2 NJ teachers catch heat for Israel lesson plan (2024)

  • by Nino DeNino
  • May 31, 2024

2 NJ teachers catch heat for Israel lesson plan (1)


(Fort Lee, New Jersey) – A group of sixteen and seventeen-year-old students at Fort Lee High in New Jersey walked into their history class last week to an unexpected surprise. Their teachers told them they were confiscating their phones so they would pay close attention to a very important lecture on the war in Gaza and the history of the Middle East conflict.

The students say their teachers, Fathia Balgahoom and Stephen Wolowitz then warned them that the google slides presentation would be biased, and if they didn’t want to sit through it, they could just leave.

Students in the class then say Balgahoom and Wolowitz proceeded to give a lecture over two days where they called members of Hamas, resistance fighters and spoke about how Israel was carrying out genocide in Gaza. (see presentation below) On both days of the Gaza history class, phones were confiscated and kids were told to sit, watch and ‘learn’.


Luba Veiland is an upset parent, and when she heard what was happening in her two daughters’ school, she knew she had to speak up.

2 NJ teachers catch heat for Israel lesson plan (2)

77 WABC Soundbites

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77 WABCs Nino DeNino speaks with Fort Lee Parent Luba Ciardiello


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var link_episode = linkObject.id; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; 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} var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; /* next_song to 1, if preroll finished to play then only pickup next song. */ }); // ============================================================ } else { currentlyPlaying_0='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_13'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); var next_song_flag = 1; //no preroll. so, play song direct next. //play actual audio, if no preroll found. jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { //title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio -- no prerolls ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); /*if (next_song_flag == 1) { */ document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; /*}*/ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); 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Ben Hyman is another parent in Fort Lee. When he caught wind of what the teachers had taught students, he was furious.

2 NJ teachers catch heat for Israel lesson plan (3)

77 WABC Soundbites

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77 WABCs Nino DeNino speaks with Fort Lee Parent Ben Hyman


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"; } else { //episode var iframeURL = 'https://wabcradio.com/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/modules/jplayer_new/jplayer_twitter_ver_1.php?podcastName=77+WABC+Soundbites&podCastImage=https%3A%2F%2Fdehayf5mhw1h7.cloudfront.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F1494%2F2024%2F05%2F31145500%2Fsoundbyte_draft932911.png&podcastSlug=77-wabc-soundbites&title=77+WABC%26%23039%3Bs+Nino+DeNino+speaks+with+Fort+Lee+Parent+Ben+Hyman&siteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwabcradio.com&fileList%5B0%5D%5Bid%5D=345579&fileList%5B0%5D%5Bmp3%5D=https%3A%2F%2Ftraffic.megaphone.fm%2FWABC8942649724.mp3%3Fupdated%3D1717167656&fileList%5B0%5D%5Btitle%5D=77+WABC%26%23039%3Bs+Nino+DeNino+speaks+with+Fort+Lee+Parent+Ben+Hyman&fileList%5B0%5D%5Bactual_mp3%5D=&blogid=1494&rss_feed_link=https%3A%2F%2Fwabcradio.com%2Fpodcast%2F77-wabc-soundbites%2Ffeed%2F%3Fpost_type%3Depisode&podImg_URL=https%3A%2F%2Fdehayf5mhw1h7.cloudfront.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F1494%2F2023%2F02%2F07124622%2Fsoundbyte-draft.jpg&podCastId=8151&episodeId=345579&audioPlayerOption=advance&gmf=-4&ckd=wabcradio.com&playerThemeSettings%5BbackgroundColorPicker%5D=%23eff0f6&playerThemeSettings%5BprimaryColorPicker%5D=%23ff2600&playerThemeSettings%5BtextColorPicker%5D=%23453a3a&playerThemeSettings%5BtimelineColorPicker%5D=%23c9d1d9&playerThemeSettings%5BtimelineDurationBgColorPicker%5D=%2357606f&playerThemeSettings%5BdurationtextColorPicker%5D=%23f5f5f5&playerThemeSettings%5BshowBackgroundCheckbox%5D=0&podcastDesc=&betterAudioStats=1&embedFlag=episode'; iframeURL = iframeURL + '&e_id_val='+e_id_val; var iframeHTML = "

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jQuery('#hide_trailer').hide(); }else if(jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer_ele').hide(); }}// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_1(linkObject) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_1 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_1 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_1')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('1'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-1'); if (videoPlayerContDivObj.style.display == 'block') { jQuery("#player-1").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid1').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_1 = linkObject.id; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-1").removeClass("hidden"); var link_episode = linkObject.id; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_1[key_index]; var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ if (p_audio) { currentlyPlaying_1='preroll'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_11'+ currentlyPlaying_1); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-1').val('preroll'); //console.log('here6:::'+currentlyPlaying_1); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); jQuery("#player-1").jPlayer("setMedia", { //play preroll first. /*title: 'TEST', mp3: 'https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-1.mp3', //temp mp3 */ //title: e_title + ' -- Preroll audio ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-1").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); currentlyPlaying_1='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_12'+ currentlyPlaying_1); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-1').val('original'); jQuery("#player-1").jPlayer("setMedia", { /*title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio ', */ title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-1").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-1").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_1(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; /* next_song to 1, if preroll finished to play then only pickup next song. */ }); // ============================================================ } else { currentlyPlaying_1='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_13'+ currentlyPlaying_1); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-1').val('original'); var next_song_flag = 1; //no preroll. so, play song direct next. //play actual audio, if no preroll found. jQuery("#player-1").jPlayer("setMedia", { //title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio -- no prerolls ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-1").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); /*if (next_song_flag == 1) { */ document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; /*}*/ var next_song = playListNext_1(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); //next_song_flag = next_song; }); }//End of else above....... jQuery("#player-1").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-1").removeClass('pause');}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_

77 WABC reached out to Fort Lee High school teachers, guidance counselors, and an assistant principal for comment. No one wanted to go on record. The Fort Lee Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Robert Kravitz issued a statement, “ The Fort Lee School District values a harmonious culture and climate with board of education approved policies and procedures that honor our curriculum and diversity.

We can not make any comment at this time as it is a personnel and legal matter that is currently under review.

Thank you”.

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Robert Kravitz

The school system would not say if the teachers had been given the green light to confiscate student phones, or if the lesson plan had been pre-approved by the school. There is no word if the teachers involved will face any disciplinary action.

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2 NJ teachers catch heat for Israel lesson plan (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.