Companion Quest: A Projection Quest with Victoria Dallon: Toothpaste Dragons Rise Up (2024)

Alear, the Divine Dragon
Current Energy: 20

Companion Quest: A Projection Quest with Victoria Dallon: Toothpaste Dragons Rise Up (1)

===<Teachable Powers>===​

Bracelet of the AncestorA bracelet housing the spirit of Emblem Tiki, a manakete. By Engaging with Tiki, the wielder can take on Tiki's manakete form, granting them draconic might and a variety of breath attacks while also being able to grant allies Divine Blessings.

As one grows close with this Emblem, they find themselves growing in strength faster, healing rapidly as they pause to rest, deflecting critical strikes, and empowering allies near them. Tiki can teach proficiency with martial arts.

Bracelet of the Doting SisterA bracelet housing the spirit of Emblem Camilla, a dragon-blooded knight. By Engaging with Camilla, the wielder can use Camilla's weaponry, ride her spectral wyvern, draw from dragon veins to create environmental effects, and call down a magical inferno.

As one grows close with this Emblem, they can deliver more crippling blows from critical hits, cure poison, absorb ground hazards to heal theirself, and use lances more effectively to guard. Camilla can teach proficiency with magical tomes and axes.

Ring of the Guiding StarA ring housing a reflection of Victoria's soul. While wearing it herself doesn't do much, it's true power comes when she gives it to an ally. By wearing this ring, allies can fight alongside an echo of Victoria that wields her abilities and weaponry. While Engaged with Emblem Victoria, allies can use an echo of Victoria's powers as their own, and will grow progressively stronger the longer they fight while Engaged.

While no skills can be inherited from this ring, those wearing it will gain effectiveness against Fell Dragons and their ilk, will empower nearby allies, neutralize any specific weakness the wearer has, and the very closest of Victoria's allies will enhance their dexterity and accuracy the more allies fighting on the battlefield with them.

The Divine and the FellVictoria becomes simultaneously a Divine and a Fell Dragon, a harbinger of both miracles and catastrophes. Her attacks are more effective against dragons and draconic creatures, she can command and breathe forth divine mist, she can resurrect corpses as mindless and feral warriors, and can fall into a slumbering state when mortally wounded to heal.0/10
Weapon TriangleRock, Paper, Scissors but with weapons. While Victoria is properly utilizing the Weapon Triangle, she gains an advantage to her accuracy, defense, and damage. Meanwhile, those acting against the Triangle when fighting Victoria will find their attacks weakening and their training failing them.

Swords and Magic > Axes and Bows > Lances and Knives > Swords and Magic.

Martial Arts are effective against Magic, Knives, and Bows. Supportive magic and 'Special' weapons are exempt from the Weapon Triangle. Knives really refers to weaker, more easily hidden weapons. Guns count as Bows for the sake of the modern world. Things like Blaster powers count as Magic.

Class PromotionsRequires Weapon Triangle: Victoria can more rapidly learn to use weaponry and related techniques, including swords, axes, lances, martial arts, knives, bows, magical tomes, and magical staves. This manifests as a +1 training speed to powers pertaining to these weapons.0/5

Sunday, February 27th, 2011.
Dallon Residence, Brockton Bay.

"That's… not the worst way I've been woken up," you mumble as you reform and reach up onto Victoria's bed, rubbing at your temple. "Nice to see you too, Vicky."

Your Host is staring at you like you're a stranger. Which, considering the circ*mstances, isn't the… most incorrect statement? "Filo?" Victoria hesitantly asks again, staring down at you from the ceiling.

You stare up at her… then snort. "You look ridiculous like that," you snark. "Yeah, it's me. Shiny new body, same old Filo." You open your mouth to let out a long yawn, then sigh. "I might have overdone it yesterday."

Victoria slowly sinks down to the floor, still a bit tense. "Filo, the Simurgh came on Friday. It's Sunday," she says slowly.

Really? Ugh. "Leave it to me to sleep in," you mumble. "You're probably going to have to be on top of that, I am… really bad at waking up on my own." You walk around the bed, your two-toned hair fanning out behind you as you stop in front of Vicky and lift your arms.

She blinks.

"Well? Come on, I slept through a whole day after leaving you bleeding out, I want a hug," you declare, waving her forward. Vicky continues to stare, then surges forward to embrace you. "There we go. I'm sorry about how I left you," you say, patting her on the back.

"You scared me to death," Victoria drones, glaring at you. "And you- what, turned into a god and ate the Simurgh? Do you have any idea how much attention that's going to put on me?"

"I thought you liked attention," you muse, reaching up to tap your cheek. "Buuuuut, I'll admit I went a bit overboard. And I didn't eat her, I spat her into Venus!" you correct, dismissing her with a wave. "Ugh. How much do you want to bet I'm get worshipped again?" you mutter, shivering.

"Again?" Vicky asks, cringing. "You're some kind of god, again?"

"Kind of? Not really? I'm a Fell Dragon mixed with Divine Dragon power. My family tree is messy, and I don't really get it but apparently that's enough to start a religion," you murmur, holding your hands up helplessly.

She stares with an entirely unamused expression. "You're a Divine. Dragon. Again."

"Lucoa was a god that happened to like looking like a dragon," you correct, holding a finger up. "Look, can we get out of your bedroom before I try to explain everything?" you turn intangible, a part of you realizing that this is probably how Emblems feel. "Honestly, my head's a bit of a mess. Lucoa at least knew all about the human world, Alear's from a totally different world entirely and it's all a bit scrambled."

Victoria pinches her brow, then takes a deep breath. "I can imagine. Look, Mom apparently already knew I was a parahuman, and she told Dad, so… you can walk around the house just fine."

You reappear. "Wait, she just… knew? I thought you said she'd force you to join New Wave? Is that still happening, or…"

"I don't know? I don't think so. She's different. I guess," Vicky mumbles. "Guess we'll find out. Come on." Your Host opens the door and steps out of her room, with you following behind, hands clasped behind your back.

"I've gotta say, it's nice waking up somewhere that isn't… gaudy," you admit, looking around at the simple walls and doors. "Plus, there aren't even any statues of me!"

"You don't sound like you were a fan of the whole being worshiped thing," Vicky notes, walking to the bathroom.

"Oh, gods no. People would take notes on how I eat food! Not as in the way I prepare it, or what types of food I like- though they'd note that down too- but things like how I chew!" you whine, shaking your head and stepping into the bathroom to look yourself over.

Fortunately for your comfort levels, you're not in your armor. Alear's armor. Having yet another new identity was going to take some getting used to. Instead of armor, you've got a regal looking white and blue… what even did you call it? It was a long-sleeved shirt and shorts as one piece, all adorned with actual gold. It even had epaulets!

Your sleeves are rolled back to your elbows, a white bow is tied around your collar, and a black ribbon crosses under your bust. You've got black thigh-high stockings held up by black garters with- again- actual gold clasps. Your shoes are simple white and blue, meant to just slip on when you wake up.

An ornate silver headband keeps your mixed red and blue hair somewhat in control, even if your little nap has caused the blue strands to take on some terrible bedhead. Your eyes are split blue and red as well, with the blue iris being on your red side and your red iris being on your blue side.

Companion Quest: A Projection Quest with Victoria Dallon: Toothpaste Dragons Rise Up (2)

Victoria stares as you look yourself over, then snorts. "Your hair looks like toothpaste," she points out, picking up a tube from the counter. Sure enough, it's split white, red, and blue.

You stare at her with a flat look, then gently slide the most important ring off of your finger. It looks like two rings crossed together, with a square gem bearing your red and blue. The minute you set it on the counter, your body drops dead. Literally. You're standing over it as a burning spirit with solid blue hair and eyes, while your corpse has all your red features.

"What the hell!?" Vicky shouts, stepping back. "You- what did you just do?"

"Died," you say with a shrug, picking the ring up and tossing it down at your corpse. The moment it touches your body, you're back to normal, with both colors. You slip the Ring of the Connector back onto your finger with a smug look. "You want to say something about my hair now?"

"No, back up, what do you mean you died?" Vicky asks, clasping your shoulders.

"I'm kind of a divine spirit of myself possessing my own corpse?" you mumble, grinning sheepishly. "That ring's what keeps my body and spirit in one piece."

You hold your hand up, showing off the Ring of the Connector with a waggle of your fingers. "Filo, you can't just keep saying these insane things and not expect me to be confused!" Victoria pleads, pressing her fingers to her temples.

With a very obvious roll of your eyes, you grab her shoulders and shake her vigorously before letting go. "See? Real body, not dead. Now come on, let's go train or something. I've been asleep for too long, which means we've got to make up for lost time!"

Amy steps out of her bedroom right then, looking incredibly groggy. "Victoria, what's…" she stares at you. Blinks. Then her hand snaps out to grab your wrist with wide eyes. When her power probably doesn't say anything, she lets you go. "Wait… Filo?"

"Hi Amy, nice to see you again with the new coat of paint," you say, stepping forward to hug her. "Sorry if we scared you with the whole Vicky getting hurt and me burning myself up thing. Hey, did you get that potted plant like I asked?"

Amy looks like she has to take a moment to reboot. "You- wh- no? Vicky, what the hell's going on?"

"Filo has a limited amount of energy for each Emulation. The previous one, Lucoa, ended and now it's…" Victoria blinks, then waves at you.

"Alear, the Divine Dragon!" you announce, pumping a fist in the air. "Except that title is not entirely correct anymore. It's complicated. Point is, I'm back and I have a lot of things to teach Vicky!"

Today is Sunday. You have 5 time slots to spend on Free Time. You can train up to 4 times. Please list your choices individually, as the top 5 Free Time actions and the top Social Link action will be picked.

Free Time options:

[X][Action] Start training a new skill!

[X][Action] Go talk with the PRT and get registered as a hero. You did just maybe end an Endbringer...

[X][Action] Go to the PRT and do some power testing.

[X][Action] Hit the town! Patrol and be seen, you big hero!

[X][Action] Write-in.

You have 1 time slot to spend on a Confidant to build their Social Link.

Social Link options:

[X][Social] Form a new Social Link by hanging out with a friend. (Write-in somebody Victoria knows personally.)
[X][Action] Spend 1 Free Time slot to hang out with an additional Confidant. (Write-in the other Confidant, as well as if its a group activity.)

New Wave, Dallon Family:
[X][Social] Amy (7)
[X][Social] Carol (0)
[X][Social] Mark (0)

New Wave, Pelham Family:
[X][Social] Sarah (0)
[X][Social] Neil (0)
[X][Social] Crystal (0)
[X][Social] Eric (0)

[X][Social] Taylor (2)
[X][Social] Hic Svnt Dracones? (0)

Lunch Table:
[X][Social] Dean (0)
[X][Social] Carlos (0)
[X][Social] Madeline (0)
[X][Social] Felix (0)

You have 6 total actions, with 5 Free Time slots, 4 of which can be training, and 1 Social Link slot. Please list your choices individually, as the top 5 Free Time actions and the top Social Link action will be picked.

What kind of things will Victoria keep in mind as she goes about her week?

You have 3 Goal slots. These will be things that don't necessarily take up an action slot, but that you want Victoria to do. The top three valid goals voted on at the start of the week will be things Victoria keeps in mind. These can be things like taking small patrols daily, interacting with somebody at school, keeping an eye out for a certain kind of graffiti, etc.

Current Goals:

[X][Goal] Write-in.

THE OMAKE SHOP IS OPEN, PRT DIRECTORS AROUND THE WORLD SHUDDER IN FEAR. Voting for a lower option will purchase all options above it! The Omake Shop can be found in the Voting threadmarks, read up on the options before voting.

Current Omake Points: 54

Kkutlord wants to activate Blessed With Life I for 5 points.

[X][Shop] Blessed/ Yea
[X][Shop] Blessed/ Nae

Kkutlord wants to activate Side Story - More Than A Feeling and above for 10 points.
[X][Shop] Feeling/ Yea
[X][Shop] Feeling/ Nae

Kkutlord wants to activate [Mana Conduit] and above for 15 points.
[X][Shop] Mana/ Yea
[X][Shop] Mana/ Nae

A/N: Ha! You didn't think I'd totally skip the weekend, did you? Alear's up and raring to go!

Now, because I've changed how voting works and there's new options to vote for, let me demonstrate how a voting post might look:

[X][Action] Start training Bracelet of the Ancestor x 2
[X][Action] Go talk with the PRT and get registered as a hero. You did just maybe end an Endbringer...
[X][Action] Go to the PRT and do some power testing.
[X][Action] Carol (0)
[X][Social] Hic Svnt Dracones? (0)
[X][Goals] Foster a good relationship with the PRT
[X][Goals] Eat more ice cream
[X][Goals] Idk grow corn
[X][Shop] Mana/ Yea

Note that it isn't a plan, simply a series of choices. I'm testing this format to see if it makes individual votes people make feel more impactful. If this doesn't work out, we can swap back.

Companion Quest: A Projection Quest with Victoria Dallon: Toothpaste Dragons Rise Up (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.