2024 – Page 2 – Reinke Faces Life (2024)

Table of Contents
GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The proper response to Goofermentdiktats RELIGION: Teens kicked out of elite Catholic school for ‘blackface’ awarded$1M INTERESTING: What’s the Roman dodecahedron but none found inItaly? GOVEROTRAGEOUS: I’m for abolishing ALL foreign aid by the Gooferment; remember CARE packages, Ido POLITICAL: Voting forcrime? GOVEROTRAGEOUS: California mocked over $11 billion high-speed rail bridge tonowhere DISCOURAGING: Addicted to Sports Gambling? Does NOT sound like a goodtrend ENCOURAGING: Let’s redeffine “juvenile” — from age to something morereasonable HEALTH: Why can’t we use the Amish as a “controlgroup”? RANT: What happened to the anit-KKK law that said you could not hide yourface? NEWJERSEY: Remember the infamous movie Nazi demand: “Yourpapers!” FUN: “That’s the biggest chicken I’ve everseen.” JOBFINDING: Remember your real job is finding your nextjob INTERESTING: When an elephant returns toddler’s shoe, does that demonstrate an essence ofhumanity? MONEY: Use the two spot to beremembered? ENCOURAGING: Comedian Bill Maher went on a blistering tirade against “childabuse” RANT: Once again, Piers and I agree — calls for violence against Jews crosses the live from protest tocrime NEWJERSEY: Some May Fools’ Day “laws” —seriously DISCOURAGING: ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are not longer imaginary rantings of loonies, but warning signs of a downwardtrajectory HEROIC: Good Samaritans save driver from buringcar SECURITY: PASSKEYS appears to be NOT the secuirty “silver bullet”” HEALTH: Novo Nordisk stops makingLevemir POLITICAL: Defund NPR — it’s only “fair” INSPIRATIONAL: WWOBD is the exemplar of “be the change you want tobe” INSPIRATIONAL: WWOBD is the exemplar of “be the change you want tobe” INSPIRATIONAL: WWOBD is the exemplar of “be the change you want tobe” Posts navigation FAQs

GOVEROTRAGEOUS: The proper response to Goofermentdiktats

Published on Friday, May 17, 2024Thursday, May 9, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


My neighbor has a sea-faring vessel which he parks on the side of his home. A few weeks ago, he received a letter from the city stating he needed to build a new fence to hide said vessel from view of the street. After reluctantly building the fence and driveway, he presented a sassy idea to me that would require my artistic skills.

So here it is…

A painting of boat in a driveway next to a house on a fence in front of a boat in a driveway next to a house!

# – # – # – # – #

I love this response to a Gooferment diktat!



RELIGION: Teens kicked out of elite Catholic school for ‘blackface’ awarded$1M

Published on Thursday, May 16, 2024Thursday, May 9, 2024 by reinkefj1 Comment


Teens kicked out of elite Catholic school for ‘blackface’ awarded $1M by jury after proving it was just acne mask

Story by Isabel Keane

*** begin quote ***

Two teens kicked out of their elite California Catholic school while falsely accused of wearing blackface have been jointly awarded more than $1 million after proving it was just a green acne face mask.

The then-students at Saint Francis High School in Mountain View were just 14 when they took a photo during a sleepover in 2017 of them wearing the treatment in solidarity with a friend suffering from severe acne, their lawsuit said.

The treatment, bought by one of the boy’s moms, was light green when applied and turned dark green once dry.

*** end quote ***

Over the years, I’ve come to believe that “organized religion” is yet another useless drone in humanity’s “beehive”.

I guess these “Catholics” forgot all the admonitions about “suffer the little children to come unto me”, the Good Samaritan, and “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven.”.

Particualrly — “Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

It seems like the “Liberals” in the Catholic Church were so anxious to be “good guys” that they left their consciences at the convenience of the mob.

So sad. And, congrats to that jury to show them the errors of their ways in a form they might understand,

Shame on them.


INTERESTING: What’s the Roman dodecahedron but none found inItaly?

Published on Wednesday, May 15, 2024Wednesday, May 8, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Rare Roman Dodecahedron Found in England Baffles Archaeologists
06 May 2024
By Samantha Tipper, The Conversation

*** begin quote ***

There have been numerous suggestions by archaeologists and the public as to what dodecahedra could have been. Some theorise that they were religious objects, knitting tools, measuring instruments or stress toys. Due to the high level of skill involved, some have suggested that they were a way for a master craftsman to demonstrate their expert abilities.

There is no uniformity in the size or shape of the dodecahedra found so far, nor in their metal composition or even in the level of craftsmanship. If they were important objects, we would expect to also discover contextual evidence in the archaeological record, such as depictions in paintings or mosaics.

It does feel that this object will remain a mystery for some time – which might be why so many people are fascinated by it.

*** end quote ***

I found this fascinating. And never found in Italy, but seems to be Roman.

Your guess is better than mine.


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: I’m for abolishing ALL foreign aid by the Gooferment; remember CARE packages, Ido

Published on Tuesday, May 14, 2024Tuesday, May 7, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Why Not Abolish All Foreign Aid? – LewRockwell
By Jacob G. Hornberger

*** begin quote ***

Here is the alternative: Abolish all foreign aid to every regime, including the Israeli government. Moreover, abolish the taxes that fund foreign aid. Then leave Americans free to donate their money to Israel or anyone else in the world.

Wouldn’t that be a more just system? Wouldn’t that system be more consistent with the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and voluntary charity? Don’t care and compassion come only from the willing heart of the individual and not from than the coercive apparatus of the tax system, the brutal and tyrannical agency that enforces it, and the federal agency that distributes the loot?

Reprinted with permission from The Future of Freedom Foundation.

*** end quote ***

Ron Paul says to cut foreign aid to all countries, even to Israel, because it essentially takes money from the poor in the U.S. and is given to the rich in poor countries.

I remember post WW2 when real people sent CARE packages to war torn Europe.

Let “real people” contribute “foreign aid” when they see fit in ways they see fit. I like “DONOR SEE” for the way real people can help real people without force or fraud.

OxFam and other such charities are good ways to do it.

Just nothing with the Gooferment, the UN, or other NGO’s .



POLITICAL: Voting forcrime?

Published on Monday, May 13, 2024Monday, May 6, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Retail Theft Ring Busts Reveal Some Hard Truths
By John F. Di Leo

*** begin quote ***

Los Angeles County Sheriff Department detectives proudly announced a complex and successful sting this week.

A retail theft ring has been caught red-handed, with millions of dollars’ worth of make-up, perfume, pharmaceuticals, and more, stolen from stores in and around California, much of it still bearing store tags.

Product has been recovered; at least a dozen locations have been revealed. Multiple fences have been identified, with eight arrests announced at the start, and likely more to follow. They will prove that shoplifting rings were organized to hit the stores that had what the fences wanted – from pharmacies like CVS to big box stores like Walmart.

*** and ***

One of the hallmarks of today’s progressive prosecutors – the many Soros-funded district attorneys of cities and counties like Los Angeles – is the public declaration that police resources are too valuable, and capitalist retailers too unimportant and undeserving of protection, to waste time on prosecuting “minor crimes” like retail theft valued under some arbitrary figure of $800 or $1,000. This position has always been shameful and indefensible, but is all the more so in light of organized theft rings like the one in today’s news.

*** end quote ***

If the police are doing their jobs and the criminals are back on the street before they finish the paperwork then why are we surprised as crime wipes out society.

When we “vote” for these politicians and bureaucrats, then we are accepting the moral decline of our country.

Murders get a slap ion the wrist and thieves get a free pass.

It is the voters fault!


GOVEROTRAGEOUS: California mocked over $11 billion high-speed rail bridge tonowhere

Published on Sunday, May 12, 2024Sunday, May 5, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


California mocked over $11 billion high-speed rail bridge to nowhere that took 9 years to build
By Rich Calder
Published May 4, 2024, 5:17 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

California is taking of heat for celebrating the completion of an high-speed rail bridge that has cost taxpayers $11 billion and took nine years to build — and clearly goes nowhere.

Critics — including Tesla founder Elon Musk and Dogecoin creator Billy Markus — are ripping the California High Speed Rail Authority after it boasted about last year’s completion of a “Fresno River Viaduct,” a mere sliver of the state’s long-delayed, bullet-train project attempting to link San Francisco to Los Angeles

“This is the most remarkable human achievement ever,” joked Markus, the creator of the jokey cryptocurrency, on X Friday.

*** end quote ***

If this wasn’t so sad and frustrating, then it might be funny ha ha.

As it is, it is evidence that the political class of the Pepuls Republik of Kaliforkneeah need to be replaced by nothing,

11 BILLION dollars to go no where?

Who’s brother-in-law got that contract?

If nothing else, the time value of money is ignored. And, by the time something connects with it, it’s going to be obsolete or decayed.



DISCOURAGING: Addicted to Sports Gambling? Does NOT sound like a goodtrend

Published on Saturday, May 11, 2024Saturday, May 4, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Alex Shephard
April 3, 2024
Bad Bets

*** begin quote ***

Our Entire Society Is Becoming Addicted to Sports Gambling

Athletes are being caught in scandals, yes, but the bigger scandal is that the ease and prevalence of betting is driving a huge rise in addiction—and neither the leagues nor our politicians care.

*** and ***

Whenever I watch professional sports on TV, I’m always dumbfounded when I see online gambling sites as sponsors of the NFL, NBA, and MLB. If I remember my sports history correctly, we used to keep a significant distance between sports leagues and gambling to avoid scandals like the 1919 “Black Sox.” In this article, Alex Shephard argues that a partnership between professional sports and gambling has given rise to an even bigger scandal than thrown games: a huge rise in gambling addiction, particularly among young men. We’re already seeing an increase in bankruptcy and relationship problems due to online gambling. I suspect we’ll be reading more about the problems of online sports betting in the coming years.

*** end quote ***

I too see all the ads and know that someone is paying for the advertisem*nts. And they are not cheap. And not run by someone with innocent motivations.

That’s all you need to know to see where this is going!


ENCOURAGING: Let’s redeffine “juvenile” — from age to something morereasonable

Published on Friday, May 10, 2024Friday, May 10, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


What does it take to get certified as an adult in Missouri? Well, a year-long crime spree is a good start


17-year-old certified as adult, charged with 53 crimes
by: Kevin S. Held
Posted: May 2, 2024 / 04:51 PM CDT
Updated: May 3, 2024 / 08:53 AM CDT

*** begin quote ***

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – A juvenile accused of a year-long crime spree will stand trial as an adult.

The St. Louis County Family Court certified Juanell Carter, 17, as an adult on Thursday. He faces 53 criminal charges for allegedly breaking into dozens of cars across the region and stealing purses, credit cards, firearms, and motor vehicles.

*** end quote ***

“I told you that ‘juvenile delinquent’ is a contradiction in terms. ‘Delinquent’ means ‘failing in duty.’ But duty is an adult virtue—indeed a juvenile becomes an adult when, and only when, he acquires a knowledge of duty and embraces it as dearer than the self-love he was born with. There never was, there cannot be a ‘juvenile delinquent.’ But for every juvenile criminal there are always one or more adult delinquents—people of mature years who either do not know their duty, or who, knowing it, fail.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

Clearly, when one choses “the dark side”, society must protect itself.

This person is no longer a “child” deserving of special status.

Time to redefine our society’s paradigm on criminal responsibility.


Here’s the wake up call.


HEALTH: Why can’t we use the Amish as a “controlgroup”?

Published on Thursday, May 9, 2024Friday, May 3, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


The Verdict is In: The Amish Approach to Covid was Superior
By Sharyl Attkisson | May 1, 2024

  • So why don’t our public health officials seem interested?

*** begin quote ***

It could be one of the most important lessons learned for the next pandemic. And it should make international headlines.

But it seems like those who made the mistakes during Covid aren’t very interested.

The Amish population that largely rejected public health recommendations fared no worse in terms of health impact than the rest of the country that masked, isolated, and vaccinated. That’s according to available data and a federally-funded study that attempted to evaluate the Amish approach.

These findings imply the US could have avoided experimental vaccines that have serious side effects; and circumvented costly shutdowns that devastated the economy, travel, businesses, mental health, and education at the expense of trillions of US tax dollars.

*** end quote ***

The Amish quickly demonstrated that the US “Health Establishment” were full of <synonym for excrement>!

With this powerful piece of evidence, why were all the politicians and bureaucrats reluctant to revise their faulty thinking about this “PLAN DEMIC”?

Cui Bono?



RANT: What happened to the anit-KKK law that said you could not hide yourface?

Published on Wednesday, May 8, 2024Friday, May 3, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


NYPD officer ‘accidentally’ fired gun during raid on Columbia anti-Israel protesters inside Hamilton Hall
By Kyle Schnitzer, Larry Celona, Katherine Donlevy
Published May 2, 2024, 7:24 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

2024 – Page 2 – Reinke Faces Life (1)

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Interesting how diktats are enforced?


NEWJERSEY: Remember the infamous movie Nazi demand: “Yourpapers!”

Published on Tuesday, May 7, 2024Friday, May 3, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


By Eric Scott

*** begin quote ***

🚗 New Jersey may make it easier to complete in-person transactions at the MVC

🚗 The changes would impact REAL ID in New Jersey

🚗 Legislation would let you leave with your license, instead of waiting for it to be mailed

On the long list of frustrations many have with New Jersey’s Motor Vehicle Commission, not leaving with what you went there is for is near the top.

If you make an in-person appointment for a REAL ID driver’s license, for example, you won’t be able to take it with you when you leave.

*** end quote ***

Personally, I see no need for “real id”. Why the Pepuls Republik of Nu Jerzee is cooperating with the Federal Gooferment makes no sense. Maybe people will remember the infamous movie Nazi demand: “Your papers!”. Time to push back on intrusive Gooferment. Not like id is required to vote!


FUN: “That’s the biggest chicken I’ve everseen.”

Published on Monday, May 6, 2024Wednesday, May 1, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Repton: Rhea on the run in village shocks driver

A rhea on the run left a driver in shock after it jumped out in front of his car.

The large, flightless bird was seen running down Main Street in Repton, Derbyshire, on Sunday afternoon.

Robert Jay, a window cleaner in the village, was driving with his wife when the rhea suddenly appeared.

Mr Jay shared a video, which was filmed by his wife, on social media with the caption: “That’s the biggest chicken I’ve ever seen.”

# – # – # – # – #

I just found this video funny and can not imagine that I’d have thought it was chicken.


Not every story has to be a serious Debby Downer.

Poor “chicken”.


JOBFINDING: Remember your real job is finding your nextjob

Published on Sunday, May 5, 2024Monday, April 29, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment

Google has laid off its Python Foundation team (1 minute read)

Google has asked its recently laid-off Python Foundation team to train its replacements, who will be in the Munich office. The company similarly laid off its finance department a few weeks ago, moving positions outside of the country where they are cheaper. The Python Foundation team maintained a stable version of Python within Google, tools to keep thousands of third-party packages constantly updated from their open source versions, highly customized tools, and much more. It also acted as a help desk for Python users at Google. The team performed its duties for years with fewer than 10 people.

# – # – # – # – #

Anyone, who thinks that by doing a “good job” their employment is “safe”, here’s a wake up call.

Remember your real job is finding your next job. Ignore this at your own peril.


INTERESTING: When an elephant returns toddler’s shoe, does that demonstrate an essence ofhumanity?

Published on Saturday, May 4, 2024Sunday, April 28, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Adorable moment elephant returns toddler’s shoe after it falls into zoo enclosure
by Shannon Mcguigan
Published: 04:33 EDT, 28 April 2024 | Updated: 04:33 EDT, 28 April 2024

*** begin quote ***

This is the adorable moment a clever elephant returned a toddler’s tiny shoe after it was dropped into a zoo enclosure.

In the cute clip, the huge creature can be seen gently scooping up the tiny blue and yellow shoe using its enormous foot and lengthy trunk.

Slowly grasping the minuscule footwear, the friendly giant delicately returned the shoe dropping it back into the young visitor’s hand.

*** and ***

But the kind elephant’s good deed didn’t go unnoticed as a zookeeper later rewarded Shanmai a watermelon for their kind gesture.

*** end quote ***

Glad the act was rewarded. I am always fascinated when “animals” demonstrate human-like qualities.

Perhaps us humans are too egotistical to recognize that life is precious.

Remember the gorilla that protected the injured child, kept him safe, and herded his family inside so the keepers could rescue him?


MONEY: Use the two spot to beremembered?

Published on Friday, May 3, 2024Friday, May 3, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


*** begin quote ***

In years past, when the commanders of a US military base would feel like the locals were becoming less than appreciative of their presence, particularly local law enforcement, they would order up a huge stack of $2 bills and pay the lower-ranking soldiers in cash that pay period. And they did it precisely for one of the reasons on this list. There’s no real place in the cash drawer for them, so they stick out like a sore thumb when doing deposits. And since those local shop owners all knew the source of those $2 bills, it served as a stark reminder of how dependent the local economy was on the base for income.

*** end quote ***

I love the concept.


ENCOURAGING: Comedian Bill Maher went on a blistering tirade against “childabuse”

Published on Thursday, May 2, 2024Tuesday, April 23, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Bill Maher rips Dems in ‘Quiet on Set’ rant, says left will overlook child sex abuse if ‘wrong party’ calls it out
By Alexandra Steigrad
Published April 22, 2024, 12:01 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

Comedian Bill Maher went on a blistering tirade against “woke” ideology, saying that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “wasn’t wrong” when he called out Disney for sexualizing children, and that liberals were willing to “overlook” it because it was a Republican who spoke out.

The host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” delved into the shocking revelations from Max documentary, “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV” during his latest episode Friday.

“OMG. Nickelodeon? It wasn’t a studio, it was Neverland Ranch with craft services,” Maher said.

Bill Maher said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “wasn’t wrong” when he criticized Disney for sexualizing children.

*** and ***

Maher said Nickelodeon isn’t all that different than Disney, citing a report that showed a slew of workers at the Mouse House, too, had been arrested for sex crimes against kids.

“A 2014 CNN report discovered that at least 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children. And in 2021, Disney child star Alyson Stoner confessed she only narrowly survived the toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline. The next year, child star Cole Sprouse told The New York Times that young actresses at the Disney Channel were heavily sexualized from an early age,” he said.

*** and ***

“Oh, for pedophiles in Hollywood. It’s a small world, after all,” the comedian deadpanned. “DeSantis wasn’t wrong! But we’re so tribal now, the left will overlook child-f—ing if the guy from the wrong party calls it out.”

*** end quote ***

Bill Maher is like Piers Morgan in my book. I don’t always agree with their politics, but I listen when they “hit one out of the park”.

In this case, Maher is “right over the target” to chastise those who would absolve child predators because they are of the correct party.

Sounds like Nickelodeon, Disney, and Hollywood in general need a “colonoscopy” level investigation of all the allegations and convictions.

Some long prison sentences and “banishments” need to be handed out with lots of publicity.



RANT: Once again, Piers and I agree — calls for violence against Jews crosses the live from protest tocrime

Published on Wednesday, May 1, 2024Wednesday, May 1, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Where the hell are the parents of these deluded Columbia students chanting about attacking Jews?
By Piers Morgan
Published April 30, 2024, 11:15 a.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

How on Earth has it come to this?

I’m all for the right to peaceful protest — it’s the bedrock of any democratic society.

And I’m all for university students vociferously expressing themselves about world events.

But when they make direct calls for violent action against Jews, that doesn’t just cross my red line, it tramples all over it.

And if this were one of my kids, I’d be headed straight up to Columbia faster than Usain Bolt on Adderall to drag them out of that hateful tented tinderbox.

Not least because I suspect many of these protesters don’t really understand what they’re doing and have been swept along on a wave of virtue-signaling peer pressure to show how much they “care” about Gaza.

*** end quote ***

I’m always amazed when I agree with any pundit.

In this case, calls to violence are just criminal.


NEWJERSEY: Some May Fools’ Day “laws” —seriously

Published on Wednesday, May 1, 2024Monday, April 22, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Did You Know About These 5 Stupid Laws in New Jersey
Sue Moll (for WOBM)
Published: April 22, 2024

*** begin quote ***

#1 – It’s illegal to frown at a New Jersey Police Officer

*** end quote ***

Aside from the fact that it probably violates the First Amendment, which arguably because of the “incorporation doctrine” of SCOTUS, it trivializes what police officers have to endure. It the worst is a “dirty look”, I am sure that that all cops would rather face that then a weapon in some crazy or drugged up person.

Also, I really object to using the word “law” for anything that the Gooferment at any level does. The word “Law” is for things decreed by the Universe, or I dare say God. The Law of Gravity, the Law of Unintended Consequences, or even the Law of Karma. Those are real laws.

We should use the word “diktat” for what the Gooferment pretends is a “law”. It would be so much more honest. The Gooferment co-opts words like “voluntary compliance” for income tax, “contribution” for social security, or “welfare” aka freedom to starve.

And, finally, we should recognize that social norms — stop at a red light, yield to pedestrians, and hold the door for others — are for our own good and ensure that we have a safe society,



DISCOURAGING: ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are not longer imaginary rantings of loonies, but warning signs of a downwardtrajectory

Published on Tuesday, April 30, 2024Monday, April 22, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore
By John Green

*** begin quote ***

The national mood in the mid-twentieth century was very different from now.

  • The United States was respected around the world — even if not necessarily liked.
  • Technology was advancing faster than at any time in human history.
  • Our cities were mostly orderly, safe, and clean.
  • We believed there were few hardships which couldn’t be overcome with hard work. Opportunities seemed endless, as was our optimism.
  • We were completely naïve about the danger posed by our own government.

Not everything was sunny. We had problems that needed attention. That is the nature of human existence after all. But when Ronald Reagan said, “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem,” we just thought he was promoting self-reliance and highlighting government inefficiency. As I said, we were naïve.

*** and ***

As we watch all this unfold, we know that vast government criminal conspiracies are no longer theoretical. There is nothing demented or delusional about believing our government would willingly facilitate the murder a political threat. The actions of the DoJ in conjunction with the legislation proposed by the Democrats makes that perfectly clear.

The plot to place Donald Trump at the tender mercies of a prison’s “genpop” is not the only evidence of government criminal conspiracy.

*** and ***

Things have changed a lot since the mid-20th century. The children of the 21st century have a completely different worldview.

  • The United States is a corrupt and impotent international laughingstock.
  • We’ve become technically stunted. Replacing the Francis Scott Key bridge is expected to take three times longer than building the Golden Gate bridge almost a century ago.
  • Our cities are becoming unlivable post-apocalyptic hellscapes.
  • “Living the American dream” is no longer a middle-class expectation.
  • We know that fear of our own government is a prudent mindset.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doesn’t sound so crazy now that the conspiracies are no longer theoretical.

John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He is a staff writer for the American Free News Network and can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

*** end quote ***

And lest we forget that JFK was killed by the Deep State to prevent him from ending the Vietnam War and sending LBJ to prison.

Can the USA ever return to its former greatness?

Not very likely, Argh!


HEROIC: Good Samaritans save driver from buringcar

Published on Monday, April 29, 2024Sunday, April 21, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Good Samaritans save driver trapped inside car engulfed in flames on Minnesota highway
By Fox News —Published April 21, 2024, 10:32 a.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

A group of good Samaritans saved a driver in Minnesota after he crashed and became trapped inside his car as the vehicle burst into flames along I-94 on Thursday.

The crash happened around 6:30 p.m. near Snelling Avenue in St. Paul, when a Honda SUV went off the road and hit a light pole before catching fire, the Minnesota Highway Patrol said.

Kadir Tolla, one of the good Samaritans who ran toward the spurting flames to help, told FOX9 Minneapolis that he was on his way to meet clients when he passed the burning wreck.

*** end quote ***

“… … and this is a weaker argument that is stronger than it appears. Chinese Obligation. The Chinese have a saying that saving a life incurs a two way debt. The one saved owes their life to their savior; doing less would be ungrateful. The one saving owes the saved their continued help lest the save be in vain; doing less would be wasteful of the original act.” — brainy character “Brian” in CHURCH 10●19●62 Volume 1 Page 223

I always admire those that can disregard their own safety to save a fellow human being,

I don’t understand why every driver doesn’t have a window punch on their keyring. For a couple of bucks it enables you to punch out a window and cut a seat belt. Seems a life saving essential.

I hope that the Karmic wheel rewards these brave people.


SECURITY: PASSKEYS appears to be NOT the secuirty “silver bullet””

Published on Sunday, April 28, 2024Sunday, April 28, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


*** begin quote ***

The Ensh*ttocene Period

Since then Passkeys are now seen as a way to capture users and audiences into a platform. What better way to encourage long term entrapment of users then by locking all their credentials into your platform, and even better, credentials that can’t be extracted or exported in any capacity.

Both Chrome and Safari will try to force you into using either hybrid (caBLE) where you scan a QR code with your phone to authenticate – you have to click through menus to use a security key. caBLE is not even a good experience, taking more than 60 seconds work in most cases. The UI is beyond obnoxious at this point. Sometimes I think the password game has a better ux.

The more egregious offender is Android, which won’t even activate your security key if the website sends the set of options that are needed for Passkeys. This means the IDP gets to choose what device you enroll without your input. And of course, all the developer examples only show you the options to activate “Google Passkeys stored in Google Password Manager”. After all, why would you want to use anything else?

A sobering pair of reads are the Github Passkey Beta and Github Passkey threads. There are instances of users whose security keys are not able to be enrolled as the resident key slots are filled. Multiple users describe that Android can not create Passkeys due to platform bugs. Some devices need firmware resets to create Passkeys. Keys can be saved on the client but not the server leading to duplicate account presence and credentials that don’t work, or worse lead users to delete the real credentials.

The helplessness of users on these threads is obvious – and these are technical early adopters. The users we need to be advocates for changing from passwords to passkeys. If these users can’t make it work how will people from other disciplines fare?

Externally there are other issues. Apple Keychain has personally wiped out all my Passkeys on three separate occasions. There are external reports we have recieved of other users whose Keychain Passkeys have been wiped just like mine.

Now as users we have the expectation that keys won’t be created or they will have disappeared when we need them most.

In order to try to resolve this the workgroup seems to be doubling down on more complex JS apis to try to patch over the issues that they created in the first place. All this extra complexity comes with fragility and more bad experiences, but without resolving the core problems.

It’s a mess.

*** end quote ***

So this ends my interest in “passkeys”. Too bad. It had a lot of promise.



HEALTH: Novo Nordisk stops makingLevemir

Published on Sunday, April 28, 2024Friday, April 19, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


Utah mom fights for her daughter’s access to discontinued diabetes medication: ‘Life-saving’

  • Family found the ‘ideal’ drug for managing diabetes — then it was abruptly discontinued

By Melissa Rudy Fox News
Published April 19, 2024 5:00am EDT

*** begin quote ***

Smart has now made it her mission to convince Novo Nordisk to continue making Levemir — or to find a pharmaceutical company to create a biosimilar (generic) alternative.

Levemir is a long-acting basal insulin that’s injected once or twice a day to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes, according to Novo Nordisk’s website.

For Smart’s daughter, an active athlete who plays on the tennis team at Woods Cross High School, Levemir has enabled her to continue with her regular activities while controlling her diabetes.

While there are a couple of other types of basal insulin on the market, Smart said Levemir is best suited to her daughter’s needs.

“Levemir is unique in that it is a relatively shorter-acting basal insulin, making it ideal for those with fluctuating basal insulin needs, including teenagers, menstruating women, pregnant women and athletes,” she said.

*** end quote ***

Doesn’t Novo Nordisk’s decision make Levemir an “orphan drug”?

If it’s not worthy of the Federal Gooferment’s support, then at least it should become unpatentable and free to generic makers.

I don’t understand how patent and copyright holder can hold things “hostage” and still get “protection”?

Sorry, society’s grant of these privileges is subject to them being made reasonably available.



Gooferment is always at the root of problems.


POLITICAL: Defund NPR — it’s only “fair”

Published on Saturday, April 27, 2024Thursday, April 18, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


NPR editor quit after telling the truth about liberal bias in media. It’s time to defund them.

  • NPR in recent years has gone from being something I enjoy to something that more often than not leaves me shaking my head.

Ingrid JacquesUSA TODAY


*** begin quote ***

Here’s a solution: Defund NPR

NPR – National Public Radio – isn’t just another media outlet. It’s funded in part by taxpayers, which places it in a different position than say The New York Times, The Washington Post or even my news organization.

Private publications are free to do what they want, although I think more are waking up to the need for more viewpoint diversity. It’s simply a smart business decision to reach a broader audience.

While Berliner argues that NPR still deserves public funding, I disagree.

He writes: “As the country becomes more fractured, there’s still a need for a public institution where stories are told and viewpoints exchanged in good faith.”

Yet, NPR is offering no confidence that it will embrace anything close to the viewpoint diversity that it now lacks. Its new CEO, Katherine Maher, is getting attention because of social media posts she made before she was hired, including calling former President Donald Trump a “racist sociopath” and boasting of wearing a Joe Biden campaign hat in public.

That doesn’t bode well.

If NPR wants to double down on its woke mission, fine. But it shouldn’t do it on my dime – or that of other taxpayers.

NPR claims that “federal funding is essential to public radio’s service to the American public and its continuation is critical for both stations and program producers, including NPR.”

*** end quote ***


I don’t want to pay for much of what the Gooferment does. So let’s start here!


INSPIRATIONAL: WWOBD is the exemplar of “be the change you want tobe”

Published on Saturday, April 27, 2024Friday, May 31, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


‘Law & Order: SVU’ star Mariska Hargitay mistaken for real-life cop by lost child

  • Mariska Hargitay helps lost child find her parent while filming ‘Law and Order: SVU’ in NYC

By Jack Hobbs
Published April 17, 2024, 3:06 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

Shortly before the 25th season premiere, Hargitay told People how the show has impacted her.

“We’ve been on a parallel journey,” she said. “There’s a thing: WWOBD, ‘What would Olivia Benson do?’ The fans would always talk about it, and one day it hit me. I also have those moments where I’ve sort of slipped into her.”

“If there’s a crisis, I just take over and lead like that. Being strong and fearless. It’s sort of this perfect feminist story.”

*** end quote ***

Life imitates art or visa verso.

The lesson is that if you pretend to be “strong and fearless”, then you can become “strong and fearless” IRL.

Interesting and inspirational to have this concept echoed in a beautiful story.

WWOBD. WWJD. What Would <insert your personal hero> Do.

Maybe “What Should I Do” that would make my Mom proud?

Only you can answer.


INSPIRATIONAL: WWOBD is the exemplar of “be the change you want tobe”

Published on Saturday, April 27, 2024Thursday, April 18, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


‘Law & Order: SVU’ star Mariska Hargitay mistaken for real-life cop by lost child

  • Mariska Hargitay helps lost child find her parent while filming ‘Law and Order: SVU’ in NYC

By Jack Hobbs
Published April 17, 2024, 3:06 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

Shortly before the 25th season premiere, Hargitay told People how the show has impacted her.

“We’ve been on a parallel journey,” she said. “There’s a thing: WWOBD, ‘What would Olivia Benson do?’ The fans would always talk about it, and one day it hit me. I also have those moments where I’ve sort of slipped into her.”

“If there’s a crisis, I just take over and lead like that. Being strong and fearless. It’s sort of this perfect feminist story.”

*** end quote ***

Life imitates art or visa verso.

The lesson is that if you pretend to be “strong and fearless”, then you can become “strong and fearless” IRL.

Interesting and inspirational to have this concept echoed in a beautiful story.

WWOBD. WWJD. What Would <insert your personal hero> Do.

Maybe “What Should I Do” that would make my Mom proud?

Only you can answer.


INSPIRATIONAL: WWOBD is the exemplar of “be the change you want tobe”

Published on Saturday, April 27, 2024Thursday, April 18, 2024 by reinkefjLeave a comment


‘Law & Order: SVU’ star Mariska Hargitay mistaken for real-life cop by lost child

  • Mariska Hargitay helps lost child find her parent while filming ‘Law and Order: SVU’ in NYC

By Jack Hobbs
Published April 17, 2024, 3:06 p.m. ET

*** begin quote ***

Shortly before the 25th season premiere, Hargitay told People how the show has impacted her.

“We’ve been on a parallel journey,” she said. “There’s a thing: WWOBD, ‘What would Olivia Benson do?’ The fans would always talk about it, and one day it hit me. I also have those moments where I’ve sort of slipped into her.”

“If there’s a crisis, I just take over and lead like that. Being strong and fearless. It’s sort of this perfect feminist story.”

*** end quote ***

Life imitates art or visa verso.

The lesson is that if you pretend to be “strong and fearless”, then you can become “strong and fearless” IRL.

Interesting and inspirational to have this concept echoed in a beautiful story.

WWOBD. WWJD. What Would <insert your personal hero> Do.

Maybe “What Should I Do” that would make my Mom proud?

Only you can answer.


2024 – Page 2 – Reinke Faces Life (2024)


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Tony Reinke is a senior teacher for Desiring God, host of the Ask Pastor John podcast, and author of Ask Pastor John: 750 Bible Answers to Life's Most Important Questions (2024).

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We affirm that truth is conveyed by Scripture. We believe that Scripture is pervasively propositional and that all statements of Scripture are completely true and authoritative. But the truth of Scripture cannot be exhausted in a series of propositions.

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Yes, he is still preaching at Lakewood on Wednesday night.

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Pastor John Anosike, is President and Senior Pastor of New World Faith Ministries (Spirit Revelation Church), a multi-cultural, highly dynamic Ministry with a membership of over 8000, in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Pastor John and Mandri Roebert lead CHOOSE LIFE Church in Pretoria, South Africa. A church with a passion for the Holy Spirit, Worship and God's Word.

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Lindell called Driscoll off the stage, but the two came together for a public discussion later on. Social media followers called the public discussion a reconciliation, something that Lindell refuted in his Wednesday evening prayer service, saying that Driscoll did not apologize for his actions.

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Phil Vischer and co-host Skye Jethani for a fast-paced and often funny conversation about pop culture, media, theology, and the fun, fun, fun of living a thoughtful Christian life in an increasingly post-Christian culture.

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.