BBC Learning English - Course: intermediate / Unit 8 / Session 1 / Activity 1 (2024)

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Vocabulary. I'm Catherine…

And I'm Neil.

Neil, like your hat!

Thank you very much. It's cold outside, so I thought it would be sensible to wear a woolly hat.


My ears are very sensitive to the cold.

I've noticed your ears looking a little bit red of a morning, occasionally, Neil. And the words sensible and sensitive are good examples of today's topic. The two words look and sound similar, but they have very different meanings. And in this programme we're going to talk about more pairs of words that people sometimes get mixed up.

Now let's now hear about Mike. He was in a shop yesterday when he made a mistake.

Think about this question while you listen: What mistake did Mike make in the shop?

Mike felt bored. He was watching a boring film about plants in the desert. 'I know – I'll make a cake', he thought. 'We'll have it for dessert'. The recipe looked easy – just a few ingredients. But when Mike checked the contents of his cupboard, there wasn't any sugar. He went to the shop and bought some. The cake looked great. But it tasted horrible. Mike checked the receipt. He'd bought salt by mistake!

So we asked you: What mistake did Mike make in the shop?

And the answer is: He bought salt instead of sugar.

Yes, the receipt said 'salt' but the recipe, of course, said 'sugar'.

The nouns receipt and recipe look very similar, but they have different meanings. A receipt, r – e – c – e – i – p – t, is a document that shows you have paid money for something.

Yes, and a recipe, r – e – c – i – p – e, is a set of cooking instructions.

Listen to a clip from Mike's story. Can you spot two more confusing words?

He was watching a boring film about plants in the desert. 'I know – I'll make a cake', he thought. 'We'll have it for dessert'.

So that's desert and dessert.

Yep. Now a desert is an area of land where very little can grow and there's very little water. Desert, d – e – s – e – r – t, has one 's', but dessert, d – e – s – s – e – r – t, has two 's'. A dessert is a sweet food course that we eat at the end of a meal. Right. Moving on. Neil, what do you do when you are bored?

Well I find making cakes boring.


Yeah. When I'm bored, I knit.

You knit?


Of course - the hat! The woolly hat!

Yes, I knitted this woolly hat.

It's fantastic!

Bored and boring – both adjectives, but with very different meanings.

Bored, b – o – r – e – d, describes how someone is feeling, when they are not interested in something. Boring, b – o – r – i – n – g, describes a thing that is not very interesting. Right. Let's have another clip.

The recipe looked easy – just a few ingredients. But when Mike checked the contents of his cupboard, there wasn't any sugar.

The words ingredients and contents both mean things that are a part of something else. Individual ingredients are things that we put together to make something, usually food – a cake for example. Contents are all the separate items inside something like a box or a cupboard.

6 Minute Vocabulary, from

And we're talking about confusing words.

And it's time for a quiz. Choose the correct word. Number one: I can't eat ice cream. My teeth are too… Is it a) sensible or b) sensitive?

And it's b) sensitive.

Well done if you got that right. Number two: Very little rain falls in the… Is it a) desert or b) dessert?

And the answer is a) desert.

And number three: I had to wait an hour for my appointment – I got really …. Is it a) boring or b) bored?

And the answer is b) bored.

And that's the end of the quiz – well done if you got them right.

And it's almost the end of the programme.

But before we go, here's today's top tip for learning vocabulary: say new words out loud as you learn them - the word stress will help you to remember which is the correct word to use if you are not so sure.

There's more about this at Join us again for more 6 Minute Vocabulary.


BBC Learning English - Course: intermediate / Unit 8 / Session 1 / Activity 1 (2024)


What is BBC Learning English website? ›

BBC Learning English is a department of the BBC World Service devoted to English language teaching. The service provides free resources and activities for teachers and students, primarily through its website.

How can I learn English in 1? ›

How to learn English step-by-step OR your quickest way to fluency
  1. Start speaking as soon as possible.
  2. Start reading.
  3. Make yourself accountable.
  4. Set more useful targets than “I will become fluent”
  5. Keep your personal goal in mind.
  6. Try flashcards to boost your vocabulary.
  7. Learn whole sentences.
  8. Sing along.

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One of the world's most popular providers of English language teaching material, BBC Learning English, has launched its free app.

What happened to BBC Learning English? ›

Unfortunately, the BBC Learning English app closed on 13th December 2023. Since that date, the app has no longer worked, and you will not be able to access any of the programmes in the app or any programmes that you have downloaded. Don't worry, though.

How can I speak English fluently in 30 days for free? ›

In this article, we will discuss some effective ways to learn English quickly and easily if you want to become fluent as soon as possible.
  1. Watch Native Speakers Talk. ...
  2. Learn with an Online Course. ...
  3. Learn by Listening to Music and Podcasts. ...
  4. Find a Meet-up Group for Conversation Practice. ...
  5. Don't Forget the Fundamentals.

How to improve English in 2 days? ›

  1. Introduction.
  2. Watch movies in English.
  3. Immerse yourself in English language news.
  4. Start a vocabulary book of useful words.
  5. Have conversations in English.
  6. Practice, practice, practice.
  7. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat.
  8. Don't forget to have fun while you learn.

How to be fluent in English fast? ›

  1. Start speaking English as much as possible.
  2. Start speaking English with a personal tutor.
  3. Expose yourself to English every day.
  4. Make the most of technology.
  5. Use resources made for your level.
  6. Work on your pronunciation.
  7. Learn whole phrases, not just individual words.
  8. Accept that you will feel uncomfortable speaking English.
Dec 13, 2023

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It is a large network of websites including such high-profile sites as BBC News and Sport, the on-demand video and radio services branded BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds, the children's sites CBBC and CBeebies, and learning services such as Bitesize and Own It.

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The official BBC Learning English app brings together all of your favourite lessons and presenters in one fantastic, simple-to-use package. It's the best way to keep your English up to date!

What is the description of BBC Learning English? ›

As part of the BBC World Service, BBC Learning English has been teaching English to global audiences since 1943, offering free audio, video and text materials to learners around the world.

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However, with so many speculative news sites now available, it may be worth sticking to more mainstream channels to mitigate inaccuracy of information. BBC News is a sensible suggestion, with the feature to search topics and find up-to-date articles.

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