure profile control, electron pre-heating for

increased LHCD efficiency, ponderomotive force stabilization of low-n edge modes, and

core transport reduction through ponderomotive-induced velocity shear. Experiments on

PBX are designed to overcome difficulties with IBW encountered elsewhere. Preliminary

low power results indicate effective ion heating. Activity in IBW/ICRF antenna

improvement includes boron-nitride-coated Faraday shields to reduce RF edge currents, and a

folded waveguide launcher to reduce RF electric fields near the plasma edge. Conversion

from IBW to ICRF (for heating or FWCD) requires a new antenna.

E. Uniqueness of PBX-M Contributions

PBX-M is a tokamak dedicated to, and uniquely positioned to focus on, the attainment of

second stability through the combination of bean-shaping and current profile control.

Although others are proposing second-stability studies employing the unindented, high-qo

approach, no machine in the world today offers the PBX-M flexibility, especially in its

exploration of extreme indentation and the qo/triagularity tradeoff.

The PBX-M aspect ratio of 5.5 positions it outside the range of 2.5-3.0, common in today's

tokamaks having similar performance. Higher aspect ratios have been identified as a

promising improvement path for tokamaks, requiring lower current for the same

confinement, possible relieved divertor heat load issues, and easier access to second stability.*6|K- ·- *,4

The very flexible lower-hybrid system in PBX-M permits dynamic preprogrammed or, with

modifications, fed-back control of the current drive power, e.g., to evolve the current profile

with the equilibrium or, on a faster time scale, to respond to emerging MHD activity. As a

technique for current drive, LHCD is thought to be limited in its reactor applications to

surface-driven current, owing to issues of penetration. However, as a physics tool, LHCD

provides localized power deposition and the means for determining the limitations to profile

control inherent in possible transport of locally-driven current. These issues are critical to

successful operation of the TPX/SSAT, as well as follow-on machines like a DEMO.

E.1 Place in the World Program

PBX-M's place in the world program derives from the uniqueness of its ability to address

many of the issues of high beta and second stability. High-beta operation, especially in


second stability, has been identified in studies such as ARIES as necessary, or at least very

desirable, for a reactor. The U.S. program has placed high priority on improvements such as

these for the tokamak through its DIII-D program and its proposed TPX/SSAT program. Its

timing in relation to TPX/SSAT and ITER are shown in Fig. IV.1.

F. PBX-M LimitationsThe current machine parameters of PBX-M are given in Table IV.1, together with planned

improvements. Its current is modest in absolute value by larger tokamak standards.

However, this value is believed to be enhanced by the aspect ratio in its effect on

confinement. As a test-bed for steady-state, second-stability operation, PBX-M is limited

primarily by its pulse length of 1-3 sec. (the longer times with some facility modifications).

However, these pulse lengths are several times the current-profile relaxation time. Positive

results from PBX-M would provide important information on second-stability access and

hope for the prospects of even longer-time current-profile control, e.g., in TPX/SSAT.

G. PBX-M Current Status

G.1 Operational status (as of 6/12/92)

The PBX-M device is operational for -30 weeks/year and is performing experiments with the

NBI, IBW, and LHCD heating and current drive systems. At present, there are no

engineering issues for the field coils and busswork, poloidal field power supplies, and

available motor generators (toroidal field supply).

The first MW of the LHCD power system is complete, and power levels exceeding 500 kW

into the plasma have been achieved. The second MW of LHCD power is expected to beready in December 1992. The procurement of the second phase shifter/power splitter will be

in FY 92 (with reprogramming). The hard X-ray diagnostic, in support of the LHCD

experiments, is functioning, and the foil drive mechanism, enabling energy discrimination of

the hard X-ray signal, is operating. The full 2 MW capability for IBW is available, controls

testing is complete, and development for the design of a "folded" waveguide is presently

being performed in collaboration with ORNL. Two of the four neutral beams are

operational; minor cryopanel repairs are in progress for the remaining two. The UCLA fast

reciprocating probe is installed on the machine, all controls installation activities are

complete, and the probe is in routine use. Dummy load testing of the UCLA biasing power

supply was successful. Bias experiments will commence in late June.


G.2 Repairs necessary

Eight motor generators currently power the PBX-M TF system. An axially-connected set of

four additional generators exists for the support of PBX-M, but requires electrical insulation

restoration. The increase from eight to twelve generators would permit an increase in the TF

from 1.6 to 2.0 T, and would cost approximately $0.4 M.

H. PBX-M schedules and budgetsThe broad PBX-M research plan for 1992-98 is given in Fig. IV.2. The more detailed

second-stability, enhanced-confinement and disruption-avoidance plans are given in

Figs. IV.3-5. The projected budget profiles (in FY 92 $) are given in Table IV.2. When the

budgets of the collaborators are included, the total FY 93 PBX-M budget was -$15 M, to

which can be added certain protected benefits from TFTR, e.g., relief from electric demand


As shown in Table IV.2, the FY 92 level of funding must increase through FY 94 - 96 to

cover the cost of these benefits when TFTR shuts down, to cover the addition of an assumed

10-12 TFTR physicists and their support staff, and to cover the -$19 M costs associated with

the planned upgrades. The profile given in Table IV.2 includes all of these costs.



1 92 1 93 1 94 1 95 I 96 1 97 1 98 1 99 1





CONTROL FOR r~-skin WT skin




Figure IV.1

PBX-M Research PlanSSAT prototype and

upgrade studies

Profile Hgh-0p, High-/e i Hlgh-p & High-P/e and High-pG Control for t/T-dn-1 High-p/e non-inductively driven plasmas

0 i.~ :~for for t/T.skn-50°o ~ ~ Confinement fT J-sin -1a Enhancement

S Disruption DisruptionAvoidance by tudies of Avoidance byequlibrium-co :t/-dln-5 feedbackntrol

FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98

LH 1MWI 2MW/ 2MW/ 4MW/2s0.5s 0.5s 2s


2MW/ 3MW/ 4MW/ 7MWI 4MW /0 2s 2s 2s 2 2

S NB 6MW/0.5s NB 6MW / 2s

Advanced Control Partial Helical Coil +Feedback

TF 1.0s 3.0s Higher-power Divertor

Figure IV.2-71)

PBX-M Machine Capabilities

Present FY95 FY97

R (m) 1.65 1.65 1.65

a(m) 0.30 0.30 0.30

Ip (MA) <0.6 s0.6 <0.6

BT (T) 1.5 2.0 2.0

elongation 2.2 2.2 2.2

indentation 0.3 0.3 0.3

pulse length (sec) 1 3 3

PNBI (MW) 6 (0.5 sec) 6 (0.5 sec) 6 (2 sec)

PLHCD (MW) 1 (0.5 sec) 2 (2 sec) 4 (2 sec)

PIBW (MW) 1 (2 sec) 4 (2 sec) 7 (2 sec)

PFWCD (MW) - 4(2 sec)

Table IV.1

PBX-M FY-92/98 Budget Plan

(in $ M)

FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98

Operations 9.2 10.7 11.3 12.3 10.8 12.6 12.6

Enhancements 2.9 2.3 4.8 6.3 7.3 2.3 0.4

Total 12.1 13.0 16.1 18.6 18.1 14.9 13.0

Table IV.2


Exploration of the Physics in the High B and High Bp 2nd Stability Regime

I FY92 I FY93 FY 94 FY95 FY96 FY 9 r VOc

Demorion a ctrS SSAT Pralo-of High Sp HighB agra p" Isallatio I

Profile Con" t -Ujdn w O t

-current penetraroo-fast Oactron .Ol heun.s l Ca f em tu high e O

j(r) 0rspo sWITY trade on SC atWh lay

p(r) cnrlrI IBW.T.Q) heewtg p(O) ontrI fun.pircn oCD-.;A; --- I -aw T low T law High 80 and Hgh 9Ilr l.l l.. l be Y 1.M W Advanced regvne

shhpm9 U "am -diluI tal sh' a 0l Real-TirhaOncihage-Conlmcantral* fisthbone I internall kis

* newul nawovl sa. Vs shaps a QMPow.l enhacd HmodePatce a thI& ~nd


ContrIo .. s 1.

PassiMmSub. vuvo dyjretPMrrltgIaerllodaclrve IDa~save shellSlab. "a Avooo~~~~~~~~0 iugio ~nanceLong pulse -now studies oOperabon raIon_________

Figure IV.3

Physics Studies Of Enhanced Confinement In PBX-M

ryw PY A I ry A I PY V FY CAI ry 07 I try CIA

I II oM BaBH Acv Shell SSAT Proto-Deronsran HihS High l High So Insaraiaon &IPyordeo onf Od t-~~lca1I Dwefor **or 9

Rdd Conl ' - Skin Uoorae

zdd coetm ,o MJ ilQ, LHCO

Uf lo8w on-&.* hab0 awllawiewr 'wo.'mmlb4 w transpor swam ba 6 ?i aspea seal

q(O) Conr ol mmdPO

p 0ii*, Un mU·Dp

bDtOrilal..) 2 ~cQO. bwo", ELMcnm

Q·"· ) CDR" m n Non 0 >Skin

S5usoihjp.gt High So H 8maM· nnl rtron I rd lumulem Advance eglrne

p~~ll·( UCD tmao cuff" _M lew Real-Tirne-Oiscnarge-Control

C..b.481.68 aw

CCSISSI@C 3) w 4W a

Itfb--~~~~~~ *H P·I.u0 F*WC- '~~~~~W~ -CI NuCOM

digital ""~~~~I >st'laft'",6, FWM I . MSM~lU FWW)

Comm Integraleo actwveioassve shellfor Csruotron Avo-ance

Figure IV.4

Disruption Avoidance in PBX-MI FY92 1FY93 FY94 1 FY95 1FY 96 FY97 FY98

~em~i~strationl Hqt B a c~,v Shen SSAT Proto-of High P High High Sp PSlii i

Profile Control -'sin

Passive *Stat)9ao. DV ors OM 10 .uwStabliinpg EL canrotlRire dew of 11195?SCe

Plasma ana0 VIWVng' syse K(o hlldischafaeControl neiurl )etSEE) tw .-0m cwwl

-ftax snapnq canlo Aeal-Tirne.scharge.Controi

Power. * a1er.*OSCiWe-CO Integrateactve I passwe $henilol p mPartice. -$ A" MR,* at


Ovenor via enhanced denor aawnd l e e ,a d e lloo

t t t tv t law law2MW 2)4W 4 M


Fiaijr', TV r,







(213) 825-4544FAX: (213) 206-4832

Dr. David Baldwin, LLNL June 8, 1992Dr. Harold Weitzner, NYU

Dear David and Harold:

Thank you for agreeing to be chair and vice-chair of FEAC Panel 4 on "Priorities inthe Intermediate Confinement Experiments." Your report will provide important input tothe FEAC workshop in July on priorities in the overall fusion program. In addition, it willassist the FEAC in reaching its specific recommendation in September on the operation ofATF.

The facilities in the toroidal program that you are asked to evaluate and prioritize arethe ATF stellarator and the PBX, and C-Mod tokamaks. This should be done against thebackground of the DEI-D and TFTR capabilities, assuming that full D-T operation in TFTRbeginning in mid-1993 and a strong DIII-D program are supported as recommended in theApril 1 FEAC letter to Dr. Happer. As described below, I ask you to focus more on afactual evaluation for our July meeting, leaving for September a more completedetermination of a basis for FEAC recommendations on priorities.

For the July meeting, please provide the following information for each of theidentified mid-scale toroidal facilities:

1. The physics issues that are addressable in this class of facility and thecompleteness with which each of the identified devices can address these issues:and

2. For each device, the goals and objectives, additional hardware, the strengths,uniqueness, limitations, present status, projected costs and time required toachieve its objectives.

In addition, for the July meeting, please provide preliminary priorities and their time scalethat your Panel would assign to the operation of these facilities, along with an indication ofthe reasoning behind these priorities.

At the July meeting, the full FEAC will make use of your evaluations and your draftpriorities in its examination of the broader program. Later, in time for the Septembermeeting, I would like your panel to reexamine its preliminary priorities in light of theFEAC's July workshop and feedback provided there. Further, this will provide anopportunity for your Panel to hear responses from the programs reviewed. Your revisedpriorities will then serve as input to the September meeting of FEAC. This two-stepprocess will provide ample opportunity for each program to have a fair opportunity toanswer questions and concerns.

When this process has been completed, the FEAC must answer the followingquestions:

1. If the fusion budget is sufficient to do so, do all of the facilities warrantoperation? If not, which ones do not warrant operation?

2. If the fusion budget is not sufficient to operate simultaneously all the facilitieswhich warrant operation,

a) Should their operation be phased, implying one or more machines would bemothballed, and if so how?

b) Should all be operated at a reduced level? orc) Should one or more be closed down, and if so in what priority order?

The combination of your evaluations and priorities should be sufficient to permitFEAC to respond to Dr. Happer's request concerning the ATF and other priorities. Iunderstand that this will not be an easy undertaking for your Panel, for FEAC, or for theprograms involved since all are staffed by high quality groups. I will do all that I can toassist you in this endeavor.


Robert W. Conn

Appendix II

Minutes of FEAC Meeting ofSeptember 22-23, 1992.


Meeting of Fusion Energy Advisory CommitteeRamada Renaissance Hotel13869-71 Park Center Road

Hendon, VA 22071

September 22 - 23,1992

Present: Dr. Robert W. Conn, Chairman, UCLADr. David E. Baldwin, LLNLDr. Klaus H. Berkner, LBLDr. Ronald C. Davidson, PPPLDr. Stephen O. Dean, Fusion Power AssociatesDr. Daniel A. Dreyfus, Gas Research InstituteDr. John P. Holdren, UCB

r Dr. Robert L. McCrory, Jr., University of RochesterDr. David O. Overskei, General AtomicsDr. Ronald R. Parker, MITDr. Barrett H. Ripin, NRLDr. Marshall N. Rosenbluth, UCSDDr. John Sheffield, ORNLDr. Richard E. Siemon, LANLDr. Peter Staudhammer, TRW, Inc.Dr. Harold Weitzner, NYU

Tuesday, September 22,1992 day, September 24,1992, which was the day immedi-ately following the projected cose of the current FEAC

Welcome and Opening Remarks meeting.

Dr. Conn called the meeting to order and welcomed Dr. Conn informed the meeting that two new chargethe committee members to the Ramada Renaissance letters had been received by FEAC. One concernedHotel at Herndon. He informed the committee that Dr. undertaking a review of the Inertial Fusion EnergyRichard E. Siemon's membership on FEAC, replacing (IFE) program, and the other asked for advice onDr. Rulon Linford, had recently been approved by the fusion-related materials and associated matters. Dr.Secretary of Energy. Dr Conn extended a warm wel- Conn indicated that several members of the public hadcome to Dr. Siemon on behalf of the committee. already made known their intentions to speak at the

meeting during the time set aside for public comment,Dr. Conn stated that the main purpose of the meeting and suggested that others who wished to speak shouldwas to work on, and finalize, the report that members contact the committee secretary.had been preparing following the one-week meetingof the Panel 5 ad hoc committee at Crested Butte, Up-Date from DOEColorado, where potential future strategies for the U.S.magnetic fusion program had been reviewed within Dr. N. Anne Davies announced that Dr. James F.the framework of a variety of budget scenarios. Dr. Decker was unable to attend the meeting and that heConn indicated that he had received a request from the sent his apologies to the committee. She stated that sheSecretaryof Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) to present would therefore make the entire presentation on be-to them FEAC's recommendations concerning the de- half of the Department of Energy, and that she wouldsign and construction of TPX, for each of the budget cover three major activities, viz. TFTR, ITER and TPX.scenarios that had been considered at Crested Butte.The meeting was scheduled for the morning of Thurs-


TFTR D-T Program #0). No decision had yet been made authorizing thestart of the conceptual design of TPX. The Secretary of

Dr. Davies began by summarizing the TFTR timetable; Energy, Admiral Watkins, had asked that a task forceshe indicated that the Office of Energy Research in- of SEAB review the matter before making a decision.tended using the TFTR D-T campaign as a test case The meeting was scheduled for September 24: FEACupon which to base the way in which all fusion-related had already heard that Dr. Conn would be addressingenergy research should be handled. Dr. Davies in- that meeting.formed thecommitteethatthePPPLOperational Readi-ness Review for the 1000 Ci Test was in progress. A Dr. Davies stated that the TPX National Council hadnine-member external review team had visitied PPPL been formed in August and had already made recom-and prepared a report on its findings. In turn, PPPL mendations to the Director of Princeton Plasma Phys-had developed an action plan aimed at implementing ics Laboratory concerning basic design parameterssuggested improvements. DOE's own Operational and the limit that should be placed upon total projectReadiness Review for the 1000 Ci Test, which would be cost. The selection of a Project Director for TPX was inconducted by an eleven-member team, was scheduled progress. Dr. Davies reported that the DOE had set afor January 1993. Tests of the tritium handling sys- cost limit for the construction of TPX of about $400tems, using small quantities of tritium, would begin million in FY92 dollars, expected to be equivalent toafter completion of the DOE Operational Readiness about $500 million in as-spent dollars. The DOE hadReview. All of the outstanding hardware required for also agreed that the project should start by focusingD-T operation is scheduled tobe installed by July 1993, upon the conceptual design of a 2.25m, 335T/1.87MAand both PPPL's and DOE's Operational Research steady-state advanced tokamak with superconduct-Reviews for full D-T operation were scheduled to be ing magnetic coils. Early objectives are aimed at com-completed by September 1993. The TFTR D-T pro- pleting a report on the conceptual design, togethergram is scheduled to start in September 1993, and to be with a detailed cost estimate, by March 1993. At thatcompleted by the end of September 1994. time it was intended that an international panel of

experts should conduct a thorough design review.ITER Activities

Dr. Davies pointed out that the language used in theDr. Davies reviewed the status of ITER The Interna- CongressionalAppropriationConferenceCommittee'stional Agreement to proceed with the Engineering budget supports undertaking TPX conceptual designDesign Activities had been signed, formally, on July activities in FY 1993. She provided the committee with21,1992. The first Council Meetinghadbeenheld early copies of the language: This is reproduced below.in September, when the nominations for Director andfor Deputy Directors had been approved. The struc-ture of the Joint Central Team had also been approved CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORTalong with the chairmanship and membership of the OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1993major working committees. Dr. Davies presented ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENTviewgraphs that listed the key ITER personnel. APPROPRIATIONS BILL, H.R. 5373

The rules of procedure that ITER will use for conduct-SEPTMBER 15,1992ing business had been reviewed and approved. The MAGNE-nC FUSIONsize of the Joint Central Team had been discussed; thiscould number 150 personsby theend of Protocol I. The The conferees provide $339,710,000 forCouncil had requested that design and constructionfusion program. The confereesthe magnetic fusion program. The confereescost estimates be prepared by July 1993. The selection direct te Department of Energy to apply thisof theJoint Central Teamdivision directors was planed reduction in a manner that is cost effective andfor the end of September 1993, and the relocation of leastdisruptivethemissionandprioritiesleastdisruptive to the mission and prioritiesofJoint Central Team personnel was already underway. the magnetic fusion program.Dr. Paul Rebut, Director of ITER, had requested that amagnet testing facility be established. Since such a The conferees note with approval the re-facility had not previously been contemplated, theent agreement to proceed with the engineer-cent agreement to proceed with the engineer-matter was being investigated by a technical panel. ig d n a y p o ting design activity phase of the International

< TP;t fi fjw~~Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).The conferees provide funds to meet fully theU.S. commitment to ITER and direct the De-Dr. Davies reported that an ESAAB meeting had beenStto dectthe D

*~., ' . . , ,,,„ , ~ .~ .~ *partment to provide a plan for selection of aheld in July to approve the mission need (Key Decision


U.S. candidate site for future construction of Foreaseof comprehension,Dr.Millerindicated thatheITER. had broken his task up into four main sections: the

purpose; the charter; the problem; and a proposal.The conferees recognize the technical "The purpose" was to focus attention on industrial

progress that has been achieved in magnetic involvement in fusion with a view to meeting thefusion energy here and abroad. The conferees objectives called out in FEAC's letter of February 14,direct the Department to assure that ITER, D- 1992 to DOE:T in TFTR, and the DIII-D program receive thehighest funding priority within the magnetic "The role of industry in the U.S. fusion pro-fusion program. The conferees have also pro- gram should be strengthened in order to pre-vided funds for design work leading to a pare industry for the major ITER-constructionsteady-state advanced tokamak planned for tasks. The international competition in ITERoperation as a national facility, will require the US. to develop a clear strategy

for U.S. industry involvement. Such a strategyThe FY 1993 Budget should take into account the different rela-

tionships between government and industryDr. Davies presented details of the initial budget pro- of the different ITER parties. As well, DOEposed by the Office of Fusion Energy for FY 1993 and procurement practices should be examined todrew comparison with anticipated final expenditures assure a leadership role for U.S. industry.forFY 1992. She pointed out that the FY 1993 numberswere still uncertain, for a number of reasons. First, the To provide U.S. industry with the knowledgetotal fusion energy budget that DOE had worked with of fusion requirements and to secure the maxi-for FY 1993 was $335 million; she explained that for mum benefit fromindustrial involvement, thereasonsof conservatism the lowerof theoriginal House DOE should develop a plan that deliberatelyand Senate mark-ups had been used. The conference includes a broader and more integral indus-committee had agreed upon the higher of the two trial participation in the fusion program. Thisfigures, viz. $339.7 million, and the budget spread now plan should encourage the development inneeded adjusting to reflect this. Second, a new expen- industry of both technical and programmaticditure category termed "General Reduction/Reserve" expertise and should allow for the continuityhad been established, which affected every division of this expertise over the long term."within the Office of Fusion Energy, and whichamounted to $10.6 million in the budget presented; Dr. Miller indicated that "the charter" had permittedthis reserve effectively reduced the funding available him to adoptaninformal approach to the study. Whileto programs by that amount. Dr. Davies explained that he had sampled, reviewed and evaluated the opinionsthe "General Reduction/Reserve" figures represented of very many experts, the conclusions contained in theestimates only and that since this was the first year of white paper were non-consensual; the views that weretheir inclusion, she did not know what the exact expressed represented one person's opinion, his own.amounts would be.

Turning to "the problem", Dr. Miller pointed out thatStatus of 1992 Reprogramming Request there was no government policy relating to industrial

involvement in fusion. Further, there was no signifi-Dr. Davies reviewed the status of the reprogramming cant investor-owned or public utility interest in therequest that had been made for FY 1992. Although the fusion program. He stressed that the fusion program'smajority of the reprogramming had been approved, potential customers were saying that they did not$7.6 million was still awaiting approval. Dr. Davies want the product. Worse, traditional vendors andfelt it was possible that this funding would yet be suppliers to fusion activities were losing interest. Dr.released. Miller emphasized that the fusion program would

have no future if it remained disconnected from itsIndustrial Participation in Fusion ultimate customers and its potential suppliers. He

stated that industry must "become" the program andDr. Bennett Miller presented a summary of his final indicated that now was the time for thefusionprogramreport concerning industrial involvement in the fusion to change from a scientific one to an industrial one.program. The report had been written as a "WhitePaper" in August, 1992 and was entitled "From Pa- Dr. Miller pointed out that significant changes in thetronage to Partnership - Toward a New Industrial way that utilities did business would take place overPolicy for the Fusion Program". the next ten years. Many cogeneration facilities were

being constructed and many small energy producers


would enter the marketplace. Dr. Miller felt these area. In the long term, it would ensure thatchanges may work to fusion's advantage. However, the persons who must ultimately carry thehe emphasized that the practices of the past must not technology into the commercial phase werebe repeated. Traditionally, when funding for fusion's the same ones who were planning its de-core program had increased, industry's interest and ployment.involvement in the program had increased. Con-versely, when the core programhad shrunk, industry's Dr. Conn reminded the committee that the vehicle thatinterest had waned. FEAC had suggested to DOE for bringing industry

back into fusion was ITER, via the U.S. Home Team'sDr. Miller explained the rationale for a new approach program. This would also prepare U.S. industry forto the fusion program. He stated that fusion was theconstructionphaseofITER. Dr. Millercommentedfeasible and emphasized that engineering, not science, that while this approach was good, it still left programwas the important next step. He pointed out that leadershipandcontrolinthehandsofgovernmentandindustry must be involved as a full-fledged partner for not with industry. Dr. McCrory stated that while hethis to succeed. felt that the partnership approach was good, he felt

that the timing was inappropriate: DEMO was too farDr. Miller reviewed the dominant traditional modes of into the future and commercial reactors were evengovernment-industry interaction. He explained that further away. Dr. Miller responded that such senti-he termed one mode the "vendor option"; this mode ments became self-fulfilling prophesies. He concededworked well when the government was purchasing that a time delay of 40 years to DEMO might present aexisting products, which implied that there was a problem but suggested that a delay of 20 years wouldsteady commercial market for them. Thesecondmode not. He pointed out that the actual timing wouldhe termed the "partnership option"; this mode worked depend almost entirely upon the level of effort thatwell when a research program was needed in order to was put into the program. He noted that another factordevelop the required product. The partnership option would soon come into play that might help matters:could be commercially-linked or not. In the commer- EPRI controls the energy market now, but it will not incially-linked version, the government procured novel 10 - 15 years' time.defense systems by having industry develop a productthat DOD laboratories tested, and that was then re- Dr. Siemon asked if, in Dr. Miller's scenario, it wasfined and retested in an iterative process, at goverment intended that universities and national laboratories beexpense, until a viable, economic product was devel- a part of the partnership. Dr. Miller responded affir-oped that balanced the demands of defense with the matively but added the qualification that he saw themrealities of commercial manufacturing practices. In being "little" partners. Dr. Siemon pointed out thatthe non-commercial version, the government recog- since the technology currently resided at the universi-nized that there would never be a ready market for the ties and national laboratories, they should play a largeend product of the needed development program and, role during the transition period. Dr. Miller agreedon a competitive basis, selected and made a long-term with this suggestion.commitment to an industrial partner to develop prod-ucts based upon a unique technology. Dr. Dreyfus emphasized that large construction com-

panies, large equipment vendors, and large utilitiesDr. Miller concluded by describing "a proposal". He must be involved in future fusion developments sincesuggested that DOE should develop a policy towards these were the entities that were going to construct,industry that embodied some form of non-commercial equip and operate the fusion facilities. He stressed thatpartnership option as the next step in the fusion pro- the new legislation relating to public utilities wouldgram. He stated that even though critics would object not result in the formation of a large number of "momto the proposal, a number of features commended it: and pop" energy generation concerns. Dr. Overskei

suggested that the committtee should clarify in their* It presented an accepted mode of govern- minds who or what the actual customer for their

ment-industry interaction, albeit not a very product was likely tobe. He emphasized that makingcommon one. the assumption that the utilities would be the cus-

* It addressed industry's two major concerns: tomer was incorrect. Rather it was the high-technol-a major role in program definition; and a ogy companies that would be the customers for fusionstable, predictable business environment, technology.

* It would benefit the taxpayer in both theshort and the long term. In the short term, it Dr. Baldwin returned to the question of timing, statingwould ensure that real corporate commit- that although components associated with the ITERments were made to fusion as a business project needed to be developed now, there would bea


long period between ITER and the next fusion ma- would be the wrong time to start a transfer program tochine. He questioned what would happen to the industry. Dr. Rosenbluth further stated that the ap-transfer program in the meantime and, worse, what proach suggested by FEAC, which would involvewould happen even earlier if ITER itself did not get using ITER as the transfer vehicle, was the correct waybuilt. He stated that if the commitment to transfer was to proceed at present.made at the wrong time, and if the U.S. fusion programwas unable to continue to supply support over a Dr. Staudhammer said that he wished to make a state-significant period of time, then the transfer program ment for the record. He stated that he wished towould fail. Dr. Miller agreed that starting the transfer compliment Dr. Miller fora very finepieceof work. Heprogram now involved risk, but it was his opinion that expressed concern that FEAC might leave the reportit was the right thing to do. unattended for a very long time. Dr. Staudhammer

pointed out that the work had raised many questionsDr. McCrory referred to his earlier question and stated to which no answers had been provided. He suggestedthat while he agreed that one could get industry in- that DOE generate a charge, possibly to FEAC, to lookvolved and interested in the fusion program by chang- into the matter and provide some answers. Dr. Conningtheanticipated time-scale,therewasfarmoretothe responded that Dr. Staudhammer's recommendationproblem than that. The industries that would be had been noted.involved in fusion were those that were involved infission. However, whereas the fission/fossil fuel trade- Dr. Dean pointed out that FEAC had made a recom-offs were well known, it was not even known whether mendation to DOE that DOE provide a policy concern-fusion would proceed to commercial reality. A gov- ing industrial involvement in the fusion program.eminent policy was needed that endorsed fusion as a DOE had acted upon that recommendation and hadfuture energy source. Dr. Overskei stressed that the asked Dr. Miller to evaluate the situation. In turn, Dr.issue of commitment was of paramount importance. Miller had provided a report on the matter. Dr. DeanThe national laboratories had carried forward a corn- stated that DOE now needed to take the input pro-mitment to fusion for years simply because they were vided by Dr. Miller and by FEAC and draft theirpaid to do so. Likewise, industry only does what it is industrial policy. Dr. Conn agreed and suggested thatpaid to do. Industry will not carry fusion forward DOE should come back to FEAC with its policy when-unless it is paid to do so. ever it was ready.

Dr. Conn stated that thereappeared tobegreat interest Dr. Sheffield endorsed Dr. Staudhammer's remarkon the part of FEAC in trying to move the program in that FEAC should not now discard Dr. Miller's reportthe direction that Dr. Miller had suggested but that and do nothing about it.committee members were concerned with minimizingthe risk involved and controlling it on the "down Report from Panel 4side". He reiterated that he saw the opportunity asrevolving around ITER. Dr. Staudhammer stressed Dr. Baldwin reviewed the activities of Panel 4. Hethat industry would not make a commitment to the reminded FEAC that Panel 4 had been asked to pro-program unless there were profits to be made. He vide input to Panel 5 at Crested Butte in July. Panel 4emphasized that commitments and large investments was therefore forced to respond very rapidly to itswere made not on feasibility but on perceived com- charge. Also, the charge given to Panel 5 overlappedmercial value. The stumbling block impeding to some extent that of Panel 4, and this overlap hadindustry's entry into the fusion program was that, in affected the manner in which Panel 4 had functioned.the present economic environment, some existing par-ticipating group would have to give something up. Dr. Baldwin reminded the meeting that the charge to

Panel 4 had been to evaluate and prioritize ATF, AlcatorDr. Parker stated that the question of identifying the C-Mod, and PBX-M. Later in the process the chargetrue customer for fusion was of vital importance and had been expanded to include the DIII-D upgrade.should not be overlooked. The possibility existed that The report that the panel had prepared containedthe fusion program could be aimed at satisfying the background information on the four facilities and in-wrong customer and in so doing end up with the cluded program plans and programmatic roles, facil-wrong product. Dr. Rosenbluth drew attention to the ity limitations, and projected costs. The panel'spriori-fact that, at ignition, alpha particle effects would be- ties had been presented at the FEAC workshop income pronounced and that the program was entirely Crested Butte as input to the strategic program plan-lacking in experience in this area. He added that work ning exercise.on low-activation materials had yet to show commer-cial feasibility. As a result, it was his opinion that now Dr. Baldwin stated that the problem that had emerged


for the panel when determining priorities, lay in the ment that everyone had worked on since the end of thefacts that all four facilities were staffed by excellent workshop. He pointed out that changes to the reportgroups of scientists, and all four programs were ad- would be made in "real time" and that it would bedressing vitally important programmatic issues. Dr. necessary to change the agenda in order to completeBaldwin reviewed, briefly, the major features of each the process before the meeting ended.facility and the tasks each was particularly suited toaddress. He stated that, as was customary with FEAC Review of Charge to FEACpanel reports, the recommendations of the panel hadnot been included in it: They had, instead, been Dr. Conn drew the committee's attention to the Letterprepared in viewgraph form for presentation at the of Charge of June 22,1992 and reviewed the reasonscurrent meeting. The viewgraph showed: why the letter had been written. He reminded the

committee that during the last twelve months they hadHigher Priorities reviewed several important elements of the fusion

ATF program but never the program as a whole. FEAC hadfelt that it needed to ensure that the sum of the "parts"

DIII-D Upgrade that it had proposed did not amount to more than thetotal program could afford, and so had suggested that

Lower Priorities DOE prepare a charge asking that FEAC undertake a

Alcator C-Mod review of the strategy underlying the entire magneticfusion program. Dr. Conn briefly reviewed the letter

PBX-M itself.

Dr. Baldwin explained that the panel had placed ATF Review of FEAC Program Strategy Reportin the higher priority category since it felt it wasimportant for the U.S. to maintain a sound position Dr. Conn explained the order in which he proposedinternationally in this technology. that FEAC should deal with the program strategy

report. He suggested that the committee deal with theDr. Conn pointed out that essentially the same data Executive Summary last. He indicated that Chapters 2had been presented to Panel 5 at Crested Butte. He and 3 should be discussed and finalized first, since thesuggested that FEAC accept the report and thanked material contained in these was essentially non-con-the panel for a job well done. Dr. Dean asked how troversial. This discussion should be followed by oneFEAC was intending to handle publication of this on Chapter 4, which related to program elements. Dr.report. He pointed out that until recently, UCLA had Conn stated that Dr. Weitzner had agreed to lead thebeen responsible for publishing them. Dr. Conn re- discussion on that chapter. Chapter 5, which con-plied that DOE had expressed a desire to publish the tained the committee's recommendations, should beFEAC reports themselves and in factItad already reviewed next; Dr. Conn said that Dr. Baldwin hadrepublished the first four as official DOE reports. Dr. agreed to lead that discussion. Finally, the discussionBaldwin suggested that FEAC forward the Panel 4 should return to the executive summary when everyreport to Dr. Happer with a simple letter of transmis- effort should be made to ensure that it was consistentsion explaining that it had been used as background with Chapter 5.for Panel 5.

Throughout the remainder of the day, the committeeDr. Anne Davies informed the committee that OFE reviewed as much of the report as time permitted.had prepared a document on TPX for presentation atthe SEAB Task Force meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday, September 23,1992the day following the end of this FEAC meeting. Cop-ies were made available to committee members. Dr. Review of FEAC Program Strategy ReportDavies stated that the other main topic for the SEABmeeting was the advanced neutron source (ANS). Throughout the majority of the morning session, the

committee continued to review the program strategy

Change of Agenda report but did not complete the task.

Dr. Conn stated that the outcome of Panel 5 would be Public Commenta FEAC report and not a Panel 5 report. He indicatedthat much of the balance of the present meeting would Dr. Bogdan C. Maglich, Advanced Physics Corporation,bedevoted toreviewingand modifyingthedraftdocu- presented a brief paper aimed at ways of broadening

support for fusion and significantly increasing OFE's


budget. He stated that the DOE's fusion program had or for breeding weapons fuel.no constituency among the nation's industrial, envi-ronmental or public interest groups that, logically, one * The non-proliferation lobby opposes fu-would expect to be supportive of environmentally sionbecauseanyD-Tfueled reactorcanbeattractive power technologies. He suggested that the used to breed plutonium and tritium.program should be modernized, broadened and in-creased through government-industry partnership Dr. Maglich stated that much of the opposition toprojects and through the incorporation of smaller de- fusion would dissipate if a study were initiated tovices into the program that would permit hundreds of develop an environmentally attractive fusion poweruniversities and R&D companies to undertake fusion reactor that wasbased upon theuseof non-radioactiveresearch. fuels. He suggested that a tokamak that used 3He-D as

the fuel would make a good starting point.He stated that his company had examined the under-lying causes behind the stagnation of the U.S fusion Dr. Maglich suggested that a study be undertakenprogram by canvassing the attitude toward fusion of regarding how to apply the time-sharing principlesall the special interest groups that would be expected agreed for the high-energy collider to the major toka-to support fusion research. They had reached the maks, thustoattractmanymoreuniversitiesand smallsurprising conclusion that, almost universally, such research groups into the fusion program. He alsogroups either were not supportive of fusion or were suggested that OFE hold a contest relating to newdirectly opposed to it. Dr. Maglich quoted the follow- concepts for compact, non-radioactive fueled fusioning examples: systems, and that DOE actively promote a govern-

ment-industry partnership program.* The energy independence movement is

indifferent to fusion because it believes Dr. Sheffield pointed out that perhaps more universi-that fusion will not replace oil. It esti- ties were involved in fusion than one might think. Hemates that oil consumption would be re- stated that 45 universities had participated in ORNLduced by only 5% through fusion. fusion projects in recent years. Dr. Conn agreed that

replacing oil with fusion in power generation would* The electric power industry has no inter- have little effect on overall oil consumption, but pointed

est in fusion since it believes that fusion's out that 70% of all oil was used in transportation. Ifuse of radioactive fuel will make it envi- transportation were to convert to electric tractionronmentally unacceptable. In addition, power, then the potential effect of fusion on oil con-the industy believes that fusion will be sumption would be much greater. Dr. Maglich ac-excessively capital intensive and unlikely cepted this point but emphasized that it might be coal,to be economically viable, and not fusion, that would benefit from this change.

He stressed that the coal industry and its allies com-* The electric power equipment industry prised the main anti-fusion lobby.

considers fusion unacceptable simply be-cause it is a "nuclear" technology. Cur- Review of FEAC Program Strategy Reportrently envisioned fusion power plantswould replacecoal-fired plantswhich pro- During the early part of the afternoon session, thevide about 50% of today's power generat- committee continued with its review of the programing capacity. The powerful coal lobby is strategy report until ithad completed Chapter5. It wasintent on stopping fusion. agreed that the report would be modified to reflect the

changes that the committee had agreed upon and sent* The university community is opposed to to members for final review before it was forwarded to

the present approach of constructing the Director of Energy Research.multi-billion dollar devices since thispolicy effectively excludes all but a few New Charges to FEACfrom participation in fusion research.

Dr. Conn informed the committee that FEAC had* The responsible environmental move- received two new charges from Dr. Happer. He pro-

ment, centered around the Union of Con- posed to establish two new panels, Panel 6 and Panelcerned Scientists, opposes fusion because 7, to review these charges and to provide input toit is "nuclear" and there is no exclusively FEAC. The first charge, which would be reviewed bypeaceful nuclear energy: Any nuclear Panel 6 and for which a response was requested byreactor can be converted for weapons use February 1993, concerned the Neutron Intereactive


Materials Program of the Office of Fusion Energy. The Dr. Stephen Deansecond, which would be reviewed by Panel 7 and had Dr. Ronald Davidsona requested response date of April 1993, concerned the Dr. Barrett RipinInertial Fusion Energy Program of Energy Research. Dr. David BaldwinDr. Conn added that he would like both panels to Dr. John Sheffieldprovide FEAC with an interim report on progress at Dr. Robert McCrorytheir next meeting and suggested that a date inJanuary Dr. David Overskeimight be suitable.

The committee agreed that Dr. Conn should work withAfter some discussion, FEAC agreed that a better whomever was chosen as chairman to select and inviteresponse to the charge concerning the materials pro- to join this panel appropriate scientific experts thatgram would result if it could be delayed until March would include representatives of the inertial fusion1993, provided that this delay would be acceptable to community.DOE.

Dr. Conn led a discussion concerning possible mem-bership of the two panels and the availability of mem- Terrence A. Daviesbers of FEAC to serve on them. IPFR/UCLA

October 12,1992Establishment of Panel 6

Dr. Conn suggested that Dr. Berkner be the chairmanof Panel 6, which would review materials matters.Members of FEAC who will sit on Panel 6 were agreedas follows:

Dr. Klaus Berkner, ChairmanDr. Richard SiemonDr. Stephen DeanDr. Harold WeitznerDr. Marshall RosenbluthDr. John HoldrenDr. Peter Staudhammer

The committee agreed that Dr. Berkner should workwith Dr. Conn to select and invite appropriate scien-tific experts to join the panel and expand its range ofexpertise.

Establishment of Panel 7

Before selection of the membership of this panel, adiscussion took place on the breadth of the charge. Dr.Staudhammer pointed out that the panel might expe-rience difficulty regarding access to classified mate-rial. The selection of the chairman was also reviewed,bearing in mind that conflict-of-interest issues involv-ing the apportionment of funding between the mag-netic and inertial fusion programs needed to be seen tobe avoided. It was agreed that the matter of thechairman for this panel would be discussed with theinertial fusion program directors before any decisionwas made. The members of FEAC who will sit onPanel 7 were agreed as follows:




Can fusion energy be cost-competitive and commercially viable an analysis of magnetically confined reactors? ›

Yes, fusion energy from magnetically confined reactors can be cost-competitive and commercially viable with advancements in technology, such as higher magnetic fields and improved plasma current drive for steady-state operation.

What is the nuclear fusion reaction that occurs in the sun? ›

The proton-proton fusion process that is the source of energy from the Sun. The energy from the Sun - both heat and light energy - originates from a nuclear fusion process that is occurring inside the core of the Sun. The specific type of fusion that occurs inside of the Sun is known as proton-proton fusion.

Is solar energy fission or fusion? ›

Fusion occurs when two atoms slam together to form a heavier atom, like when two hydrogen atoms fuse to form one helium atom. This is the same process that powers the sun and creates huge amounts of energy—several times greater than fission.

What is the biggest problem with fusion reactors? ›

One of the most difficult challenges of the fusion reaction is dealing with neutron radiation. Neutrons produced during fusion can travel tens of centimeters out into the containment structure, causing damage to the constituent materials.

What are the two disadvantages of fusion energy? ›

Disadvantages of Nuclear Fusion

(Or 10-15 million kelvin) Thus, there are no materials that can cope with 10-15 million K and also since it is a non-renewable energy. There can also be radioactive wastes.

What is the fuel for nuclear fusion? ›

Fuels. The fuels considered for fusion power have all been light elements like the isotopes of hydrogen—protium, deuterium, and tritium. The deuterium and helium-3 reaction requires helium-3, an isotope of helium so scarce on Earth that it would have to be mined extraterrestrially or produced by other nuclear reactions ...

Why is it difficult to produce fusion energy on Earth? ›

In order to achieve fusion on Earth, gases need to be heated to extremely high temperatures of about 150 million degrees Celsius. That is 10 times more than the temperatures in the Sun's core.

Which change will always take place in nuclear fusion? ›

In a fusion reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus. The process releases energy because the total mass of the resulting single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei. The leftover mass becomes energy.

Is the atomic bomb fission or fusion? ›

Atomic bombs too realize an enormous amount of energy when exploded and cause mass destruction. This explosion is caused due to the nuclear fission reaction where the splitting of nuclei of a heavy element like uranium, and plutonium takes place.

Is solar or nuclear cheaper? ›

Nuclear energy is substantially more expensive than solar energy. The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) to produce 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of power from a solar farm is US$ 40, according to a 2020 report. The LCOE of nuclear power facilities, in contrast, is US$ 155 to produce the same amount.

What is the ultimate source of energy that makes the Sun shine? ›

What is the ultimate source of energy that makes the Sun shine? Sun's energy comes from thermonuclear fusion reactions. Due to Sun's strong gravity, hydrogen atoms fuse to become helium. In the process tremendous amount of energy is released and it is the energy of the Sun.

Can fusion energy be cost-competitive and commercially viable? ›

Technology improvements to improve both cycle efficiency and power availability, along with production standardization and long-life components, have the potential to reduce generation costs and enable magnetically confined fusion to be commercially viable.

Are fusion reactions commercially viable? ›

The most commonly used fuels for nuclear fusion are deuterium and tritium (isotopes of hydrogen), which combine to form helium. Currently, fusion is in the research phase and is not currently commercially viable, though billions of dollars from both the public and private sectors are being invested in the fusion space.

Will fusion reactors ever be viable? ›

Fusion is amazing science but will take decades to become a viable energy source, if it ever does. The target chamber of LLNL's National Ignition Facility, where 192 laser beams delivered more than 2 million joules of ultraviolet energy to a tiny fuel pellet to create fusion ignition on Dec. 5, 2022.

Is nuclear energy cost competitive? ›

Nuclear power plants are expensive to build but relatively cheap to run. In many places, nuclear energy is competitive with fossil fuels as a means of electricity generation.

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